march lambs 2010 come on ladies

PH - That sounds wonderful. I love that Zander is a flirt!

Gabriel will turn his head away and duck his chin when he doesn't want something. That's his version of saying 'no'.
It took so long for Gabriel to even babble or say his first word that I didn't think much about how many words he knows now, but he's got a huge vocabulary. I guess he made up for lost time. His list of words include, "car, cat, monkey, that, clock, sock, duck, tree, mama, dada, hockey, truck, boat, bus, color, toes, and growler" It's funny which words he decides to pick up. He points at every single light in the house, but never actually tries to repeat that word. Most seem to have cropped up overnight. I guess I figured all of yours knew just as many words.
im getting so sick of this ttc crap lol ! i wish that when you were pregnant you had blue pee or something so you knew !
i have so many symptoms this month (im trying NOT to symptom spot tho !)
my boobs are all achy and tingly and i keep getting this stabbing/shooting pain up my cervix! i just want to test damn it :brat:
aaah, I can't wait to TTC again! Only 7-ish more months hopefully!

You are halfway through your two week wait!
i know but the wait is killing me lol ! im getting so frustrated, i just want to know ! im not sure ill last another week lol
PH - That sounds wonderful. I love that Zander is a flirt!

Gabriel will turn his head away and duck his chin when he doesn't want something. That's his version of saying 'no'.
It took so long for Gabriel to even babble or say his first word that I didn't think much about how many words he knows now, but he's got a huge vocabulary. I guess he made up for lost time. His list of words include, "car, cat, monkey, that, clock, sock, duck, tree, mama, dada, hockey, truck, boat, bus, color, toes, and growler" It's funny which words he decides to pick up. He points at every single light in the house, but never actually tries to repeat that word. Most seem to have cropped up overnight. I guess I figured all of yours knew just as many words.

Sometimes I think Zander has a bigger vocabulary than he actually does.
He definitely understands a lot though. For example, in bath time he tends to like to stand up... I don't want him slipping and falling so I always tell him to sit on his bottom. Well, he recently started obeying so he definitely understands a ton! If you tell him to give kisses he'll lean in for a huge open mouth sloppy kiss, or give hugs and he'll run over, slam his head on you and wrap his arms around :cloud9::cloud9: :) (I love those) hehe.

Tiger- hopefully this waiting period gets by quickly! I'm dying to know with you though. haha.
Tiger - I hope the waiting starts to go by faster for you. I never had any symptoms with my pregnancy, so there was never anything to spot.
PH - Gabriel stands in the tub too. I just tell him to be careful. He's gotten really good, but still manages to slip and fall now and then. I love that he'll kiss and hug you. If we ask G for a kiss or hug, he just laughs at us. It's amazing how much more they understand then they can say.
PH- Connor also stands in tub and understands sit down. If he doesn't listen to that I ask "where is your duck" and he sits to find it.
BnK- We are also going to TTC in dec/Jan maybe we will be bump buddies next year!
Seity- Connor also has a large vocabulary but doesn't always want to use it. His favorite word is that. He also has an obession with lights. He reaches towards every light in the house saying "that that" :haha:
Now I'm getting worried again. Mika is waaaay behind the other babies. Not only is he not saying anything (he does babble a lot though, but it is basically only one sound), he doesn't seem to understand anything either. I'm hoping he just isn't a talker. I think at his 15 month check up this month I'm going to ask for an early intervention assessment and a hearing test. It just seems like something isn't right, but I'm probably just being a worrywart.
blonde, was Mika an early walker? I constantly hear babies either talk or walk early.
He might also understand more than you know. he probably just doesn't care to share what he knows or understands. That's how my nephew was. no joke my BIL cussed up a storm in front of my nephew until he was about 2. he's 3 now. no one thought he was listening or paying attention (I never approved of it cause I firmly believe all babies are taking in EVERYTHING even if they don't look like they are) sure enough, out of no where my nephew started cussing up a storm... just a string of profanities!
Mika will probably surprise you one day and out of no where show you everything he knows
Maybe. He does have very selective hearing. He really only pays attention to us whenever he wants to. He started walking on his first birthday, which didn't strike me as particularly early.

My grandfather spoke very late, and suddenly started talking in full sentences. Maybe it is genetic?! :)
It could be genetic. I know of lots of kids who've gone straight to sentences. Just like some kids skip crawling.
I had made a thread about it earlier in toddler area. Like I said there, I may just be paranoid because I see so many kids and can't help but compare him to them. Not to mention that the vast majority of the kids on my caseloads have at least some developmental delay, so I think I overestimate the prevalence.
Hey BnK don't worry - they are all SO different. Sam does not really say anything yet either. He says dadda and when he is really whiny a mamam will slip out (but rarely). I understand your concern though. My 16 months old niece talks up a storm and she will literally attempt to repeat any word you ask her to. So I asked the pediatrician and he said not to worry at all, at this age they do not expect much at all. And he mentioned his own two sons were speaking full sentences at 18 months while his sisters little one had a handful of words at age 2(!) - but then within 6 months caught up to his boys. However, if you say you have a gut feeling something might be wrong it never hurts to ask and check. I am pretty sure though everything is fine :flower:
EJ babbles but doesnt have many words, mum, dad, and NNNNaaahh ( Nate ) are about it lol and Buuubee (boobie) lol
Flora says a few words but not loads. My mum thought she'd said 'up' and 'down ' as well but I haven't heard it. She does understand stuff though. she has also started standing in the bath tub - she still doesn't stand on her own that much though she can but tonight she was just stood there in the bath playing with a toy no worries at all.

My friend had a baby boy today. So lovely and making me so broody!
Tiger good luck ttc and just try to relax while you wait
Bnk I'm sure mika is just fine and you are getting ideas from your work! Suppose it can't hurt to mention it to the doc though
EJ will stand for ages now if hes got something in his hands to concentrate on, Nate was the same it took ages for Nate to walk though lol
BNK - my nephew has only just started saying words in the last month or two, and he's 22 months. Before that he literally just grunted and pointed when he wanted to communicate something. Then, all of a sudden, he started coming out with all these words and says 2-4 new ones a day, he's even starte to put two together.
He was quite an early walker (10-11 months) and is quite early potty training too.

I'm sure Mika is absolutely fine :hugs:

Megan still only really says Daddy and doggy. If you ask her what noise a doggy makes, she says 'woof woof' which actually sounds like 'ugh ugh' but it's her noise for dogs. Lol. Oh she says ted-ted for her teddy. And 'yeah' - and has just started to nod her head for 'yes'. I think she's working up to 'nana' for banana but not 100%. I don't think she's got many words at all.
EJ said Ba-Nana yesterday and my DH got really excited but EJ wasnt saying Banana he was wanting Mike to call Nana on skype on the laptop caus Mike was sat at the laptop lol it was cute

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