march lambs 2010 come on ladies

hivechild - That picture of Ronan is gorgeous! So clever that he is rolling from back to front, he must be so strong to be able to do that already! Well done Ronan! :) That's funny that he was unimpressed to find himself face down, Lachlan would be exactly the same! He doesn't particularly enjoy tummy time after a short period...

Yeah, he was lifting his head from birth and could roll side to side but only recently has he shown signs of actively trying to roll further. He does some interesting gymnastics in his cot through the night!

As for being face down, considering how much time he spends lying on me, you'd think he'd have no problems but he very quickly gets annoyed with 'tummy time' on the floor and ends up face planting because he pushes so hard with his feet in an army crawl and his arms obviously can't keep up! :haha:
hivechild - That picture of Ronan is gorgeous! So clever that he is rolling from back to front, he must be so strong to be able to do that already! Well done Ronan! :) That's funny that he was unimpressed to find himself face down, Lachlan would be exactly the same! He doesn't particularly enjoy tummy time after a short period...

Yeah, he was lifting his head from birth and could roll side to side but only recently has he shown signs of actively trying to roll further. He does some interesting gymnastics in his cot through the night!

As for being face down, considering how much time he spends lying on me, you'd think he'd have no problems but he very quickly gets annoyed with 'tummy time' on the floor and ends up face planting because he pushes so hard with his feet in an army crawl and his arms obviously can't keep up! :haha:

:lol: Isn't it weird how they don't mind the chest tummy time! I guess they get bored on the floor, and cold? :shrug: I'm going to have to show my OH your pictures of Ronan all Mario themed by the way, he loves video games :lol: he'll think it's great!

Think I will do my update now that Lachlan is in his swing again!

Things have been going pretty well really, nothing I can moan about too much I guess!

It is winter now though, and don't we know maybe half a day's worth of sun yesterday which was lovely and I laid Lachlan on the bed in his onesie to enjoy it while it lasted, as our bed gets all the sun on it when it's a nice day. I'm dreading keeping bubs warm during winter but just got him a really cute little snuggle wrap second hand, it's fleece and has feet and then it's like a swaddle wrap, wraps around with velcro at the front and it's got a hood so that can just go over his clothes :D

Lachlan's been doing this weird thing when it comes to eating, sometimes it's just because he's just gotten up and he's over hungry and impatient, but I'll go to feed him, stick the nipple in his mouth and he'll wriggle around and scream. I know it's not wind because it's at the very start of a feed, and have tried winding him when he does it and get nothing. But what will work is either letting him suck on my pinky finger or a dummy for a short second so he gets the sucking momentum up enough to get a good rhythm for milk to come out. Has anybody else had this problem? :wacko: I'm wondering why it's come on all of a sudden!

So for those of you not on my facebook, Lachlan rolled over last week! I think it was thursday or friday, he rolled from tummy to back. I was so excited, as I read they aren't supposed to do so for at least another month. I really wasn't expecting it either but was thrilled! Got him to do it a few more times to make sure it wasn't a fluke :lol: The HV is going to get her come uppance, she keeps going on about tummy time, and to be honest I don't make him do it a lot! But he rolled anyway so shame to her :winkwink: hehe. And it may just be wishful thinking on my part but I think I've seen him trying to roll from back to front (just once, he was wiggling in a certain way lol).

I don't think there's too much else to report...hmmm...he's cooing a lot more now, haven't had a laugh yet like mum seemed to think he'd be doing soon but I know they're meant to start at about 4 months so I'm not worried. He does some gorgeous squeals :lol: I caught him in a really good mood just before, mum had hung some toys off his swing and he was delighted with them for some reason! They don't even do anything :rofl: But will show you guys once it uploads.

Oh and I talked to Andi (miissmuffett) on skype last night which was cool! And showed her Lachlan :) he even cooed for her hehe, but did his fair share of crying cause he was tired and being mr grumpy pants..

All these babies getting big and rolling over!

I got Mika a jumperoo and he likes it, but doesn't quite have the hang of it. He has figured out how to make it bounce by rocking his body back and forth, but not how to make it bounce with his legs! He is starting to understand now I think. he's so short we have to have a really thick phone book under him, lol his feet are about four or five inches off the ground!

