march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I've Bfd in public twice, albeit it mummy friendly cafes!! I sort of think 'sod it' about being modest. I drew the line at the cafe where three turkish blokes were right next to me and looking a bit lairy. I've done it so much in front of family and friends now (lots of people saw my boosies today!) that it's no biggie now.

I gave F her first bottle of EBM last night, well DH did, it was about 80 ml (nearly 3 fl oz) and she totally guzzled it and then needed a little top up on the boob as well. Is this a lot for a 4 week old? I have no idea how much she should be taking in...
Hi dont know if Ive been added to the thread I was alway on the 3rd tri one wondered where it disappered tooo!!

Im Jay im 18 and I have a lovely babygirl called Kayla she was born on the 25th february but she was due on the 2nd march so shes still a little lamb in my eyes x.

Hows everyone babys doing at night do they have a routine yet?
Hi dont know if Ive been added to the thread I was alway on the 3rd tri one wondered where it disappered tooo!!

Im Jay im 18 and I have a lovely babygirl called Kayla she was born on the 25th february but she was due on the 2nd march so shes still a little lamb in my eyes x.

Hows everyone babys doing at night do they have a routine yet?

Hi Jay i remember you from 3rd tri,
EJ has a good night routine, he gets his last feed at 9-9.30pm and bed by 10-10.30, then wakes about 4 for a feed and then again at half 7 but doesnt get a feed till 9 and it works for us,
He doesnt normally nap between his 6-9pm feeds although right now hes doozed off on DH's lap lol
I gave F her first bottle of EBM last night, well DH did, it was about 80 ml (nearly 3 fl oz) and she totally guzzled it and then needed a little top up on the boob as well. Is this a lot for a 4 week old? I have no idea how much she should be taking in...

EJ was having 5-6oz at that age hun and now hes taking 7oz and can do 8 first thing in the morning, basicly they say 25 oz a day at one month old and divide that by the number of feeds you do in a day, the other way ive heard of doing it is taking their weight and dividing it by 2 so a 12lb baby would be taking 6oz roughly
Well she's feeding at least 8-10 times per day, so that sounds about right and she's also around 8 lbs I think so yep sounds right. Good. Well if she was still hungry she wouldn't have gone to sleep I guess!

I'm jealous of your night time routine I'm still having, 7-8pm, 11:30 ish, 2ish, 5ish, then 7ish as well as 9ish!! She feeds a lot!
Well M has been crying this evening again. I think it might be colic :cry:

Going to try some breastfeeding things as I think she gets too much foremilk too quickly which is causing her bad intestinal gas. I also had milk & chocolate yesterday for the first time in ages so gotta cut that out again to see if it helps.

Does anyone else struggle to eat enough? I keep track of what I eat on an iPhone app and it counts calories for me. Today I've had 800 - nowhere near enough but I'm not that hungry and I haven't got time to eat anyway. Things I'd usually snack on to up my calories are out of bounds (chocolate, cheese, yogurts etc). It's really hard to eat food 'on-the-go' when you can't eat dairy!
Saying that - I desperately need to lose weight but I know my body will hold onto my fat if I'm not eating enough. Eurgh it's a viscious circle!
greenlady, im lucky with EJ being such a big boy he can go longer caus he drinks more in the daytime he feeds every 3 hours during the day, at 2 1/2 wks he was 11lb 2oz he must be closing in on 13-14 lbs now, i'll find out on friday when he has his 6wk check
EJ has a good night routine, he gets his last feed at 9-9.30pm and bed by 10-10.30, then wakes about 4 for a feed and then again at half 7 but doesnt get a feed till 9 and it works for us,
He doesnt normally nap between his 6-9pm feeds although right now hes doozed off on DH's lap lol

I'm sooooo jealous of u getting almost 6 hrs kip i 1 go! I'm on week 4 of sleepless nites. My baby wakes every hr 1/2 and needs feeding. Are u bf or formula feeding? I'm so shattered I can barely function. :cry: It's really taking its toll. Any advice? He has colic at mo which doesn't help and is only 'snacking' on the breast for about 10-15 mins b4 falling asleep. I need help!!
I'm sooooo jealous of u getting almost 6 hrs kip i 1 go! I'm on week 4 of sleepless nites. My baby wakes every hr 1/2 and needs feeding. Are u bf or formula feeding? I'm so shattered I can barely function. :cry: It's really taking its toll. Any advice? He has colic at mo which doesn't help and is only 'snacking' on the breast for about 10-15 mins b4 falling asleep. I need help!!

