Cocoa- does m not like balloons? yay for not having to organise much
Lynn- sounds like a better v-day than i had! I got nada!!!
pearl- i worked on my video some more last night but got annoyed with it coz I couldnt find some specific videos i was looking for and pictures and music it was making me grumble. So might take awhile
PH- Ella is a happy sick baby too. You shouldve seen her last week in the waiting room at the doctors- she was crawling round like a crazy cat making random noises and laughing at everyone
i have friends who update their facebook status during labour

gosh that was the last thing i would be thinking of! I didnt even text once i was at the hospital!!!
Ella mimiks alot of the stuff we do. Especially mouth movements- she loves copying us click with our tounges and blowing raspberrys
omgsh Lynn i hope you find your passports!!!!
tooth #3 still not through- it LOOKS like a tooth but i cant feel it so it must just be under a tiny layer of gum!
got Ella her bday pressies today. Got her a wot wots book and dvds, a top and a tv slide musical thingee. We didnt get her anything big as we already got her the ball pit and the walk and ride which were meant to be for her birthday but we gave to her early. i'm totally stressing out about her party. So much to organise
Omg today Ella was standing up and she let go and stood for a few seconds and then fell backwards- lucky i was there to catch her!!!