march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I'm going to weigh M tomorrow but I think she's going to be 10.5lbs or over. Most newborn stuff here fits up to 9 or 11lbs depending on the brand.
We went to bed at 11, fed, but M didn't go to sleep until 12:30. Woke at 3:30, fed, straight back to sleep then up at 6:30, fed, back to sleep at 7:30 and awake again at 9. So our nights are still pretty much all over the place.

I read that once they get to 11 or 13lbs they are more likely to start sleeping longer?
hi ladies, happy mothers day for yesterday :)
well i had jesse weighed yesterday n he is 14lbs! i have a little sumo on my hands! another 600g in a week.
yeah once they get bigger they start to sleep more you might need to up feeds during the day,

teeth can take forever to come through but the symptoms can start weeks before when they get close then you will see the teeth through the gums like little white lines before they cut through , they often get nappy rash when teething and red hot checks and even sometimes run a slight tempeture,
Lynn-god I hope we aren't already teething!

Tiger-14 lbs! You and Lynn have some very big boys!

Cocoa-The first time Mika slept through the night was exactly when he hit 11 lbs. And he went back to eating every two hours during the day.

Omg-Mika just ate 8 ounces and is acting like he is hungry again. Usually at night he will sleep from about 9 or 10 until about 7 or 8. Last night he woke up at 1 and ate six ounces and again at 4 and ate 10!
Well I ended up taking M to the HV as her spots have moved to her chest and they are really bad. HV said it's probably heat rash but to keep an eye on them and if they get worse - take her to my GP.

And..... M weighs 10lb 10oz now, so pretty sure she'll be at least 11lb by her next check up at 6 weeks. Hopefully she'll start to sleep a bit longer then. I can cope with a few hours sleep here and there, but M needs to get more. In 24 hours yesterday and day before too, she slept just over 10 hours. I think they are supposed to sleep for 16-18.
cocoa- ella has them at the top of her back along her shoulder they are worse if she is hot or cries. and her cheeks but its not too bad i put breastmilk on them :hugs:

1st night feed in the last 4 nights is pretty good considering she's been in bed since 7pm and its now 3! She's back in bed, im expressing and i can hear her talking lol. monkey bum.

Ahh don't ya just love it when you can hear them chattering away to themselves, soooo cute.

If thats true about them sleeping through when they are 11lbs going by Chase putting on 6oz a week i've still got another 3weeks to go :wacko:
Hunter will be weighed tomorrow but a week and a half ago he was 10lb1.5 oz (he had lost a lot of birth weight and it took him 6 weeks to get back to it at around 6 oz a week) I am hoping he is 11 lbs tomorrow as the last time he was weighed he did 9oz in a week and i was told that was perfect. He feeds really really well so there are no problems there.

He is still in his newborn size. I have just retired his "tiny baby" sizes as they are far too short. He always wore tiny baby in regular clothes and newborn in sleepsuits. His sleepsuits have been quite tight for a few weeks, he still fits them well but only just. I was gonna up him to 0-3 months but the sleep suits are huge!!! So i am between sizes as well. His newborn size regular clothes are still good. But i need to have a look through the 0-3 month things and see if any are small enough for him.

I dont mind hunter getting up to feed in the night. If he doesnt my breasts are so sore. I hear that it takes a lot longer for exclusively breastfed babies to sleep through as they still NEED the nutrients of a night feed. But I have ordered a book called sleep like a baby or something. It seems to reflect my parenting style and will give me tips for getting him to sleep through. I havent really tried as of yet as i know he needs mummy's milk at night. But I am interested to see what the book says.

I have recently decided that when i wean him onto solids i will be doing BLW and i am very excited about that decision. I know it is early but I need to be prepared and know what i am doing.
DM2, I think I am going to try BLW, you just reminded me that I want to look for some books on it on amazon.

I don't mid Wren waking up for food in the night, I just wish it wasn't every 2 hrs! One nice big feed in the night would be great! Here's hoping!
OH and I are planning on doing partially baby led weaning. We are also considering making much of his food at home since so much baby food includes milk/soy products. That way we can ensure he isn't going to have an allergic reaction again!

