march lambs 2010 come on ladies

well done to M!!
rosy it was odd having a baby with teeth made breastfeeding a challenge at times i'll see if i can dig out a picture or two
No she wont see a counsellor :nope: not unless he does, n he wont. \
she seems a bit better todauy, although shes probably not.
Lynn- no you didnt ! BF'ing would have been very hard i would imagine!
I just feel like hes growing up so fast.... :( He giggles at me alot now, i cant believe he's laughing already
He gets his needles on monday :-/ im freaking out, i stress out when he cries for no reason let alone him being in pain, which is why jonno will be with him n not me, ill be there to comfort him after though. Is anyone else like that??? when their bub screams, they stress out. Im NOT against letting them cry for a bit at all, but I jus cant do it :nope: I sit their nearly pulling my hair out when jonno lets him cry, because im so stressed that hes upset. hoping im not alone on this lol.......
Oh jesse isnt getting one needle though because my doctor advised against it, because i hada severe reaction to it n nearly died,
No she wont see a counsellor :nope: not unless he does, n he wont. \
she seems a bit better todauy, although shes probably not.
Lynn- no you didnt ! BF'ing would have been very hard i would imagine!
I just feel like hes growing up so fast.... :( He giggles at me alot now, i cant believe he's laughing already
He gets his needles on monday :-/ im freaking out, i stress out when he cries for no reason let alone him being in pain, which is why jonno will be with him n not me, ill be there to comfort him after though. Is anyone else like that??? when their bub screams, they stress out. Im NOT against letting them cry for a bit at all, but I jus cant do it :nope: I sit their nearly pulling my hair out when jonno lets him cry, because im so stressed that hes upset. hoping im not alone on this lol.......
Oh jesse isnt getting one needle though because my doctor advised against it, because i hada severe reaction to it n nearly died,

I fully know what you mean about getting stressed when bubs screams :/ But I think that's normal hun! I can let him cry for 10 minutes straight provided I know there's no particular reason he's crying - i.e. he's changed, fed, played with etc. He will do it just for his dummy and for his dummy alone, he gets frantic (I know this because I'll give it to him and he goes to sleep lol...). But if he does the really sad cry I can't leave him crying. But yeah I could've cried when he got his jabs, he was so upset. Did that silent sorta cry where it takes their breath away :nope: Poor wee man. Good luck for his jabs.

And :hugs: to your sister, poor girl :(

I need to prioritise things... right now i cant relax if the house needs cleaning SO i clean but im shattered all the time cause im just not sitting down lol... Ive always been a bit of a neat freak BUT this is nuts lol....

Paige is 10 weeks today she had her first lot of jabs this week she did well though bless her... ;)... x
i am hoping DH will be able to take EJ for his jabs caus i hate it, i had to do the last couple of lots for Nate and it wasnt nice as i had to hold him and hold his leg still caus he was fighting me knowing what was coming,
Tiger - I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Sometimes its really hard to help people who need help, because they won't hear it. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to do anything for her. She has to help herself in many ways. Can't believe your baby has a tooth already!

Amazed: How you can be a mum to 4 and still manage to clean all the time is beyond me. Cleaning with 1 is hard enough! Your username should be amazing!

News from me: I have discovered my daughter likes some alone time. When she was fighting her nap today (quite forcefully), which I was trying to orchestrate in the living room, I took her through to the bedroom and just put her down with her dummy in the moses basket and she settled immediately. not even asleep. She does this at bedtime as well, its weird. Leave me alone with my best friend! But other than that she's been a grump today. I managed to express about 4oz which I'll get DH to give to her late tonight or tomorrow morning. I am definitely getting and electric pumo the manual one seems to take me forever.

She is six weeks now so I am expecting things to magically get easy. :haha:, if it wasn't for the thrush I think it would be. And I got a smile on camera! here it is.
Amazed: How you can be a mum to 4 and still manage to clean all the time is beyond me. Cleaning with 1 is hard enough! Your username should be amazing!
I do it by never having a sit down lol... honestly its knackering lol :coffee:
Tiger-I really hope your sister starts doing better soon. Sometimes all you can do is be there to listen...

Lynn-Mika and I had a hard enough time breastfeeding WITHOUT teeth!

Greenlady-what a cute little smile! Mika sleeps best if he falls asleep on his own so that's what we have been doing for a few weeks now.

Speaking of falling asleep we are having an issue with naps. Fighting them is enough, but now we are having issues with the swing. He likes to swing to sleep, and refuses to nap in his crib (but he loves it at night). Problem is his swing doesn't plug in so we have to replace batteries constantly. It's getting expensive! I'm trying to figure out if we should just try to teach him to sleep in his bouncer (he hates it) or in his crib (he hates that too) or just look for a new swing or buy rechargables. I think rechargeable D batteries are as expensive as a new swing though!
GL - she looks ao grown up in that picture!