are you using colief or anything for his colic hun?
im expressing and bottle feeding him so i know how much hes taking he also was having trouble due to a slight tounge tie which ment he wasnt getting satisfied from the breast as he couldnt draw out the hindmilk, hes been so much better since hes been taking bottles of expressed milk caus hes going to bed on a full tummy,

people are bound to disagree with me but imo even a breastfed baby should be able to go 2 hours between feeds so long as they are feeding not just snacking, it can take a bit to get them to stay awake long enough to take a full feed , i would have to change EJ mid feed to keep him awake enough and hold his hand while he fed and rubed the back of it with my fingers to keep him focused,

my first port of call when EJ cries is to check if he needs winding as he nearly always has trapped wind thats causing his problems rather than actually being hungry, then its check if its a nappy change he needs then his tempeture and lastly feeding but he feeds 3 hourly (hes a big boy so can take alot and go longer) during the day and its only been a week hes been going 6hrs in the night,

Have you thought about expressing? is it possible your LO has a tounge tie?(even a slight one like EJ's can caus problems , i cant get the medical profesionals to aggree that he does or doesnt have one ) have you looked at Baby massage to ease the colic pains? or is it possible its not just colic?

hope some of that helps hun, i can sympathise with the sleepless nights EJ didnt sleep well at night for ages for the first week i was up around the clock with him it felt like,:hugs:
oh and hun i would suguest getting some iron supplements as if your not sleeping your body wont be able to draw iron from your food very well and making sure your eating well and drinking plenty to keep you going,
I promise it does get better, i keep reminding myself of the first few nights and days with EJ everytime i think its bad
I'm pretty sure it's colic as he's in pain after feeding and it usually eases with plenty of winding and back rubbing. Haven't seen anyone about it but spoke to HV and midwives on phone. Using Infacol but not sure it's working that well. Will ask at his check-up on weds. Also my milk doesn't spurt out and can't express yet unfortunately. Worried I'm not producing enough that's why he isn't sleeping for that long. I'm so exhausted tho so haven't been to a bf specialist yet, just topping up with formula... tho he doesn't take too well to bottle. Think it confuses him.
I'm hoping it all gets easier...
Thanks tons for yr help and advice. Big hugs x
Im so jealous of everyone, jesse is just voer 6weeks and doesnt sleep like ur bubs do,e wakes every 3hrs on the dot pratically (last night he slept from 6pm-midnight, but it was OH's 'shift' so it didnt make my life any easier). Lat night he woke at midnight, had 80ml then fell asleep, 1.30am had 180ml, 4.30am had 180ml 5.30am had a cry so i burped him etc, back down at 5.45am, slept until 6.15am, n awake since, so im shattered!!! i cant figure out a) how to get him to sleep longer or b) get him to fall asleep quicker.
mm-btw we r going in 2 weeks
eeeekk i get my bloods back today, fingers crossed they r good.
btw question- i stopped bleeding at exactly 2weeks PP n got my first period yesterday (so 6wks 2 days PP) n i was just wondering if its meant to be heavy or not? my bleeding after i had jesse was EXTREMELY light, i only had to wear liners n now my period is the same, is this normal or is it cuz my iron levels r so low? before i fell pregnant it was usually medium-heavy flow????????
oh n i cant remember who said it but yesa i find i hardly have the time to eat also- i eat only 2 pieces of toast during the day n then dinner around 6pm n tats it, i should eat more because ive lost 21kg since jesse was born :( im getting quite underweight now
I'm not eating much, but not because i don't have time, i just don't have an appetite :(
I'm still bleeding now, it tapered off and then it came back heavy so m/w said that prob be my period but it wasn't as heavy as it normally is, it stopped and now has come back a wee bit. how annoying!
Ella slept 10pm till 6.30am this morning. She does that most nights. then goes straight back to sleep until about 10. How marvellous!!!! :dance:
ur so lucky, i wish jesse would do that at least once so i could sleep lol
well im seein my doctor at 1pm so ill asl him cuz its really odd lol
CocoaOne i find it really difficult to get my normal calories in never mind the extra ones! i'm so busy sometimes food just isn't on my mind and i'm finding most days i'm not that hungry which is why i don't notice i've not eaten much. I know it's important though for bf so i keep saying i'm going to eat more then forgetting, but this week i am going to start. I still snack on chocolate and crisps but i also try to make sure i have fruit everyday, though i've not had any today, or yesterday come to think of it :dohh:
MM thaat is so fab Ella sleeps that long! I feel like Chase will never get there, he is just different all the time. He'll say sleep at the same time for a few days on the run and i;ll think maybe he's getting into a routine, but then he'll change again, his sleeping is so random. The last few nights he's given me 4 hours from roughly 10-2 but then tonight only 2 hours as he wouldn't go down until 12ish and he was back up at 2, sigh.
it wont be popular but a few weeks back i was so drained that i let ej cry for quite a while after putting him to bed (on off crying not screaming) to let him settle himself and now when i put him in bed at night he goes in awake and barely fusses and goes off to sleep nicely and sleep longer than if i let him fall asleep on me, babies have the same 45 min sleep cycles we do so if ej wakes after 45 min i try and wind him and put him back to bed, also if babies get overtired they dont know how to deal with it or how to put themselves to sleep without alot of fussing in my experience
it wont be popular but a few weeks back i was so drained that i let ej cry for quite a while after putting him to bed (on off crying not screaming) to let him settle himself and now when i put him in bed at night he goes in awake and barely fusses and goes off to sleep nicely and sleep longer than if i let him fall asleep on me, babies have the same 45 min sleep cycles we do so if ej wakes after 45 min i try and wind him and put him back to bed, also if babies get overtired they dont know how to deal with it or how to put themselves to sleep without alot of fussing in my experience