And I'm pretty sure Mika just tried to giggle! We were playing on the couch and he was all smiles and started making this sound that seems to be the beginning of a laugh! It was so precious!
I'd quite like to do BLW, but need to look into it a bit more. OH is mega fussy when it comes to food so I want to make sure M starts off with a very healthy attitude to food. Although I'm not a vegetarian, I don't really like meat so don't eat it often. Need to sort that out I think- don't like the idea of M having Quorn like I do!
beki they dont really have meat properly for ages ds1 will eat meatballs and sausages and grilled chicken but otherwise it has to be chicken nuggets or fish fingers unless i can hide the meat into the dish like mince lol, i found it tough to make my own babyfood for meat things for ages,
I found with ds1 he hated babyrice so we started with purreed apples and pears and sweet potato, i have friends that did BLW but once ds1 could take lumps we baiscly just mashed up whatever we ate for him and he did fine with that of course he got peices of apple or banana to munch on and hold to teach him to feed himself but fully BLW seemd to take to much time for me to bother lol and caus DH was doing most of ds1's care then it was gonna be a while to get him to do blw,
i dont know if i can be bothered to try BLW with EJ or not i wont be starting him on solids till hes ready even if its not till 6-7months that he starts wanting them, I do plan on sticking with cooking most of his food though , we ended up using Hipp Jars with Nate after a couple of months
I spent an hour sorting out Max's clothes this afternoon and realise I don't have as many 0-3 as I thought. He's just happily in newborn still and fits some 0-3 but he's growing quick now so am sure he'll be in the bigger ones of 0-3 soon.
He last got weighed 2 weeks ago and am going to get him weighed this week. He was 8lb 10 so am interested to see what he is now. I reckon about 9lb 12. I don't think he's 10 but it wouldn't surprise me. might get him on our scales tomorrow lol
I saw a friend of mine with her 20 week old who weighs 14lb and he feels soooooooo much heavier than Max. So at least I know Max is less than 14lb

He's a proper crankybot at the moment. Constantly awake, only napping here and there. And there was me moaning on Friday that he was never awake. I even posted about it. Karma has come to get me now.

Reflux is still bad and he's still projectile vomitting. This photo is for the doctors. Bless he looks so helpless as mummy puts him on the floor to take a photo. I take him on Wednesday and am hoping not to get fobbed off.

Still no way near to sleeping through for us. Each night I sit there praying, thinking about it and seething that so many are sleeping through already. But Max was 3 weeks early and am sure that is having an effect. He hasn't even smiled yet :cry:
Chele - Kerrie-x doesn't post in this bit but her LO was 4 weeks early and didn't smile until 8 weeks so being early does delay things a bit. Max will get there soon.
M isn't sleeping much either - it's so frustrating!
That's what I am thinking. If he gets to a bit later than that then I'll worry.

As for weaning, I was just going to see how his development is by then and then BLW

My concern is we have no freezer so making my own food is going to be tricky, but I really want to do it.
argh you lot stop talking about weaning, it makes them seem so much bigger than they are!!

really hope the 11lb thing for sleeping is true... Roman hasnt slept much all day but has been down since 7pm now. He'll want a feed before bed I guess but he'll prob be up at 4ish again for milk!
Chele - aww little max on the floor with his puke! So cute! Good luck with the docs I hope they take you seriously.

If its any consolation Flora wakes every 3 hours and the night feeds can easily take an hour so I only have more than a 2 hour stretch very occasionally. And as she is breastfed and on the smaller side I reckon she'll be still waking in the night for some time. As my mother in law just said to me, its only for a short time all these dramas at the beginning then they settle down and you forget it ever happened!

I had a bit of a bad night with her then middle of the night feed turned into a screaming session and I'm not sure how, I think she had a sore tummy or needed a poo and it wouldn't come out. I ended up in tears not beng able to console her and DH bless him tried but he couldn't either, she did settle eventually with a dummy. Then I saw my mum and dad off and it was a bit sad because they wont see us and their new granddaughter for at least until November. So I think maybe there was emotions in me that she was sensing. And now I'm feeling more positive and trying my best to be a calm mother because that will mean a calm baby.
well jesse must have missed the 11lb memo.... hes 14lb and still feeds 190ml every 3hrs. :( its now 9am and i have been awake since 2am !! with maybe 45min sleep since then :cry: im so exhausted
buh how can i et so upset with him when he smiles at me lol he follows me around the room with a grin on his face chattering away all the time lol. N recently, everytime i try n put the bottle or the dummy in his mouth he grins really big and giggles lol, kind of hard to feed him lol
well EJ woke at half 3 , little beggar, Mummy aint happy tried to settle him back with his dummy and ended up having to constantly put it back in his mouth caus i wasnt going to give and feed him early caus he would wake tomorrow expecting it so managed to stave him off for 2 hours before feeding him now i need to somehow get those 2 hours sleep back, it will have to be after his doctors appointment this afternoon when DH is home and i'll have to battle through till then grr..

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