march lambs 2010 come on ladies

must must MUST buy some condoms before we DTD!!

In other news, got my first proper period since having Roman, its been okay so far but will see how they go (used to get long heavy painful ones) as if they go nasty again I will go back on the pill!

Speaking of teeth, think I can see Romans top ones in the gum, it certainly feels hard. Livvie didnt get her first tooth til she was almost 1 but Romans going to be earlier, I can feel it!
Just thinking how do you schedule feeding when bf? Because you don't know how much their getting how can you ensure they have eaten enough to last until their next scheduled feed?
Julchen - Sam looks so cute in your avatar! I really must get round to changing mine. Have you tried a different type if bottle or teat? Babies can be really fussy with them apparently....
No advice on the routineim afraid, I think M is still a bit too small so I'm trying not to think about it too much.

Got a couple of weeks until M's jabs- really not looking forward to it. Maybe she'll be a rock hard baby and not cry? :haha:

GL- typical man! I bet he couldn't see what he'd said/done wrong either!

Well..... DTD went very well! TMI again.... we ended up doing it in the kitchen as M was asleep in her swing in the front room and we didn't want to go too far from her as she was due to wake! Didn't hurt but I was a tiny bit sore after- only to be expected after 3 months (!!??!!!!!!) of no action apart from a rather large baby coming out of it :haha:
The funniest part was OH checking the condom intently to make sure their were no leaks after! Paranoid about another baby much?! Lol
Well he has been working hard this week (double shifts) and he did feel guilty. He has promised to do it tomorrow morning. We'll see!

No DTD here yet - probably he's getting a bit frustrated! I've just gone on the mini pill and have another week before its effective so I'v got no excuse then. Bit nervous actually.

JJ - I know what you mean, I just think roughly around 2.5-3 hours after her last feed she's probably hungry again, so if she starts crying then I'll feed her. If she cries earlier than that I'll try other things, dummy, sling, nappy change, distraction etc. If none of them work I'll feed her again! And if she's sleeping, I don't wake her if she goes longer than 3 hours, which only ever happens at night anyway. SO no schedule at all really, just making it up as I go along. SHe has a sort of pattern of her own but it changes slightly every day. Also She usually has botth boobs so I'm pretty sure she's getting enough!
normally they stop eating when they are full when your BF lol and should feed for roughly the same amount of time each feed and anywhere from 2-3 hours is find for how often they should need feeding, ive always woken both boys if they have slept more than half an hour past when they are due a feed which for EJ is 3 hourly in the day, normally he starts letting me know about 5 -10 min before hes due that hes hungry which is great, inbetween feeds he gets a dummy an cuddles and other methods to soothe him if he crys i can tell when hes hungry caus he starts looking for food with his mouth so if hes on my shoulder will start sucking on my shoulder or neck, he definatly acts differently depending on what he wants or needs, i will give EJ a top up after 2 hours if hes needing it (normally does once in the evenings) but other than that try not to feed him more often than every 3 hours caus it allows me to get things done and Nate fed and changed and cared for. i know im express feeding but i did this when solely BF both boys
DTD in the kitchen..... double points for you then m'dear!!
they start sucking their hands when they "discover" them and that makes them drool loads , teeth come with red cheeks slightly high temp and nappy rash aas well as going off feeds,

im not looking forward to ej's shots im gonna try to see if dh can be there

Lynn, that is a good point. So cute anyway when they discover their hands. Can't wait for him to realize he has feets. :rofl:

Julchen poor Sam, yeah sounds like he is a bit traumatised, poor lil man. I'd just keep trying with the bottle hun, sometimes Chase will take it really well other times he's a bit fussy, but he does ventually take it. I'm keeping giving him one every so often as going out for the afternoon next month so need him to take a bottle no prob for hubby.

JJ, I wonder how long their memories last at this stage. I am sure he'll be fine within the next few days and get back to his usual self. Right now he is being a super monkey, and quite clingy. :dohh:

Julchen - Sam looks so cute in your avatar! I really must get round to changing mine. Have you tried a different type if bottle or teat? Babies can be really fussy with them apparently....
No advice on the routineim afraid, I think M is still a bit too small so I'm trying not to think about it too much.

