march lambs 2010 come on ladies

BnK-I hope you and yor OH are feeling a little better and that Mika is remaining colic free.

I felt like that at the begining as Wren cried soo much, she is going through a rough patch right now and thankfully OH has taken her out for a walk as soon as he got in the door tonight as I thought I was going to lose my mind with her crying and fussing non stop for the last few days, she is also not sleeping well as she is struggling with the 'farts'

Oh they ar eback gotta go

Hope everyone is doing great!
welcome back dm2

I came online breifly ( im in the middle of doing Nates dinner ) because ive finally found that one toy that will get EJ to settle and stop crying its a goat that sings the yoddling song from sound of music and dances as it does it, Nate got given it for christmas from some friends of ours and it totally captivaes eh and settles him so long as im not within sight, i love those friends so much, its just going to annoy the hell out of having that tune play so often
omg. I want a yodeling goat from the sound of music! that's my favorite song from the movie :)

My boy is a champ. He had his 2 month check up at the pediatrician today (and 2 month old shots ) he cried when he first got the shots, like when they first went in but as soon as we were in the car to go home he was sound asleep. He's also growin like a weed... he weighs 14 lbs 9 oz and he's 24 and 3/4 inches long. The doctor said he could make a good 4 month old based on his size. LOL :rofl: he's perfectly healthy and ahead of all his milestones. which I knew already but it's so nice to hear. lol.
I thought this thread had got quiet.... Then I realised I'd accidently unsubscribed from it!

Good to see you again DM2- looking forward to seeing more pics of Hunter.

M has been much more settled in the evenings for the past couple of nights, long may it continue!
OMG lynn! i have the exact same thing!!! How odd, Jesse loves it, altoh i was having troubleknowing if itwas a goat or a seep lol
Thanks ladies! This is officially our third colic free day and I'm loving it.

Dm2 its good to see you again!
PH-24 3/4 inches! Mika is only 21 1/2 still!!! But almost as heavy as short fat little baby...
blonde- there's nothing wrong with that! :) I think chubby babies are cute. lol.
congrats on the 3rd colic free day! :D that's excellent
My sister has had her wee boy, checky bint she got a baby 11 days overdue weighing only 8lb 6oz , compared to my 2 boys both being over 9lbs but this is my first nephew so im excited hes so cute and chubby cheeked
Ah congrats Lynnikins x

My friends daughter is 27 inches at 14 weeks! I was only 26 inches at 9 months! Mum found my baby book- love looking back at my first smile/batch etc and how much I weighed.
Welcome back dm2!! :dance:
Umm.. can someone please clear up what colic is to me? I always thought it was a sore bowel or something- as animals (well horses) i thought got colic and it was something wrong with their bowels or tummy or something so i just assumed it was a sore tummy in babies, but now i have read everywhere its what you call it when they just cry and there is unknown reason for it- i'm confuzzled ::wacko:

Congrats lynnikins to your sister!!
And welcome back DM2 I was wondering where you went!!

MM I think Colic is the word they use for constant crying (for 3 hours or more) usually in the evening, but I think the majority of the time its caused by trapped wind and sore tummys? I guess there are a number of things that could cause it but its the sheer amount of crying that makes it 'colic' rather than just trapped wind. That's what I understand anyway.

New from me is I now think I have thrush :cry: so cocoa you were right, the antiobtiocs left me prone and now my boobs are quite sore (well very actually, deep stabbing pain) a lot of the time and I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Flora has some white markings on her lips but not really inside her mouth, but she's crying on the breast sometimes and I think ayeb she has a sore mouth.

Emskins I was thinking about something you said the other day about the pain breastfeeding and how your boobs are sore afterwards, it might be thrush? I think the way you descirbed it is pretty similar to what I have. Just a thought. Anyway I'm off the the GP on MONDAY :growlmad: cause no appointments today. Hopefully some more medication will sort it but I sincerely hope that my BFing journey improves after that, I really want to stick with it.

MM did you have it a while back? Did you have pain and has it cleared up?
Yea i did i had it in my lady bits really bad too, i had it for about a week or more coz i didnt mention it to my m/w coz i thought it was just moisture from wearing a pad and when my midiwfe checked my stitches she said it was the worst thrush rash she had ever seen :( no wonder i was so itchy and sore :cry: As for my nipples they were very pink and they tngled and kind of a burning feeling on my nipples when i was feeding. They were sore to express and once when i expressed little dots of blood came to the surface like a rash and it had to throw my breastmilk out coz there was blood in it (which is actually apparently ok it was just a tad pink lol) I put the thrush cream on them after a feed when i remembered-and if she needed to feed soon after i'd give my nipples a wipe first so they didnt taste like ointment loL! ella had wee white dots in her mothe on the inside of her lips, and her tounge was white but i don't know id that was from the thrush or milk lol. We've had it 2ce we have just got over our last lot. We have medicine to put in ella's mouth after a feed 3-4 times a day, which is a mission coz it's awful! It took me a bit to work out how to give it to her without it beginning a messy task so if u get prescribed some let me know if want the tips, i have it on video haha

