march lambs 2010 come on ladies

PH - your hair looks great in both pics! Flora loves her daddy but she is quite clingy to me tbh. When I come in from work she just holds on to me for about 15 minutes, its so cute.
Tiger aww look at Jesse! He's pretty scrummy, I just love his hair. I'm sorry to hear about your insides! Hopefully you will get a doc appointment soon x
Seity - go Gabriel! No steps here yet. Lots of hand-held walking but she seems a bit scared to try standing on her own yet.
Cocoa- how has your first couple days been at work? I'm sure M is handling it well, I hope you are too!

No huge updates here. Well, I'm down to minimal breastfeeding which is a shame but hey ho. She's not that keen on cows milk yet. Not sure how to sort that one out, any suggestions? I keep feeling like I haven't got ahead with things like that, and using cups vs bottles, getting rid of the dummy etc, stuff you're supposed to do once they reach 1. None of it is a problem but just in my head iykwim.
Thanks, GL :)
As far as the cow's milk, have you tried mixing a bit of breast milk that you've pumped with a bit of cow's milk then slowly reducing the amount of breast milk until it's just all cow's? I've heard that's how some people do it but we just jumped right into milk. of course Zander only BF for about 6 weeks ( :cry: )

We're still working on getting rid of the pacifier... it's a slow process, but I'm not worried cause I know Zander is smart and won't have one when he's like 5 or something ridiculous like that! :rofl: He still takes a bottle for milk. he uses a cup for everything else, but hasn't figured out milk tastes the same from a cup as it does from a bottle :shrug:
PH- I love the hair! That cut suits you very well.
Tiger- Jesse is absolutely adorable. That third picture is priceless!
GL- Connor uses a cup for everything but refuses to hold the cup himself if it has water in it. Connor is a thumb sucker and I have been trying to pull it out of his mouth during the daytime so he will get the idea that its only for going to sleep. Don't think its working though :shrug: Don't stress over things that should be done by 1 because everybaby is different.

Well Connor got tooth number 10 and had gone back to having his morning breastfeeds, so I guess the nursing strike was due to teething.
Connor and Zander have the same amount of teeth!
Zander is working on 11 and 12 at the moment... dreaded molars!!! :dohh: I think that's why he's been feeling poorly.

Poor DH didn't get to give Zander good night kisses tonight. I tried to keep Zander up for DH, but Zander ended up passing out on the floor. 10 minutes later DH was home. oops.
EJ isnt great with a cup he uses a bottle with a sippy/sports top on it well though so we use one of them, Nate uses an opentop cup now which im really happy with, The boys are their usual challenging selfs they both have figured somethings up with mummy and are quite clingy which is cute but annoying when they are fighting to be closest to me
GL - work is going well. So much to take in and learn (for some reason they think I know about access databases, SQL queries and ODBC :shrug: 90% of what they say goes straight over my head! Lol) M is still not happy when I leave her, but she's been eating and sleeping much better than I thought she would in a strange environment, so I'm taking that as a sign that she's happy enough....

She still has a dummy at nap times or if she's really out-of-sorts. I thought about taking it away at 1, but seems a bit mean/pointless to do it now, so I'll wait a bit and see what happens in a couple of months. I'm not too worried, but I'd rather we got rid of it by the time she's 2. She drinks water/squash from a straw or open cup usually. She still doesnt drink much during the day though.

Kel - glad he's stopped his strike! Still only 2 teeth here. They're taking FOREVER!

PH - lovely hair! I an toying with the idea if growing mine a bit longer, but short hair is soooo much easier... and I'm lazy!

Tiger - glad to hear that you got some answers, sorry to hear that it's such a mess in there :hugs: Hopefully it's easy to sort out. And fab pics - Jesse looks so tall!

Seity - go Gabriel! has he got any more words yet? We're still stuck on dad-dad, doggy, ta, hiya and the new one - 'uh oh'
PH I'm not expressing anymore, I stopped about a month ago as I wasn't getting much really. And so she's having FF mostly now so I'm just trying to introduce cows milk instead. Can you combine formula and cows milk? I have done anyway I hope its OK, then I was going to reduce the amount of formula like you said.

She will drink water from a cup, either a sippy cup or a straw cup, but when milk comes out of a cup she gets confused and spits it out. I'm sure if I persevere she'll get there eventually.

Cocoa - glad work is OK, you'll pick everything up in no time i'm sure. I'm the same with FLora, she has the dummy only for sleeping and when she's in a real strop, so its not that much of a bother. I'm pretty sure we'll be rid of it by 2.

So I got my first AF yesterday :cry: I for some reason thought that you didn't get a period on the minipill. but i looked it up and apparently you do still get periods, it must have been the bf that stopped it coming back for so long. Its been nearly 2 years, 24th June 2009 to be exact. Its not very heavy, actually I felt a bit crap yesterday and I woke up in the night all fevery with a headache, must be the hormones, but there's not much actual blood :shrug:. I guess it takes a little while for AF to go back to normal. Has everyone else had theirs?
i got mine when EJ was 5months so you hve done well hunni , it then went away again when he was feeding again in the night and i only got it back 2 months before geting my bfp, i think ive had 14 periods max since July 2007 lol between being pregnant and bf the boys
I haven't had AF yet, but I assume it's the minipill keeping it away? I had a bleed around 7 weeks, but I think that was because I had just started taking the pill. At least it means you're all systems go for TTC#2 when you decide to!

