march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Ooh yeah I love sweeties!! That's the worst thing about only havin 15mins for my lunch at work, no time to nip the shop for sweeties.

We've just ordered take out, I'm starving!
im starting to get a bit hungry but dont feel like eating anything we have in the house and OH is out, ill probably be sat here thinking the same thing when he gets home,
Hey guys, so sorry i havnt been on i havnt been on bnb in ages :(

I hope you are all doing ok i miss you all xx
How have you all been?

Ella hasnt had a very good weekend. She just hasnt been herself poor wee button. :(
Sorry Ella isn't feeling well. Zander isn't really quite right either. :( tons of Diarrhea, coughing and very tired. I dunno if it's the pollen count and allergies or if he got something from day care :shrug:
well its nearly 8am here and i am so tired :( i dont think jesse is well either, last night was ridiculous :nope: he woke every 15min and then just screamed. jonno ended up giving him a bottle only 2.5hrs after his last , just to get him to sleep!!! ugggghhh need sleep!
luckily my parents got there own house finally and mum has offered to look after jesse one night a fortnight (shes a very doting nanna) so we can have a sleep in ! hooray :dance: i honestly cant tell you how excited i am to get a full night and sleep in !!
also i wasnt planning on going back to work anytime soon but got offered a job at one of the top resorts here, at reception and i wasnt going to until they told me it was $25 and hour!!!! 7hr days. and public holidays i will be getting $60 and hour !!! ummm yes please!!! and its only 3 days a week so if we save all of my pay than we can buy our first house :D so job interview today as well as my ultrasound :D
goodluck Tiger!

PH- i hope Zander feels better soon. :hugs:

Ella's tooth is coming through and its bleeding :(
I dont know why shes havning so much trouble with this tooth. it's the right front one. the other front one and the side one and the bottom ones no problems at all, i didnt even know she was teething till i saw them coming through. But this one is giving her lots of grief!
ouch poor Ella

Tiger i hope everything went really well for you today.
im tired too didnt sleep well, worried about the spotting ive had over the weekend and Nate was up wailing like a banshee the moment Mikes feet hit the sweaky floor this morning NOT fun having to get up an hour earlier than i planned and Nate must be under the weather hes a right whingy clingy mess today. I wish my parents lived nearer or someone did that would come and sit with the kids for a bit so i could nap
Tiger - good luck! That sounds like a fab job. Hope you get some answers at the US too

Lyn- :hugs: Have you got an early pregnancy unit near you so you can go and get checked out for peace of mind?

MM - poor Ella. I hope they stop giving her grief soon

PH - hope Zander gets better soon. I'm expecting M to pick up lots of illness now too.

Well I don't start work until 10, but I just dropped M off at Nursery and she cried so hard. I went and cried in the toilets. Need to pull myself together, I don't think crying in front of my new colleagues will go down too well!
we have one at Kingston hospital ( where the boys were born ) but its about a 40min bus ride away and id have to take the boys which would be alot of physical work so im better off staying put and resting and going in if im worried to a&e tonight
Cocoa, I cried last Tuesday when I dropped Zander off at day care for the first time. tomorrow starts his second week. :( I'm dreading it.
He's still kind of under the weather. Saturday he had a mild fever, but managed to sleep it off.
Has anyone else noticed their LO's being attached to one parent more than the other? Zander seems to be in a daddy phase right now. He can say mama, but lately it's been dada this and dada that and "HEYYYYY, DADA!!!!" (when he sees him pull in the driveway from work) :rofl: it's really funny, but what about ME? lol. I'm missing the "heyyyyy mama"

Yesterday I got my hair cut. I only wanted a trim and for them to thin it out, but the stylist ended up cutting more off. He explained that the short "do" I had gotten last year after Zander was born was a hard style to grow out which I was trying to do, so he cut it to where it'll grow out pretty. (pic below)
I love it :D

nothing much else new... I still love my job :) my BIL finally got a job now too, so he can start helping with the bills!! :dance:


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love the hair hun it suits you, both my boys are in a daddy phase, tbh Nate has been a daddys boy from day one but EJ is totally all about dad atm unless its time for boob then only i will do lol
yeah, about the only time I hear "mama" is when he's way tired and begging for goodnight kisses. which of course puts me on :cloud9: so I guess it's not all bad. :P

Thanks for the compliment!
The hair looks great PH. Gabriel always seems to prefer me if I'm around.

Gabriel's walking just keeps getting better a little at a time. A few times he's gone most of the length of the room and the other day he did that, turned around and started back the other way before falling. He still mostly crawls, but he's definitely motivated to walk. I still can't get it on video though because as soon as I pull out the recorder he drops down to come over to it and cries when I won't let him have it. Great for video of him having a tantrum, not so great for getting video of him walking.
hi ladies :flower:
PH- i think your hair looks fantastic, i dont know what it looked like before but that really suits you! you look so pretty! i cant even afford to get my hair done at the moment :(
MM- i hope ella gets better :hugs:
update on me - i had my ultrasound yesterday, turns out my insides are a wreck lol. i have a tear in my uterine wall, they arent sure if it was from trying to push jesse out the wrong way or from the c-section. more tests to come. and i have 3 cysts on my left ovary, the largest is 4cm (hence all the pain on my left side), i am yet to get a doctors appt so she can explain it properly.
update on jesse - he is not yet walking everywhere ( i dont think he realises he can), but he can walk, he did 10 steps at a time the other day. he has 4 teeth, with 5 and 6 cutting (they are all coming at once :dohh: ) . no teeth at all at the beginning of feb and now 5 and 6 coming thru arggghhh i want sleep!!!!!!!!!!!
my sister made a snap decision on saturday to fly up to see us as she was missing everyone incredibly and she took some great photos of jesse :) here they are :
learning to stand more and more each day :cloud9:
his new smile of the moment haha - he looks like he is growling lol but he thinks hes hilarious so who am i to correct him lol
and being mummies cool little dude :haha:
oh and also, jesse is a BIG daddies boy! if jonno walks away (even for a second) jesse will scream and cry until he comes back lol - but if he is sick or tired or teething bad, no one compares to mummy :cloud9:
CUTE pictures!!!

I attached a pic of what my hair used to look like pre cut (I'm trying to embrace my natural curl.... LOL)
I got lucky with the style though- a friend of mine knew a guy that does it from home, so he charged about half of what a salon does. plus I color it myself, so that saves too! ;) lol. I can't afford the salon prices at ALL.

This morning when I dropped Zander off at day care, I thought there was the slightest chance he might be okay and not cry-- I thought this cause when he saw his teacher, he started clapping and waving to her and saying "HEY!!! HEEEYYYY!!!" (he's so funny) but sure enough- as soon as I passed him over, cue the tears! Breaks my heart!!

Seity, Gabriel will be walking everywhere before you know it!


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