Lyn - you're going to enjoy that shower so much!!
Tiger - will vote now x
MM - are you still BFing? Maybe that's the reason it's taking a while? Have your periods returned properly? Fingers crossed you get your BFP soon. And well done Ella! Won't be long and she'll be walking around, causing more mischief!
Julchen - good luck at work. I'm sure it'll be nice chatting to people and catching up
PH - sounds like the party was fun! Glad you all had a good day x
Kel - can't wait to see pics of the Thomas cake, my nephew would be so jealous of that!
M took her first steps on Friday - not walking, she just let's go of something and throws herself towards you and takes a few steps on the way

I still think it will be a while before she walks as she's not really comfortable standing without support yet. Her second tooth is just cutting too.
Not much else happening, I got my job offer letter at the weekend, so I need to call the nursery and check what date M can start. I think it's going to be 11th April.

I am getting a bit excited about a new challenge though, I am starting to get a little bored of holding books so M can turn the pages! I know I'll yearn to do it once I'm back at work though

We went to the zoo yesterday for the first time. M is still a bit young, but we saw a teeny tiny baby elephant and she kept pointing and making 'ooohhhh' sounds at it, and then squealing and scaring everyone! Lol