M had a lovely 3.5 hour nap earlier cuddled up to me (I'll admit I fell asleep too and dribbled on her again :haha:) but now she's been awake for 3.5 hours and won't go ro sleep. Grrrr
Oh- in other news (and this is probably TMI!) ..... I think me and OH might DTD tonight! Or if not tonight then sometime soon. I'm scared! My stitches all healed fine but I feel a little bit 'looser' down there and I'm worried I won't feel the same for him! Also worried that it's going to hurt but trying not to dwell on that too much. Told OH that it'll probably have to be very gentle for a while. Eeek!

Also, I still haven't decided what contraception to use. Think we'll probably use a condom tonight but we don't want to rely on them forever. Is anyone else on the mini-pill? I've heard that your bleeding can be all over the place on it? I also worry about putting on weight if I go on it, still got a stone and a half to lose as it is.
im on the minipill its only been a week though, im going to combat weight gain by exersize and good diet, i have my exersize dvds at the ready
You'll have to let me know how you get on with the pill hun. I'm not sure when I'd have time to exercise at the mo. I'm not to kern on taking M out for long walks yet because she still wakes so easily in the pram, and I'd like to do DVDs or the Wii but our front room floorboards are really creaky, so I'll probably have to wait until M is taking her naps upstairs or I'll wake her up.

I'm trying to eat a bit better and more frequently now. M is quite happy to sit quietly in her swing so I can cook something quickly, and I've discovered that cutting dairy out of my diet doesn't make too much difference to her wind so I think I'm going to start Slimming World again. I'm very slowly losing the weight I gained when I was pregnant. It's weird though- I've had to buy clothes in a size 16 (I was 12 before) but apart from my boobs - I don't think I actually look much bigger at all. I think I've just got wider! Lol
im starting to gain a tummy i need to tighten my abs up so got to get back into pilates, i seems to be loosing the weight off my hips and bum though:thumbup: i just need to include more fruit and vege into each day and less crumpets lol
Mmmmm peanut butter on crumpets!

My tummy isn't too bad- all my weight is on my arse and thighs. Classic pear shape :-(

just put M in her basket half awake. Touch wood- she seems to be drifting off ok. I think my roblem might be winding- I'm too scared to wind her at night after feeding incase it wakes her up fully and I can't get her back to sleep. But then I think trapped wind is what makes her so squirmy and groany in the early hours. I'll have to bite the bullet and properly wind her one night to see if it makes a difference. P
I went on the mini pill 3 weeks ago, so far i've had a little bleed but nothing heavy and only for a couple of days, really hoping i don't gain weight with it.

Haha CocoaOne you "wider" comment made me laugh, thats exactly what i'm like, been saying to hubby that the top half of me just looks wider.
Still havn't dtd over here! my scar is still too sore to attempt it :shock: Got a pretty big cut though- well not just a cut i tore all over the place as well :wacko:
Hi girls...a little update from Sam. He got his 2 month shots last wednesday and when weight he is 12lbs and 23inch now. Poor guy was just fallen asleep when the nurse poked him, he cried so hard. It was tough. Ever since he seems to fight sleeping until he passes out. Wonder if he is traumatized a bit and does not trust to fall asleep right now.

I am also wondering if we are onto early teething activity - he is drooling like crazy and eating his fingers/ fist constantly. Could that be?

I am still doing everything kind of on demand but would like to put him on a schedule now, do you guys have some good advice on how to best approach that?

Also, he won't take bottle or soother. I was hoping we could get him to take a bottle every here and there so I can start playing soccer one night a week. He did take it with no problems for awhile but then one day just decided he is done taking the bottle.
they start sucking their hands when they "discover" them and that makes them drool loads , teeth come with red cheeks slightly high temp and nappy rash aas well as going off feeds,

im not looking forward to ej's shots im gonna try to see if dh can be there
I'm so annoyed at my OH! He cam home from work last night all sweetness saying he would do the morning feed (there is EBM in the fridge), he even set his alarm for 6am, I said no point she'll wake us when she's hungry. SO the feeds went a bit differently and she ended up having a feed at 4ish, but wouldn't settle in her basket so she was on my chest from 5 onwards, so I didn't sleep very well. At 7:45 she was kicking off and I said honey, remember you said you'd do the morning feed. Guess what he said? 'can you get me the bottle'!!! I said bloody hell what's the point, so I got up and changed and fed her myself and he's gone back to sleep!! I'm so p***ed off at him.

he has jus worked a load of back to back shifts but honestly dont offer and then go back on it like that! :growlmad:
GL i can see why your annoyed hun, if he hadn't said anything you wouldn't have been bothered but saying he would do it then asking you to get the bottle?? Your up then so whats the point. My friends hubby used to do this with the night feeds, he would always ask her to keep their LO occupied whilst he got the bottle ready, but when it was her turn she would do both.

I expressed the other week for hubby to feed Chase at night but he seemed to forget he'd said he'd do it so i just fed him.

Julchen poor Sam, yeah sounds like he is a bit traumatised, poor lil man. I'd just keep trying with the bottle hun, sometimes Chase will take it really well other times he's a bit fussy, but he does ventually take it. I'm keeping giving him one every so often as going out for the afternoon next month so need him to take a bottle no prob for hubby.

I still feed on demand too, what is everyone else doing, is everyone starting to schedule feeds now?

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