Our pediatrician recommended that we allow Mika to cry when we put him down at about 3.5 weeks. We didn't start for another couple weeks, but we started putting him down awake for nap times and he would fuss himself to sleep (he could still see that we were there and we reassured him frequently). Then about a week after that we started doing it at night time. It has worked like a charm. Now when he has his sleep cues 95% of the time he falls asleep with little or no fussing. Occasionally he will scream or cry at naptime, but it is usually 3 minutes or less (I won't let him go over five) and I know it is not his hurt, hungry, or wet cry. I know it is unpopular, but it has worked well for us. I know countless families that have used similar strategies and have happy, healthy, well-adjusted, well attached children and feel perfectly comfortable doing so.
hi girls

finally found 5-mins to have a proper read through everything.... everyone seems to be doing so well with their babies its a it depressing reading for me as we're struggling here - or rather I am. feel so stupid as I've done it before so I should know what I'm doing but I just feel stressed out a lot and not like I am enjoying Roman, and then I feel bad cos I dont want to miss out on enjoying him whilst he is so small. I havent seen him smile at me yet although he seems to like my smell cos he nuzzles into my chest given half the chance.

olivia regressed into wetting and pooing herself for almost a week which did my head in, she adores roman but she still hasnt forgiven me for being in hospital so long, she's even had a few nightmares about it. so that started stressing me out. she is being very clingy and whingy all the time too, and then I feel guilty that I cant give her the attention that I used to.

roman started off doing really well, but I cant get him to sleep longer than 10mins at a time in the daytime unless its late afternoon and he is shattered. and when he is awake he is only happy for 5 mins before he starts getting stressy and wanting to be held all the time. I've tried putting him in the sling but it gets uncomfortable after a while. I cant get him to take more than 4ish oz of milk at any one time so he is still wanting feed every 3-4 hours, and although we've had the odd night where he has gone for 5/6 hours overnight, generally he has feeds at 1130pm, 3am and 6am and cos he is windy and takes ages to settle I am getting a max of 2hrs unbroken sleep. I cant go to bed before his last feed as I have too much to do and its too early for me, but I am averaging 4.5/5hrs sleep a night which is making me have even less patience with the pair of them - specially Livvie, I feel like I am taking stuff out on her too much :(

Taking Livvie for her preschool booster jabs this morning so feel guilty about that too cos she hasnt forgiven me for being away before and she has been such a daddys girl so she is really going to have the hump with me later. have got some chocolate treats to take but she isnt fooled.

sorry for the rant, my mums on holiday and she is my usual venting point
Ahh mummydee don't apologise, were here for you if you need to vent off :hugs: don't be too hard on yourself either just because you have done it before, all babies are different plus you have Livvie to look after too, i think your a star hun i know how hard i find it with just Chase.

Will Roman not go in a swing or bouncer hun? Chase wouldn't go in his bouncer at first so we bought him a swing, only last week he actually stayed in his bouncer while i took a bath :thumbup: It's still early days with Roman too hun, Chase's first 3-4 weeks for me were so hard, somedays i'd just get nothing done, it's better now but somedays are still like that.

That's a shame your sling gets uncomfy after a while as i find mine a lifesaver! Could you try a different one thst may be more comfy? I truly love mine, was having a real bad day last week so decided to properly figure it out and it's so fab as i can get on with all the things i need to do, plus he always falls asleep in it no matter how whingy he is at first.

Hmm as for smiles Chase only started giving us them at about 5 weeks so i wouldn't worry hun.

Hope Livvie's jabs go okay, hugs to you :hugs::hugs: xxx

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