march lambs 2010 come on ladies

AHHHHHHHHHH im so excited !!! my sister in law woke up to her bloody show tis morning n ses been having bad cramps since ! ahh im so excited, if her OH 's mum cant go in, she wants me to be there when she has him, ive never seen someone ivebirth before, aapart from me lol, imso excited :dance: :dance:
oh good luck and lost of :dust: labour dust to your sister
Best of luck to you SIL Tiger, very exciting!

Wren had a great sleep last night, I thought we might be in for a tough night after the vaccinations but she slept from 9.30-2.30 and then woke up at 6.30 for another feed, she didnt go back to sleep but was happy to entertain herself in her crib for and hour and a half! She is now sleeping in her swing beside me. I actually managed to shower and do some things around the house!

I think we are going on our first family mini break tomorrow. I say think as OH hasn't rented the car yet! Normally we take the train/trams everywhere here but now with Wren and going away got 4 days we figured renting a car would be easier. We hae done day trips on the train with her and she is fine but we want to go further accross Switzerland on this trip.
MM the stuff for Chase is called Nystatin maybe the same as it is yellow, it smells horrid. I thought Chase had taken it all before then he proceeded to spit some out on the muslin cloth, i can see this is going to be fun, at least its only a few days, she said 2-3 days and it should be cleared up, but i have to use my cream for longer says 2weeks on the instructions, is that what you did?

Emskins i bet your glad that its over with for now! What a brave girl. Chase slept nearly all day when he'd had his jabs and night come to think of it, he gave me 5 hours then another 2 after a feed.

Well all my clothes fit but one thing and its the thing i wanted to fit most, typical! I'm going to the races with my friends on the 19th June for my birthday and a friends so i ordered this lovely dress. Anyways the bottom half fits but the top bit is a bit too tight to zip up, i can only get it half way :haha: its my boobs i swear, i'm usually an A cup and now i'm a D plus my boobs will be full that day as i will be missing a feed. Not impressed as it took ages to find a dress i liked. Going to order the 10 but have a feeling that may be too big and long on me although i may get lucky as sometimes there isn't much difference between sizes.

would u like me to send you the video i took of me giving ella her medicine? It is possible to do it hassel/mess free :thumbup: she has had it 3 times now!
would u like me to send you the video i took of me giving ella her medicine? It is possible to do it hassel/mess free :thumbup: she has had it 3 times now!

ooh yes please hun that would be fab, i've heard it can be quite stubborn to get rid of so want to make sure i'm doing it right :thumbup: also it occured to me this morning i should be doing it after a feed shouldn't i not before?

Emskins that will be lovely a lil hol with Wren, enjoy hun.

Lynn hope your hubby takes Nate hun so you can get some rest!

Chase was awful sleep wise again last night so hubby is going to take him out later as he is off today so i can catch some zzzzz's or wash my hair if i haven't managed it before then. Weve got our night out later, scary, decided not to go to the show and we sold the tickets, it just felt too long to be leaving him so we're going for a meal instead in the village so we;ll only be a 5 min walk away plus we'll probably only be out a couple of hours. Got 10oz expressed and i'll probably manage to get another 2-3 before we go out giving me 12oz minimum, hope this will be enough what does everyone think?
would u like me to send you the video i took of me giving ella her medicine? It is possible to do it hassel/mess free :thumbup: she has had it 3 times now!

ooh yes please hun that would be fab, i've heard it can be quite stubborn to get rid of so want to make sure i'm doing it right :thumbup: also it occured to me this morning i should be doing it after a feed shouldn't i not before?

Emskins that will be lovely a lil hol with Wren, enjoy hun.

Lynn hope your hubby takes Nate hun so you can get some rest!

Chase was awful sleep wise again last night so hubby is going to take him out later as he is off today so i can catch some zzzzz's or wash my hair if i haven't managed it before then. Weve got our night out later, scary, decided not to go to the show and we sold the tickets, it just felt too long to be leaving him so we're going for a meal instead in the village so we;ll only be a 5 min walk away plus we'll probably only be out a couple of hours. Got 10oz expressed and i'll probably manage to get another 2-3 before we go out giving me 12oz minimum, hope this will be enough what does everyone think?

