PH - I hope Zander gets well soon. It's so scary when their temp is that high
Seity - hope you got to have a shower!
BnK - just do little nibbles for the adults - the kids will be too busy running around to eat anything except cake!
GL - yay for the tooth! I wouldn't worry about the milk, maybe te sucking motion hurts her gums. Megan is the opposite - goes off her food but loves the booby!
Such a cute giggle in that video! Megan has started copying me when I hold the phone to my ear (but she just holds her hand there) but she won't let me catch it on video. She's got the same phone as Flora too, but she hasn't worked out how to pull it towards her, just chews the string
Hi Tiger :wave: glad to hear everyone is ok after the cyclone, we were all thinking of you. That's a lot of teeth for Jesse to cut all at once, I hope he's not suffering too much.
Not much to report - I'm going back to work full time in April

, M has one tooth and one on the way, crawling and cruising but not confident to walk or even stand when you hold her hands

, eating solids well, drinking from a straw cup, saying dad-dad (and mum occasionally) to the right person.
Oh - and she said bye-bye the other day!! We were leaving OH's parent's house and she waved and said it (and she never usually makes b sounds either). We've tried to get her to say it again but no luck!