march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Ej slept last night from 10.30 till 4.30 and woke so i gave him his dummy and he went back to sleep till 7, he was being noisy in his sleep at 6 though which woke me up so ive been awake even though he wasnt lol, im gonna have to think about putting him into his own room if this keeps up lol,
we have the Homestart volunteer coming for the first time today , Homestart is a charity that offer help to people with young familys so i'll probably have a couple of hours a week where a volunteer will come and keep me company and help me out with the boys. probably doing some educational play with Nate while I get some housework done,
I have managed to tidy the kitchen do some dishes and clean the bathroom as well as have my shower this morning and im on my own with both boys so im pretty happy with myself. need to express now though,
Oh I hope it goes ok Lyn- that'll be a massive help So you can get more done.

I co-slept with M last night as I was expecting her to feed every 1-2 hours- and what do you know, she slept from 11:30-3, 3:10-6:30, 7-10! And she's asleep again now. So I'm not sure if that was her growth spurt starting yesterday, or if she was just having a fussy day! She's not slept that much at night for ages, I feel so rested!

Hope everyone has a good day. I've gotta go shopping, starting Slimming World today so need some healthy food in my cupboards
have you done sliming world before hun? DH did it for a while but it was a pain doing seperate meals for him all the time as at the time i didnt need to loose weight, i could do with dropping a few pounds now though , got to start being more careful about what i eat
Yeah I did it a couple of years ago and find it really good- they've even added a plan called Extra Easy where you can eat meat and carbs together - you just have to make sure you eat veg etc too so you don't fill up on meat and potatoes! It's basically just a low fat balanced diet now. I like it because you aren't limited to a certain amount of points etc, and I should be on a low fat diet anyway as I've got stupidly high cholesterol (over 8.5 at its highest - and that's when I was a size 10!)
Lynn - wow how do you manage to get all that done I'm jealous. My place is in desperate need of a clean and I have people coming on Saturday for a BBQ!

And Cocoa good nights sleep lucky you! I definitely still had growth spurt behaviour. She went down at 7, then woke at 11, 1:30, 4:10, 6:30 then was basically up and shouting for milk all morning.

We took her into central London today as I went to visit my workmates and DH had an appointment, then we went to Chinatown for a chinese lunch! I had to feed her 3 times en route. :dohh: why do I do it to myself. I feel pretty knackered now, although everyone at work kindly told me I looked really well.

So tomorrow I'm goign to a breastfeeding workshop, I thought it was worth going to speak to some experts. I think its all fine with latching etc except I think I have a slightly fast let down and F kind of drops and re-latches really quickly several times at the beginning, and the nipple gets really slippery with milk. I've also started squirting her in the face :blush: accidentally of course. What do you guys do at night when feeding - if you just give one side do you find at the next feed that the other side is REALLY full? I had this last night and it made latching quite tricky. I don't want to wake her to feed from the other side I've tried a few times but she's not interested. I would also like to fill her up a bit better so she sleeps a bit longer!
Well I had a good day with M (she slept for most of it!) but she woke up at 6 and has been shouting and crying ever since. She doesn't actually feed much more during her growth spurts - she's just majorly unhappy! It's so tough but makes you appreciate the good days a bit more!

I feed alternative breasts during the night. I squirt EVERYWHERE if she unlatches at the beginning of her feed- her hair, her eyes, the wall.... :haha:
Last night Connor slept through for the first time. He slept from 9pm-7am. I hope he does it again tonight. It looks like Connor is going to be a thumb sucker.
Pics of my beautiful little man!!!!!


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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile!! How is everybody? Loving the pics people have posted of their LO's, so gorgeous :) I love seeing how they're all growing and changing, everyone's getting cuter by the day!

jj-rabbit - Poor Chase :( I hope his thrush gets better soon! :hugs:

Emskins - Congrats on your engagement, that is awesome news! :hugs: And your ring (and Wren) is beautiful!

Lynn - Lachlan's been waking then going back to sleep with his dummy too. Had my HV over today and she told me to feed him when he does that :blush: Whoops!...hope EJ stops doing it soon! At least he has his room there like you said, if it gets a bit much. That volunteer sounds like it will be really handy, let us know how that goes :) Lucky thing!

