march lambs 2010 come on ladies

happy birthday GL, though i said it on fb yesterday,

thanks girls no baby bump to speak of yet just bloat lol, still spotting on and off which is bugging me a bit so trying not to do too much for now.
nothing else really happening here just day to day life lol
Thanks ladies its kind of nice to have a low key birthday this year.

Everyone sounds like they're doing well, learning and growing at different rates, they're all different aren't they?
So finally had Flora weighed, the first time since about 7 or 8 months, and she's jumped a percentile, she's now 9.19kg which is 20lbs and 4oz! So she's 50th centile now, before she was always 25th. I am putting the extra weight down to stopping BF and going onto formula, then cows milk, which she seems to be drinking quite a lot of. And she can eat a small adult portion of pasta! She has also grown a bit taller and she is nearly hitting the underside of the kitchen table now.

PH I've seen those cups with the cut-off teat, I might try it. I tried a doidy cup this morning but I had to hold her hands so she didn't spill it everywhere, and she only took a few sips.

BNK one of my friends baby hits a lot but its just a little phase I think and besides if you're bigger than everyone else it would be hard not to throw your weight around. I'm sure he will learn how to behave over time.

Better go as my lunch break is technically over! :flower:
BNK: Zander is like that at home. From what his daycare teacher tells me, he's an absolute doll... I find it hard to believe cause he's such a bully at home. although, at home his 3 year old cousin is CONSTANTLY taking EVERY single toy from him, so When a toy gets taken, Zander hits.... I'm trying to teach him not to hit, and that I will discipline Bentley but omg.... the hitting never stops at home. also- good luck with the job situation. I know that has to be tough!!!

Lynn: I hope the spotting stops for you soon! :hugs:
question for everyone:
For those of yall that have only one child (for now) are you getting pressure from friends or family about having more. well, maybe pressure is the wrong word but are friends and family CONSTANTLY asking "so, when are you having more?" "ohh... it's about time for another, isn't it??"
I'm really about at my breaking point and I swear the next person to ask me that will get a nasty response.

Yes, DH and I do want more kids and I did want them to be close so the window is probably closing but we cannot afford more kids right now. we are struggling as it is! I don't see why people can't understand that and they think that everything will magically be okay when you have more kids... no it won't... it will be harder and money will be tighter.
I just want to be able to provide for my kids comfortably without TOO MUCH stress iykwim....

Sorry... rant over...
PH- my family asks me daily! I'm so tired of it. I want another but right now is not the right time.
EXACTLY!!! only you and your hubby know when it's best! I don't get what our family's obsession with more kids is. I already made my grandparents GREAT grandparents before my other cousins. luckily my mom and dad leave the topic alone. I think they get it. (and my in laws too) but aunts, uncles, grandparents.... sheesh.... just shut up! :rofl:
tbh one extra doesnt cost alot more esp if they are the same gender as you have everything already from number 1 but i guess you would have medical costs in the US that we dont have. sadly the lovely grants that i got last time are no more which will make this pregnancy a bit more difficult but just mean we have to save more
yeah... I was thinking along the lines of medical, food, diapers, wipes, daycare (since both DH and I work).
Clothes I'm not worried about cause I have so many friends and family that donate clothes around. Zander's clothes have gotten passed to 3 different friends already! :rofl:
PH - People have asked us, but we tell them weren't not having any more and that's pretty much the end of it.
my family is the opposite! we havent told them we are ttc, but when we talk about other children we get told not to and the reasons why. its my bloody life and illl do what i want lol.
btw those on fb would have seen all my statuses about our loan, well we got it :D :happydance: so we are getting a brand new car (jesse is too big for the car we have atm, which is also not working lol)
Tiger-yay on the new car! OH and I are talking about getting him a new one as soon as we get back on our feet. He will be driving quite a way to work, as will I (we work in opposite directions from each other!) His car is a total gas-guzzler so it will be nice to get him something new that doesn't take as much gas. Not to mention his car is a bit of a piece of crap, so he deserves a new one.

We aren't getting a ton of pressure from relatives. My dad mentions that he needs a granddaughter, but he and my stepmom understand that it is OH and I's decision. Tbh I'm ready to start TTC again, but I can't until I will have family medical leave. Once I have worked at my new job a year I can get 12 weeks, but I won't have a lot of leave built up, which sucks because since I'm in the US it won't be paid except by my leave. We tentatively plan to TTC again in Jan. because by the time I have a baby, it will be past my one year. I could wait to save up more leave, but I don't want the new baby to be too much younger than Mika.

PH-At daycare, Mika is the one stealing the toys, lol. I just feel so bad when he hits! I don't want the other parents thinking he's a bad kid!
btw BNK - jesse is a bit of a bully aswell. he hits, pinches bites or anything really :dohh: hes ok with other kids, he just needs to learn what 'gentle' means haha.
Luckily Mika isn't pinching, but starting yesterday he started headbutting. When he would get mad before if I were holding him he would wrap his arms around my neck like he was hugging me and rub his forehead against my face really hard. Now he wraps his arms around my neck and headbutts me.

Today I took a toy away from him and he got mad and walked over and purposely hit his head on the top of the coffee table. I don't get it!:shrug: his Dr. says he isn't going to hurt himself, just let him throw his tantrums, but I usually at least pull him away from anything hard and let him throw the tantrum in the floor. They are becoming full-blown throw himself on the floor, kick and scream tantrums. Anyone want an extra baby for a few days?!? :haha:
i know how u feel. jesses tantrums are getting really bad. he throws himself on the floor and screams and cries :/ poor little man, i move him from anything thats going to harm him too
lol EJs tantrums are going the same way Nates do the full drama throwing themselves around the house hitting things, i just hope he doesnt pick up Nates habit of ripping things up
oo0o facebook group for all of us,
Go spam the march mums on your lists with the link
yay for the fb group for us ! much quicker to reply to aswell! altho someone needs a facebook ....... hehe u know who u r :D
ohhh btw i got my first positive ever on a opk today ! yaya im so excited to know my ov date! cd 27 :D altho i tested 2hrs after that and it was a tiny bit feinter? maybe not enuf hours in between testing ?
probably not strong enough pee hun with the second test. are you guys still ttc or waiting till your probs are sorted? i dont know how u do it i would be going mad with a cycle that long,
Great news on the car Tiger.
I have no idea if Gabriel would be a bully or not. He's never around any other kids except maybe in passing at the store.
We've been getting tantrums for a while now. He doesn't like it when I tell him 'no'. Often, it's when he wants some of my food. I just let him fuss and tell him, "Let me know when your done." and ignore him. After a short time, he stops and goes back to eating his food. So far, ignoring him when he's throwing a tantrum is sufficient, but I'm sure it will get worse and he'll get put in his room for some quiet time.
Sleep has been terrible and tooth #5 just broke the surface this morning. I hate teething!

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