Thanks Cocoa! Yes, we have tried anything. Tons of different bottles, suckies, formula (I am not expressing for the rare bottle feeds). Eventually we went back to the bottle and formula he was using just fine for about 3 weeks. It is not such a huge deal that he is not taking it. IT would be nice though, my friend has asked me to play in a golf tournament mid June and obviously I can only do that if I know he is fine being fed by daddy or grandma.
ive been bleeding since ive been on the mini pill its been over a week now and is gotten as heavy as a period arrrgh i hope it doesnt keep up caus i dont like to dtd when im bleeding at all really hope it clears up and soon caus im gagging for it and so is DH lol
ive been bleeding since ive been on the mini pill its been over a week now and is gotten as heavy as a period arrrgh i hope it doesnt keep up caus i dont like to dtd when im bleeding at all really hope it clears up and soon caus im gagging for it and so is DH lol

that's what I'm worried about. OH is squeamish about DTD while I'm bleeding so the mini-pill could cause a problem if you bleed a lot or unpredictably. Hmmmm. Suppose it's the only option though. OH will just have to man up! :haha:

M slept in her basket again last night. I have to swaddle her really tight but she still wiggles her arm out which then wakes her up (she startles and hits herself in the face, shouldn't laugh, but it's funny!). I'm only sleeping for 2 hours at a time but it's better quality now I'm not aware of her in the bed with us.
I started the mini pill a week ago and haven't had any bleeding :shrug:
what one is the mini-pill? one you take constantly or one you have a break in?
hows everyones weekend going so far?

good thanks for the most part. I'm completely exhausted and not sure why. both thursday and friday night Zander slept 9 hours. Tonight... well, last night as it's early sunday now was a different story though. The only thing I can figure is he's going thru a growth spurt cause I can't figure his sleep out right now! :rofl:

Other than that the weekend has been pretty uneventful, just relaxing at home.
How bout yours?
DH was out at a course yesterday so was alone till he got back then for some reason both boys went into meltdown which made for a migrane by bedtime and im suffering from blocked ducts on my right boob, i pumped 12 oz of milk this morning to empty both breasts to try and relieve it but it hasnt worked fully grrr, todays going to be a long day caus EJ woke at 5 so i was up settling him for an hour before feedtime
hows everyones weekend going so far?

it was good! It's sunday night now so almost over. Watched a movie fri night and then another yesterday (we hired some out), I visited a friend today while dan stayed home with ella for an hour. MIL was over for the weekend so that was awesome to see her :)
well we have all of sunday to go yet, ive been awake since 5 although i dozed a bit till 6 inbetween giving EJ back his dummy and Mike went down to the loo and brought me the bottle back up for EJ at six, but i got up after to pump and decided to eat and ahve a cuppa while i have the chance might just sneak into the shower before the boys wake up as once Mike gets up im not going to get a chance to use the bathrom, does anyone else have an OH who takes longer than you do to get ready and out the door? its sooooo frustrating
Morning all, had an ok weekend so far, although Chase has been grizzly and now i think he has thrush on his groin, plus i can still see some in his mouth, poor lil man. Back to the docs tomorrow.

I'm going to have to start expressing regularly so hubby can feed him, think he needs more time with Chase. Hubby was tired yesterday as worked overtime and he was getting sad saying Chase cries everytime he holds him and that when he is working he comes home and he's asleep or feeding. Felt really sorry for him as twice when he had him Chase started to whinge thrn stopped when he gave him to me and hubby was just like oh there's a suprise. He's feeling that Chase doesn't recgonise him as his dad so feeding him will surely help them to have some nice time together :shrug:

Hopefully the weather will be nice today as we need to get out in the garden and plant some bits we've bought. We had the whole back turfed last year but it was a bit bare so were gradually adding bits.

Lynn i can totally sympathise with your blocked duct :hugs: i've had loads, having a hot bath and then hand expressing it out in the bath worked best for me! Although you then need a shower after as you end up in a milk bath :haha:
hi all really missing you lot at the mo having a bit of a rough time of it but just not finding the time to get on here hope every one is doing ok i have a horrid cold and sore throat so not feeling to great this weekend lol.
i did an anti natel clas with work the other day and it was so strange sitting in this room full of pregnant thinking how it was not that long ago that i was like that and then looking at ella and how much she has grown all ready cant belive she will be 8 weeks tomorrow where does it go xx
I'm back at the docs tomorrow as well, got my six week post natal check with the midwife. I am going to beg for the correct does of fluconazole for my thrush as its just total agony and I'm dreading each feed. :cry: I don't if the midwife can prescribe it but if not I'll just demand to see the emergency doctor. Also will go armed with the info from the brestfeeding network which says the correct dosage, the stupid doctor never looked it up just gave me a low dose less than half of what I need for half as long.

My DH dutifully did the morning feed at 5:30 I got a couple more hours sleep which was good but wok up with quite full breasts that of course are mega sore. I am desperate to turn a corner with this now its getting me down so much. Also FLoras bum is really red and its upsetting me.

Sorry for the moan everyone. At least DH has been off work for 2 days in a row (a rarity), pity I'm such a misery guts. Hope everyone else is happier than me!

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