march lambs 2010 come on ladies

GL does sound like teething related to me, EJ had a nursing strike when cutting his front teeth and Nate always fussed about it too,
Well she had a feed in the night and 2 this morning so thats good. And the tooth is definitely coming through, I can feel more of it and see it better as well.

Seity - I guess Gabriel beat Flora after all :flower:
Hurray, looks like everybody is getting teeth.

tiger - Welcome back. Jesse is doing really well. He'll be walking soon from the sounds of it.
GL - Cute vid. I haven't seen one of those play phones since I was a kid. We almost never use a phone since both my OH and I are phonophobic, so other than the occasional call to my parents Gabriel doesn't ever see anyone using a phone.

It looks like his second bottom tooth is also going to come out sometime soon. I see an area that looks white just like we saw a week before his first tooth came out.
He's pushing off of things and standing a lot the last couple days and for a good bit of time as well, so getting that little bit closer to walking.
Did I mention he's finally said his first word? He's started to say 'cat' when looking at one of the cats. So much for mama or dada :rofl:
He's getting better at waving hello or goodbye at appropriate times, but mostly just likes to wave at random, not so much when we ask him to wave.
Last few days I've seen him clap his hands together a few times now and then, so maybe clapping will be a new thing sometime soon. Pointing at everything is his big thing right now. Often he'll be super fussy and keep pointing at the bay window until we pick him up and put him there so he can watch everything going on outside. It's his favorite place to hang out. Too bad we can't just baby gate him up there. I'm pretty sure that would be considered bad parenting. :haha:
awesome news about Gabriel, seity! :) :thumbup:
I still think it's a bit funny he said cat first.

Zander is working on tooth # 8 at the moment... :dohh:
we got a video of him dancing today:
the kid loves music!
Hi all! I'm utterly exhausted so just a quick check in. Love the videos guys!

We had Ronan's birthday party today. It was lots of fun but I'm kind of glad it's over with now so I can relax! :lol:

I can't believe we've come this far. This time last year, I was in the hospital laboring away and being told I was too far gone for an epidural and in another half hour, I'd be ready to start pushing. :shock:

Anyway, I have some pics up here: if you want to peek. Feel free to add me anyone who I don't already have. Just let me know who you are here! :thumbup:
hey! :hi:

Cocoa- cute about m saying bye bye :dance: Sorry you have to go back to work :( But on the bright side i bet you are looking foward to having the extra money!

Seity- Yay for cat! Ella says "Chiko" (our cats name) its so cute she says it whenever she sees her. well most times :rofl: Her 1st word was mum though! I'm not talking about the babbling mama and dada either this is when she points and stretches her arms at me and when she sees me she says Mum :cloud9: 2nd was dad, 3rd was car, 4th was Chiko (pronounced dee-o) and 5th was taa. before we know it they are going to have one huge vocabulary! How did that happen! :shock: Ella has started waving too, but she goes through stages, she will do it for a few days then nothing for a few days. She is in a non-waving stage at the moment :dohh: But she has been clapping her hands since months back! it's soo cute isnt it! :)

PH- cute video!!! He's rockin it!!!

HC- i'm glad Ronan's bday was a success!!! :dance: i seen the photos it looks like it was alot of fun! i love the cake and the cupcakes. so cool! :)

So ella is still working on tooth number 3. it is right there, i dont think its cut yet but its hard to tell coz she wont let me feel it :dohh: The last ones came through in 2 days from when i saw them, so maybe tomorrow :haha: we havnt had a grizzle out of her which is good :thumbup:

Hivechild, i added u. Looks like it was fun and i agree with MM , those cupcakes look yummmm! I am in the middle of looking at designs for jesses birthday. i will be making him a small cupcake all to him self so he can wreck it lol and then ill make a big one for everyone else. since becoming a mum i seem to have been baking alot lol (probably the complete boredom haha)
andi - how cute about ella saying chiko! jesse can say mum dad no (even does the head shake, but wont say yes as of yet, typical :haha: ) and lately if u say uhuh or no to him, he death stares you lol. i have to try not to laugh.
PH - thats a cute video
yay my parents have seccured the funds to get us return tickets we are going on holiday and i have a week to prepare
woop woop Lynn!! When will i be seeing you?