Cocoa - That's a great sleep from M, how did you find cosleeping with her? Must be so nice to snuggle up with bubs :) I would love to but I'm so scared I would roll on him :/ Plus our bed is only a double lol and Tom likes to stretch out so he'd get shitty :lol: Good luck with Slimming World! What does that consist of hun, is it shakes etc or just healthier food? I need to get in shape myself :wacko:

GreenLady - :lol: @ you squirting Flora in the face, poor girl hehe I did that to Lachlan once too and he looked so shocked! In terms of feeding, I normally just give one side, but nowadays don't find that I'm too full. When I was, it wasn't too bad as I use nipple shields and he just pops himself on pretty much lol... Hopefully the fact that my breasts aren't too full doesn't mean my supply is dwindling, though this morning I got 150ml from one breast while feeding Lachlan from the other so that's for his night feed :dance:

I'm not sure what to tell you about dreamfeeding etc cause Lachlan's the same as Flora and won't wake for it lol... Oh, and if your breast is overfull just try rubbing your breast down with a warm flannel, then hand expressing (or electric, either way hehe) a bit off until it's easier to get a latch xx

Kel - Connor is so gorgeous :cloud9: His hair is lovely! Congrats on getting a full night's sleep, that's so awesome! :)

Well, we had the plunket nurse (HV) come to visit today. Lachlan has grown 4cm in the last 3 weeks :shock: (so he's about 64cm now) And his head circumference has grown nearly 1.5cm. He's put on about 600g in that time too (about 1.3lb) so now he's 12.12lb :bunny: I'm happy with that!

Lachlan's learnt a new trick in the last week - he can now push his dummy back into his mouth! So pleased lol because I hate doing it for him! He drops it so often... He'll only do it when it's right in front of his mouth, but still it's better than nothing I suppose lol.

He's been so naughty with bedtimes - I've been trying to get him to go to bed earlier than 10 but he just won't go. He'll cry and get pissy until I get him back up :s Even if he's not feeding! He just wants to not be in bed...hmm. But he's been sleeping okay so I guess it's not the end of the world, I just don't want him in bad habits, and it would be nice if he would go down earlier in case I need a nap in the evening and his daddy is too 'busy' to look after him :wacko:

Okay so now it's my turn to share some piccies hehe. Last one is of me and Tom holding him a few hours after he was born :cloud9: One of the only pics of the three of us together (that I have) where Tom refrained from pulling a stupid face :grr:



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lol rosy at the towel in ur hair ! :haha:
hes super cute tho :)
kel- connor is gawjuz, lots of hair like jesse
well jesses cradle cap has settled abit but its cracked where the bad spots were n started bleeding :cry: got told to massage olive oil in his hair lol so will do that tonight.
we had a horrible sleep last night, ive been up since 3.45am bcuz he wouldn go back to sleep :( still hasnt, just 10min naps here n there so hoping he sleeps well tonight
lol rosy at the towel in ur hair ! :haha:
hes super cute tho :)
kel- connor is gawjuz, lots of hair like jesse
well jesses cradle cap has settled abit but its cracked where the bad spots were n started bleeding :cry: got told to massage olive oil in his hair lol so will do that tonight.
we had a horrible sleep last night, ive been up since 3.45am bcuz he wouldn go back to sleep :( still hasnt, just 10min naps here n there so hoping he sleeps well tonight

Hehe I had a shower not long after labour lol jumped at the opportunity :lol:
Thank you :hugs: x

Aw poor Jesse :( Hope the cradle cap clears up soon! Must be awful for the both of you!

Omg wonder why he's so unsettled! Fingers crossed tonight will be better eh? Did he just want to feed hun? x
Rosey im sure EJ doesnt need that night feedand can last that hour or so longer till daytime after all hes 15lbs+ now.
the Homestart lady didnt come yesterday i dont know why, i'll have to get dh to check the machine and see if she called thurs or fri when we were out.
Hehe I had a shower not long after labour lol jumped at the opportunity :lol:
Thank you :hugs: x

Aw poor Jesse :( Hope the cradle cap clears up soon! Must be awful for the both of you!

Omg wonder why he's so unsettled! Fingers crossed tonight will be better eh? Did he just want to feed hun? x

lucky you because of my iron levels they wouldnt let me off the bed for 4 hours then when i was allowed up i had to have someone with me the whiole time
Rosey im sure EJ doesnt need that night feedand can last that hour or so longer till daytime after all hes 15lbs+ now.
the Homestart lady didnt come yesterday i dont know why, i'll have to get dh to check the machine and see if she called thurs or fri when we were out.

Over 15lbs! Goodness me lol, he's doing so well! He must be so long, cause he looks like a lean little man!

Ugh don't you hate it when people are supposed to come by (professionals, like) and they never show :wacko: It's just rude. Hopefully she did leave a message.

lucky you because of my iron levels they wouldnt let me off the bed for 4 hours then when i was allowed up i had to have someone with me the whiole time

Oh that sucks :( I was on the bed for ages while they dealt with my placenta, the bugger lol.. Did you find that you were quite light headed when you did shower? I had to press the call button lol cause I thought I was going to pass out...
Well last night I squirted her in the face and all over her head! Her hair is all sticky this morning! I think because of the growth spurt my boobs have been working overtime and they are seriously full after about 2 hours. And last night Flora slept from 7pm till 12:45! So nearly 6 hours!! So good for me but boy was that feed tricky, loads of squirting, latch slipping etc! I managed to get her to mostly feed from one side, then a bit from the other to take the edge off it... however next feed at 4 ish it was mega full again. Then she fell alseep before I could get her on the other side and the following feed was massively full again! Arrgghhh!

