march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I know what u mean Tiger- i wish she would stay a baby forever. i miss that newborn smell!
lol so do i :(
and jesse is out of newborn nappies now and i was so sad when i put the next size up one on him lol. i kept a newborn nappy so i could remember how small he was, because people keep saying to me ' wow u forget how small they r', and i dont want to forget :cry: its stupid i know lol
Ella is still in newborn nappies. We have one packet left and then we are using the next size up. OH is gonna get them in the shopping tonight :(
Mika is wearing a size 2 diaper now. :( The size 1's still fit, sorta, but are getting a little tight and I would rather they come up a little higher on his back/belly to protect against explosions...problem is I'm having to fold them down again like when he was a newborn because he has a herniated belly button and the diaper won't go over it, lol. Ooh, and it looks gross too.
It is 7.40pm and Ella is asleep! She was so tired, had a bottle (she is having a growth spurt so its feed feed feed and my back is killing me from sitting on the couch breastfeeding all day so gave her a bottle and she couldnt even finish it she was that tired. Although she will prob wake up about 3am but that's ok :) x
Mummy em, could you add Wren's birth weight to the front page, she was 6.3lbs

So ladies the scariest thing happend on Monday evening here, we had a fire in the building next door which flooded our building with smoke, we had to evacuate the buidling via the only staircase which was filled with smoke. At the time we weren;t sure where the fire was, we live in a row of apartment buildings and the basement is one long corridor of the 3 buildings so I guess smoke travels quickly. I have never been soo scared, we had Wren in her car seat and I gave her to Sam (my OH) and just said RUN with her as I knew he would be faster than me, visibility was not so good either so I was worried of us tripping on the 4 flights of stairs down. Thankfully the fire brigade put the fire out and we were able to go home again after an hour or so but the building still stank of smoke, fortunatley we have crazy doors here so our appartment wasn't too bad, smoke came in through the windows so we had to air the place out so we went for another walk for a while. When we first left the house we didn;t bring anyting but us, thankfully there was a receiving blanket in the car seat to wrap around Wren and luckily it was really warm still.

We have decided to give our notice as this is the second fire in 3 months, the last one was in my building but not as bad thankfully but I am soo paranoid now. We have to give 3 months notice but apparently if there is due cause you can get out of giving your full notice, Sam is going to get his Swiss colleagues to help us figure out the logistics as with everything here things are very convaluted, especially for foreigners!I hope we can hurry up and move out, I am already looking for new places on line. We had been talking of moving as Sam has just been offered a permanent contract so we thought it would be nice to move to a nicer part of town if we are staying longer now (although I really wish we were going home to be honest!!) as the building is really poorly maintained, frequewntly no hot water, bulbs always blown in the lifet..not very Swiss I thought!so finger crossed we can get the ball rolling soon!

Wow, sorry for the long post!

Wren is still in size 1 nappies, I tried her in a size 2 last week and had a massive poo blow out so I will be holding off on those for a while longer!!
omg that is scary!! i have been paranoid about that happening as we live in a row of flats- if you don't have a free-standing house then if a neighbour has a fire and is joint to yours then your house gets effected! We don't have any stairs mind u. Goodluck for getting out of your house. Thats not something you want to have to deal with again!!!
Omg Emskins that must have been so scary. I don't blame you for moving hun and hope you find a new place soon.

Rosy and CocoaOne it's good to hear i'm not the only one. Feel really fab today, Chase had a good night and has been so good this morning, amazing what sleep does for you. Oooh i had a really good play around with my sling yesterday and i've cracked it :happydance: its the best thing ever!!!! Rosy try and master yours if you can, i just felt it gave me my freedom back, he fell asleep in it and so i was able to tidy up, hoover and even managed to do my hair it was fab. Because he was asleep on me i got to hear all his cute sleeping noises and laughs (i love it when he laughs in his sleep).

I'm off out tonight for tea with the girls, hubby is on lates this week so Chase is coming with me, i must be mad, his first time eating out, i really hope he behaves! I've expressed so i can feed him if he needs it as the top i want to wear isn't breastfeeding friendly, you have to lift it right up as the neck is too high to pull down so fingers crossed he will take the bottle if he's hungry.

I've got my post natal appointment at the docs today, no idea what happens? then Chase has his 6 week appointment tomorrow, 10 a.m. thats early for us to be ready and out, but hubby is off so we should be okay.
Speaking of diapers I think Charlotte may be ready to go up in size again. Took her to the doctor for her shots yesterday and she weighed 13lb 6oz. When I took her last week she weighed 12lb 11oz. The diapers only go up to 15lbs and her tummy is so big that they are already quite snug. Hopefully we can get through this package (bought the 216 pack at the warehouse store last week) before I need to go up. At this rate she's going to be about 50lbs by her first birthday! OK, probably not, but she is getting so big so fast and I miss my little bitty baby.

Tiger, I kept a newborn diaper too. I can still remember having to fold it down to fit and to keep it away from her cord stump. Seems like just yesterday....
aw Charlotte is just 6 oz bigger than Zander! He's just about ready to go to size 2 diapers as well. Size ones are good thru 14 lbs so I'm hoping to get through this large box we have as well.
Hi all, haven't been able to come on here lately as FLora is being quite demanding and I rarely get to put her down, when I do there's a million others things to do it seems!

Emskins - that sounds really scary! Good luck finding a new place.

I'm glad to see everyone's bubbas are growing well. I had Flora weighed today for the first time in 2 weeks and she's now 7lb 15oz! Which is great, she was born 6'10 and went down to 6'2, so she's gaining well although I guess still pretty small really.