Ella is now coming to the age where she is doing naughty things like biting us. When she does these things we say no and stop it and she just laughs :dohh: I have even turned my voice when i say it to sound really stern like a definate "no Ella!!" and she just laughs at me! :dohh: It is so so hard to keep a straight face and not laugh when she does it!!!
well im not sure of the plan lol i need to spend some decent time with my little sister as we leave before she gets back from honeymoon so i have the 6,7,8,9th to see other people unless i can find time before the wedding lol and we have to see Mikes brother too, not sure whats happening there yet
i will send you my number so you can txt me or something when you are here. As long as i see you then i dont mind when! :D
now just need to pack and find a portable dvd player someone can loan us for the trip gonna be fun on the planes without one
hey yah corsmack, our LO's were born the same day, first of MArch! heheehe!
update mummy_em on my LO, he's 11 mos and 14 days, b-day is comin' soon, ahhh how time flies . I've been learning how to make a movie in window movie maker and this is my first work, i'm hopin' n workin' on a short movie clip of his one year growth n dev. Hope some March mummies can post their LO's bdays celebs. :)
Pearl - :rofl: Too funny!
HC - I get an error when I click the link, but I also don't have a facebook account, so don't know if that's part of the problem. Glad to hear the party was a success and apparently there were cupcakes involved. :D
MM - That's a lot of words. Gabriel only knows the name of one of our cats that I can tell. If we ask him, "Where's Monty J?", he'll point at him. When my OH says "No" to Gabriel he'll look over at me as if asking, "Is he serious?" and so I have to give him a stern face and say "No" as well. He's already trying to play us.
Just dropped in to say hello. Seems like a lot is going on with everyone. Isn't it amazing how quickly our babies are growing up? I suppose they are toddlers now. Yikes!

HC: Happy Birthday, Ronan! Looks like you had a lovely party and the seal cake looked just like his stuffed animal. Well done!

Charlotte has another staph infection and is again on antibiotics. Due to this she will not be able to start daycare until Wednesday. I think she just wants to stay home with me. Less than two weeks until we move into the new house. We have a lot to do in that short period of time. Keep your fingers crossed for us that it all gets done.
PH - how cute is Zander dancing??!!!!! I love it!

GL - yay for the tooth!!

Vegas - I hope you manage to get everything done and Charlotte's infection clears up quickly x

Lyn - so glad everything has worked out with your tickets. Good luck packing!

Tiger - Megan does a death stare too- bloody hilarious! So hard to keep a straight face!

Hive - pics on FB are fab. And his smash cake - I thought it was a Bailey-cake when I first saw it! Then I saw the pic of his toy and realised that the cake looked nothing like a dog :dohh: Ronan looked like he enjoyed his day, I bet he slept well after.

MM - wow, Ella says loads! M says Da-da or dad to OH all the time, but only says mum to me when she's moaning. She says 'ta' and 'ta-da' but only when she copies me so doesn't 'know' what they mean iYSWIM. Other than that, she just babbles. A lot :haha:

I've finally decided what we're doing for M's birthday! We're going to have an hour of baby sensory, which will mainly be for the younger babies (under 13m) but the woman said she can tailor it so the older ones don't get too bored. Then we'll go to the soft-play area so the older kids can run and climb for an hour and the babies can play with some toys, and the adults will have cake and tea. I'm so excited! Really pleased that all the age groups will be catered for, as there will be 7 kids from 1.5-6 years old, and 7 kids 1yo and younger.
Oh MM - I forgot to answer when you asked the other day what soft-play is! It's like an indoor play area with climbing frames and ball-pits and slides etc, and everything is protected by foam and plastic so it's age for the kids. Like this:

Hope the link works. It's for a softplay place that's near me. Couldn't find any decent pics of the place where I'm booking M's party.
Happy birthday Ronan!!!!

Cocoa - sounds like a great plan. I doubt I'll get round to organising anything that exciting.
Vegas - poor Charlotte. She loves her mummy!!

Pearl - :rofl: that cracked me up. Love it!

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