march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Flora has done a few steps here and there and often stands, she stood herself up with no props a few times as well. She looks like she'll be walking within 2 or 3 weeks. But she's now standing in the bath all the time and refuses to sit down! its hard to wash her properly like that.
Scan Pics thread
feel free to make your predictions on gender girls heres the scan pics
Great scan pics Lynn! I'm sticking with my orginal guess of it being a girl! :flower:
Anyone else going through the 15 month growth spurt? Gabriel has been eating non stop for the last two days. He even breastfed for 2 hours this morning!
Maybe he heard he has his next checkup next week and is trying to bulk up :haha:
i think EJ is lol constantly wanting boob ( not nice when they hurt ) and food if boob isnt on offer
jesse is going through a massive growth spurt at the moment (not that he needs much more damn growing !!!) . hes been waking at least 5 times a night just screaming his lungs out, i cant console him at all, we just have to give him bottles, last night jonno gave him a bottle and hour and a half after his last one (much to my dissaproval, i dont want him getting in the habit) and he drank the whole lot!!! and yesterday he napped for 5hours 15 min :shock:
wow thats alot of nap lol

im pissed off today, caus of soemthing that happend yesterday, i had a friend ( not on here i know her from my pregnancy with Nate over 3 yrs ago ) well she had a MC about 6wks ago, and when i annouced my pregnancy on facebook then i messaged her again to send my condolences to her she replied asking when i was due so i told her , she would have been due the same week as me, so i purposely was trying not to have things popping up all the time in my feed about my pregnancy to be sensitive towards her but we have 40+ mutual friends so when they posted on my wall etc.. it was bound to come up in her feed. I was trying my best to be nice about it caus after having had MC myself i know its not easy esp when someone you know is pregnant and due so close to your dates. anyway last night i updated my status saying a cold cider would be good ( its a common pregnancy craving for me and she knows that caus we joked about it 3+ yrs ago when we were pregnant and it came up when i was pregnant with EJ too ) and she went off her head on her status saying " why cant people just be grateful for what they have etc....". when her friends asked her what was up she posted " Just someone i know whos been rubbing her pregnancy in my face since she anouced it is now saying she wants to go get pissed" and all her friends started slating me on her wall. Shes deleted me from her list and TBH im glad caus i was gonna delete her this morning i only found out about it caus it popped up in DH's news feed.
I cant believe her i was being so nice to her before she knew i was pregnant offering to watch her children etc... trying to do anything i could to help out because of her MC caus she only lives around the corner from me and then she goes and slates me like that in public and now 40+ people on my friends list know all about it caus they saw it all and figured it out caus she wasnt half obvious about who she was talking about:growlmad: and its made me look like i was being an insensitive bitch to her and i was trying my hardest to do the opposite:wacko: . Im sick of it

oh and to top it off DH choose to use the moment to have a go at me about what i post on Facebook like it was my fault!
its not my fault that i use facebook to comunicate with my friends on the other side of the world, i only opening said about my pregnancy on FRIDAY last week there and of course my friends and family want to congratulate me , if people have a problem they have the option to hide posts i hide a dozen or more "apps" a week caus they are offensive or boring or just irritating if she didnt want to know she could have taken steps to avoid seeing it she only probably got the feed from the comment she posted on my wall saying congratulations, its hardly my fault that 30 odd other people commented on the same post?
Ugh, people who'd believe that nonsense or have a go at you aren't worth your time. It's a shame she had to react so badly.
Congrats on finally making your announcement!
Lynn - that sucks. She's obviously not a close friend, or shouldn't be, if that's the way she wants to behave. I'm pretty selective about what I put on facebook for that reason - things can so easily be misinterpreted and then it turns into a debacle. SHe's probably just upset and jealous, people do strange things when they're in a bad frame of mind.

Flora just ate about 8 mouthfuls of mushroom risotto including big chunks of mushroon and also it had porcini in it. She's got sophisticated tastes! But she's not as hungry as usual and I think she's teething again as her hands are in her mouth all the time and she's a bit whingy. Two molars and one bottom incisor are all coming through at the same time :dohh:
oh poor flora :hugs: EJ's jst got the one molar left causing him misery then thats it till he cuts his second row of molars lol, hes been ok with it and it hasnt affected his eating habits much
Lynn, I'm soo sorry she was so rude about everything. I don't understand how some people can be like that. they have no problem in the world talking about you behind your back, but heaven forbid they say something to your face!
Sounds like you're better off now. At least everyone on ur FB now is supportive and happy for your pregnancy. I know it's not your fault yall got pregnant around the same time etc, but at least now you don't have to worry about offending someone.

I'm absolutely miserable girls... I haven't been 'round lately cause home life is terrible DH has been accusing me of cheating on him. which is absolutely not true. for one, I have no time to cheat! I'm either at home with him and Zander or at work. and for two I would never!!!! After 5 years you'd think he would know that about me. So I dunno what's going on. And to top it all off, I got word this morning when I came into work that Tuesday will be my last day. I knew it had been slow around here at work lately but apparently my boss thinks it's just not going to pick back up. so he can't justify keeping me on. He's letting me stay till Tues so on Fri when we get paid I'll have a full paycheck.

I just want to cry.
:hugs: PH
I can only imagine the stress you must be under right now.
oh PH, im so sorry hun :hugs: did your husband give a reason as to why he thinks you are cheating ? :wacko: tbh i dont think i would ever have time to think about another man let alone cheat with one !
things have been hectic here, we move in 1 week and im struggling to get the house perfectly clean before we go :( jesse just hasnt been sleeping lately at all! i thought he was cutting the top 2 teeth next to the middle ones, and they have cut but hes still been waking up every hour just screaming his head off and i couldnt understand why and when i finally got a chance to feel around, his molars have half cut the skin :( that explains the absolutely horrid sleepless nights, even when he was newborn he slept better than this !! its seriously driving me insane having to live to 3-4hrs sleep again :cry:
oh PH, im so sorry hun :hugs: did your husband give a reason as to why he thinks you are cheating ? :wacko: tbh i dont think i would ever have time to think about another man let alone cheat with one !
things have been hectic here, we move in 1 week and im struggling to get the house perfectly clean before we go :( jesse just hasnt been sleeping lately at all! i thought he was cutting the top 2 teeth next to the middle ones, and they have cut but hes still been waking up every hour just screaming his head off and i couldnt understand why and when i finally got a chance to feel around, his molars have half cut the skin :( that explains the absolutely horrid sleepless nights, even when he was newborn he slept better than this !! its seriously driving me insane having to live to 3-4hrs sleep again :cry:

that's how I am too- I feel like I have soo much going on I seriously would not know when he'd think I was cheating! :saywhat: he never gave a reason... he just said he was having "paranoid thoughts".

Sorry you haven't been getting much sleep anymore tiger :hugs:
I'm not looking forward to the molars coming in tiger. I'd hate to go back to 3-4 hours sleep after I'm finally used to 4-5 every night.
i didnt think the molars came in this early ? jesse has been pretty delayed with his teeth so i wasnt expecting them for months!!! he slept a little better last night! altho it was still horrible to how he usually sleeps :( he used to sleep 9pm-8am and now he doesnt go to bed until 10pm, wakes at 1130pm,2am,330am, 430am 530am and then up at 730 :( driving me insane
my boys both started on their molars at 10 months lol EJs got all 4 now thankfully

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