march lambs 2010 come on ladies

i'm getting loads of proper smiles out of Elliott now its so cute and he coo's and gurgles so beautifully in response to people talking to him, hes lost that Newborn look caus hes always so alert and looking around, bit annoying though hes focusing on me even when in his bouncer and follows me around the room with his eyes so i cant leave the room if hes watching me unless hes got his dummy or else he bursts into tears, i've got to move him into 3-6 month stuff i just changed him as he had wet through his whole nappy an pjs combo plus the swaddling blanket he was wrapped in and when i put the new 0-3 grow on him it was rather on the tight side, oh well
i'm getting loads of proper smiles out of Elliott now its so cute and he coo's and gurgles so beautifully in response to people talking to him, hes lost that Newborn look caus hes always so alert and looking around, bit annoying though hes focusing on me even when in his bouncer and follows me around the room with his eyes so i cant leave the room if hes watching me unless hes got his dummy or else he bursts into tears, i've got to move him into 3-6 month stuff i just changed him as he had wet through his whole nappy an pjs combo plus the swaddling blanket he was wrapped in and when i put the new 0-3 grow on him it was rather on the tight side, oh well

Cute :D! Haha it's a pain when they do that, watch your every move...Lachlan's got a habit of doing that too. And he always seems to kick up a fuss when mummy wants to do the housework. Hmmm...funny that! I feel bad, but often I'll leave him to have a bit of a cry if I have to get things done, otherwise I'll never have anything finished and Tom will be moaning at me too!

Can't believe he's into his next size up clothes, that's so exciting! :) Haha heavy wetter eh? Oh joy! I'm not looking forward to the first nappy he wets out of...I've had enough poo leakages to last a lifetime though! His newborn huggies were too small, so yeeeah, not so fun. The infant ones are much better on his little bum :D

He decided he would pee while I was changing him today, so I thought right you haven't had a bath for a few days so popped him in the bath (and surprise surprise, Tom calls JUST as I'd put Lachlan in the water, so I thought stuff it I'll just let it ring...It rang for the whole time I was bathing him :wacko: And Tom was just calling to see if his bloody PS3 controller had come in the post...). Then was drying him off afterwards and he pees again! But luckily this time the towel was right there so I just bunched it up and it caught most it the spray. Phew. Boys are little rascals when it comes to peeing everywhere :lol:

Mika has started watching Anthony's every move! It kind of upsets me because it seems like he wants Anthony more than me and I wonder if he really knows who I am. I mean, I guess he does, but still...OH is around him so much more and LO has way more interest in him than in me.

One of the few times he seems to want me is at bath time...I have started just showering with him and he seems to really love the water hitting him, he smiles so big! Today he peed on me though...EW. luckily we were in the shower so it washed right off!
Not been on for a few days so just had a catch up read :coffee: wow i'm so jealous it seems quite a few LO's are sleeping really well, Chase still only gives me 4 hours max and even thats not guaranteed, the lil monkey.

CocoaOne when Chase is fussing and whingy i put him in his sling, then get on with my housework/tidying up and he falls asleep :thumbup: i put him in so he is on my chest as that is how he often falls asleep, but the key is to keep moving, if i stop then the tears and fussing starts again. Sometimes it will take a few mins for him to calm down and stop fussing but when he has he just looks around then falls asleep and then i can move him to his moses basket. I love my sling it means i'm not just sat there waiting for him to drop off whilst getting stressed about the things i want to get done.

Hmm how do you know how much to express for LO? We have a little night out a week on Wednesday, going to see Flight of The Concords, reckon we will be gone about 4-5 hours as the place we are going to see them is about an hour and a half away. Anyways i don't know how much to express for him? I expressed 4 ounzes the other night when we went out for tea and that wasn't enough i had to top him up with boob twice! so not sure how much he is going to need?

He was soooo good when we went out for tea, looking round taking it all in and he was getting passed round all my friends for cuddles and he just wasn't bothered. There was only one time he got really upset, i had left the table to pay and my friend had to bring him over to me and as soon as i took him he stopped crying immediately, it was so nice :cloud9: i am always saying to hubby does he know us yet, which is silly but now i know he does x
Mika has started watching Anthony's every move! It kind of upsets me because it seems like he wants Anthony more than me and I wonder if he really knows who I am. I mean, I guess he does, but still...OH is around him so much more and LO has way more interest in him than in me.

