march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Connor also hates tummy time, and wants to be sitting up all the time.
DM2- Connor also hates having his arms restricted. I could never swaddle him either!
We have got a good night time routine now, and he sleeps from 9-3 up for a feed then sleeps till I wake him up at 6:45am. He goes to work for me, so I have to wake him to get him ready. On the weekends he will sleep till 8am!
DM2 Chase has silent reflux and is on gaviscon too, it's been making him really constipated so i tried cutting it out but his reflux was too bad. On Wednesday i phoned the doctors as he was crying in agony with constipation and they prescribed him colief, touch wood its working as no constpation yesterday or today! Only thing is it say to mix with just expressed bm as it works better when its warm so i just hand express a bit before a feed, i mix the gaviscon with it too. You can buy it over the counter but if you get it on prescription then its free.

Chase doesn't mind tummy time, i think thats because when he was in neonatal they used to put him on his tummy sometimes.

Lynn 7 hours is fab! Chase gace me 5 hours last night, his longest ever.

As were going out Wednesday night i'm going to start expressing and freezing, i can't always get that much when i express and i'm paranoid about making sure MIL has enough milk for him. Anyone know how long it will take to defrost if i just put it in the fridge to defrost, also once defrosted can it be mixed together?

blondeNklutzi thats great Mika has been colic free for a few days, hope it continues hun!

Ahh Greenlady hope your thrush clears up soon sounds painful :hugs:
Ah greenlady that sucks! Sorry to hear you're still suffering with BFing, it's amazing you've carried on for so long with the problems you've had! Hopefully this will be the last problem though- you're quickly approaching the magical 6 week mark!

M is definitely suffering with gas less in the evenings, I'm pretty sure it's because I've mostly cut dairy out of my diet. There are still a few things I eat which have got milk proteins in them (or pesto which has got some cheese in...) Could be a coinccidence, but I'm going to stick with no dairy for another week and then have a cup of tea (miss it so much!) and some chocolate and see if it sets her off again. I didn't really cut it out long enough before to be sure.

She's massively overtired tonight. Fed her at half six, had some quiet play time while I ate and she fell instantly asleep at 8 when I picked her up to rock her. Waited 15 minutes, put her down and she woke up.... and has been awake and grizzling ever since. It's going to be a long night...
if you store it in the back of the fridge you can store for 72 hours JJ, i defrost my breastmilk in the fridge but dont know how long it takes to defrost lol not timed it and i find that if im going out i'll leave the amount of feeds he needs in that time plus one more and a "snack bag" of a couple of oz just in case,
cocoa- r u saying dairy can make them gassy? Ella farts lots and they stink!!! And i eat alot of dairy!!!

Nappy rash can be a sign on thrush on babies bottom- I thought Ella had nappy rash but it was thrush!!

We slept from 7.30pm till 8.30am thats like 12 and a half hours! i am wowed!!!
Thanks Lynn i didn't realise it would last 72 hours :thumbup: that means i could express Mon, Tues and Wed and surely that would give me enough? Its just hard with not knowing how much he is eating, i presume he eats quite a lot seen as he gained 6oz in a week.

Has anyone else left their babies yet for a bit? I'm really starting to worry now about us going out, hubby hasn't wanted to leave him all along but everyone has convinced us he will be fine. I'm just scared of him crying and working himself into a right tizz!! I know he will take the bottle fine but worried he will want boob just for comfort.

Wow MM that is an awsome sleep, i've just had 4 hours again and hopefully after this feed he'll go back down and give me another 2. Yeah dairy can make them gassy hun.

