good luck Seity!!

so this week is Zander's last week at daycare. I really love the school, but they decided to raise their prices last week. Lucky for me one of my friends recently lost her job at a daycare and was looking to do in home day care... SO, I'll be helping her out and paying her to watch Zander. She watched him yesterday cause his school is only 3 days a week. we can choose which days. Anyway.... HE LOVED HER!!!!

He seriously had the best day yesterday. And she has a 7 year old and a 12 month old- both girls, so Zander of course got his flirt on yesterday..
the best part is, she's keeping up with what they were teaching at his school.

So he's not going to fall behind so to speak. When I dropped him off I expected a major melt down cause he'd never met her before... but he saw her daughters and went right to them.
Finally, more good news, Zander's vocabulary is finally growing (before yesterday he could say "hey", "hi", "dada", "daddy", "uh oh" and "thanks". Yesterday... as clear as a bell he said "kitty" while pointing to our cat!

he then proceeded to try and coax her over to him (that wasn't happening) I'm thrilled he's starting to say more now!
I swear he uses Daddy for everything.... everyone is daddy