Hi Ladies, I've been reading but no time to post in ages, where do I start?
MM - glad to hear you are OK and enjoying your days, and yay for Ellas first steps!
Lynn - Glad you are all OK too, hope the wedding is fun
Jul - Flora is like that too in the evening after I've been working. She is in full-on activity mode despite being tired, right up until I turn the lights off in the bedroom, then suddenly she's rubbing her eyes like crazy. Hope going back to work is OK for you.
Cocoa - aww such a cute vid! I love her little blah blah sound she makes. I took Flora off yoghurts recently because she was so snotty and phlegmy and it seemed to help clear it up. She is getting really good at eating sandwiches, sultanas, pasta, everything with her hands, but she still also likes to be spoon-fed smooth baby food as well

, weird kid.
PH - happy birthday to Zander! And yeah I'm sure you're right about the walking. Flora hasn't taken any steps but she's a swift crawler and gets into all corners. I've had many moments of wondering where she's got to.
Umm., so I think we might have a second tooth soon as well, I think I've seen it under the gum and I think I can feel it too but not sure its broken thru yet.
I'm slighlty upset to find that I have less milk lately. I don't know if its working or what - I'm still pumping twice a day but only get about 5 or 6 oz now. IN the evenings for the last week or two I've topped her up with either formula or EBM because I seem to be particularly low on supply then and she gets upset and frustrated at my slow let down. Its a catch 22 though because tonight she pretty much refused the breast but took 5oz formula

However she's been sleeping pretty well (STTN 5 nights last week) and feeds well in the morning. She's having bottled milk (whether EBM or FF) 3 days a week now and I wonder if she's starting to prefer it?
Anyway so I'm going to carry on BF as much as she wants it but it did sort of dawn on me that really she is now combi-fed. For some reason its a little upsetting but I think it might be because I can now see the end of my BF journey, whether its sooner or later, and that is a little saddening. I was hoping to keep the morning and evening feeds for a while longer though, so I'm not sure what to do about the evening feed.