Yup definaly after a feed and don't feed her for abit after like 20 mins i guess. Coz its medicine but its actually meant to go on the area aswell as being swallowed so put your pinky in and gently swirl it around the gums and under the lips and tounge. It's actually not as hard as i thought it would be.
I'll get the vid sorted in a second hun how can i send it to you can i pm a video?
Erm, not sure if you can pm a video, but don't see why you wouldn't be able to though? thanks for the tips hun, i gave it him this morn after his feed but he hates it sooo much, usually he's not bothered what you give him. How long did you give it Ella for? My doc said about 3 days, i can still see the white bits on his left cheek though, surely just another 2 days isn't enough?
give it to him for about a week after it's cleared up so its proper gone :)
Mike did take Nate with him but i had to get up and get Nate fed and dressed caus Mike forgot lol, EJ woke at half 2 again but i just lifted him up and reswaddled him ( i think hes waking up caus he unswaddles himself and gets cold ) and put him back to bed and he settled in 5 min, then he didnt wake again till half 5 which is acceptable, im going to dress him in an extra layer tonight and see if that stops him waking up now hes gone up a size in clothes i have sleeping bags i can put him in so im considering that but he tends to wake himself up when his arms are free so its a pain
Wow I've missed loads! Speaking of thrush I've still got it :cry: Flora's mouth is fine but she has a bit of nappy rash. But my boobs are still in mega pain! I am putting vingear in all my washing, contstantly changing breast pads, taking acidophillus tablets, slapping on the canesten after every feed, etc, still seems to be hurting just as bad if not worse. I'm going to see the midwife today and talk to her about it, then make another appointment to go back to the GP. I'm really hoping it goes away soon because its taking all the enjoyment out of breastfeeding. I won't give up because I'm seriously stubborn, but it is getting me down.

Also re bedtime, currently I'm putting Flora into the bedroom about 7 after bath and feeding from 6pm. Does this sound too early? I mean I just feed her when she asks for it so I don't have much control over that. But I notice lots of your babies are going to bed later. What's your routine? Also she's up again for the late feed at 11 or 12, followed by another feed at 3 ish then 6 ish. I think this is normal for her age, being breastfed and not that big yet? How would I go about stretching out the feeds and eventually dropping one?

Good luck to your sister tiger! Have a relaxing day Lynn, and a good break Emskins! I am going to meet some other mummy friends for a dvd day tomorrow, as one of them has a big projector screen in her living room. Doubt we will actually get to watch much of the film but it should be fun.
GL, Zander goes to bed around 8 or 8:30. I don't think 7 is too soon cause it all depends on the baby. She's younger than Zander too so is probably sleeping more during the day than he is. I wouldn't worry about it as long as you and her have a nice schedule that works for yall. :)

tiger- tell your sister good luck from me! :D that's very exciting.

In Zander news: yesterday during bath time he did his first real laugh!!! :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: He was being silly, splashing around etc so I was laughing at him and while I was laughing, he was smiling and just burst out with the deep belly laugh! And since I had such a great reaction, he continued to laugh! It was the most precious thing ever. but of course as soon as DH put the video camera on him he stopped. :rofl: Still, I'm thrilled.
GL - M is about the same (11/12 then 3 then 6ish) but as she won't sleep in her Moses basket she stays downstairs with us until she wakes at 11/12, then I take her upstairs and feed her lying down and she stays there til the morning. I really need to work on getting her to sleep in her basket! (even though she wakes at 6/7ish in the morning, we never get up then! We usually sleep again until her next feed at 9/10 or I'll let her sleep while I shower/get dressed etc. I'm a lazy mummy!)

Tiger - how was the birth- I think I'd be terified to watch one now - knowing that it happened to me IYKWIM?!

ETA: I LOVE co-sleeping and feeding M lying down! She sleeps on her side and when she's finished eating she puts her head/chin on my boob and uses it as a pillow with one hand holding onto my boob protectively! It's literally the cutest thing ever! Although I want to get her sleeping in her basket, I'll really miss the snuggles :-(
GL - M is about the same (11/12 then 3 then 6ish) but as she won't sleep in her Moses basket she stays downstairs with us until she wakes at 11/12, then I take her upstairs and feed her lying down and she stays there til the morning. I really need to work on getting her to sleep in her basket! (even though she wakes at 6/7ish in the morning, we never get up then! We usually sleep again until her next feed at 9/10 or I'll let her sleep while I shower/get dressed etc. I'm a lazy mummy!)

Tiger - how was the birth- I think I'd be terified to watch one now - knowing that it happened to me IYKWIM?!

ETA: I LOVE co-sleeping and feeding M lying down! She sleeps on her side and when she's finished eating she puts her head/chin on my boob and uses it as a pillow with one hand holding onto my boob protectively! It's literally the cutest thing ever! Although I want to get her sleeping in her basket, I'll really miss the snuggles :-(

I agree lol my birth was traumatic enough that i couldn't face going to a birth ! we drove past the hospital yesterday and i couldn't stop crying :( . Lol sook!
well jesse must have missed the 11lb memo.... hes 14lb and still feeds 190ml every 3hrs. :( its now 9am and i have been awake since 2am !! with maybe 45min sleep since then :cry: im so exhausted
buh how can i et so upset with him when he smiles at me lol he follows me around the room with a grin on his face chattering away all the time lol. N recently, everytime i try n put the bottle or the dummy in his mouth he grins really big and giggles lol, kind of hard to feed him lol

haha hunter does this with my boob sometimes! he smiles and even "talks" to me and sometimes in the middle of a feed he spills milk out the sides because of it lol
GL - M is about the same (11/12 then 3 then 6ish) but as she won't sleep in her Moses basket she stays downstairs with us until she wakes at 11/12, then I take her upstairs and feed her lying down and she stays there til the morning. I really need to work on getting her to sleep in her basket! (even though she wakes at 6/7ish in the morning, we never get up then! We usually sleep again until her next feed at 9/10 or I'll let her sleep while I shower/get dressed etc. I'm a lazy mummy!)

