march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Poor M. Hope she feels better.
PH - Great video. Gabriel wouldn't know what to do with a phone. He never sees us use one :haha:
Gabriel gets up at 5:30 every day. I'd love to sleep in till 6:30 or 7. I finally felt tooth #3 just barely breaking the surface when putting gel on before bed tonight. It's one of the top center ones and I suspect the one next to it will be coming through quicker than the previous ones.
He's pretty much walking most of the time now:
Happy Easter everyone , hope you have a great day with whoever your spending it with even if its just your little March lamb
Ok I don't typically comment of other people parenting choices, but saw this strange facebook status posted by an aquiantance of mine.

Ok other moms out 4 month old baby is sleeping 20 hours over night! I didnt even realize how late it was getting then i woke her up at 1 this afternoon after her going to bed at 6 last night! This doesnt seem normal to me! Any suggestions?

I answered her asking questions like- Is she gaining weight? Is she alert and happy when she is awake?

but how would you not worry and wake your baby up long before that? Maybe I'm wrong but it just seemed very strange to me. :shrug:
OMG. I would've woken her up long before that.
Zander usually goes to bed anywhere between 7 and 8. I get worried if he sleeps past 8 am! (he usually doesn't sleep past 8 am... UNLESS there's a strange night where we are all out late as a family and he goes to bed late. in which case he will either get up later OR get up at the same time and then have 2 naps during the day instead of just one).
So, I agree with you Kel that it is very strange.
that is strange i would be wanting to have the child checked out if it were my child
That is weird. I remember freaking out when M was only a week or so old because she'd been sleeping for over 6 hours! I was ready to take her to hospital because I thought she had a complication from the jaundice!

Has she put whether her LO has gone back to normal?

Not a lot going on here. M was fine after being sick in the cot, but OH has had diarrhoea and vomitting since Sunday, and now my mum, and his parents and sister have all come down with it too. None are suffering too badly though, bless them. One of the women at work called in sick with it today, and I barely saw her last week so I doubt I passed it to her, it must just be doing the rounds.

M has learnt to shake her head for 'no'. I'm gonna be honest - it's a pain in the butt!
"do you want this book?" - *shakes head*
"do you want kisses?" - *shakes head*
"right, let's hand you over to nursery" - *violently shakes head*

She can nod for 'yes', but she definitely prefers 'no'. Little pickle!
That is strange. I think I'd freak out if Gabriel slept 10 hours, but he's such a crap sleeper I'd probably cry tears of joy at the same time.
Tooth #4 is just peeking through the gums now! :happydance: We also finally had some nice weather, so Gabriel got to sit out in the grass this afternoon. He was fascinated and my OH says that it's the longest he's ever seen him stay in one spot.
awww. we had an up and down weekend with OH working saturday and monday so i was in and bored all the time lol. Morning sickness has struck me full force this morning thankfully it was before DH went to work and before the Tesco Man came with my shopping ( which he didnt bring all of due to supply problems which sucks but thankfully it was nothing major that OH cant pick up on his way home ) the weather has picked up again today but im feeling the cold somewhat terrible, got to write a blong entry soon not done one in ages caus im not annoucing my pregnancy on the blog yet and typically baby is always on my mind
Seity, glad yall finally got some nice weather! It's been on and off here. It's been in the 70's or 80's for weeks now but we've been getting SO much rain!! Poor Zander hates the rain cause he can't go outside. He's so funny when we go outside... he used to just sit in one place and take it all in, now he's everywhere! Chasing dogs, throwing balls... he loves it. And he's already got such a nice tan! He takes after his father like that... I drench him in sunscreen, spf 50 but he's a quarter puerto rican so he just tans naturally. lucky monkey

we have teeth 11 and 12 about to break the surface. I swear I absolutely HATE molars!!! his first 8 teeth came in no problem- no loss of sleep or anything... but these molars... omg.... we're up every 2 hours, we have runny poops, runny noses!!!!!! UGGGGHHHH (sorry, vent over)

Lynn, sorry the ms has been bad for you. I hope it eases up soon!
Cocoa, that's funny about her shaking her head no for everything. silly girl
and the sun is out and shining again, gonna need sunscreen on the boys if they wanna go outside today, gonna defo take them to the playground later for some runabout time
How is everyone?

All good here, M is starting to want to walk (holding our finger/s) more and more, so hopefully within the next month or two she'll be walking independently.

She's been really out of sorts for the past couple of days, I think it might be teeth-related but I can't see any holes yet. She's got a temperature and is really restless and struggling to stay asleep, she keeps putting her hands to her mouth too. If she's still feverish tomorrow, I'm going to call the out of hours doctors, just in case it's an ear infection or something.

Other than that, there's not much going on. Work is good, M is settling in well at nursery. The in-laws have mentioned that they want to take us on holiday this year, and were thinking about Center Parcs as it's much easier than going abroad with the kids. I've always wanted to go to Center Parcs (is that sad? :blush:). Oh and I got a posh new camera, so I've been trying to figure out how to work it and take some nice pics of M
we're good here, thanks...
Still working on teeth 11 and 12 so Zander is extremely fussy lately. especially at 2 and 4 AM.. ugggh.
Zander is just as cheeky as ever. he has finally started to love the nursery as well, however we'll be changing nurseries soon.
I love the one he's at they have just gotten to be too expensive. a friend of mine recently lost her job at a nursery because her daughter had to have heart surgery and she just missed too many days of work. her daughter is totallly fine now- she was just born pre mature. she's 12 months now so they just had to tweak a few things. anyway, she's willing to charge half of what I pay now and willing to come to my house to watch Zander and her daughter. :) I jumped on that. So it'll be easier for him to re-adjust to someone new, but at least he'll be at home. We start with her tomorrow. :dance:

does anyone else's LO enjoy climbing on everything?? Zander is currently sitting on top of the coffee table. it's his new favorite seat. :dohh:

