march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Holy CRAP I have missed 4 pages and a BFP announcement! note to self to check on here a lot more often!

firstly then a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Lynn, what exciting news! and you were only saying the other day how weird it was to NOT be TTC at this point in time!

Also, wishing Cocoa's Megan a very happy 1st birthday for today!

Well its officially the last March Lamb's birthday tomorrow - yep, you guessed it Roman turns one (I'm pretty sure me and Cocoa were the last ones to pop?!) and am soo excited! pressies wrapped already! Got his party sunday too which I cant wait for!
congrats lynn!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am not going to lie but i am actually very jealous :( im sorry, im horrible. i am so very very happy for you though. just upset that my body is so screwed up :cry:
i say boy and 9lb8oz
:hugs: hun its ok, honestly, the reason we probably have EJ is down to my bestie friend back in NZ getting pregnant and me not stopping bugging Mike about it till he gave in, i know how annoying it is waiting for you body when its being all F***ed up and not co-operating
yeh its screwed. makes me so upset that we really want another bub but my body just isnt letting me at the moment , and 6 of my friends (including u) have come out in the last month announcing they are pregnant. 4 out of 6 werent trying and dont want the baby :( .
just hope my ultrasound will give me answers. hope it isnt bad news though as i really want another baby soon :cry:
mummydee - happy birthday to roman for tomorrow!!!!! pretty sure you were the last one ?
cocoa- happy birthday to meegan !!!
tiger got my fingers crossed for a good result for you hunni
:hugs: tiger - I really hope the US gives you answers and you can get that baby you want.

Happy Birthday Megan! :cake:
and Roman tomorrow! :cake:
thankyou :flower: its so upsetting. i was so excited when i was 1 day late and was convincing myself that the reason i was getting bfn's was because i ov'd late or it was too early, but now im nearly 1month late on my period :cry: its gettting really ridiculous
When is your US tiger?

I know I mentioned it before, but it might be worth tracking your temperature :shrug: It will at least be able to tell you when you're ovulating (or if, and if you're not, you at least know that you need to investigate why...) I found it really useful to know exactly what was going on in my body. There's a great book called 'Taking charge of your fertility' by Tori (?) someone which explains exactly how it all works

thankyou :flower:
my US is on monday. and i have heard of that book before. might look into it. i planned on temping when i got my period , but since she is a no show im stuck in limbo :(
It's a good book. I learned all about fertility tracking when I was a kid (my parents are religious, so only used family planning as birth control)
well i can now start temping in a few days :D af showed this morning , finally!!!!!!!!!!! normally i wouldnt be happy but i am because now i can start trying again!!!! 56 days!!! im upset that im not pregnant but i knew in my head i wasnt. still going to get US to look at the cysts tho
Tiger - 'glad' af showed! At least you know where you stand now.

M has got her final settling in session at nursery today, she isn't too keen on me dropping her off (cries :cry:) and then cries when she sees me when I come to pick her up, but she loves playing with all their toys and exploring, and her key worker said that you can tell which kids will struggle to settle, and which will be fine, and she said M is going to be fine. There have been a few new kids starting at the same time, and 1 or 2 of them I've noticed seem to cry and cling to the staff, whereas M shoots off to play with the others or goes to read some books on her own, so I'm fairly confident she'll be ok. Doesn't make it much easier though!

I start work on Monday, can't believe how quickly it's come around! I'm nervous and excited, I just hoe I've got something to talk about other than babies...

We had fun at the zoo yesterday too, M was much more interested than the last time we went. I've noticed her personality developing so much more in the last few days, she's 'chatting' loads more and does things and then laughs (she usually only laughs if you tickle her). Still no closer on the walking front though. And no sign of any more teeth
YAY :happydance: something happend so you have some form of answer to go on at last and somewhere to start
Cocoa - good luck with work, I'm sure it'll be fine, maybe a bit daunting for the first couple of weeks. But you'll be ace! (I never say 'ace' it just seemed like the right word all of a sudden :haha:)

Tiger, now you can start planning for the next month. Let us know how the US goes.

Guys I was wondering, this thread goes a bit quiet lately, but its the only I really check a lot. Was wondering where everyone else hangs out on BNB? :blush:
i hang out in baby club and the ttc forum lol . ive noticed this thread has become quiet aswell :shrug: i jump on every morning and get excited to check to see how everyone is going (oh what a life i have :haha: ) and get disappointed when there is only one or two posts?
lol im hanging out in the natural parenting section ( as always ) and First tri
I tend to hang around the toddler section a bit more now (don't post much though), the cake baking thread, sometimes I have a nose in the others - girly sanctuary and general discussion. I don't seem to post much now though, and I presume it will be even less once I'm back at work.
hows your weekend going my lovelies? Nate and i went to the playground while EJ napped and DH cleaned :happydance: im in a good mood Dh even hung out the nappies and put on another load of washing. we are kinda spring cleaning today so the house is all up ended but we are getting there
Cocoa good look going back to work! It will be fine once your in a routine.

GL I just tend to hang in here and if I have the time baby club. I don't get on here as much as I'd like some weeks I just dont seem to have a spare minute.

Lynn ahh isn't your dh good. I'm in a good mood too think it's the weather.

So Chase has had his first trip to A&E and it was without me. Not nearly as serious as it sounds tho, Thurs morning I noticed his little toe nail was bleeding, when I cleaned it I noticed it was hanging half off low down, ouch!! Anyway Friday mil had him and sil is a nurse and said toes can get infected really quickly so they took him to hospital to get it sorted. He was asleep when they took him and he stayed asleep whilst they cut it off he woke though when they cleaned it up. They bandaged it up and he's got antibiotics. His bandage was off by last night, was supposed to be on for five days :dohh: but the little gauze around it is still on so we've put a sock over it.
aww hope it heals quick EJ would be playing with it and not leaving it alone at all.

my OH cleaned the oven which was so sweet of him but i want to cook and i cant till it has aired out :( boo which means i'll have to wait to make the cupcakes tomorrow, ive got a real sweeties obsession going on at the moment , not great for my teeth lol but to hell with them im not able to get anything done with them for another 8-10wks anyway and then i doubt they will want to do anything and if they do i'll be back and forth to the dentist every 10 days or so for them to do one more then one more etc.. rather than being knocked out and it all done in one go,

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