march lambs 2010 come on ladies

jj- very cute that he's a chatterbox! :D do you have any videos of him chatting away?
good news about your friend watching him, and that he loves the little baby! That's precious :)

Hi PineappleHead Mom, i just love your account name, it speaks truly of my bubbas hair now. I shave the surrounding coz he was sweating a lot it dries in his hair making him have runny nose. Oooh sorry for butting in, my LO is also a chatterbox makes us happy mom.

I dont have a pic of him but i have this vid of his new hair, he was pushing the poo out!
I just got the pic ........
hi pearl!!! nice to see you around! we have a group on FB as well if you'd like to join!
hahaha cute video! i LOOOOVEEE his hair! too cute! lol.
and you aren't butting in! feel free to join anywhere!
Hi pearl - I love the hair!
Go here for the FB
UUGGGGHHHHH.... it's official.... I'm the worst mom EVERRRR :cry:
I've come to the realization that a lot of things need to change for Zander's routine.
1).... I give him too much milk. (and this will tie into other things that need to change.) It's mostly at night when he gets the milk because
2) he doesn't sleep through the night. He still gets up at LEAST once and I always break down and give him milk to soothe him back to sleep. It's become clear that I need to
3) start letting him cry it out.
I'm just extremely weak when it comes to that. And Zander is very stubborn he will literally cry to the point of making himself vomit. I've tried not giving him milk... rocking instead or giving water. anything else to soothe him, but he fights me tooth and nail to the point of us being up for up to 3 hours... so I give up and give him milk. And then of course the next morning, all I hear from DH and my BIL is "why wouldn't Zander settle??" "what kept him up?" or "why didn't you stop his crying" so then I feel like a terrible person for keeping everyone else awake!!!
:hissy: I just can't win.
I KNOW what I need to do... just stop giving him the milk and cut it back during the day cause keeping up like this he'll turn into one of those obese kids and that's the last thing I want. I'm already obese, I don't want my kid like that too!!!! ugh... any advice would be great.
Aw PH don't know what to suggest? You're not a bad mum! First and foremost. Re feeding at night, I'm not much help because I never got to the cry it out stage, but perhaps the milk is just is habit and you should be consistent if you decide to go down that road. Maybe give him MORE milk in the day, so he won't be hungry at night? I don't think you should worry about obesity because of his milk, it would his solid diet that would have more to do with that i'm sure.
ETA i meant to say I'm sure you feed him a good diet anyway and shouldn't worry about his weight at all, sorry I wasn't very clear!

You aren't a bad mum at all - despite our babies being older we are all still muddling through in one way or another, you're not the only one x
hun firstly hugs :hugs:
how much milk is he having a day? including the night bottle?
jesse still gets up once a night sometimes aswell for a bottle and does the same thing that zander does, he needs it! tried not giving it to him but it doesnt work. i cant CIO because i stress when jesse cries. i mean i go insane! its not a whinge its just like a painful scream that he does. hes been good with his routine at night lately, sometimes he sleeps right through, others he needs the dummy popped back in his mouth and sometimes he needs a bottle.
im not going to force cutting this bottle out right now because he has cut every bottle down by himself.he was still feeding every 4hrs when he was one because i let him, but i upped his solids intake, and he dropped them on his own. what time do u have dinner? what time does he go to bed? i found that if i feed him dinner later, he has a full belly. example of our routine -
8am wakeup
9am porridge with banana
1030 - rice crackers for snacks
1130 - bottle 240ml (dont know ounces lol)
1230 sandwhich with a banana or yoghurt.
2- rice crackers or watermelon
4- something quick for a snack, ,fruit or a fruit bar
7/730 - dinner
830- bottle 250ml
9pm bed
ive had to push our dinner back because otherwise his belly just isnt full when we go to bed. and if he wakes up in the night its around 3 or 4am.
you are doing the best job that you can ! please dont be upset by other peoples comments! my father is sooo paranoid about jesse and i get told im not doing a good enough job every single day because im not doing it his way ! ie - they HATE blw, they think if he falls and bumps himself something that its MY fault for not looking after him properly.
you are a great mum from what ive seen/heard so you keep doing things your way, and zander will soon drop the bottles.
WOW that turned into a long post! hope it all makes sense! SORRY :hugs:
thanks Mom Seity, the shave part is growing now, what a relief, i just get killer stares from some people who think i did it for my pleasure, or some exclaiming, ' what did u do to his hair, it's not even " gosh, if only they knew that it was for LO's comfortabilty(wet hair, itchy scalp ) than for aesthestic view.

