march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Ah Dee - I half know how you feel. M cries for hours in the evening and I actually told her off the other day :cry: I felt like such a bad mum

I think we need to remember that our babies are quite a bit younger than most of the others on here, and these early weeks are definitely the hardest! I know how you feel about sleep - I only get 2 or 3 hours maximum. Such a drain
No suggestions about Livvie- maybe play a game that you can involve Ro in too? Burly her a nice present from Ro to say thankyou for being the best big sister? Can DH take Ro for a few hours so you can do girly shopping with Livvie?

Give it a couple of weeks and I think (hope) that they'll noth turn a corner and be much more manageble. M hates being in her bouncer and her Moses basket - so has to be on us most of the time. I've ordered a Mei Tai sling as I was finding the Moby takes too long and is too much faff to put on.
dee if you can get out with your OH or a friend with both kids and let your friend or OH take roman in one puschair and go one way and you go the other and spend some quality time with livvy, that way you are around if Roman needs you but your not with him thye whole time which will make Livvy feel special, we do it when we go shopping instead of getting the silly trolley with a toddler and baby seat then DH gets a baby trolly and i get a normal one and we split the list and I take Nate and DH takes EJ that way we both get to spend quality time with the boys, Nate loves it caus he gets to help me shop and DH gets time with EJ without me around,

it is tough with 2 but it does get eaiser i promise,
I had a rough patch where EJ wouldnt sleep at all in the day but now he drifts off to sleep nicely for me a couple of times in the day and gets his rest and it gives me time to spend with Nate too
How has everyone's day been?

M is 4 weeks old today- I can't believe it's been that long, feels like she's only been here a few days. I weighed her today and she was 10lb 2oz (in a clean nappy and long vest) so I reckon she's at least 10lb now.

Had a calm day today, but dreading her waking up in a bit as 6/7pm is when she starts crying and doesn't stop for hours. Got her bath stuff all ready & waiting, so hopefully that will keep her calm for the evening- fingers crossed!
thanks girls - had a MUCH better day today, typical after that rant really!

Took Liv for her jabs - she didnt bat an eyelid, not one tear, nothing other than saying "I'm not very impressed" in the car on the way home! result!

Managed to get Roman to take 5oz of milk at 12noon and guess what, he slept for 5.5hours pretty much, only waking when I changed him and took him to get weighed! He took another 5oz at 530pm and has been awake, relatively happy and bright as a button since. he is making noises, looking around at everything and kicking his legs and arms about like a loon. he keeps trying to grab the mirror on his babygym!

DH has taken Liv to the supermarket so me and Roman are just having some bonding time together and its been lovely!

As I said, took him to be weighed this afternoon and he is a chunky 10lb 2oz now, he has put on another 12oz in the last week! :)
Well it took an hour of rocking and bum patting - but she's asleep! Yay! I just hope she stays that way.

Glad you've had a good day Dee. Jealous of 5.5 hours!!
sounds like things are looking up for you two, i had a stressful morning with the boys then DH got home andhelped a little, just took EJ to the shops so hes sleepuing in his carseat for now andf hopedfuly will stay that way till his next feed, but as a result of going out im very overfull caus i'm late to express so its tough going
My day has been pretty good. F had a nearly 3 hour nap in the morning. The HV finally ame to see me and I thought pretty pointless visit, just going over stuff I already knew really! She didn't weigh her (we don't do that) so I'm off to get her weighed again tomorrow at the drop-in clinic. I am guessing about 8 and a half pounds, if that. How much weight are they supposed to put on each week? Is it about 170- grams I think I read?

Dee and Cocoa - 10lbs 2!! good weight! I don't think my LO will catch up to that! And cocoa I know you struggled a bit with BFing as did I, but seriously your booby juice is rocking now girl!

Anyway rest of the day, went to docs to get some contraception, I'm going on the mini pill. Not quite ready to have sex yet but it takes 2 weeks to that's my grace period. I can't put DH off forever! Have you guys DTD yet??

Afternoon nap she did in the sling because being held etc wasn't soothing her. Also got smiles today! Very exciting. She had a nice bath, and is now in bed. I am going to be shortly expecting to be up again around 11.
I think I read that 1/2oz to an oz a day is average, so 3.5 to 7oz a week. Which is 100-200g a week. I bet she's put on more than you think!

I've got no idea what to do about contraception. Don't want to rely on condoms again but I hate the thought of the pill- I was on it for 8 years but came off as I hated putting fake hormones in my body everyday. I know too many people who've got pregnant with a coil....

