march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Chele - Poor Max, that puddle of milk is as big as him :( Don't worry, I'm sure he will be sleeping through before you know it! How many hours is he doing at maximum?

greenlady - I hope tonight's better for you :hugs: x

tiger - No wonder he's growing so well hun if he's eating that often! Little piggy lol. How long does it take him to eat normally? He sounds so adorable :)

Lynn - good luck for EJ's appointment, is that for his jabs?

I have THE grizzliest baby ever today :( Though admittedly I did hit his head on the doorframe today while he was in the moby wrap so it could be that :cry: And he had his jabs yesterday so it could also be an after effect of those...I'm pulling my hair out here. OR it could be a growth spurt, as I'm unsure whether he's had his 6 week one yet (he's 7 weeks today).

After his jabs yesterday we went to the chemist to get the prescriptions filled - I had one from my midwife for condoms (6 boxes :shock: We don't normally even use condoms so it was a hefty amount...!!), one from my doctor for the mini pill and another from the nurse for Lachlan's baby panadol for if he was upset from his jabs and grizzly.
Well! Collected them once they were due, etc, and once we got home I went to open up the bag and the panadol was nowhere to be seen :nope: Damnit! So it's not there to give him today when he possibly needs it...sad mummy and sad Lachlan alike.

Won't stop moaning, I burped him really well, have fed him lots, he keeps spitting out his dummy then getting really shitty and he won't sleep for long :wacko: Gave him lots of cuddles but he screams in my ear, and tried to get him to smile but he just cried in my face. Only teddy could get him to smile lol figures!

Luckily daddy's going to cook tonight cause mummy's feeling a bit run down! He's currently sitting in his swing pretty quiet - watching the mobile is helping a little but I'm still hearing some little grizzles here and there. Any suggestions girls? :|

Oh btw, here's the clothes I got him the other day (you'd think he'd appreciate them :lol: kidding!) Just in time for winter coming :D It's getting cooolder


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rwhite- theyre really cute. n sometimes it takes him 10min,other times 25min, hes a pig n has also been very grumpy today, i think e may be a bit spoilt because as soon as i put him donw he screams n then i sit n look at him n he grumbles loudly until i pick him up :( its been a long day n to top it off, im getting the flu, migraine, aching all over , i passed out in the shower for 30min :shock: woke up face down in water :( n my sister as just called n said shes bringing her mate rond to see jesse :( n my house is a mess, clothes everywhere, wasing up not done, n her mate chucks the shits if there is even one wee in the cat litter tray :( shes a neat freak asrggghhh. ineed some sleeping tablets :(
im hoping jesse sleeps well because he hasnt had not one nap today
We are off for Wren's 2 month appt now, wish us luck. I feel like I am taking the lamb to the slaughter as she has no idea she is getting vaccinated. I am dreading it, my poor baby

On an up note I tried on a pair of pre pregnancy jeans this morning....and they fit!! I am over the moon! Still need to get rid of more weight, including my baby belly but I feel quite good!
rwhite- theyre really cute. n sometimes it takes him 10min,other times 25min, hes a pig n has also been very grumpy today, i think e may be a bit spoilt because as soon as i put him donw he screams n then i sit n look at him n he grumbles loudly until i pick him up :( its been a long day n to top it off, im getting the flu, migraine, aching all over , i passed out in the shower for 30min :shock: woke up face down in water :( n my sister as just called n said shes bringing her mate rond to see jesse :( n my house is a mess, clothes everywhere, wasing up not done, n her mate chucks the shits if there is even one wee in the cat litter tray :( shes a neat freak asrggghhh. ineed some sleeping tablets :(
im hoping jesse sleeps well because he hasnt had not one nap today

Omg hun, hope you're okay! Must've been scary passing out in the shower! Holy crap :shock:

Lol just tell your sister's mate to GTFO if she is rude about how your house looks, bet she doesn't have kids so she wouldn't know how tired you can get! Especially if you're not feeling 100%!

:hugs: Fingers crossed for Jesse's sleep (and your's!)

We are off for Wren's 2 month appt now, wish us luck. I feel like I am taking the lamb to the slaughter as she has no idea she is getting vaccinated. I am dreading it, my poor baby

On an up note I tried on a pair of pre pregnancy jeans this morning....and they fit!! I am over the moon! Still need to get rid of more weight, including my baby belly but I feel quite good!

Good luck for Wren's appt, I hope she doesn't get too upset! It was so sad taking Lachlan, he was so unaware too! Smiled at a little old lady in the waiting room, and the nurse while we were talking to her about the jabs (before getting them of course lol). He did that cry where they're silent but their mouth is open...I hate that one, it's heartbreaking :(

Yay that's so exciting about the jeans :bunny: Well done!