Only one day to go until I get 2 whole squishy-filled days :dance:
GL - I did a combo of formula and cows milk for about a month before going to 100% cow's milk. It's fine to combine them. Part of formulas ingredients is powdered milk. Gabriel didn't like the sippy cup and wouldn't hold it, so I got one with a straw and he took to it right away. They're supposed to be better for their speech and teeth then a regular sippy cup too, so bonus!
Cocoa - We're pretty much stuck on car, cat, and mon (for monkey).
Seity - thanks, I gave her a bottle of 100% cows milk this morning which she drank no problem. But otherwise mixing it seems a good compromise. I have a straw cup too, which she likes, it just she's not that keen on milk in a cup, whichever type. but I think she'll get better at it.

Cocoa - that's what I thought too but actually I read this, apparently it doesn't control your periods at all. Anyway it was the worlds shortest period I only used 2 tampons :wacko:

I think I'm surfing a cold, my throat kills and I've had headaches , fever and chills since night before last. Grr
GL i hope you feel better soon.
i have sibling rivilary issues going on with the boys and a toddler who just doesnt understand the word NO
today has not been a good day...
I woke up way earlier than I planned on for starters. Today is my day off, but I have to watch my nephew cause BIL is working and his babysitter cancelled. he of course has not been listening to anything I say, so I've been yelling a lot today... I HATE yelling... >.<
Next, my glass top coffee table broke... the glass shattered cause I fell through it.
Zander was sitting at the table eating oatmeal, but Bentley-- my nephew was trying to push Zander off the chair cause it was "MIIIIIINNNEEEEEEE" (as he whined to me) well, I leaned on the coffee table glass to try and reach Bentley to pop his hand and try and get him to quit pushing Zander and share his chair. Apparently there was the tiniest chip in the glass on the corner and I leaned on it just right... I just fell through. I didn't even think about how I was hurt- I rushed to throw Zander in his high chair and Bentley on the couch away from the glass. I then inspected my injuries... my hand and right arm are sliced up pretty bad but luckily no stitches. and my foot has some scrapes. The kids are fine thankfully but OUCH am I in pain
Ever since then it's just been a bad day.... I want this day to be over with now!
:hugs: oooowwwwieee im sore on your behalf hunni, at least the kids are ok.

im not liking this pregnancy at all at the moment im hormonal and grumpy and ive taken it out on the boys far to much and DH is being a jerk about stuff tonight so im camping on the sofa while the pig i call my husband hogs the bed
PH- you poor thing! have u been to the doctors or hospital to make sure there is no glass left in your cuts? i hope you heal quick, that sounds very painful! im glad zander and bentley are ok though! how old is your nephew? id be a little upset if someone was doing that to jesse.
hugs hun :hugs: i hope you get better quickly :flower: (have a flower from me )
lynn -i know that feeling, sometimes jonno can be a right idiot :growlmad: hope u sort things out :hugs:
well i have a doctors appt monday for the verdict on my US and i have myself jonno n jesse booked in for this darn cough to get checked out. its been a month and a half since we were sick and the cough is getting much worse, to the point where we are all throwing up. its a very chesty cough, sounds like an elephant barking lol.
:hugs: hope you get the cough sorted hun sounds painful, no doubt DH and i will have it out sometime tomorrow unless in his guilt he cant sleep and comes to find me
Thanks everyone.
Yes- I did end up going to the doctor. I had to wait till a friend got off of work so she could help with the kids. (I was already having trouble with both of them before the doctor having a hurt hand).
There was no glass left in the cuts, but they did have to stitch up my middle finger on my right hand-- it got slashed the worst.

Bentley just turned 3 on the 11th. He's a terror. He and his dad, my BIL have lived with DH and I since he was 18 months but whenever he's left here with me all day I hear "I WANT DADDDYYYYY" all whiny like. Prolly cause I actually discipline him and his daddy doesn't....
i hate discipline only because i dont know how im going to be able to yell or make jesse upset by not letting him do anything when hes older, but i KNOW that kids do need discipline or they will just walk round like spoilt little things throwing temper tantrums (which jesse has started doing !! ) until they get there own way ,
PH- i really hope you get better quickly :hugs:
I hate being the disciplinarian for Bentley, but his mom isn't in the picture (she's in rehab) so BIL has custody but he just spoils Bentley rotten... I swear if it were up to him, Bentley would eat whatever he wanted for dinner- even if that was chocolate cake. :dohh:

Luckily for me DH helps with teaching Zander and Zander has already learned quickly that he has till the count of 3 before he's in trouble. That is if he's doing something he knows he's not supposed to- like mess with daddy's Xbox!

Thanks again, Tiger! I hope to heal soon! :) :hugs:
we use a countdown, they have till the count of 3 to stop what they are doing, gives them the choice of changing their mind to be good and they know if i get to the end of my countdown and they are still being naughty they get time out

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