We haven't DTD yet as I'm still bleeding a bit (and I'm scared!) but I'm feeling the urge now :haha:
M just woke *sigh*

Does anyone elses LO wake whenever they pass wind? It seems to hurt her loads and wakes her up everytime :-(
ive DTD with OH and for some reason it hurts like all hell now! (sorry to scare) but it feels like im being ripped apart in there, i am assuming my cervix still isnt back to normal yet because weve been DTD for 4weeks now and its only just starting to not hurt as bad.
:cry: I am extremely upset today :cry: i was at the hospital until 4am (its now nearly 8am), with my sister :cry: she had a miscarriage :( no-one knew she was pregnant!! shes been having an extremely rough time with her ******* of a boyfriend, theyve been together 6yrs n he cheated on her n has been hanging here by a piece of string for just over a month not knowing if he loves her or not, n shes been so stressed she lost 16kg in 2weeks (she never had the weight to lose, she know weighs 48kg n shes 5ft 10 ) because she hasnt been eating n if she does shes too upset n throws it up :( anyway she took a HPT last week n it was positve 9only found out yesterday) n then yesterday morning she got what she thought was her period n thought the test was a false alarm, anyway she got horrible cramping while we were out n then she got home n wiped and a chunk of flesh came out!! she ran out of the bathroom n was like csomething came out that wasnt meant to, i was like what? what could come out? n she showed me n it looked like a piece of raw chicken with a bit of blood in it, n then she told me about the test n i was like 'o shit'. off to hospital with her in tears, had to leave jesse with OH n we waited for 7hrs before a doctor would see us because there was a huge emergency, anyway, she told them n she took another test (came up negative) n showed them the meaty thing n they did tests on that n it was her baby!!! i didnt think it was possible to come out whole (they were stunned to) buh they opened it up n u coul,d actually see the poor thing!! i started bawling my eyes out :cry: bcuz i couldnt imagine how she felt n it was so small. she was 13weeks :cry: she thought she hadnt had her period because of the stress :( im so upset
CocoaOne - Glad things are going a little better for you today! :) Did she stay asleep in the end?

I think Lachlan too wakes up when he passes wind...he grunts and grumbles about it, I can't think of anything else it must be :shrug: It's a pain in the bum lol

Dee - Funny about Livvy's response to the jabs :lol: What a good girl taking them so well! Great news about his 5.5 hour sleep, that's an amazing sleep for during the day :thumbup: Would've given you a good chance to have a well needed catchup :)

Lynn - Sorry to hear you had a hard morning, how did the rest of the day go in the end? Hope it was a little better for you x Ugh isn't it horrible being over full! :nope: I'm a little overfull at the moment due to LO having a bottle of formula to settle him before bed last night, it's awful

Greenlady - You might be surprised with her weight! I'm guessing 9 to 9 and a half lbs :) Aww exciting about smiles!! I realised the other day that Lachlan started smiling properly at exactly one month!

I'm planning to go on the mini pill too - despite having become pregnant on the combi pill :dohh: But that was because I was on antibiotics at the time and just didn't think about it, the pill had worked fine for me for a good few years before LO made his appearance lol so I will have to be careful this time around!
OH and I DTD at around 3 weeks PP. I had been feeling ready from about a week and a half after I gave birth, and things were getting pretty tense but OH was put off by the fact that I was still having blood loss so we waited a little. It was a bit scary going in to things, as I didn't know what to expect but it was great :thumbup: :lol: Just take it slowly and use lots of lube and you can't go wrong really! I've found I don't even need the lube now

Tiger - :( Ooh, ow! Hope your lady bits start feeling better soon, that sounds mega painful! :hugs:
Oh my goodness, your poor sister :cry: I hope she's okay, that must have been so frightening for her, and for you too :( :( It sounds like she's been having an awful time. So did the doctors think it may have been caused by the stress and weightloss etc? Big hugs to you guys! :hugs: xx
oh Tiger, hugs to you and your sister :hugs: xx
how were your iron levels hun?
For once I haven't gone back to bed, but it's because I had to get up for midwife at 9am (it's just after 10.30 now..). It was her last visit :( I felt like I could have cried, she's been so lovely and so helpful and I got on with her quite well. I bought her a big box of cadbury chocolates and gave her a pic of Lachlan to remember him by :cloud9:

He even gave her some big smiles, which was the first time she'd seen him smile as I saw the plunket nurse (HV) last week, and he wasn't smiling last midwife visit. He's always much smilier in the mornings, anybody else find that with their LOs? It's odd...he even squealed at me again this morning lol so cute :D

I booked an appointment at the doctors for Lachlan's 6 week jabs and my 6 week checkup. Damn fee for under 5s is 14 bucks! I think it's rather rude that they're charging :nope: But anywho...should be interesting. I'm going to feel so bad for LO when he has his jabs...he does this really sad wail, and I can't just see him doing it when they stick the needle in..

