march lambs 2010 come on ladies

morning girls

had a pretty fab night with Roman - he had a feed at 1115pmish, started to stir at 3am but popped his dummy back in and he settled til 4am, had another 5oz and went til 730am... think he prob would have slept longer but his big sis woke him up so he decided he was hungry!

Kris - so sorry to hear about your sister hon, big hugs to her xx

Becki - Roman sometimes wakes up with wind, but once he has passed it he settled v quickly again. Did you try infacol/colief?

Lynn - hope your new routine goes well today!

Avatar ROCKS by the way, I love it!!
oh and as for contraception and DTD I'm still undecided! we've messed about but not DTD exactly, came close last night though and then I suddenly remembered we didnt have any contraception in the house!!!

I'm loathe to going back on the pill but if my periods come back heavy and painful then I might have to. Dont fancy the coil/iud/implant/injection really, and HATE condoms. DH is talking about going for the snip, but I'm still not definitely 100% on having no more children despite the fact we agreed this would be our last and after the labour going wrong and stuff the only way I would have another is by elective c-section but not sure if you can just insist on one!
Well apart from the crying, we had an ok night once she was settled.

OH bought her up to bed asleep at 1am, she woke at 4am so I fed her lying down and she drifted off at 4:30 and woke again at ten to 9. Just fed her and she's fallen straight to sleep. I just wish the evenings were this easy!

Really hoping my Mei Tai sling comes in the post today, I was expecting it yesterday. Today is OHs last day off work :cry: In some ways I'm looking forward to me & M getting into our own routine, but I'll definitely miss giving M to OH to sleep on so I can get things done/shower etc.

Dee- I give her gripe water, which seems to get her burps up easier but doesn't do muchfor bottom gas. I thought about colief but it sounds so hard to give to breastfed babies. There's no way I'd get M to drink it from a spoon! I suppose I could try giving it mixed with some milk in the infacol dropper. That's what I do with the gripe water.

ETA: Mei Tai is here! Woo! Just got to wait for M to wake so I can try it out.
Lynn good luck with EJ's new routine hun!

CocoaOne have fun playing with your new sling hun, fingers crossed it works and she falls asleep init like Chase does.

Tiger, aww i'm so sorry about your sister hunni sending you both big hugs :hugs:

Mummydee so pleased you had a better day hun and how brave is Livvie. It's great you and Roman have had some bonding time.

RWhite i thought Avatar was brill! Went the pics to see it but dying to see it again.

Well we tried something different last night, Chase will usually always fall asleep around 9-9.30 (thats the only thing he does consistently) and when he does i go to sleep on the couch with the spare duvet so i can do his next feed downstairs and watch tv (too lazy if i'm upstairs to come down see). Anyways last night hubby said we should put him upstairs and i should go to bed just to see if he would sleep longer, he slept from 9-1 :happydance: but he would sometimes do this anyway but i think i slept better so going to do this in future and i just came down at 1 when he woke up.

Ahh Chase has been in agony with being constipated today due to his gaviscon. I've tried not giving it him but then his reflux is really bad. I phoned the docs before as he was crying in pain it broke my heart that i couldn't do anything for him :cry:he was proper sobbing and screaming, i've tried everything to help him go, thankfully the doctor has left him a prescription for something.

We're having a lazy day today with Chase being constipated he's so whingy and just wants cuddles and to comfort suck.
Wow, lots going on here.

Wren also wakes up with bad gas/fart pains, last night she was up every 2 hrs with them, poor thing. IT is soo heart wrenching to see her cry in pain.She is still having a rough time of it today, looking forward to the OH coming home from work to give me a break to be honest

The lactation consultant came by today, she wighed Wren adn she is now just over 9lbs! I am soo happy, my baby girl is getting big!

The lactation lady doesn;t know why I am still having pain BF'ing, she has suggested I talk to the Dr about getting Wren's thing under her tongue snipped as that may be the reason and to go the the womens hospital breastfeeding consultants to have my breastmilk anaylsed as she can;t explain why I still have soo much pain. My breasts hurt all teh time it seems, like a deep muscular pain and burning. It is epsecially painful at night, I have strated to pain killers as I can't get back to sleep from the pain

Tiger, I was sorry to read about your sister, I hope she is OK

We still havent seen Avatar yet but I keep hearing good things about it.

My firend in Australia has announced her pregnancy today, she told me a few weeks ago but now it is public knowlegde, I am soo happy for them. We are hopefully going to Oz next year as one on my best friends from school lives there now and is geting marrieds so we will be able to meet my other firends baby and show Wren off
Hi All, Tiger I'm so sorry about your sister that's really awful news :hugs:

Flora is quite gassy as well and I often hear her grunting in her sleep trying to pass wind. It's a bit annoying because I think she's waking up but she isn't always! She hasn't had a proper long nap today and has had a really overtired afternoon, has been screaming (when not on the boob) for las the last hour or two. I've just put her in her moses basket with the dummy, not quite asleep but we'll see hopefully she'll drop off. Grr she grizzled just as I wrote that- went in and then she started screaming! I'm got her in the bouncinette now hopefully napping...

