hun firstly hugs

how much milk is he having a day? including the night bottle?
jesse still gets up once a night sometimes aswell for a bottle and does the same thing that zander does, he needs it! tried not giving it to him but it doesnt work. i cant CIO because i stress when jesse cries. i mean i go insane! its not a whinge its just like a painful scream that he does. hes been good with his routine at night lately, sometimes he sleeps right through, others he needs the dummy popped back in his mouth and sometimes he needs a bottle.
im not going to force cutting this bottle out right now because he has cut every bottle down by himself.he was still feeding every 4hrs when he was one because i let him, but i upped his solids intake, and he dropped them on his own. what time do u have dinner? what time does he go to bed? i found that if i feed him dinner later, he has a full belly. example of our routine -
8am wakeup
9am porridge with banana
1030 - rice crackers for snacks
1130 - bottle 240ml (dont know ounces lol)
1230 sandwhich with a banana or yoghurt.
2- rice crackers or watermelon
4- something quick for a snack, ,fruit or a fruit bar
7/730 - dinner
830- bottle 250ml
9pm bed
ive had to push our dinner back because otherwise his belly just isnt full when we go to bed. and if he wakes up in the night its around 3 or 4am.
you are doing the best job that you can ! please dont be upset by other peoples comments! my father is sooo paranoid about jesse and i get told im not doing a good enough job every single day because im not doing it his way ! ie - they HATE blw, they think if he falls and bumps himself something that its MY fault for not looking after him properly.
you are a great mum from what ive seen/heard so you keep doing things your way, and zander will soon drop the bottles.
WOW that turned into a long post! hope it all makes sense! SORRY