march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Hi ladies :flower:
Jesse has his 6 week checkup today. Anyone know what happens apart from the usual weighing measuring etc? I also have my check up n get a blood test to see if I need a transfusion for my blood ... eek! MM - how long would i be in hospital for? would i have to leave jesse with jonno?
I have a feeling something is wrong with my c-section scar also as i keep getting horrible shooting pains right behind it, my mum said its my uterus shrinking back, but im sure its shrunk past that point and the shrinking pains ive been having are more cramps iykwim? Im not sure though so i will ask.
Good news is my milk supply seems to be sssslloooooowwwwllly creeping up. I usually only get one bottle of milk a day (sucks i know, i really didnt want to formula feed jesse :cry: ) but yesterday i got nearly 2 bottles n so far today (its 9.05am) ive already got 2 bottles! so im hoping it improves alot. Ive been trying to pump every 2-3hrs to improve it but all i usually get is droplets n thats it ! also i can express all the time if im going out .
YOUR UTERUS WOULD'VE SHRUNK BACK (oops sorry about the caps) by now i think it shrinks back pretty quick.
I would've thought if they needed to give u a transfusion they would've done it by now? Thought they wouyld've given it to u when u was in hospital, i have no idea how long u would need to be in hospital for, coz i was already in there, i would think just maybe for the day, it's not a big thing they just hook u up with a drip and each unit takes about 3 hours. i was real scared i thought it was gonna be some persedure (sp?) but its just a drip
Ella had her 6 week check up today they didnt weigh her or measure her as that was just done on tuesday. They checked her skin and basically just looked at her baody. she made sure her hips wernt clicky. Just checked her over. She also got her vaccinations. one in each thigh. that sucked i've never heard a baby scream that much in my life! :cry: She's been abit grizzly since but not too bad, been very drowzy and sleeping most afternnon, waking up and then sleeping.
hey girls i havent forgotten about you honest, we just lost our internet for most of this week, grr, its back now though thankfully to stop me going crazy, DH has recovered fine from his Marathon and is back at work today, and due to his shift start then i had to miss my Mum and Baby group which has really annoyed me,
EJ is doing well i havent had him weighed since the HV came i ment to take him to clinic on Wed but when it came time then DH wasnt being helpful about taking care of Nate to allow me to go out ( i knew the house would be tip when i returned if i left ) so EJ probably wont get weighed till his 6wk check next friday but i know hes growing and putting on weight we have had 3 nights so far of only waking once (after going to bed at 10 after a 9pm feed ) at about 3-4am for a feed then sleeping again till half 7-8ish which has been lovely as i can get up and quickly pump after giving him a bottle, im not breastfeeding but giving only expressed milk in a bottle as although the HV and MW's all disagree i think EJ has a slight tounge tie which makes it harder for him to take his feeds from the breast and he gets tired and doesnt drink as much even though it takes way longer to breastfeed caus he gets hungry about an hour earlier off of a breastfeed than a bottle of expressed milk and his bottles are all 7oz bottles now :O hes such a big boy but hes only having 6 bottles in 24 hours now hes dropped off one of the night feeds he was having. DH keeps suguesting we try formula which im finding very insulting as EJ is doing 100% ok and im very happy with him but Dh dislikes that EJ fusses for 15-20min prior to a feed caus hes woken up and is of course hungry, I dont want to use formula as i know it will screw with EJ's digestive system and it wont be DH up in the night with a fussy baby or having to hold and soothe him all day it will be me and i cant do that with a toddler to deal with as well esp when the toddler is enough of a handful on his own
Stick to your guns lynnikins. Your breastmilk is obviously giving him all that he needs.

M had a really good night! We went up to bed at 11, she woke at half two and fed lying down in bed and fell straight asleep on the boob, then she woke again at half six. It took an hour to get her back to sleep though! She's hardly slept today either, although I can tell she's knackered.

Is anyone elses baby really easy to wake up? I can't move M at all when she's sleepingor she wakes up. Makes going out impossible unless I accept that she'll be awake pretty much the whole time. I feel bad for disturbing her sleep, but icant stay indoors all day cuddling her to sleep!
EJ was impossible to move without waking but hes gotten past that now
Hello ladies! Just checking in here. All is well and as I'm sure you're all well aware, I'm being kept crazy busy these days. I can't believe how fast time is flying. Ronan will be 11 weeks this Sunday and when I weighed him earlier on the scales he was up to 12 lbs! He's getting heavy to carry around. He's long too (was on the 85th percentile at 9 weeks), so I think he's going to outgrow his 0-3 month sleepsuits soon, just because of his length.

He's sleeping much better through the night and we usually only get 1-2 feedings through the night, depending on what time he goes to bed but he goes down around 8-9 most nights and we get up for the morning after 7 so I'm happy with that for now. I am NOT looking forward to his 3 month growth spurt though when I'm sure any routine we have now will go straight out the window. :wacko:

I'm going to be leaving him for a few hours next week for the first time so I'm a bit nervous, but mostly ok with it. On Wednesday I'm going to get my hair done (it's been pretty much 11 weeks since my last haircut and it's looking pretty dire), so my MIL is going to mind him at our place. Hubby will be home but he's going to stay out of the way as we really want his mum to have some time with the monkey.