She now weighs 3.825 kgs, which is I think 8lbs 7oz!! 9 and a half RWhite - that would have been something!

Cocoa good luck with the sling - I've found for me it works best when she's fed and already calm, it just makes her scream louder if she's already upset!

JJ sorry to hear about Chase's constipation and I hope it clears up soon.

And emskins, BFing still hurts me a bit too. When its cold, my boobs really ache. Also at night, it doesn't keep me awake but I can sort of sympathise. The latching still makes me cringe a bit, and although not painful the feed itself isn't what I'd call comfortable. I've read a lot of comments in the BF section about how it really can take some time to feel fine. I hope that you resolve whatever the problem is and continue to BF!
thanks for the well wishes girls, unfortunately we ended up going out and were late home so ej was late for a feed and haddnt really slept so he doozed on me till Nate squealing woke him up then i had to feed him,
ive just had a big fight with DH caus i got stressed while we were out caus i was tired and Nathaniel had been being a right brat and stressing me out and all i could see was that the whole trip was pointless for me and the boys we could have all stayed home and had naps but we had gone out for no benifit to us on DH's erands and i had a baby late for a feed as a result, and dh has blanked me since we got home till i blew up at him properly and i dont know what hes thinking hes taken Nate to bed now after making his own dinner while i took care of the boys, i guess i'll find out when he gets back
thanks everyone :flower: its justso sad because now she has a baby in her life it got her extremely upse n shes already stressed from her relationship issues. its odd because shes never wanted kids this early, shes wanted to work then travel for 10yrs (opposite to me really ) n se told me she stopped taking the pill for a month by accident!! dont think thats possible , i ave a feeling she wanted to get pregnant to try and patch up her relationship, its so sad, i dont know what to do for her apart from being there :cry:
Avatar is excellent! i loved it!
btw MissMuffett- my iron levels are higher :dance: not by much but its a start! they were 78 buh are now 89, my doctor was suprised when i was talking to him about how light my period is, he said 'with ur iron levels being so low im quite shocked you r even getting your period'. :shock:
jesse seems to be getting into a routine :happydance: !!! for the last 3 nights, he seems to be sleeping from 6-midnight and then until 5-5:30! im really liking it! would be great if it keeps up!
btw - where is DM2 these days??? :shrug:
Everyone sound like there having quite good night sleeps!. I changed over usernames I used to be jay.92 girl just incase you get confused.

I love kaylas sleeping pattern shes such a great sleeper dont know how I got so lucky or what I am doing right lol!.

She has a larger bottle at about 6pm and then have a normal size but normally only drinks 90mls of it then shes asleep by 8.30pm then shes up at 6am. Me and my partner take the days in turn to get up at 6am so I get a lay in here and there I love her routine its great. It might be because I do the same every single night and shes just got used to it.

She has different nappies at night as well as she dont like wet nappies it wakes her instantly so we have found pampers baby night ones for her size there great shes sleeps alot easier!.

How much does everyones little one weigh? I think kaylas to small for her age!. shes oonly drinking 120mls and she 10 weeks tomorrow !!
Tiger- really!? I was bleeding really heavy and my iron was at 70, i didn't think it had anything to do with iron levels? Or maybe thats coz it wasn't my period it was postpartum bleeding, lol I dunno. the transfusion brung my levels up to 113 :dance: (prob be lower now, i always have had problems with iron) That's so good yours are 89 that's a great jump u must be doing something right hun r u taking iron pills? Eating red meat? Everyone tells me to eat red meat, green leafys etc bt i don't i hate green leafys and red meat! lol!
I hope your sister feels better soon, I agree how is it possible to "accidently" stop taking the pill for a month?! Poor thing, she must be going through a really rough time. :cry:
well thats what he told me, because my iron levels are that low i souldnt be getting my period. PP was extremely light also.
I think she may have 'forgotten' the pill on purpose to try and patch things up, itsa so sad, im sick of seeing her like this, she is honestly going to end up in a loony bin if things keep up, the other week ihad to rush out to her cuz she was sitting in the middle of a local soccer field screaming and crying rocking back n forth. its heartbreaking :nope: :cry:
btw yes i am taking iron tablets, the strongest ones out lol but it sucks because they make me horrribly constipated (more so than i was before :blush: ) so i have to take fibre stuff too. my dr also prescribed me a bum numbing cream :haha: lol because i told him it feels like im passing shards of glass and that the toilet is filled with blood when im done (sorry tmi), so he prescribed me that so i dont feel it lol!
Wow, I am always shocked at how much goes on in a couple days!

Congrats to the ladies who are getting routines established and finally getting some sleep!

Tiger-I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Where is her bf now?