CocoaOne that would suck if she does have an intolerance to dairy, i eat so much, mind you they do say if you find something that makes baby gassy not to completely cut it out just introduce it a bit at a time, once you have established what is the cause. That was what my mw told me anyway. At least you will know if that is it or not. Just a thought but the colief Chase takes might be what she needs i,ve just been reading the site and its a food digestion aid and it says it helps to break down the lactase in milk and dairy into glucose and galactose which can then be absorbed as part of the normal digestive process. It says some babies may not yet be producing sufficient levels of lactase enzyme due to being born with immature digestive systems which results in severe discomfort, bloating and wind. Maybe check out the site i would get it on prescription though as i checked and its £10.99 in Boots, ouch!
grrr EJ woke at half 3 after me not going to bed till 1 caus i was waiting for DH caus i had barely seen him all day ( 10 min in the morning ) but EJ woke and both of us woke up to him and i was up and down calming him till feed time , grrr i bet he wont give me another decent strech either, now just gotta wait to see if DH will get up and go to course or if the distubance by EJ in the middle of the night was enough to make him want to stay home today, I want my hubby at home , its hard not having him around esp when im tired , i could do with a Nap but i bet EJ wont want to nap today
jj rabbit - i left jesse when he was a month old :) i needed a night out to have fun so he stayed at my mums the night, n i have to admit, for the first 2hrs i was so anxious! i was really nervous leaving him (i know nothing would happen so i dunno y i was :dohh: ) but i started to feel better about it and had lots of fun! he is also staying at mums again tonight for the night so Jonno and i can have 'us' time lol, im feeling better this time around and mum has offered to take him one night a month :D you will feel nervous but it will pass, n i guarantee when u get back u will hug him like crazy lol!!!
Yeah I might try colief. Seems like a pain to administer if you're breastfeeding though. M has been awake for the past 2 hours grunting away. Not sure if she needs a poo or not, but I can't sleep through it. Probably being selfish by staying in bed as it's disturbing OH and he's got to be up for work soon, but I can't be bothered to get up!
jj rabbit - i left jesse when he was a month old :) i needed a night out to have fun so he stayed at my mums the night, n i have to admit, for the first 2hrs i was so anxious! i was really nervous leaving him (i know nothing would happen so i dunno y i was :dohh: ) but i started to feel better about it and had lots of fun! he is also staying at mums again tonight for the night so Jonno and i can have 'us' time lol, im feeling better this time around and mum has offered to take him one night a month :D you will feel nervous but it will pass, n i guarantee when u get back u will hug him like crazy lol!!!

I think i'm probably even more worried because it will take us between 1-1 1/2hours to get back so i worry if he was so upset we can't just come home. I am sure he will be fine though MIL has had 4 children and there is another 3 grandchildren in the family so its not like she isn't used to looking after little uns, look at me trying to convince myself :haha: I suppose the first time will always be the hardest. Enjoy your night tonight x

Yeah I might try colief. Seems like a pain to administer if you're breastfeeding though.

It's not that bad, i just hand express a bit before his feed and administer with a syringe.

Lymnn hope you manage to get a nap today! I love it when hubby is at home its so nice isn't it having that bit of help.
well DH did stay at home for the day so hopefully i'll get that nap i have to express now and i hope EJ will go to sleep soon so i can put him up in his bed, got to get Nate his lunch so he shuts up and stops making my house the noisest place in london lol
Can I ask you all what your bed and nap time routines are? And when did you start them? M is coming up for 5 weeks now and I know you can start getting them into good sleep habits from about 6 weeks.

