march lambs 2010 come on ladies

hi girls how are you all?

we've got the lurgy here, I've had a rotten sore throat for a couple of days and Roman has a manky cold now too, he is full of snot and phlegm. its much worse after a feed as you can hear it rattling around in the back of his nose and throat. I've raised one end of his moses basket up but I dont think theres much more I can do for him really, poor little mite.

are you all settled into routines now or are you feeding on demand still. Until the day before yesterday Roman was having up to 28oz a day over 6 feeds anything from 3-5hourly. but since wednesday he has been taking 24oz over 5 feeds spaced 3-5hourly in the day but then going longer at night. Wednesday he slept from 7pm til 2am, had a bottle then went back to bed til 630am.

and last night he had a little feed at 815pm, went straight to sleep and we didnt hear a squeak out of him til 445am!
Becki - have just noticed you/M are not on the front page!!
Dee- I did put my details on here for em to update I'm sure. Maybe she's not had time yet?
I'm still feeding on demand but last night M went 4 hours between feeds instead of 3- so moving in the right direction. BUT..... she's been awake since 5 pretty much grunting and straining to get a poo/gas out. At least I got a couple of good sleeps in. Laying in bed now both wide awake, but I can't muster up the energy to actually get up!
Poor Roman! (and the rest of you!) Hope you all feel better soon :hugs:

Lynn- I wish I knew how much M was drinking. She's increased most of her feeds from around 8 minutes to 12-15 minutes so presume she's taking more now. I'm so glad she's quite an efficient feeder!
GL- I don't think your boobies are meant to be in that much pain with thrush! i think its meant to be more your nipple? Have you told your gp how much pain u are in? x

Yes, I've looked into it, I think the thrush is actually in my milk ducts as well which is why I get the deep breast pain (which happens AFTER feeding I think when my milk starts filling up again) and need more that just the cream to treat it. They won't give you anything stronger if its just the nipple. I have some pills now and fingers crossed it works, I was in tears this morning :cry: however I think he has prescirbed me the wrong dosage (too low) so I'm just nervous there's another painful week before I go back and demand something stronger! Trying to think positive....
Hey, I have finally made it over into this thread! much on my time online on the computer has been sent in baby club and other than that its acebook on my phone!

Harry was born on 27th March, 9 days overdue via c-section so please add me to the list.

I hope everyone is coping as a mummy to their new LOs! I know it's been a mixed journey so far for me but I am slowly getting there and starting to adjust a little more to the lack of sleep.

I can't belive Harry is almost 7 weeks old and that 7 weeks ago I had been in latent labour for about 12 hours, never expecting whole thing to last as long as it did!

Hi Girl Friday!

Today my little one turned 12 weeks old. :happydance: I cannot believe it!

So much has changed in the past 12 weeks. She is on a pretty good schedule at this point which has made life with baby much more enjoyable and my house a lot cleaner now that I have time and energy to do anything other than take care of the lo. I don't know about the rest of you, but the older my baby gets the happier and more content she becomes. At first, and even up until a few weeks ago, she would cry all the time. I suppose she is now a bit more comfortable being out in the world and I now know better what she needs and when she needs it. It really was rough in the beginning. Of course the best part these days are the smiles and giggles. I also love it when she plays with her toys and "talks" to them. She really is becoming a little person. Exciting to see her grow, but hard to let go of the sweet little infant I gave birth to 12 weeks ago. OK, sorry, just feeling a bit nostalgic today. :cloud9:
Well his rash is apparently eczema. However this morning we noticed that it's only above the nappy line, but not on his legs. We already use nonbio but will try a different brand and see how he goes on. Weird that it's only just come on

not had max weighed for two weeks now and there's no clinic tomorrow so I'll have to try next week. Am guessing he's about 10lb something. MIght try and get him on my home scales :)

he's still being grizzly but spent most of today asleep so am sure he'll be up all night now. Fab! I also noticed he's been bringing up some clear fluid. No idea what it could be.

GL- I really hope the pain goes soon
im adjusted to having 2 boys now, although even when one is being good then that doesnt guarentee me an easy day, ive had few days when they have both been stars for me but often they take turns being upset and grumpy, but we have a routine that works and its not strict it changes to work around any activitys we have planned in the daytimes or evenings. and im managing to get more houswork done on the days when DH isnt here than the days he is lol
chele i would stop using fabric softner on his clothes if hes got excema and just put a spoonful of white vinegar in instead it does the same thing but is easier on the skin, and you could try putting some oats in a small cloth bag or peice of muslin and when you run his bath run the water through it and leave it in the water during the bath it helps with excema and i dont know if your using babywash or moisterisor at all but id stop any of those and swap to Aqueous cream which you can use as a body cream as well as a soap subsitute
GL- that sux :( rough time 4 u i really hope the pain eases soon! :hugs:

i don't use fabric softener, i did in the 1st lot i washed but it made the clothes easier to stretch in the wash and they felt too soft after lol

OH got a wee gym for Ella she loves it it has flashing lights and a mirror she smiles and talks to it.