We have been having a really bad time with Mika lately, his colic is ridiculous and OH doesn't handle it well (he's a SAHD). A few days ago he texts me at work that he thought he was going to hurt LO so he had put him in his crib and I needed to come home because he was afraid. While I was on the way home he texted me that he hates LO and me and was leaving in the morning if LO didn't go away. When i got home he was in tears and said he didn't mean any of it he just can't handle the screaming. So I took care of Mika and got him in bed (I work late evenings) and we popped some popcorn, watched a show we were wanting to see, and talked. He was much better after that. I know he would never hurt LO, I have had to do the same and put LO in his crib while I cool down before. I just worry that he will grow to resent him. He used to have such fun playing with him all the time and since the colic has started he doesn't seem to enjoy him as much, and tbh neither do I. I feel guilty for that but its hard to enjoy a baby who just screams for hours on end.

But...light at the end of the tunnel...we have now had two completely colic free days! I hope it continues, but two good days a week is better than no good days a week, right?

Sorry, just had to have a little rant. I really am proud of my little man, today he sat for a good two or three seconds unaided, and he sits very well with pillows. I am buying a Bumbo for him tomorrow because he love sitting and I think he will like it. His newest trick is to stand on our laps and bounce...he gets very annoyed if you try to make him sit or lie down!
:happydance: im a happy mummy , EJ slept from 10-5 :thumbup: soo happy with that it makes it much eaiser now as he will probably sleep till 8-8.30 so then he can get up have a naapy change and i can get breakfast and feed him at 9, i was so shocked when i woke to him stiring and saw the time but soo happy too,

patched things up with OH now too, i have my 6 wk check later today, got to get back on the mini pill caus my sex drive has gone mad
ahh Lynn what a fab sleep, its so nice isn't when they wake and you check the time and its way longer than you thought it would be. For the second night running Chase has slept for 4 hours, fed for an hour then slept for another 2 hours its brill i feel human again :thumbup:

Ahh i'm taking him for his first jabs in just under an hour :cry: not looking forward to it.

Haha at the miment he has fallen asleep while feeding and he's laughing in his sleep, it cracks me up when he does this so cute, he proper laughs out loud and i can feel his belly moving. He is smiling and talking loads now but we've never had an awake laugh like he does when he's asleep, at the moment he kinda laughs, but with no noise.

Right i best get a wriggle on or we'll be late for his appointment.
well we just got back from the polling station, my doctors appoint went well decided on the mini pill for now will look at it again in 3 months time, I have been given Iron tablets though and under orders to keep taking 2 a day for now and will get a blood test done in August to check that my levels are back near normal, they arent that low but still classed as anemic
Blonde- Sorry to hear that you and your OH are having a tough time with your LO. I think we have all had times where we get frustrated. In the early days especially I had to beg my husband to come home from work at lunch just because I needed a break from the baby who would just not stop crying no matter what I did. She's a pretty needy baby and cries if she is not being held or entertained. She's finally starting to get to the point where she will play with one of the million toys I have bought her for a minute while I cook or clean. Hopefully Mika is getting over his colic and will continue to be a happy baby you can both enjoy.

So Charlotte slept in her crib in her nursery for the first time last night. She did great, but I had a hard time sleeping because it felt strange having her clear on the other side of the house when I'm used to having her three feet away. We tried putting her in her room last week, but the sound on the video monitor was so loud neither DH or I could sleep. So I bought a regular audio monitor that has a mode where it only makes noise if it detects baby's voice. Last night I put the video monitor on mute and set up the audio monitor. Much better. Of course at about 6am baby made a noise and I decided to take a look at the monitor and she had turned herself a full 90 degrees. How she can wiggle so much swaddled I have no idea. She continued to sleep until DH decided to go get her at 7:15. I think he missed her too.
hiya girls! my mom was here for 3 weeks (got caught in volcano drama) and i lost touch. she left 2 weeks ago and i have just started getting the chance to get online again (because of busy days not an awful baby) hunter is doing well. BFing magically got more efficient around 6 weeks. I have started going to a BF group and started making friends which is really great. i never knew anyone really and i have lived here for 4 years. it is hard to meet people when you dont work and i have always been a homebody and my husbands friends, well we drifted from them because they are still very much into the party lifestyle and we are in a different place in life so it doesnt mix easily. So i am proud that i have met new people :) I hope all you girls are doing well. I wish i could trawl back through all the pages and see how you have all been doing but that would take hours. I will keep coming here and keeping in touch. i miss you all so much, you were a part of my everyday life before :hugs:

mummy_em: Hunter was born on 17 March :)
Hello DM2 :wave: welcome back hun, have been wondering how you and Hunter have been getting on. Hope you had a lovely time with your mum, how's your dad now? That's great you have met some new friends x

Well Chase was brill when he had his injections, he let out a big cry when the first needle went in then a little one with the second one. The nurse then got out for him a noisy colourful rattle toy and he stopped crying. He's slept a lot today which i presume is the injections as he never normally sleeps in the day now. He's put on 6oz in a week too and now weighs 9lb 5oz which i'm really pleased with.

Grr i keep getting a blocked duct in my right boob, no matter if Chase empties it. It's so sore and now i've bruised the skin too massaging it in the bath :cry: ouch ouch ouch it hurts!!!! so not sure if the pain is still blockage or bruising??

Vegasbaby well done for getting her in her cot, i'm dreading that day.

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