I am hoping that my boobs will work out soon that only one at a time needs using in the night, and they will adjust to that. I did hand express a bit but it didn't seem to make much difference. I am buying an electric pump today :yippe: so might use that if its not too noisy in the night.

Lynn - 15lbs!! Wow that's a lot, mind you he was quite heavy when he was born wasn't he?

Rosey, Lachlan is adorable! And I agree I think it is SO unprofessional when they don't even let you know they're not coming. And you've probably stayed in all day waiting.

Anyone else have a tricky baby in the morning? After the 6:30-7 ish feed?
Well last night I squirted her in the face and all over her head! Her hair is all sticky this morning! I think because of the growth spurt my boobs have been working overtime and they are seriously full after about 2 hours. And last night Flora slept from 7pm till 12:45! So nearly 6 hours!! So good for me but boy was that feed tricky, loads of squirting, latch slipping etc! I managed to get her to mostly feed from one side, then a bit from the other to take the edge off it... however next feed at 4 ish it was mega full again. Then she fell alseep before I could get her on the other side and the following feed was massively full again! Arrgghhh!

I am hoping that my boobs will work out soon that only one at a time needs using in the night, and they will adjust to that. I did hand express a bit but it didn't seem to make much difference. I am buying an electric pump today :yippe: so might use that if its not too noisy in the night.

Lynn - 15lbs!! Wow that's a lot, mind you he was quite heavy when he was born wasn't he?

Rosey, Lachlan is adorable! And I agree I think it is SO unprofessional when they don't even let you know they're not coming. And you've probably stayed in all day waiting.

Anyone else have a tricky baby in the morning? After the 6:30-7 ish feed?

Sounds like you've got a great milk supply hun, you should think about pumping and freezing some :) Wish I had a supply like that! Hopefully your boobs settle down in the 'feeling' full sense. Mine are back to being squishy finally which is good and I've just stopped having to use breastpads...bad timing because I just got a free box from a friend :lol:

Thanks hun :hugs: So is Flora, loved seeing that pic of her that you posted not long ago, she's such a little gem :D Absolutely beautiful.

Cute pictures girls! I love seeing all our babies as they grow up!

After M's attempt to win the award for worlds fussiest baby yesterday evening- we had a fab night! She slept from 9:30-2:00, 2:10-5:15, 5:45-8:45! I can handle the fussy evenings so much better if we have good nights.

GL - M is more fussy at her 5/6am feed- takes her a lot longer to go back to sleep but I think it's because she's got more wind. I usually try and get her to have a poo or fart!
yeah EJ was 10lb12 oz at birth so had a head start on the weight gain front lol, hes really long the 3-6 month stuff only just does up under him but the 6-9 is still way big lol so hes in 3-6 for a while at least
im loving my boobs, except right before i pump in the morning then they dont go hard with being full but i still have way plenty of milk for him lol this morning i got 14oz when i expressed lol, but im loving the size increase, i just hope by toning up my abdomanials i can keep most of the boob size but still have my waist back by christmas lol
Lynn you have super boobs! 14 oz! blimey. Glad to hear they are aesthetically pleasing too!

Cocoa - at least she goes back to sleep! Mine wants to be up by 7 and looking around at the worls it seems. Mind you she's been going to be at 7 so maybe that's the reason. I've been trying to keep her up later but the feeding always just pans out to fit with 7ish bedtime.

I've just been to a breastfeeding support group and she confirmed I'm doing everything right, the only thing is I have a very fast let down which makes F have trouble holding the latch for the first few mintues, so she sort of clicks and relatches, which is probably letting air in hence she is quite windy. But she said she didn't look uncomfortable with it and it would probably ease off around 3 months ish. This morning I fed her side lying in bed - my boob was so full milk was going everywhere, and then right after she puked allover me several times. Nice.
Lol- aren't they charming when they puke all over you?!

M is really fussing at the boob for the last couple of days. She feeds for a few minutes and then crys, latches back on for a few sucks, unlatches, cries, latches back on for a few sucks. It's definitely not wind, I'm not sure if it's growth spurt behaviour of if it's because I've reintroduced milk/dairy back into my diet. I started having dairy over a week ago though and fussiness has just been the past 2 days so I'm sure it's unrelated- but I can't help but doubt myself!

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