We got 11 1/2 hours sleep last night. i'm expressing now- as u can imagine lol!

I really need to start expressing to build up my stash! Want to go to see SATC2 with the girls when it's released so will need to leave at least one bottle of EBM for OH to feed Megan, maybe 2 if we go out for dinner first. So far I've got 3oz inthe freezer - pathetic! I was also hoping to have upped my supply a bit before the 6 week spurt so it doesn't last quite as long. I find it so hard to be organised enough to remember to sterilise a bottle and the pump so it's ready in the morning! Also, am I supposed to only express from the breast M just fed from? Or... if she feeds from the right side, can I express from the left? And if so, do I then feed her from the right side next time? Expressing confuses the life out of me!

Vegasbaby - I loved your post! Although M is getting easier by the day as I learn more about her- it's nice to hear that we'll probably be happy and enjoying each other more soon. I think it takes so long to understand what she wants, and I'm sure it takes babies a while to get used to their parents too.
if your only feeding one side at a time then i would express from the other side then when she feeds next feed the boob you expressed off and then express off the other you will build your supply quicker
Thanks Lynn. I've sterilised the stuff ready for the morning and M should be ok in her swing for a while so hopefully I'll get a couple more oz in preperation
ive just finished expressing myself, i always leave it for a bit after he goes down for his night feed to allow me the most time asleep before im so full im uncomfy lol, and now im heading to bed
Do any of you find you have NO time for anything... i have 4 kids now and i seem to have no time for anything... i seem to of developed OCD since having paige i cant sit still and clean ALL the time lol... tryin to find a balance between all 4 kids a hubby and housework is a nightmare right now.
so my SIL still hasnt had her bub yet but shes still having contractions, like i did for that week grrr. lol
My sister is getting worse :nope: she's lost 22kg n weighs 44kg now. she looks half dead n is always making excuses not to eat. shes needs to go to hospital n get fed via a drip! this break up shes having with her partner is literally killing her. hes an absolute b*stard. im sorry buh he comes n goes everywhere with this other girl, blows my sister off when they r meant to be having a weekend away because this other girl wants to see him. what is everyone meant to think????? tha they arent together? get real. i dont know wat to do anymore, n shes not handling the miscarriage well at all. everytime i see her she breaks down screaming n crying ' y does he do this to me, i lost his baby....'. its getting me upset. she went to see him last night to find out an answer if its over or not n havent heard back from her, so hoping shes ok.... sorry to rant,im just so helppless.
In other news, jesse is 8weeks today, n wait for it..... he has a TOOTH coming thru!!! :shock: its only showing a teeny bit buh its definately there
steph i find it hard to do housework with 2 kids let alone 4 lol,

tiger sweetie sorry your sis is having such a hard time, more :dust: for your SIL hopeher baby hurrys up,
Did I ever mention Nathaniel was born with one tooth through and the second showing in the gum ?
About the teeth, I think I can see Lachlan's bottom two through his gums? I'll have to try and get a pic (if I can keep him still/keep him from screaming when I try LOL!)...

Crazy about Nate's teeth Lynn, omg! Have you got a piccie? Must have been so odd cause he was so little with a tooth lol!

Steph- You definitely shouldn't feel the need to be superwoman with 4 kids- I just about get the basics done with one baby to look after, without having 3 others coming along to create more mess! Lol.

Tiger - your poor sister. Can you persuade her to see a counsellor or something?

M slept in her basket all night! Went to bee just before 11. I changed her bum, swaddled her, fed her lying down in bed, she fell asleep so I put her down on her side in her basket with one arm out. She slept until 2:30, I got her into bed and fed her lying down again, she fell asleep again and I put her back in the basket. She slept/groaned until 5:30, same drill again but she was stirring a lot by 7:30 so we got up.

So pleased she slept in it without causing a fuss for the first half of the night though. Although I didn't sleep to well because it was weird without her in my bed!
Also managed to express 3oz this morning. Having a lazy day on the couch today x

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