PineappleHead : LO doesn't sleep throughout the night too, he wakes up most of the time once every night . He cries and I usually wait for 5 minutes and he doesn't stop I bf him. He sucks like two-five minutes and goes back to sleep.
Yes giving it to him at night and offsetting the milk in the morning is a good idea
, see u solve the problem, So don't feel bad anymore, officially i say by the power vested on me (from whoever or whatever it is LOL), you are NOT a worst mom, you are the best mom for zander. smile :-)
Elliott still has milk 2/3 times a day plus his solid meals and he eats as much as Nate and he gets 2 bottles of water in the daytime as well, he does sleep through the night but we had to force that to happen when we stopped co-sleeping with him i kept getting up for the night feeds but would just try to make them shorter and put him back in the cot away then id stay with him touching his cheek or stroking his head while he settled to go back to sleep, i never really let him get to the point of properly crying before feeding him as i found the less stressed he got the easier it was for him to go back to sleep it honestly didnt take long for him to drop the feeds completely when he was ready ( at this point he was still feeding 5/6 times a day plus his meals) we were really loading him up with food lol and his last feed was always right before bed. Some children arent ready to go through the night till they are closer to 2 yrs old so dont panic about it if he needs the milk still then your just going to stress you both trying to cut it out.
hun firstly hugs :hugs:
how much milk is he having a day? including the night bottle?
jesse still gets up once a night sometimes aswell for a bottle and does the same thing that zander does, he needs it! tried not giving it to him but it doesnt work. i cant CIO because i stress when jesse cries. i mean i go insane! its not a whinge its just like a painful scream that he does. hes been good with his routine at night lately, sometimes he sleeps right through, others he needs the dummy popped back in his mouth and sometimes he needs a bottle.
im not going to force cutting this bottle out right now because he has cut every bottle down by himself.he was still feeding every 4hrs when he was one because i let him, but i upped his solids intake, and he dropped them on his own. what time do u have dinner? what time does he go to bed? i found that if i feed him dinner later, he has a full belly. example of our routine -
8am wakeup
9am porridge with banana
1030 - rice crackers for snacks
1130 - bottle 240ml (dont know ounces lol)
1230 sandwhich with a banana or yoghurt.
2- rice crackers or watermelon
4- something quick for a snack, ,fruit or a fruit bar
7/730 - dinner
830- bottle 250ml
9pm bed
ive had to push our dinner back because otherwise his belly just isnt full when we go to bed. and if he wakes up in the night its around 3 or 4am.
you are doing the best job that you can ! please dont be upset by other peoples comments! my father is sooo paranoid about jesse and i get told im not doing a good enough job every single day because im not doing it his way ! ie - they HATE blw, they think if he falls and bumps himself something that its MY fault for not looking after him properly.
you are a great mum from what ive seen/heard so you keep doing things your way, and zander will soon drop the bottles.
WOW that turned into a long post! hope it all makes sense! SORRY :hugs:

Well, we're off bottles completely first of all. when he wakes at night and I give him milk it's in a sippy cup. THAT was a whole other struggle to get off bottles... I about pulled my hair out cause he'd refuse the cup SO intensely!
Anyway, it seems like I just need to increase his milk during the day, cause from what I can tell with him being with the sitter he has milk at breakfast and milk before a nap. and then water the rest of the time.
Also- pushing back dinner sounds like a great idea. we actually did that last night... didn't eat until 9 pm then he went to bed right after and last night he slept ALL THE WAY... I didn't even realize until it was 7 am and he was awake. :shock:

Thanks everyone for the support. (I think I majorly over reacted yesterday) I don't know why I took what the doctor's said so seriously cause I've never been one of those mom's to go by the book.... UGH I do wish there was a manual sometimes though. :P

I still don't think I can do the CIO method... I always think I can and then I cuddle him or something to calm him down. mainly cause he cries to the point of vomit and I really don't want to clean up vomit! :sick:
I'll just have to try different things, between filling him up more, or watering down the milk until it's just water at night or something.

Thanks again everyone :)
Hey PH, please don't feel bad!! I am sure you will work something out that works for both of you. And yes, maybe he is just not ready yet. Sam does not sleep through either - he did for about 3 weeks but now he is back to waking once or sometimes even twice. I have gotten into the bad habit of soothing him back with a bottle...need to break that pretty soon. The only thing I can say about CIO, if you do decide it then you have to take it all the way and be consequent and consistent with it. If you don't think you can that is perfectly fine, it is not for everyone and there is a lot of controversy about it anyway.

To the mommies of boys...Sam seems to be obsessed with his male is hilarious sometimes!! He was running around in his housecoat the other day (no diaper on) and kept checking every few moments if his family jewels were still there. I am sure it is normal for them to explore and discover their body, just sometimes he seriously seems to be obsessed. :haha:
u wait till potty training hun they practically live with their hand in thier pants its soooooooooooooo gross well at least to me it is lol
u wait till potty training hun they practically live with their hand in thier pants its soooooooooooooo gross well at least to me it is lol

awww no!!! :wacko: i get embarrassed already...telling him it's private :rofl:
Gabriel is grabbing at his parts most of the time. I never gave it much thought because it's what little boys do :rofl:
Yup Connor always grabs his too! I just figured that all boys (and men) do! :thumbup:
jesse grabs all the time too :dohh: hes just figured out that he likes to rip his whole nappy off all the time so i often find him running around with no nappy on :haha:
and im glad u feel better PH :flower: its so stressful sometimes
Megan has just started to try and take her nappy off at every available opportunity :dohh: Seity, you need to get facebook just so you can come on the March page! I hardly ever have time to come on here anymore :-(

How's Gabriel doing? M is walking now, it's so adorable to watch. Oh and she's added a new word to her vocab - 'Bob'. I was singing Bob the Builder and she repeated it. OH heard her later on that day and asked who Bob was. lol
Chase is always pulling at his nappy but he's not managed to get it off yet thankfully!

Ph ur a great mum, glad your feeling a bit better. Chase still sleeps with us and when he wakes I feed him, its not ideal but it works for us and we all get a great nights sleep, which with us both working we need! If he was in his cot I know when he woke I'd bf him back to sleep as I too can't do cio, Chase will cry till he's sick and won't calm down. I did try it once but it just upset us all too much hence why he's with us.

Cocoa I agree Seity come on FB just for our page :thumbup: ahh isn't it lovely when they start walking.

Hubby is actually off today, he's worked the last few Saturdays, but he's going for promotion at work so he's doing his application. Chase is flat out on me so I'm just chilling watching a bit of tv in piece. My mum is coming to babysit tonight and we're going for something to eat, can't wait it's ages since we've been for a meal. What's everyone else up to? Hope everyone has a fab weekend x

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