march lambs 2010 come on ladies

wow! i didnt realise so many people were from australia lol ! i love brisbane :) altho in 3 weeks we are moving to magnetic island (its 17hrs north onan island obviously lol) we wanted a change and its such a beautiful place, icouldnt think of anywhere better to raise jesse :) its all roadworks n smog where we r at the moment, it used to be so quiet n now we r practically living next to a highway n i hate it!
well we had our 6 week check yesterday, my doctor had to leave on family business so saw a lady n i didnt like her one bit to be honest, she checked jesse over n then looked at me n said 'how r u feeling' i said im not too bad, she took my BP n that was it!!!! she didnt even feel my stomach to make sure everything is ok n she didnt even look at my c-section scar! i even told her about the pains ive been having (which r getting worse ) n she just said 'oh ok yeh should be fine :mad: ' grrrr... i had a blood test n my normal doctor will be in on tuesday when i get the results so he will most likely check me over (hes a great doctor).
jesse is in the 97th percentile for length and weight! n his head circumference is 95th percentile. he is 6.1kg :dance: n 61cm long n his head is 41.5cm around . The nurse who weighed him said he will be very tall .
Bad news though is that somehow he has contracted a viral infection :cry: he had been snorting (sounds exactly like a pig) for a day or two now buh he has been having trouble breathing n yesterday afternoon he couldnt eat because he couldnt breathe through is nose,buh he was hungry so was screaming,i felt so helpless :( n then when he was sleeping he started nearly choking in his sleep! i was so worried, i bought a nasal spray which i have to spray twice each nostril n then an aspirator to suck the gunk out (yuk i know ) n i also put on the vaporiser n he seems to be alot better now, so im happy, but it was really scary!
anyway sorry for the essay :flower: hope everyone is well
god I feel so boring and dull being just plain old British LOL! I've never even been to Oz... although I went to Fiji a few years ago which I guess isnt that far away LOL!
btw, Roman slept from 1130-5am last night - major result!!! :)
CocoaOne, it sounds like typical growth spurt behaviour from your LO. Hopefully it settles soon (until the next one, anyway)! I wouldn't fret too much about expressing atm. Just do it when you can. Once you get past the 6 week growth spurt, it gets easier and you should find more time to express.

Tiger, I'm jealous! We used to go to Magnetic Island as kids on holidays sometimes and I went to Uni up there so would go over for the day or weekend. There was a beautiful little enclosed bay we would go to with a lovely bit of reef there that hardly anyone went to or knew about until it made the media because someone wanted to put a resort there. The last time I saw it, the reef had been badly crushed and damaged from all the idiots who went there to check it out. It made me so sad.
Yeh my uncle is the wildlife person there n he said that people can be complete idiots when they go out on boats n not even care about the reefs :( its sad . i cant wait to move, imso excited yet im so nervous, im basically leaving my whole life behind (which isnt a bad thing in a few ways) but i will be extremely sad leaving my good friends n my sister, as weve just started to get along over the past year n a half n shes been there for me so much lately :cry: dont know what im going to do without her, i want her to see jesse grow up (she will visit all the time though)
also a 17hr drive is going to be interesting with an 8 week old.... lol lots of stops at petrol stations and cafes i think lol
Just pace it tiger. lots of stops on the way. Goodluck. When is this?

Ella went to sleep at bout 10 she will prob wake up at 5.30 or 7. Maybe 3. I should go to bed too!! I hopeless :haha:
So many Aussies/New Zealanders! My Dad lives in Oz, about an hour north of Brisbane. I visited him last year and loved Oz, but there's no way I could stand the heat! I'm a wimp :haha:

Greenlady - Flora looks sooo adorable in your avatar! I've given up taking pics at the mo because M's skin is so bad and I know she won't appreciate those sort of pictures being in existence when she's a teenager!

M is back to only sleeping for an hour at a time during the day because she won't seem to sleep after feeding, so by the time she's fussed around and finally gone to sleep, she's only down for an hour and then wants feeding again. It's a viscious circle. I've got no idea why she won't go to sleep, thankfully she's usually ok overnight, but it's a pain in the butt. I can't wait until she gets into a slightly longer routine so I can get out and do things without stressing about her waking/crying/needing to feed.
I also wanted to start builing up some stash of EBM but literally dont get the time as when she's asleep I get about 40 mins (have to wait 15-20mins before putting her down or she wakes) and in that time I need to get dressed, wash, use the bathroom, eat, catch up on small chores, come on here etc! Lol

Thanks! I am of course biased but I think she's pretty cute.