OH!!! good news; we're finally 100% off the bottle. :dance:
we have progress on the teething here EJ has 3 bottom teeth now and his 2 bottom molars are visble ouch poor guy
it's been so quiet in here. Very sad for a slow day at work for me. haha. :P

tooth # 11 popped thru last night and I think 12 is not far behind. Next are the 4 eye teeth and we will be done with teething until he's 24 months. I CANNOT WAIT!!!! :rofl:

Yesterday I got to spend the whole day with Zander cause my sitter cancelled on me. it was really a very enjoyable day cause on my days off I normally have Zander and my nephew. so it's rare that we just get Zander/Mommy one on one time :cloud9:
Hi all, well as you know I'm another year older today, not a special age (32) but hey ho there you go.

PH thats nice you had a day with Zander. I love havgin time alone with Flora but I also like company as well, its nice to have a mix. 12 teeth holy cow. Flora has only 5. And great news about the nursery arrangements. By the way is Zander not having any bottle at all? how did you manage it? I try to give Flora her milk in a cup but she has a bit of a tantrum.

Cocoa Flora walks holding our hands a lot too, she is more and more going one handed as well and she stands without holding on several times a day, not for too long because she realises what she's doing but getting better and more confident. But she loves walking and even steers me really well! Has Ms fever gone down? Center parcs sounds nice I've heard its a nice family holiday. its gotta be easier than going abroad (even though I'm sure we'll end up doing that because we are suckers for punishment)

Lynn hows the baby bump? Are the boys being gentle with you? :winkwink:

Flora seems to be picking things up a lot the last few days. She has sort of started clapping (a bit late but oh well) and putting things back in, (toys that go in holes) rather than just pulling them out, and saying birdy and tree, and waving while saying bye bye. She does lots of variations on the peekaboo game and just generally laughs at any kind of exaggerated movements and games.

Right I'm off to bed. Night all :wave:
Happy Birthday, GL! (I said it on FB already too!) lol.

as far as the bottles... we are completely off the bottle 100%. It took about 2 months but we did it. he would throw tantrums like Flora as well. but one day (this weekend) it just clicked for him.
however, I did use a different cup than normal.

normally we use these:

but this weekend I tried this one:

he took to that one instantly so of course I had to buy more!
Happy Birthday GL! 32 is a great age.
Gabriel only has 4 teeth with 3&4 just barely having popped through. 12 seems like a long way off.
He finally decided to start clapping a few days ago (but only sometimes). I guess he's not a big fan of clapping, maybe that's why it took him so long.
He definitely prefers walking to crawling, at least at home. I think when he's out he's less confident.
His vocabulary has definitely started to take off as well. He's started trying to repeat words that we say to him and knows c'ock (clock), cuck (duck), tee (tree), tu'uck (truck), and he's finally saying dada and mama sometimes. :happydance:
His favorite game is to take all his toys, teethers, books, and pretty much anything he can get his hands on and walk over to the baby gate and drop them on the other side.
Happy Birthday GL!

Connor has 10 teeth but #11 and #12 are just under the surface. The last few days he has had a fever and been off food so I think they will be here soon.
Connor also prefers walking over crawling now at home, but like Gabriel, he is more hesitant when we are out. He also has a good variety of words now too. His newest is die-ber (diaper). Connor favorite thing right now is balls. We have tons in all different sizes. He throws them then toddles after them shouting ball ball. Its so cute!

I hope everyone is doing well. The thread seems very quiet lately!
Hi ladies I've obviously been gone a while. Mostly just busy with school/internship. OH lost his job just before Mika's bday so things have been a bit tight around here. He got a job offer today and I start my postgrad job Monday (don't actually graduate with my degree until the 13th though).

Mika still only has 4 teeth, but tooth number 5 shows some signs of coming soon. We've been able to see it under the gum for three or four weeks now and he's chewing a lot. He's not really talking, only saying "dadadada", but he's babbling with inflection and waving which are new (within the last two days).

He left his daycare a few weeks ago because we simply couldn't afford it anymore since OH wasn't working but he will start as soon as we are both working again. He will be going to the same daycare and he knows the teacher, but I am hoping to have a couple of reintroductory afternoons so he can get used to being with other kids again.

Does anyone else have a LO who is a bully? Mika has a really bad habit of hitting. He is the biggest kid in daycare by a LOT and he also has a habit of just pushing the other kids out of the way and walking over them. He was doing a lot better when he left daycare, so we shall see how it goes.

Lynn-congrats on the BFP!
hi ladies :flower:
havent been on in ages, i havent had any internet other than my phone (which i can only get on fb).
not alot here, jesse has his first black eye, he tried walking and fell and hit his eye on the corner of a coffee table. i cried more than he did :cry: it bled and went blue instantly. its been 3 days and its completely black now :(
still no 100% walking from us yet, hes just started walking from couch to table etc the last few days but he doesnt seem to want to actually walk around or anything.
hes been sleeping heaps lately, going to bed at 9 and waking at 8! its fantastic.
also i think hes going thru a growth spurt, he was 13.1kg when he was weighed when he was sick and a week later he was 14kg!!! that 900g in a week ??
hope everyone is well, will catch up more later

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