Tiger - Good look with your ultrasound i hope it's all ok! Ahh poor Jesse

Yay for taking baby steps, watch out t ho hun Chase was walking within a week and a half.
GL -Yay a second tooth, teething affects them so much doesn't it.
Julchen - Chase's bedtime is soooo not good, we take him up to bed about 8.30 generally, any earlier and he just won't go down! I still feed him to sleep too and he sleeps in our bed. We're far too soft i think.
Cocoa - M has an allergy to dairy doesn't she? Only when Chase had his 1 year injections last week they asked if he was allergic to dairy and she said if he was then she couldn't do one of them, not sure which though as he had 3

Just wondered how they work around it.
Chase has another 2 teeth popping through, there about 1/4 in, its the two top ones either side of his front ones. He woke up last night absolutley screaming at about 10.30, i was downstairs fake tanning so i ran upstairs to get him and because he was screaming so much i brough him downstairs so as not to disturb the neighbours too much, half way down the stairs he hurled all over my shoulder and the stairs, nice! Thinking it's down to teething as he's fine today and was eventually fine last night once he had calmed down. I had to whip my top off as it was covered on the shoulder so i carried him back upstairs to clean him up and his bare legs were wrapped around my belly and today he has a very brown knee, lol, jus the one! Fake tanning and children do not go.
Boo work tomorrow but then i'm off again Thursday. It's been so nice being off i'm just so tired when i'm working