Today I had him on a pillow on the floor and he rolled off of it onto his tummy (which he couldn't have done if he weren't on the pillow lol. But then when he landed on all fours (and his face) he rolled onto his back right away. I think he will get it soon! He sat for about 5 seconds unassisted too! (not terribly upright, but he was supporting himself completely!) It was a proud mommy moment for sure.

I haven't been able to reply to everyone lately as I just started a new job and we are just now getting into the swing of things. This is a totally different job than I'm used to though, every job I've ever had has been on my feet and Sitel is a desk job...I don't know if I will like it or not!

Rosy-enjoy winter, its HOT here. It was 97F here today (36C) and we were all roasting because the aircon went on teh fritz!
Oh my goodness...anyone else got early teething?! This is INSANE what with his reflux's lucky we have a few nice periods of quiet and active alertness with smiles within the day otherwise I think I'd go insane. I have an amber teething necklace which seems to help a BIT but he is screaming in my ear at the moment as I type this....fed up :( Seems to be the majority of my days, him screaming and me unable to do anything to help him :'(
Enola - that sucks! :hugs: I hope it settles down soon. Have you thought about using some teething powders to see if they help? Don't know much about them I'm afraid.

Rwhite - congrats to Lachlan for rolling over! My friend's baby only just started doing it and she's 5 months old!

BN - hope your new job is going ok. Office jobs can get a bit tedious... But at least you can sit down and drink tea all day! Lol

I got my electric breast pump at the weekend and tried it today. No wonder M finishes eating in under 10 minutes- she sucks and swallows about 3 times faster than the pump!
I'm also trying her in cloth nappies today for the first time. The Itti Bitti stood up well to some wee's and a small-ish poo (not sure they'd hold up against her morning explosion! But nor do the disposables :haha:) She's in a BumGenius now. They are sooo cute!
it's a good job I am on AF now, just took my pill 3.5 hours late! Oops. It's the pill that needs to be taken within 3 hours of the normal time. So we need to be careful for 7 days now. Grrrrr. I think Cerazette can be taken up to 12 hours late so I might get the GP to swap me to that one...

im in the doubledose cerazette that can be up to 12 hours late ,good thing too caus if i forget to take it with me when im going to be out at the time i normally take it, bonus on cerazette theres no AF to worry about im about to come to the end of my first packet now and go straight onto the next one yay lol

My Antibiotics for my tooth infection have cleared it up :thumbup: and im looking forward to getting the first lot of work done with the dental work,

Ive gone back to breastfeeding for the daytime feeds as EJ's toungetie problems seem to have disappaered he copes fine for 3 hours between feeds from the breast and has gotten really quick too lol im still giving him a bottle first thing and expressing 16oz which gets split for his 6 and 9pm bottles so if i add in a second pumping session in the evening ( currently expressing about 10-11pm after not feeding or expressing since either nursing at 3pm or expressing at 4pmish ) then i can freeze off that milk in case i need it there for while im getting my dental work done,

Oh the horrible thing about my antibiotics is they have made EJ's poop really really stink bad im so looking forward to once they clear out of my system ( i finish them in the morning ) and his poop goes back to normal,

We spend the weekend in Newcastle , drove up friday after DH finished work to see one of my best friends whos 24wks pregnant with their second child her eldest is 2 on friday so a few weeks older than Nate, we met on a mums forum when pregnant lol, it was lovely but on the way up we got up there at 2am and last night left later than we wanted to and got home at 3.20am after me taking over the driving at 1am changing with dh at the services on the M1 lol we would have come back today but DH had to be at work at 8am this morning, he slept downstairs and i slept in the spare room as DH was going to be up at 6 and offered to give EJ his bottle but EJ didnt wake till after 8am so I ended up doing it when i got up , i napped for an hour earlier on the sofa while watching BGT on reply lol and DH is sleeping on the sofa behind me now since Nate is still up having his nap.

lol i think that covers it hehehe
rwhite - Hopefully your DH doesn't decide he wants to redo your LO's whole nursery! :haha: I had so much fun doing it though. Talk about getting to indulge my inner child. I'll be using Ronan as my excuse for the next 18 years. :mrgreen:

I feel for you with winter well and truly here. I was so glad to see the tail end of it after being housebound for so long after Ronan was born because it was either too cold or pouring rain for days on end here. He had bad jaundice and they kept telling me to 'put him in the window' but for the first 2 weeks, it was overcast and rainy and we had NO sunshine!