So LO's developed this lovely habit of just crying straight off the bat, really angrily or sadly when he wants something (especially if he just wants his dummy - he'll have been fed, changed etc prior so i know it's not anything like that). Really impatient (maybe like his mummy lol...oops). It's a bit stressful and a bit of a pain in the ass, especially as it happens when I'm trying to get stuff done at the end of the day - namely dinner or the dishes :grr: So I can't exactly drop everything just to put his dummy in his mouth if I'm wearing the germy rubber gloves, or if I'm preparing dinner. Fun times...
He went mental day before yesterday with this carry on and I got very pissy because the neighbours up the back started up with their shitty bassy music, and it was vibrating thru our small house and I must admit, I swore at them out the door cause from the doorstep I could see them and they could see me. Not that it did any good, but I was overtired and stressed lol :blush:

Hmm, I think it's feeding time...Lachlan's getting grumpy, and hiccups aren't helping matters lol damn hiccups

I bawled my eyes out when i said goodbye to my midwife Rwhite. i'm still really sad. i've talked to her since on facebook though. The other midwife i was real close to aswell and she still txts me, she has to come back over coz i put a dread in her hair and she has to come over to bring it back- got her cornered lol!!
$14!? Mine was free!! They did say they were gonna put the price up to $12 though. Just be strong hun, the jabs suck- i held Ella when she got them. She screamed sooo much she screamed when they put the needle in and then they still had to push the syringe down iykwim so i'm sitting there looking at ella howl in pain while they finished, poor wee thing. After i sat there and breast fed her and she calmed down. She was a wee bit grizzly the rest of the day, not too bad- very drowsy ad had a good nights sleep. They gave me paracetamol incase she got a fever, i checked her temp at night and it was only 37.6 and she was fine so i didnt need to use it. When she was getting the jabs i got a wee lump in my throat- but i was ok, just hold him hun and talk to him- the calmer you are the calmer her will be. And he won't remember it. :hugs:
Ella's baby monitor (the breathing one) went off this morning!! :shock: I wuickly sat up and I heard her let out a big fart and a big breath out so she mustve been holding her breath trying to push this big fart out LOL! it has gone off a couple of times b4. I just make sure if it does i don't panic and i just quickly check her. I don't mind false alarms- i know they can happen so it's not scary when it goes off, i would rather that than not have it at all. Atleast i know if its quiet she is safe and sound. I love it! Just thought it was hillarious her big fart and sigh of relief when it went off :haha:
Tiger - that's awful! Your poor sister :hugs: I hope she (and you) recover from it quickly. At least she had you there to support her.

I had a quick feel earlier to see what things felt like in my moo-hoo- my cervix is really low. I hope it moves up soon or I can see sex being quite painful.

Rwhite - no, M woke after 40 minutes with wind and she's still awake now, 3 hours later :cry:
I hope Lachlan settles soon, horrible when they cry, it breaks my heart!

MM - that's why I didn't get one of those monitors, I'd have a heartattack each time it went off!
cocoa- its only gone off a couple of times. I couldn't do without it to be honest! Only probs i've had with it was when we 1st got it and i got up for a night feed and get her up and forget to turn it off and so i'd quickly have to run back in and turn it off so it wouldn't wake up OH lol
MM - Thanks for the advice hun :hugs: So scary eeek...I'll keep you posted with how they go. I can handle him crying any other time (as in not get sad about it) but if it's because he's in pain it will be a tricky one :(
LOL about Ella's fart, that's so funny :rofl:

CocoaOne - Aw poor wee dot, do you think it might be colic? xx Big hugs to you both :hugs:
kris hunni:hugs: my condolences to you and your sister ive had a few misscarriages myself and know how awful and shocking it can be in the first few days to deal with,

MM, omg you made me laugh with Ella's fart hehehe, I dont have a baby monitor caus my kids make enough noise i know when they wake up without one lol

The rest of my day wasnt too bad, after dinner we watched Avatar which has just come out on dvd here,

im changing things up a bit with EJ's feeds today caus he wakes at half 7 and i like to give him feeds 3 hrly starting at 9am but hes so hungry he cries till he falls asleep right before 9 so im going to give him a whole bottle at half 7 when he wakes then a top up of as much as he wants at 9 then go from there with 3 hourly for the day, ( i dont want to mess up what time he goes to bed caus its working )
i don't use the sound part of it, it just tells me if she stops breathing.
kris hunni:hugs: my condolences to you and your sister ive had a few misscarriages myself and know how awful and shocking it can be in the first few days to deal with,

MM, omg you made me laugh with Ella's fart hehehe, I dont have a baby monitor caus my kids make enough noise i know when they wake up without one lol

The rest of my day wasnt too bad, after dinner we watched Avatar which has just come out on dvd here,

im changing things up a bit with EJ's feeds today caus he wakes at half 7 and i like to give him feeds 3 hrly starting at 9am but hes so hungry he cries till he falls asleep right before 9 so im going to give him a whole bottle at half 7 when he wakes then a top up of as much as he wants at 9 then go from there with 3 hourly for the day, ( i dont want to mess up what time he goes to bed caus its working )

What was avatar like hun, did you enjoy it? :) Tom's thinking about buying it on bluray

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