UGH.... I'm so sick of searching for a babysitter.
I cannot afford day care, which is why having my BIL watch Zander while I work is so perfect cause he lives here for FREE...
but with him going to school, I'm stressing. Before, it wasn't a problem- I was able to leave work early to be home when he had to leave and I'd take over watching the boys. but then my new job promoted me to supervisor/ key holder and I HAVE to be there all day at least 4 days out of the week.
It was okay for awhile cause DH's best friend's wife would watch the boys. BIL would drop them off before school and I'd pick them up after work- which was an hour and a half total, if that, that she'd watch them.
Last week it started where she said out of no where "I just can't watch them- I'm too stressed"
I DON'T GET IT... my son is super easy and my nephew is two, yes- but if he's around other kids- he's an angel.... and @ her house she has a 2 year old son too. so B is perfect for her. At least that's what she's told me....
So now, each week I have to STRUGGLE to find a sitter 3 days out of the week.
I'm so sick of this. I wish I could afford to just stay home full time