However she's behaving EXACTLY like your M again today, she just won't go down after her feed and the drawn out settling process leaves no time for anything except basic necessities let alone expressing. I tried it the other day and got less than 1 oz :cry: However it was from my dodgy boob after feeding :haha:

Also my mum and dad have been here for over a month and although they've spent 2 weeks of that away, it is starting to feel like a bit too long. They are here for another week before they go back to Oz. They are a great help sometimes but also a hindrance, almost like we can't settle into our own pattern with them here trying to be helpful. Also my mum insists on telling me what I should and shouldn't eat, when I should sleep, etc, I know she's trying to take care of me but its getting annoying. And suffice to say DH is getting rather wound up about them being here!

Sorry just had to let that out. I have had so little sleep last night and we've got a bunch of people coming tomorrow for my birthday (which she disapproves of) and the house needs tidying and I feel like a mess! Oh the joys! Bring on the magic six week marker!!!
Had to share cause I'm just so darn proud :cloud9:
I've learned that Zander is very advanced for his age.
Friday my brother in law had to my nephew to a speech therapist (he's 2 and not even saying mama or dada yet) well they gave my BIL a packet of what is considered a normal milestone for every 3 month developments (3 months, 6 months etc)
Basically EVERYTHING that was listed for what babies should be starting to do at 3 months, Zander was doing already! For example, follow moving objects, smile, take interest in moving lights and sound, react to loud noise, and can lift head from tummy position. He's been doing a lot of these when he was a month old.

I'm just a very proud mom and I had to share! :yipee:
EJ is doing all that too, what i found with Nate is that they have to put the deveoplment markers at like 3 months even though most babies will be doing msot of that by 6wks just because they have to allow for premies to do their catch up.

Tiger im expecting EJ to be top of the charts at his 6wk check on friday as hes outgrown most of his 0-3month clothing already lol and hes starting to fill out as well rather than just being so long.
EJ is regularly doing 10pm-4am now which is lovely then he can normally be streached till 9am before his next feed which is great and im loving it, hes also only sleeping properly once in the day but has a couple of shorter naps which isnt too bad.
Wren did her longest sleep last night-9.30-4.30, t'was bliss!! Although my boobs were super full so I fed her and then pumped out another 3oz for later...
Just pace it tiger. lots of stops on the way. Goodluck. When is this?

Ella went to sleep at bout 10 she will prob wake up at 5.30 or 7. Maybe 3. I should go to bed too!! I hopeless :haha:

yep 10-5 lol
I need to go to bed as soon as EJ is asleep tonight, been up for a couple of hours after hes already gone to bed for a few days now and its taking its toll
oh i know what u mean lynnikins!! I go to bed a couple hours after Ella and each day I feel more tired than the last coz it catches up on ya until u finally give in and go to sleep early to catch up!!
M has slept for half an hour in the past 6 hours. Apart from feeding, she's spent the rest of that time crying - and so have I! I really don't know what to do, she sucks her dummy for about 2 minutes before spitting it out, I've tried rocking/swaying/swaddling/shhing in many different positions, I've left her in her Moses basket to see if she'll drift off with White noise. Nothing is working. She's clean, fed, warm - just bloody tired but won't sleep. It's driving me insane. OH is out with friends so I can't even get a break from her crying. I feel like such a crap mum because I can't settle or comfort her :cry:
Days like this can be tough CocoaOne. :hugs:

I always end up changing his diaper and then letting him just feed/comfort suckle as long as he needs to to calm down and get drowsy if he's inconsolable and that overtired.

There are times though when I know he just needs to have his tantrum and get it out of his system so I just sit calm and still holding him over my shoulder while he cries and flails until he sobs a little and then promptly passes out. If I intervene or try to soothe him he just gets more worked up.

I hope your LO settles soon and gets some much needed rest.
Thanks Hun. She won't suckle for comfort or fall asleep at the breast- after feeding for a while she just gets worked up, pops off, shakes her head back and forth, won't latch on and grabs and pulls at my boob.