Tiger - how was the birth- I think I'd be terified to watch one now - knowing that it happened to me IYKWIM?!

ETA: I LOVE co-sleeping and feeding M lying down! She sleeps on her side and when she's finished eating she puts her head/chin on my boob and uses it as a pillow with one hand holding onto my boob protectively! It's literally the cutest thing ever! Although I want to get her sleeping in her basket, I'll really miss the snuggles :-(

Well I guess I'm lucky in that I can usually get her into the basket. I don't want to jinx things but the last few days I've been putting her in it awake, with her dummy, and she puts herself to sleep!! I think she just knows bedtime now so that's good. The bummer is that she really needs that dummy right now, she has her last feed just now and screamed right afterwards for about 20 mintues until I gave in and let her have her dummy. Like he's thinking 'Sod off mum just give me my dummy and leave me alone!' Swings and roundabouts hey? And yeah sometimes I get her down again after 7am ish until 9 and stay in bed or have my shower, just like you.

I am hoping as she becomes more alert her last feed will finish about 8 and then she'll sleep till about 2... who knows when that'll happen.

And re feeding lying down, SO CUTE! I haven't mastered it yet. plus as my boobs and nipples are so flippin sore with this thrush I don't really feel like experimenting until its better so just I stick with what I know.

Oh and I had her weighed again... 4.06 kgs!!! which is 8lb 15oz, so v nearly 9 lbs!! What a trooper.
GL , i made the choice to keep EJ up till his 9pm feed and downstairs with us and then put him to bed after that feed , i dont know when we will move bedtime forward to after the 6pm feed as DH isnt always home by 7 so wouldnt get to see EJ those days if he was in bed and i have my hands full doing Nates dinner and bedtime as he goes to bed between 7-7.30 normally so for the forseeable future EJ will stay up or nap in the living room till after his 9pm feed if it means he then sleeps from 10 - 5/6 then im happy with that for now, i dont think im likely to get him going alot longer than 10-6 till hes weaning unless we introduce formula which i dont want to do obviously
MM - I dong think my birth was too traumatic really, but I think seeing a birthwould make me feel that it was more traumatic! Lol

GL- What a great weight! Which centile is she following? Sorry you're still suffering too - really hope your GP can sort you out quickly so you can start to enjoy BFing. Me and M are pretty much sorted now but I'm dreading the 6 week growth spurt - it's supposed to be the worst one! Does Flora nap in her basket too? I think I'm going to focus on getting M in the basket after her 6 week growth spurt, seems pointless to start before when her eating and sleeping patterns will be all over the place anyway.

Lyn- so jealous of how long EJ sleeps for!
MM - I dong think my birth was too traumatic really, but I think seeing a birthwould make me feel that it was more traumatic! Lol

GL- What a great weight! Which centile is she following? Sorry you're still suffering too - really hope your GP can sort you out quickly so you can start to enjoy BFing. Me and M are pretty much sorted now but I'm dreading the 6 week growth spurt - it's supposed to be the worst one! Does Flora nap in her basket too? I think I'm going to focus on getting M in the basket after her 6 week growth spurt, seems pointless to start before when her eating and sleeping patterns will be all over the place anyway.

Lyn- so jealous of how long EJ sleeps for!

She looks to be just under the 25th centile, so not big really. But the midwife thinks she's doing just fine and gaining well! I do enjoy feeding her its just the pain! Its not her fault of course. I got some more medication today from the GP which is a called flucaonazole, because I have this deep breast pain after feeding, I've been doing a bit of research on it, anyway hopefully it'll work but form what I've read they haven't given me a strong enough dose. But I'm just going to stay positive and if it doesn't work just harass them again next week!!

And no I don't really get her into her basket until bedtime, in the day she'll nap in the bouncinette chair, the pram if I'm out or the sling. Sometimes just on the sofa. Having said that at first we used to bring the moses basket through and put it on the sofa and she napped there, that was in the first 2 weeks. I might try that again actually. I think Lynn once said about defining night and day, unconsciously I've tried to leave her in a stimulated environment in the day and then make it the opposite at night.

Lynn - I understand that makes sense for your situation totally! I think for us its good to get her down so we can have a moment together, when my hubby works days he's home at 5 so he can do all the bath and stuff with me, and cuddle her for a while before she goes down. For a while we just let her have the evening nap in the living room but it went a bit pear shaped and I think there was too much stimulation. Plus I think she likes to be left alone sometimes!

Well ladies I'm off to bed now for about and hour and a half before the night feeds begin!!
becki, to have a baby that sleeps like EJ does then they need to eat like he does too i find anyway , and hes drinking 6x8oz bottles which is 48 oz every 24 hours and often i have to give him at least one 3-4 oz top up in the day
GL- I don't think your boobies are meant to be in that much pain with thrush! i think its meant to be more your nipple? Have you told your gp how much pain u are in? x

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