She still will only fall asleep in our arms, I'm not sure how I'd go about getting her to sleep in her Moses basket and self settle. Is it too early for that even at 6 weeks?
i dont think its too early to start hun, during the day then when he starts showing signs of tiredness, ie..yawning or getting cranky i try to put him in his bassinett or up in his crib, but i wait for his signals of tiredness and i keep to his feed routine so even if hes asleep i'll wake him for a feed hes managed to regulate his sleep into times between feeds, i started at 3wks with him, and at night he goes to bed at 10 after a 9pm feed and he gets his nappy changed post feed and is normally almost asleep on one of us before we put him up to bed, after each feed in the day i make sure he has 35 min awake time at least unless i hve to put him in his carseat then he ends up asleep anyway, then he normally gets tired about an hour to an hour and a half after hes finished his feed,
Theres loads of ways to get them to settle i prefer not to use cotmobiles , dummys or rocking/holding/stroking baby as when i take that stimulus away it will mean teaching him a new way to settle normally it takes him 10 min after i leave the room to fuss if hes going to fuss and if he fusses i leave him for a short time if he starts screaming then i will go back and just be near him so he can see me and he settles then i leave again, and do this as often as nessacary but its only if he starts screaming if he just whinges and moans off and on for a bit i'll leave him as if i go in during that phase it makes him worse rather than helping him
I seem to have fallen into a bedtime routine which is a last feed at 6-7 ish, (preceded by a bath every other day), in the bedroom with all the curtains closed and lights off, there is usually a bit of fussing etc and then I get her to as sleepy as she's going to get on my shoulder after burping and put her into the moses basket, tuck her in nice and tight (she sleeps on her side mostly) a bit of gentle rocking (the moses basket stands rocks) with my hand on her, and give her the dummy if she's still awake or a bit fussy. She's usually tired by the end of the day, so I can then I just leave her and close the door. Usually I emerge about and hour after the feed starts so it was 7 tonight, last night at 8. She sleeps a good 4 hours then wakes for the late evening feeding about 11-12.

I am going to try to wean the dummy early on - after a couple of months or so - but at the moment it really helps pacify her because she spends a lot of time alert in the hours before this. She doesn't seem to need it during the night which is good.
i found "late evening" feeds a pain with ds1 thats why ej's last feed is 9pm then he sleeps till 4 or 5am normally so i dont mind i can get up at that time feed him and pump then nap for a couple of hours before getting ds1 up, it also gives me a few min alone downstairs to do dishes and tidy up any mess from the evening before, that way im not trying to juggle both boys and cleaning up/doing dishes in the mornings
Urgh. I don't even know where to start with M. If I swaddle her, she grunts and shouts and tries to break her way out of it. If I don't swaddle her, she flails her arms and legs about and it wakes her up. Half the time I can put her down in her basket without waking her, but within 15-20 minutes she's awake and crying.

At her nap earlier I took her up to the dark bedroom, swaddled her, held her until she was drifting off and put her in her basket. She imediately woke so I tried shhing and patting her tummy gently. This settled her for a while but they she started crying more so I picked her up and swayed her until she was asleep again. I put her down again and stayed with her for 5 mins but she was asleep. I took the monitor downstairs and could hear her starting to stir within 10 mins, qnd another 5-10 mins later she was properly crying so I went up, couldn't get her back to sleep and she ended up staying awake until her next feed.

She was fighting her sleep this evening too. Took me ages to get her off- literally the only way she'll drop off is being sideways with her head in the crook of my arm and with me patting her bum gently. She finally went off and now keeps waking up crying, so I have to settle her all over again. It's exhausting and I can't out her down or she'll wake, won't go back to sleep and then ends up even more overtired!
have you tried sleeping her on her side rather than back and warming her bed with a hot water bottle?
h iya ladies sorry i have been missing for a week or so just had no time at all we had a sickness bug going round the whole house last week that was a nightmare trying to find 5 mins to my self at the moment is impossibal i feel totaly exhausted i will try and catch up on what i have missed and update those few bits on the front page hope every one is doing ok and babys are well.
i hope you dont mind i wanted to share a few photos with you all from yesterday when we visited family so here is my brood lol xxx


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As were going out Wednesday night i'm going to start expressing and freezing, i can't always get that much when i express and i'm paranoid about making sure MIL has enough milk for him. Anyone know how long it will take to defrost if i just put it in the fridge to defrost, also once defrosted can it be mixed together?
You can store milk in the fridge for up to 5 days at 4°C or lower (usually at the back where it is coldest) it can be stored for two weeks in the ice compartment of a fridge or for up to six months in a freezer so you could get away with not feezing it if you worried about defrosting it xx

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