I also tried leaving her to cry for a bit to see if she'd get it out of her system, but she got to the point of proper sobbing as opposed to general on/off crying. It was heartbreaking!

I've even given her 5oz of formula tonight to see if that helped :nope: I thought she went through her 3 week growth spurt a few days ago. Maybe this is just a continuation? Bloody hard anyway, Im seriously dreading the 6 week spurt
I found the 6 week growth spurt much easier to handle than the 3 week one. I think it was because I knew it was coming and knew what I was in for, plus I'd had a few weeks to gear up for it!

If you can find the time to express after this one passes, I think it helps make it easier to get through the next growth spurt because your supply is already exceeding your LO's demands.

Anyway, I hope she finally got to sleep for you and you got yourself some rest as well. It's so hard to feel so helpless.
Happy birthday Greenlady! :cake: Hope I read it right and that today is your birthday, not yesterday :lol: x

Sounds like everybody's babies are getting on nicely, despite whether they're behaving quite as nicely...:haha: At least they'll be into the nice stages very shortly! Laughing and cooing and whatnot :D

MM - Wow that's a fantastic sleep from Ella! I got midnight to 6 so it wasn't toooo bad, but I wouldn't mind 10 to 5 at all! I think I've got a bit of a nightowl on my hands...hmmm!

CocoaOne - Aww hun, just remember the words..."This too shall pass" :flower: It sounds like you're having a very stressful time from your little miss. Have you tried sleeping her on your chest, with her ear to your heartbeat? It may calm her enough to put her to sleep if she's otherwise sated :thumbup: I think I read that most babies fall in to REM sleep (deep sleep, in other words..) within 15 minutes of being asleep. Once she's properly asleep maybe move her in to her own bed - she may be waking because she's not fully asleep yet. A good way to test whether she's sleeping deeply is that she won't startle at loud noises (clapping is an effective way to tell :lol: And admittedly the startle reflex is rather funny to watch..).

Lynn - Lol I always end up staying up after Lachlan's gone to bed and I agree, it def catches up with ya :nope: :lol: I really should stop it...and he's actually in bed now and I should be sleeping but instead of course I'm on BnB. I'm sure I'm not the only one though! :winkwink: haha.

With the 6 week growth long is it supposed to last, the constant feeding etc? Because I swear it's been going on for almost a week, Lachlan has been feeding every 1 to 2 hours during the day (sometimes even going 45min in between feeds :wacko:) and it's driving me mental...he's 6 weeks tomorrow...I'm hoping it gets much easier from here - everybody's saying it does. Those with LOs over 6 this true?!

I'm so proud of Lachlan, he's cooing more and more. He's been doing it for just under 2 weeks now, it's so cute :) And he did his first giggle at somebody yesterday - he's done them in his sleep before but of course I won't count those lol that's cheating! :lol: He giggled at his aunty Lilly (Tom's sister). It was cool cause we went to Tom's mum's for dinner like we normally do on a Sunday night and as usual everybody was cooing over him...and this time he was cooing over them too lol everybody was excited about him smiling. It was really funny cause he did a huge smile then got a fright at the reaction it garnered :rofl:

Also Tom seems to be getting more and more confident with him, and was telling him yesterday that he is such a cute baby and this is a big thing for OH! He never thinks babies are cute hehe. But of course, Lachlan is his own baby so I guess it changes things a little! :kiss:

Lachlan's still quite unsettled at night, in terms of getting him off to sleep. I put him down at 9.30 last night and he was having a tanty by 10 so got him back up, he went to sleep on my chest and I put him back down and then he fussed again so I got him up AGAIN and fed him, put him back down at 11 thinking we might be winning because he was quiet for a bit (after me going and putting the dummy back in a few times of course...) but then OH goes in to the bedroom and comes out and says that he is still awake and fidgeting around :wacko: So I don't know... Luckily he was asleep when I got in to bed at 12 - thought I'd best wait for him (and got caught up on the net of course lol).

We got him a swing but it doesn't seem to be working wonders like it sounds like it is for you other girls! He still prefers his dummy to almost everything else, so when he spits it out it doesn't matter if the swing, the mobile and the music are all going, he just wants that dummy *sigh* :nope: Can't wait til he can put it back in himself..then again, hopefully I can wean him off it at that point!!


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