Then on Thursday, I'm being sworn in as a citizen (born & raised in Australia and now living in the US) during a 3 hour long ceremony (ugh!), so hubby will be up in the gallery watching with the monkey the whole time. He's feeling nervous about it but I'm sure he'll do fine, and I'll have a bottle of EBM for him, even though I will feed the monkey right beforehand so he probably won't need it. Wish him luck! :mrgreen:

Anyway, someone's demanding my attention so off I go! Glad to hear all's going well for so many of you with your LO's. :flower:
i have to get my UK citizenship organized as i need the passport before we move out of the country to avoid problems if we want to come back in the future and to make it easier traveling as all the family will have the same passports so we can stay in the EU/UK queues when in Europe rather than DH hving to take the boys at Border control and me wait in the huge long NonEU queues.

ive left EJ a few times with DH to go to the supermarket and to go out 2wice in the evenings, i have to book a haircoloring appointment as i have one paid for that i just need to use and have to book to see the dentist next week, got my 6wk check next week and EJ has his too,
Where are you from originally, Lynnikins?

I did the whole citizenship thing for much the same reason as it'll be so much easier to travel going forward.

I've left the monkey with his daddy and a few times with my mum when she was here, but it was never more than for an hour to an hour and a half or so and I was always only 5-10 mins away if everything went pear shaped and I had to get home.
im from NZ but my parents are nown brisbane so we dont know where we will end up yet
Ah! Most of my immediate family is in the Brisbane area now. I grew up in the north though. I couldn't convince my hubby to migrate to Australia unfortunately since he'd already come from Ireland to the US. He's also convinced the entire continent of Oz would kill him.
lol my hubby was born in south africa so it wasnt hard to get him to think about moving out of the uk esp as his parents are no longer here either
Well I'm from Oz, my hubby is English, and we're registering Flora here next week, do you know if I have to do some sort of registration for her in Oz as well? I'm not sure whether she'll have joint citizenship, whether she's English or Australian?
i imagine its similar to what it is in NZ
for the boys i registared them here and they both have UK passports as they are citizens by right of birth, i have to register them as NZ citizens by decent then apply for their NZ passports once that has been done, then i can take them back to NZ, its not too costly to do it either lol our main expense is my citizenship here its nearly £800 and this is after 3 different visa/certificates ive had to have over the last 5 years to live and work and get married here that already totaled £1500+
Heres what ive found on the OZ high commission website hun, hope it helps

Q12 - I am an Australian citizen and I've just had a baby. What do I have to do to get Australian citizenship and an Australian passport for him/her?
Before you can apply for an Australian passport for your child, he/she must first obtain Australian citizenship by contacting:
Citizenship Section
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Australian High Commission
Australia House
London WC2B 4LA Website: and migration

Telephone Contact Centre: 09065 508 900

(The cost of this service is £1 per minute from a BT line however costs may vary for other providers and calls from mobile phones). Access to an operator is provided at the end of the recorded information between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday except on Public Holidays and Australian High Commission Holidays.
When the child has obtained Australian citizenship, you can apply for a passport in the normal way using the Application for an Australian Passport Overseas form.
We are having to get Wren's passport and citizenship sorted out right now as well as she has no claim to Swiss citizenship even though she is born here, she is technically stateless but can get a Canadian passport as we were both born there even though we are here on UK passports!

We are going to put a claim in for her for UK citizenship so she can have an EU passport like us (and a canadain one) but as we weren't born in the UK (we are only holders of UK passports through our parents) the application will be judged and decided on by our history, I think we have a good case as I lived there for 16 years in total both my parents are English and my OH has lived in the UK for a few years and his dad is English too, it will cost about 1000 pounds but I think it will be worth it as then she can come and live/work/study in the EU when she is older.

I love having 2 passports, you can always pick the osrtest line to go through at customs!
ouch thats expensive the boys nz itzenship and passports will be £190 each and EJ's Uk/EU passport will be £42 or something like that
your welcome hun i know how much of a headache it can be to get sorted
So many Aussies/New Zealanders! My Dad lives in Oz, about an hour north of Brisbane. I visited him last year and loved Oz, but there's no way I could stand the heat! I'm a wimp :haha:

Greenlady - Flora looks sooo adorable in your avatar! I've given up taking pics at the mo because M's skin is so bad and I know she won't appreciate those sort of pictures being in existence when she's a teenager!

M is back to only sleeping for an hour at a time during the day because she won't seem to sleep after feeding, so by the time she's fussed around and finally gone to sleep, she's only down for an hour and then wants feeding again. It's a viscious circle. I've got no idea why she won't go to sleep, thankfully she's usually ok overnight, but it's a pain in the butt. I can't wait until she gets into a slightly longer routine so I can get out and do things without stressing about her waking/crying/needing to feed.
I also wanted to start builing up some stash of EBM but literally dont get the time as when she's asleep I get about 40 mins (have to wait 15-20mins before putting her down or she wakes) and in that time I need to get dressed, wash, use the bathroom, eat, catch up on small chores, come on here etc! Lol
I'm in NZ I've only ever been out of the country once when i was 13 i went to australia to stay with a friend for 2 weeks 3 hours out of melbourne. i would love to travel some time.

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