Cocoa- cute about m saying bye bye

Sorry you have to go back to work

But on the bright side i bet you are looking foward to having the extra money!
Seity- Yay for cat! Ella says "Chiko" (our cats name) its so cute she says it whenever she sees her. well most times

Her 1st word was mum though! I'm not talking about the babbling mama and dada either this is when she points and stretches her arms at me and when she sees me she says Mum

2nd was dad, 3rd was car, 4th was Chiko (pronounced dee-o) and 5th was taa. before we know it they are going to have one huge vocabulary! How did that happen!

Ella has started waving too, but she goes through stages, she will do it for a few days then nothing for a few days. She is in a non-waving stage at the moment

But she has been clapping her hands since months back! it's soo cute isnt it!
PH- cute video!!! He's rockin it!!!
HC- i'm glad Ronan's bday was a success!!!

i seen the photos it looks like it was alot of fun! i love the cake and the cupcakes. so cool!
So ella is still working on tooth number 3. it is right there, i dont think its cut yet but its hard to tell coz she wont let me feel it

The last ones came through in 2 days from when i saw them, so maybe tomorrow

we havnt had a grizzle out of her which is good