BnK, Ronan's just starting to really have fun in his jumperoo too but I haven't put him in it too much. With his reflux I don't want to do it too soon after a feed and then by the time I think he's ready, he's getting tired and wants a nap! :rolleyes:

Enola - Hopefully things get better for your LO soon. :hugs: I am dreading teething time.

CocoaOne - I don't think I'd ever express if I didn't have an electric pump. I'm lazy enough as it is with that! I don't know how anyone perseveres doing it manually for any length of time. Let us know how your LO makes out with the cloth diapers. I really wanted to go that route but we have no sink in our laundry room and I really don't want to be cleaning poopy diapers in the bathroom or kitchen sinks.

Lynnikins - Glad to hear the infection has cleared up! Tooth pain is probably second only to ear infection pain on my scale of pain I have and don't want to suffer. Not even labour ranks that high!
Well the cloth nappies went really well! She even went 5.5 hours in a bumgenius without leaking (wee & poop - had a couple of green ones again yesterday).
Hivechild - I don't rinse the nappies- just chuck them in my nappy bin in a mesh laundry bag. I think because her poos are so runny there's no need to rinse. Once she's having more solid poos I'll probably just scrape the poo down the toilet.

Is anyone else totally unfased by their LOs poo/wee/bodily functions? Usually I'm fine with wee, sick & dribble, but pooy nappies always made me heave! I know people say 'it's different when it's your own' but I never believed it. I was covered in her poo the other day and I didn't even flinch! I suppose BF poo is less offensive than FF poo too (IMO)
Lynn glad you had a lovely wk end away hun!

RWhite how clever is Lachlan, think Chase will need some prompting.

Hivechild i can't wait to get Chase's jumperoo. Originally i won him one off ebay but we decided not to get it as just by chance i checked on-line again and there was a shop thats got them on offer so for a bit more we can get a new one. My mums picking it up tonight as the shop near us had sold out so we won't get it until next Tues when my mum comes round. Am i right in thinking they just need to be able to support their own head before they can go in it?

Enola your poor LO. Chase is dribbling tons but no sign of teeth yet. Hope it improves soon.

Wow its such a miserable day today here, dark and rainy! Hubby is working 6-6 today and tomorrow then off till Monday, yeah. Don't mind it being rainy today as me and Chase are having a lazy day, he would NOT sleep at all last night, as soon as i put him down he cried which was weird and one time he was coughing lots and it was like something was in his throat that he was coughing to clear? Scared me a bit! At 4am when he fell asleep on me i put him in his car seat but even then he only slept for 2 hours. So today i'm going to sleep when he sleeps, if he sleeps. I need to express though as me and hubby are going out for a meal on Thurs plus i'm going to get my nails done Thurs afternoon, can't wait, a bit of me pamper time, bliss. Will be the first time hubby has looked after Chase for any lenght of time too.
well EJ slept till half 6 this morning , i would love to put him in his own room though caus his snuffling and grunting in his sleep wakes me up lol but theres really no point as we are moving in 2 months and both boys will have to share our room when we move which will be interesting trying to have them both in bed at the same time and as EJ is already outgrown the moses basket ( well he fits but its tight lol ) then its not like we can put him down to sleep in a seperate room then shift him when hes asleep caus he for sure wont fit in the moses basket in 2 months time lol,
Tomorrow is my 5 year anniversary from the first time i met my DH in person ( we met online and were dating long distance before i moved here ) and i have nothing special planned but thinking about asking Nate Godmother to watch the boys so DH and I can go out for a nice meal just the 2 of us
HI all, I second that JJ, what a miserable day! I am busy with DH writing lists and ordering etc for a big catering job we have on on the weekend. I am probably only going to be partially useful what with taking care of Flora. So I reckon a stressful week ahead.

Cocoa - yeah it was typical that as soon as I put her in her sweet little peppermint itt she pooed all over it! The poos don't gross me out at all, but I've never been squeamish about things like that. I actually look forward to seeing them (as they're a bit infrequent recently) and am tempted to take a photo of a particularly large one for memory's sake!

RWhite, Hivechild and BnK wow your babies are rolling over! I think Flora is sort of frustrated that she still can't do much except wriggle, although she has really started putting her fists intp her mouth a lot more. I'm getting some lamaze toys that go around her wrists and ankles to help her fine her hands and feet.