Were back from the doctors and got treatment for thrush for me and Chase. He was so good while she looked in his mouth, he looked really grown up sat up on the bed. The cream for me she said i wouldn't need to wash off, yet the instructions with it say NOT for oral and if swallowed seek doctors advice, so think i'll just wipe before each feed. Then she said what she was giving Chase was a spray, well its not, its blumin medcine, a full syringe full and it smells awful, he doesn't like it bless him screwed his face up then screamed. Feel mean he has to already take gaviscon and colief and now this! But he's been really grizzly the last few days and really not sleeping well so this has probably been the reason why so hopefully things will improve.

Rwhite that sucks they forgot Lachlans prescription, same thing just nearly happened to us, i handed all of are 3 prescriptions in together, 1 mine 2 for Chase, they called my surname and as we were leaving one of the girls shouted she had one for us too :wacko: why doesn't one person just do them all? Ahh his lil outfits are so cute, love the stripey jumper!

Yay Emskins its great when your pre pregnancy clothes start to fit isn't it. I'm excited all my new stuff has arrived, not had chance to look at it yet though as feeding lil man, hurry up Chase.
Were back from the doctors and got treatment for thrush for me and Chase. He was so good while she looked in his mouth, he looked really grown up sat up on the bed. The cream for me she said i wouldn't need to wash off, yet the instructions with it say NOT for oral and if swallowed seek doctors advice, so think i'll just wipe before each feed. Then she said what she was giving Chase was a spray, well its not, its blumin medcine, a full syringe full and it smells awful, he doesn't like it bless him screwed his face up then screamed. Feel mean he has to already take gaviscon and colief and now this! But he's been really grizzly the last few days and really not sleeping well so this has probably been the reason why so hopefully things will improve.

Rwhite that sucks they forgot Lachlans prescription, same thing just nearly happened to us, i handed all of are 3 prescriptions in together, 1 mine 2 for Chase, they called my surname and as we were leaving one of the girls shouted she had one for us too :wacko: why doesn't one person just do them all? Ahh his lil outfits are so cute, love the stripey jumper!

Yay Emskins its great when your pre pregnancy clothes start to fit isn't it. I'm excited all my new stuff has arrived, not had chance to look at it yet though as feeding lil man, hurry up Chase.

The thrush cream u dont need to wash off, but try and put it on your nipples after a feed rather than b4 for obvious reasons. then if u need to feed after you've put it on just wipe it off. it's safe if it goes in the mouth but not very nice! The medicine- is it nilstat? Yellow cherry flavoured stuff? it's horrible i have to use half the syringe full, cover ella's mouth with a cloth so she doesnt spit it out and put her hands in the way then after she has calmed down i put in the rest of the syringe, cover up the mouth. then i put my (clean) little finger in and spread it round the inside of her gums.
We are back! Wren was very brave although she did do the cry that Rwhite described, the open mouth, red face no noise one. I nursed her to help calm her down whihc worked a treat, she has now slept for 3hrs!

JJ-Hope your new clothes fit and the thrush clears up quickly. My weird breast pain seems to have gone thankfully!

RWhite-cute clothes for Lachlan!
I forgot to add that she now weighs 9.6lbs (4.360kgs) and is 54cms long!
MM the stuff for Chase is called Nystatin maybe the same as it is yellow, it smells horrid. I thought Chase had taken it all before then he proceeded to spit some out on the muslin cloth, i can see this is going to be fun, at least its only a few days, she said 2-3 days and it should be cleared up, but i have to use my cream for longer says 2weeks on the instructions, is that what you did?

Emskins i bet your glad that its over with for now! What a brave girl. Chase slept nearly all day when he'd had his jabs and night come to think of it, he gave me 5 hours then another 2 after a feed.

Well all my clothes fit but one thing and its the thing i wanted to fit most, typical! I'm going to the races with my friends on the 19th June for my birthday and a friends so i ordered this lovely dress. Anyways the bottom half fits but the top bit is a bit too tight to zip up, i can only get it half way :haha: its my boobs i swear, i'm usually an A cup and now i'm a D plus my boobs will be full that day as i will be missing a feed. Not impressed as it took ages to find a dress i liked. Going to order the 10 but have a feeling that may be too big and long on me although i may get lucky as sometimes there isn't much difference between sizes.
Grr, I want my pre pregnancy jeans to fit! Although tbh I haven't been working incredibly hard at losing the weight...

Em-glad Wren did well with her shots!

Lynn-hope you get a nice nap today.

Tiger-I agree with Rosy, don't worry too much about the house. I don't even worry about it if the person coming over doesnt have kids, lol. Mine is a wreck, receiving blankets on every surface (for puke) baby toys EVERYWHERE...pile of baby clothes in the living room that need washing...bleh.

Rosy-hope Lachlan settles down for you soon, I hate days that Mika is in those moods.

And now for our latest excitement...TORNADOS! It is officially tornado season and we got off on a big start. Oklahoma had lots of tornadoes yesterday, three in my town, although apparently someone was watching out for us as they all missed the downtown part of town and they all missed my place!