Bad news is I have got mastitis :( It's not majorly bad and I think I caught it early, just have a localised red and tender area on one boob. But I've just picked up some antibiotics and I've got to keep feeding feeding feeding from the affected boob. Problem is I don't think she's getting much from it and so she gets upset, so I end up filling her up on the other boob. So I'm doing both sides every feed now. Has anyone else had it?
Oh Hun- sorry to hear you got mastitis :-( :hugs: I hope it gets better ASAP and don't forget to keep an eye for any thrush symptoms in you or Flora. Congrats on her weight though- I'm taking M tomorrow and can't wait to see what she weighs now. I'm hoping for around 9lbs.

Emskins- that sounds horrific! Good luck in finding a new place quickly.

M has been good today. She's still not sleeping much, but she's more settled when she's awake and it's not such a fight to get her to sleep. Taking her to the HV tomorrow and going to ask about her nappies- she's been passing some green bits and they are still a bit mucousy. They aren't frothy but i'm wondering if I've got a slight foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. M has also got baby acne - looks so horrible, but I know it's not hurting her.
Emskins-so glad you got out ok! Good luck finding a new place, hope they get you out soon!

Greenlady-hope teh mastitis clears up quickly!

Mika had his 2 month appointment today and he weighs 12 lbs 14 oz! A month ago he was only 8 lb 10 oz and in the 24th %tile and this month he is in the 78th!

But he only grew one inch and is only in the 17th %tile in length! So basically, my LO is short and fat, lmao! :haha:

When we were in the office, his doctor was concerned that he was wheezing a lot and seemed to be having trouble breathing. His oxygen saturation was normal, but she went ahead and did a breathing treatment, which helped immensely! Because of the wheezing and the fact that he has developed eczema she thinks he has a milk protein allergy and switched him to Similac Alementium (sp?) formula. Problem is we get his formula through WIC and we have to have special permissions to get the Similac. I can't be seen until tomorrow at the earliest and I won't be able to get teh formula until my vouchers are good the day later, so we had to buy one can ourselves...It was 27 dollars!!! FOR THE SMALL CAN! OMG! The regular small cans are only 12 or 13 dollars! God I hope they approve his waiver to have the Similac because there is NO way we can afford to buy 11 cans of it a month.

He also got his shots today and handled them like a champ. He screamed as the needle went in, but as soon as she was done and I picked him up he grinned and started cooing, lol. We came home with a different prescription for his reflux and a nebulizer in case we need to give him a breathing treatment here. Whew, long post.

I just want to go to the Dr. ONE TIME and not hear that something new is wrong.....The first time it was his weight loss, then his reflux, now allergies, and she is worried that he is developing asthma because eczema, asthma, and allergies are typically seen together... :nope: I mean, I know that some ladies have babies who are MUCH sicker than Mika, but it's still hard that there is ALWAYS something wrong. rant!
That totally sux about the mastitis greenlady! Lucky u picked it up early though! When i had it 2 weeks ago i had a couple days with a really sore area on my right boob i didnt think anything of it just thought it was from engorgment so didnt get it checked out till i started getting the aches and the fever felt like id been hit by a bus i didnt know how i was gonna cope with ella for the day i was so sick. then had to wait a couple days for the antibiotics to kick in. never even noticed that my boob was red and hot and lookd like someone had slapped it lol!!! Just make sure u feed feed feed out of it! Engorgment makes it worse!!!
That totally sux about the mastitis greenlady! Lucky u picked it up early though! When i had it 2 weeks ago i had a couple days with a really sore area on my right boob i didnt think anything of it just thought it was from engorgment so didnt get it checked out till i started getting the aches and the fever felt like id been hit by a bus i didnt know how i was gonna cope with ella for the day i was so sick. then had to wait a couple days for the antibiotics to kick in. never even noticed that my boob was red and hot and lookd like someone had slapped it lol!!! Just make sure u feed feed feed out of it! Engorgment makes it worse!!!

Yeah I think I got to it early, thankfully, I'm not one to take antibiotics really but the midwife just said it can develop so rapidly, better to be on the safe side. But yeah that exactly it, looks like your boob has been slapped! I think its getting better already and I'm feeding her from it every time. Actually she's doing both boobs every time! :wacko:

Sorry to hear about Mika Blondenklutzi, maybe they're over-reacting a bit?? Oh and nothin wrong with a short fat baby :haha:
my healt vistors has just been round and ella now weighes 8lb 13oz thas what my first daughter weighed at birth lol

green lady hope your mastitis clears up quickly for you
cocoaone ella has got the acne aswell bless them
my healt vistors has just been round and ella now weighes 8lb 13oz thas what my first daughter weighed at birth lol

green lady hope your mastitis clears up quickly for you
cocoaone ella has got the acne aswell bless them

Bella's got baby acne too, doesn't seem to be bothering her. Can't be the nicest thing to have though lol.
Aw she was teeny compared to your other babies eh? Bella put on 10oz last week :wacko: little grubber, that was her 9lb 14oz. Health visitor's due to come round today again so wonder what she's put on this week!x
M now weighs 9lb 8oz! So she's put on 1lb 12oz in 3 weeks! Really proud of my boobie juice!

How weird that so many of our babies have got the acne at the same time! Really hope it goes quickly, people keep giving her funny looks.
Ella got the acne too. it's starting to clear up though. maybe its the age? Got to take her to her 6 week check up today and get her vaccines :(
Dont know if I posted to say Roman was weighed on Monday and was 9lbs 6oz - chunky dude!

Cant wait for the 3wk growth spurt to end... hopefully will get online more then as he wont be feeding every 2.5hrs!

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