Wow that was a long winded post!!
Thanks - I don't think I have it in my bits but I haven't really had a look down there tbh! Did the breastfeeding pain improve? That's the worst bit for me. Thanks for the tip on the medicine I'll ask you if I have problems administering it :hugs:
Thanks - I don't think I have it in my bits but I haven't really had a look down there tbh! Did the breastfeeding pain improve? That's the worst bit for me. Thanks for the tip on the medicine I'll ask you if I have problems administering it :hugs:

lol! You don't need to have a look your can just tell by itchiness :blush: :haha:
Yep the pain in my breasts improved after we both started treating it. It doesnt take long to clear up,but u need to keep taking it for a week after it dissapeers (i didn't :blush: just a few days) It wasnt so much my breasts, but it was more my nipple area :)
Greenlady, thanks for thinking of me! I am begining to think it may be thrush as well although I don't have it in my bits and Wren doesn't seem to have it in her mouth...
Emksins apparently you can have it but not get all the symptoms. Here is some good info. Flora has a few white spots on the inside of her lips but that's it. Otherwise she's crying a bit at the breast towards the end of the feed and lifts her hand up towards her mouth. I think she has a sore mouth, but nothing other than that. For me its the deep breast pain and like you it hangs around after a feed for like an hour. Also when latching it stabs and goes right through to my back? Like a nerve going from my boob all the way around.

MM yes lol I haven't been that itchy down there so fingers xd it hasn't gone that far, but anyway I rang the GP and harrassed them to give me an appointment for this afternoon, so that's good. I hope I don't get there and they tell me its not thrush because then I just have to face painful breastfeeding for her and me!! Good to hear it cleared up and yes I've read you've got to take all the medication right through to the end.

Also, I never take antiobiotics and now I know why! Mind you if I did have proper mastitis that would have sucked too. One bloody thing after another isn't it??

EDIT: nappyrash is also a symptom does Wren have that? Flora has just got it in the last few days which makes me think its all connected to thrush.
im so proud of EJ hes done a second night of 7 hours sleep, dispite having a growth spurt during the daytime, ive upped his bottles to 8 oz so i dont end up topping him up after 2 hours, lol im going to get in trouble with the HV and GP for it but its good healthy breastmilk hes having and hes sleeping so im sane and happy and happy baby , happy mummy = no problems in my book
Well Hunter cant sleep for too many hours without feeding or my breasts are fit to burst and i wake up soaked. So we still do 3-4 hourly and since we have been co sleeping there is no fuss to get him back to sleep. Since about the time he turned 6 weeks breastfeeding has been so much better. He has gotten more efficient and it takes less time for him to get the milk he needs and he doesnt play about as much so it takes around a half hour from start to finish (sometimes less) where as before it would take up to an hour and a half. He has developed acid reflux so after every feed i have to mix up infant gaviscon with 15ml ebm and it is such a hassle and makes his poo thick and it seems to hurt him to poo. So the HV said that if i want i should try him without the gaviscon and see if i wanna continue so starting yesterday i have stopped the gaviscon but i may start doing it again because he is quite sicky. He laughs when he sicks up though so it doesnt seem to hurt him. I will make the final decision when all the gaviscon is out of his system and i see how his poo is (as a mum, is it just me or do we all become obsessed with the contents of their nappy? :haha:)

My dad seems to be doing better. Gutted he couldnt make it over but we sent him a grandfather willow tree ornament and a wee note saying we miss him. He loved it.

Hunter is so clingy today and i smell of baby sick! But they grow so fast dont they? I dont mind letting the housework go undone or not getting to shower till daddy gets home because he wont be a baby for long and it wont be long til he is independant and i will miss these "mummy cuddle days" I am already shocked at how fast these 7 weeks have gone and how much he is learning and developing each day.

By the way, how are your LO's at tummy time? Hunter hates it. He does well when on daddy or my chest but when on his play mat he just wants to be on his back and looking up at the lights and animals. He seems to feel trapped when he is on his tummy. Ever since birth he wants to be able to have free arm control which is why we cant swaddle him and if we do he gets out quickly or screams if he cant. He is like his dad in that way, his daddy hates feeling restricted too. He has amazing head control so i am not TOO worried that he wont do tummy time. But I still keep trying. I just wonder if anyone elses LO hates it.
DM2-Mika used to LOVE tummy time but has recently started hating it. The only way he is happy is on his back or on one of us, just like Hunter. I don't know what to do about it either. He stopped liking once he started being able to sit supported. Now if he isn't lying on his back or on one of us, he wants to be sitting...maybe Hunter just likes having things to look at?
ej only tolerates tummy time if we tuck his arms up under his chin otherwise he screams he prefers being upright so i cant wait till he has good enough head control to use a door hanging bouncer for him,

DM2 it sucks that hunter is suffereing reflux, im really glad that although we sometiems have troubles with trapped wind then EJ is a good baby otherwise, and yes i think mummies do get a bit obsessed with the contents of their babies nappies lol dh was worried for a bit with EJ caus he has very runny breastmilk poop and DH is used to Nates poop and Nate's poos got solid quickly because by this age he was half and half with breastmilk and formula,
I honestly prefer BM poops though not half as smelly but distict enough so i can tell when he has pooped

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