It really scared me because I was at work and I work in a Walmart which is basically just a giant warehouse, no substantial walls or anything. We had to have everyone in the store take precautions and go to our gathering place, so while there is a tornado coming at us, all the employees have to walk the store and make sure the customers are clear while the customers are taking the closest thing to shelter we have.

Anthony was at home alone with Mika and we don't have a cellar or basement so have to use the downstairs bathroom as a safe (hopefully) spot. Big mirror so he took the crib mattress in there to put between him and the baby and the mirror to protect from flying glass. Then the power went out so he couldnt see or hear the weather broadcasts anymore.

When all the dust settled there was significant damage, one town is almost gone and so far five fatalities have been reported. The thing is, I have grown up here in tornado alley my whole life and even when I was actually IN a tornado never was as scared as I was yesterday. Knowing that Mika might be in harms way almost made me cry....OK, I'm going to cry now instead...excuse me while I go have a blubber.
Ah that must be horrible BN. You'll have to get used to constantly worrying about Mika from now on...

M is still sleeping ok at night, but naps in the day are atrocious. We woke at 7am and she's slept for a grandtotal of 2 hours since then, mainly made up of 20 mins here and there. I went and bought her a swing to see if she'd settle in that- she managed 20 mins before waking. Grrrrr!
Chele - Poor Max, that puddle of milk is as big as him :( Don't worry, I'm sure he will be sleeping through before you know it! How many hours is he doing at maximum?

I have THE grizzliest baby ever today :( Though admittedly I did hit his head on the doorframe today while he was in the moby wrap so it could be that :cry: And he had his jabs yesterday so it could also be an after effect of those...I'm pulling my hair out here. OR it could be a growth spurt, as I'm unsure whether he's had his 6 week one yet (he's 7 weeks today).

Maximum he went was 5 hours one afternoon while we were out. i think the rocking motion kept him asleep. Longest he's gone at night 4 hrs 15 which I was well proud of

Well he's been grizzly too which I put down to the 6 weke growth spurt however he has a rash on his chest and back. off down to the docs in an hour to see what's going on. Then got my appointment I already had tomorrow morning to discuss his reflux.
He's been going 2 hrs between feeds and taking a little less than normal each time so I have no idea what else it could be

Ok so it's shite living in the UK but we're lucky I suppose in the fact that we don't really suffer any natural disasters. Having said that we're now prone to major floods.
Chele- M has got a rash on her chest & back too. Red and pimply looking. HV said it's probably heat rash bit I'm not sure. Gotta keep an eye on it. Hope it's the same for Max.
I used olive oil to massage with a couple of nights ago, thinking that might be the problem. I always get prickly heat if I use tanning oil in the sun as the oil clogs up my sweat glands- bloody painful!
Aww Chele hope you get the rash cleared up. Mika developed a rash too, which the Dr. put down to a milk allergy, and said it might take a few weeks to clear up. I need to call again because it has only cleared a bit.

Cocoa-i hope you can get her off to sleep for a while! Mika is fussing in his swing trying not to fall asleep right now. And yeah, I know, I do worry constantly when I'm not with him and when I'm with him too!

We are "lucky" in that we get all the natural disasters. There has been a rash of earthquakes (small ones though) in one part of the state and in the summer we get tornadoes, flooding, severe hail, sometimes severe droughts, and extreme high temperatures. In winter we get tornadoes, ice storms, flooding, or droughts, and extreme cold temperatures. Last year we got a blizzard! And all year round there is the threat of wildfires if it gets too fun. Having said that, I wouldn't live anywhere else!
well EJ's appointment went well they do their jabs at 8wks here not 6 wks so just saw the GP and he weighed EJ and measured his head and checked hips etc... EJ weighs...... wait for it ........... 6.78kg which is 14lb 14 1/2 oz:happydance: not a wonder my arms hurt :dohh: and his head ans grown in proportion with the rest of him, didnt get a lenght for him but i know hes grown caus hes in 3-6month clothes caus the 0-3 dont do up underneath him anymore lol
Go boobie juice my milk must be darn impressive for him to have put on nearly 2kg since birth
bnK, I saw the hurricanes in the news, I am glad to hear you are all well. I can't imagine being away from Wren when something like that was happening, at least you know he is being well protected by your OH.
Blonde: Thought about you last night when I saw the tornados in Norman on the news. One of the tornados they caught on film was HUGE! Glad to hear that you are OK. We have tornados here in Florida too and like you we don't have a basement. I've just moved to Florida so I get to watch out for hurricanes in the summer and fall. I never worried all that much about these things, but now that I have a child I worry about everything. Ah, the joys of motherhood.

In other news, we had our first super blowout diaper today. Good lord, it was bad. At least we were home when it happened. Suppose I need to go ahead and switch her to the next size diaper since it appears she needs the extra room.
im hoping dh will take Nate with him tomorrow and give me a break so when EJ sleeps then i can sleep too i really hope EJ sleeps tonight

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