So I'm struggling to get her to nap for any longer than 45 minutes! Its quite frustrating to spend half an hour putting her down then she's up again shortly afterwards. How do you guys do naps, does anyone have any tips for getting them down for longer naps (2-3 hours). She's done it a few times but mostly she just catnaps and I'm sure its not ideal! (Better than nothing of course).

Off to get first set of jabs this afternoon!!
EJ has a biggish nap in the early afternoon normally but just catnaps in his bouncer most times between feeds lol, i dont tend to put him upstiars for a nap unless hes really showing tired signs then he will go for one lol
I try to lay Zander down when he starts showing his tired cues, but lately he doesn't sleep long during the day for his naps cause he's teething and his mouth is bothering him so much. He sleeps great at night, but day time naps have become a nightmare :( sorry, GL I wish I could help.
We just keep Mika in his swing for naps. The thing that helped him start sleeping longer was going to sleep on his own. He will almost never go to sleep if he is being held, and if he does it doesn't last very long at all. If he goes to sleep on his own he has a much more restful nap. Having said that, some naps are only 30-45 minutes, with one supernap every day that's at least an hour or two.
How do you break the habit of sleep after a feed. It suddenly occured to me today that if Chase does sleep in the day its because he's fallen asleep while feeding and at night this is how he always goes down in his moses basket after falling asleep at the end of his feed. He's hardly slept today after no sleep lastnight so before aftee he was fed and changed i put him in his carrycot awake all swaddled to see if he would sleep and thats when it dawned on me maybe this is what i should be doing all the time and at night? It didn't work as he talked and laughed to himself for 30 mins brfore crying for more food. I never meant to feed until sleep at night it just happened and i've only just realised :wacko: shall i stop it what does everyone else think and do?
I started Weight Watchers today. I thought all the baby weight would fall off on its own, but it has not. Never been on a real diet before. Hoping that it works.

I am so jealous of all the babies that are rolling over. Charlotte has not even tried yet. Part of me is glad she is not rolling over since I swaddle her at night and I don't think it would be good if she rolled onto her tummy and couldn't roll back since her arms are pinned inside the swaddle. We had one (bad) swaddle free night so we are not ready to give that up just yet.

Lynn: Happy anniversary! I say if you have someone to go watch the boys then the two of you should go out and have a romantic dinner.

Cocoa: I have both EBF and FF my LO and I don't really see any difference between diapers. They smell a bit worse now that she is FF and if she has gone more than a day between poos it is a little thicker (yuck), but none of it really bothers me. The only time I got grossed out was when she was about five days old. I was in the middle of a change when she started pooing and it shot clear across the room, onto the floor and onto my purse! That was gross, especially since one of the dogs came over to try and help (gag). It's all been much better since then. What I am worried about is how it will be once we start solids.
solids poo is thick and smelly lol but doesnt tend to leak half as much lol which is nice caus it means you dont have to do so much washing all the time lol, i just cant wait till im off my antibiotics and they are out of my system as EJ has gotten a sore bum from his poo since ive been taking them and his poo really really stinks but i dont think the infection is completely gone yet so might have to go back tomorrow and get another script,
I have managed a nap today but it hasnt really helped as EJ is a grumpy mess because he didnt nap this afternoon and Nate is refusing to eat his dinner completely which is winding me up as he only had chicken nuggets and chips for lunch, and toast for breakfast, so he really needs to eat his dinner up so hes had enough food,
Connor went for his 2 month wellness check-up, and first set of shots today.
At 12 weeks he weighs 15.1lbs. He is in the 90th percentile for weight and
75th percentile for height.

Is it normal for them to sleep alot after shots? He been asleep 5 hours, and hasn't eaten in over 6.5hrs. I'm starting to worry, but my mom says not to wake him.
it is normal for them to sleep a bit more but i wouldnt let them go so long without food in the day as i like mine sleeping at night lol,
Kel- hope Connor is recovering from his jabs :hugs: M has got hers tomorrow :-(

I'm leaving M for the first time tonight!! I'm going to the cinema to see SATC2 and it will be the first time I've been away from her for more than ten minutes (when i go to pick the Chinese up! Lol) But scared but I'm sure OH will cope. He's terrible at getting her to sleep (why do men insist on playing when they should be getting baby to sleep?!) so I'm preparing myself for an extremely overtired baby when I get back.....

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