One of the few times he seems to want me is at bath time...I have started just showering with him and he seems to really love the water hitting him, he smiles so big! Today he peed on me though...EW. luckily we were in the shower so it washed right off!

it might just be a phase he's going through, where he only wants one parent. Zander did that for awhile, only wanted me. and now he only wants DH and DH works all day so pretty much only gets to see Zander on nights and weekends but still--- Zander wants him! I don't get it, so I figure it's just a phase.
Cocoa, I hope you little one settled down for you, I know how tough it can be, especially when your OH is not there. I find taking Wren out in her pushchair always works wonders but not so practical at night...sorry

I also have a swing for Wren but she doesn't like it at all, I am hoping she will grow to love it , right now we have the 'magic bouncy chair' which is truly magic!! It stops her from crying most of the time and she also will snooze in it during the day which is great as she will not sleep in her crib in teh day but is fine at night...very strange.

JJ-enjoy flight of the concords, I bet that will be a right laugh
Hmm how do you know how much to express for LO? We have a little night out a week on Wednesday, going to see Flight of The Concords, reckon we will be gone about 4-5 hours as the place we are going to see them is about an hour and a half away. Anyways i don't know how much to express for him? I expressed 4 ounzes the other night when we went out for tea and that wasn't enough i had to top him up with boob twice! so not sure how much he is going to need?

Ej is drinking 7oz and 8oz last thing at night and for his breakfast feed around 9am hes a hungry boy

In size 3 nappies now :O the size 2's just werent holding up to it yet they still would fit just need changing twice as often, but the difffernce between 2's and 3's is HUGE the 3's arent that much smaller than Nates 5's lol
OH came home around midnight and we finally got M to sleep at just gone 2am. Thankfully she slept well and only woke once for feeding so I fed her laying down and she drifted right off.

I've got a Moby wrap which I try and put her in, but it takes so long to get on, that she's worked herself into a frezy before I get her in it! I've ordered a Mei Taioff eBay which should get here tomorrow or Weds so hopefully that'll be easier and quicker to get her in and out.

Meeting a couple of friends for coffee in a bit- willbe the first time I need to BF in public. Bit scared! I think I'm going to take a bottle of EBM just in case.....
cocoa, you can do it!! Best of luck for your first public feed, it only gets easier!!
OH came home around midnight and we finally got M to sleep at just gone 2am. Thankfully she slept well and only woke once for feeding so I fed her laying down and she drifted right off.

I've got a Moby wrap which I try and put her in, but it takes so long to get on, that she's worked herself into a frezy before I get her in it! I've ordered a Mei Taioff eBay which should get here tomorrow or Weds so hopefully that'll be easier and quicker to get her in and out.

Meeting a couple of friends for coffee in a bit- willbe the first time I need to BF in public. Bit scared! I think I'm going to take a bottle of EBM just in case.....

I take a bottle of ebm with me when i go out :blush:
I haven't done that yet, I am not sure how to store the milk when I am out, it is getting quite warm here now although today it is a bit chilly and gloomy but last week was mega hot...I guess I need a little storage bag

If I was to express before going out, how would I store it, do I need to keep it chilled or is room temp for a few hours OK?
keep it in bottles and caped with a lid :) Use 1 bottle for each time u express, keep in fridge and then if you take a bottle out it can be in room temperature for about 4 hours. never reheat a bottle and never mix cold milk with warm milk :)
i try to take a recently expressed bottle if im going out and take it at room temp caus its easier to get warmed up and i take small thermos of hot water unless im sure i can get hotwater where im going
Well I didn't need the EBM as I fed her myself in Debenhams coffee shop. She only fed for 7 mins and we were very discreet so I don't think anyone even noticed. Definitely need more BF friendly clothes though!
well done Cocoa! I know what you mean about BF'ing friendly clothes! I bought a couple from H and M which work well and a couple of regular tops that happen to have buttons which make them quite good for BF'ing in.
well done CocoaOne xx know what you mean about breastfeeding tops, i've only got a couple and so feel i'm always in the same clothes.
my tops r getting stretched coz i pull the top down under my boob. sometimes i forget to pull it back up after breastfeeding :haha:

good on you for bf in public cocoa! i havn't yet! Although i have done in the doctors room and while having an assessment does that count?
i wear a singlet under a loose top if im going to be breastfeeding when im out ( i do have som H&M tops too but only a couple ) and then the loose top is loose enough to life and i just pull the singlet down, but im not breastfeeding that much anymore just expressing and giving by bottle which suits me and EJ fine and frees me up for Nate as well

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