march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I dont know they cant seem to stick to feeding times either lol i got an afternoon nap yesterday as dh was home and asked that he get ds1 up at 4.30 from his nap so that i could bathe him and give him his dinner at 5.30 so he had his normal bedtime knowing that DH was going out at 6 but No i wake with my alarm at 5 so i can express and ds1 is still in his room and ds2 is cranky caus DH didnt turn the tv down enough to allow him to nap grr lol
Hi girls, will read thru the posts soon, just wanted to share the video of Lachlan rolling over! And one of him being a smiley wee man :) Feel free to post videos of your LOs, would love to see them! :flower:
Kel- hope Connor is recovering from his jabs :hugs: M has got hers tomorrow :-(

I'm leaving M for the first time tonight!! I'm going to the cinema to see SATC2 and it will be the first time I've been away from her for more than ten minutes (when i go to pick the Chinese up! Lol) But scared but I'm sure OH will cope. He's terrible at getting her to sleep (why do men insist on playing when they should be getting baby to sleep?!) so I'm preparing myself for an extremely overtired baby when I get back.....

hey Cocoa, I did the exact same thing on Sunday! I was soo worried leaving Wren but I did it! My OH text me at the cinema to say she was asleep with a belly full of milk, I was soo relieved and I was able to relax and enjoy SATC2!
Hi girls, will read thru the posts soon, just wanted to share the video of Lachlan rolling over! And one of him being a smiley wee man :) Feel free to post videos of your LOs, would love to see them! :flower:

Love it! What a clever boy!! xx
I've expressed 2 bottles with 5oz milk each - I just hope it's enough! No idea how much she usually takes from the breast, but she had 4oz from a bottle the other day so hopefully it's fine.

Rwhite- even though I've seen it with my own eyes, I still can't believe he's rolling already! He's only 2 weeks older than M - I'll have to stop leaving her on the bed while I do my hair once she starts rolling :haha: Lachlan's so clever!

Really must charge my video camera battery so I can catch some video

ETA: Forgot to say, M is 12lb 6oz now. Most of her 0-3 sleepsuits are getting to small. I'd rather she wasn't in 3-6 months at 8 weeks old! Lol. Luckily it's getting warmer so she'll be making good use of her short romper suits
RWhite those videos of Lachlan are soooo cute, such a clever lil man. When Chase is on his tummy he shows no sign of rolling over, he just talks like crazy and eats his fist!

CocoaOne enjoy SATC2 hun. The first time i left Chase when we went for a meal i left 12oz for mil and he didn't even have any! It is so hard though to know how much to leave. My hubby is exactly the same i can pass a sleepy Chase to him, come bak down from getting ready and he'll be wide awake playing with dad :dohh:

Lynn happy anniversary, are you getting to go out hun?

Ooh we've got sun today, much better than all the rain we had yesterday. Got tons to do today i don't know where to start.
Yeah Nate Godmother can babysit for us so we are going out tonight, not sure where yet probably head in to town and pick a place when we get in there , im thinking Tony Romas or TGI Fridays
jj-rabbit - Definitely try to keep him up, I reckon, if he's nice and full and snuggly warm he should settle nicely while still somewhat awake. Just put him down when he's got his sleepy eyes on :) I've found that heating up Lachlan's bed with a hot water bottle, feeding him until he's on the brink of sleep then popping him in his bed has worked a treat tonight! Got him in bed at 9.30, compared to his preferred 11pm :D

Thanks hun :D Lachlan doesn't talk as much as Chase by the sounds of it, so he's got that one over Lachlan! He does a fair bit, but I wouldn't say he talks like crazy, that sounds so cute :D I have to provoke him mostly for him to do it, but if I'm lucky he will squeal at his toys sometimes, as in the second video I posted :)

Lynn - I know I said it on fb, but happy anniversary! :flower:

vegasbaby - Don't worry hun, she shouldn't be at risk of rolling in her sleep as they use their arms as leverage to roll themselves, she'd likely have to wiggle/push quite hard to roll herself over without them! Hope she settles without the swaddle soon, they are creatures of comfort these babies aren't they! Maybe just try tucking her up nice and tight and see if she'll take to that? x

kel - hope Connor is doing okay after his shots, Lachlan was such a grizzly bum after his first lot, I dread his second lot! The stupid pharmacist left out his baby paracetamol...sigh! x

Cocoa - How was the movie? I haven't seen the first one, but the series is so addictive! Hope little miss was a good girl for her daddy, and that daddy was a good boy for his little girl!
Thanks hun! I'm sure it won't be much longer at all until all the other LOs are rolling too - how's M's head control? Wow that's a good weight! Her legs are so gorgeous, I love chunky legs - Lachlan's are still rather skinny really :| C'monnn little man, chub up more! hehe. Those short legged rompers are so cute! Wish Lachlan could wear his but it's just come in to winter and by the time it's summer again he'll look a little silly in them at the age he'll be :wacko:

MM - Thanks hun! :D x

So, Tom and I suspect that Lachlan may be at the early stages of teething. No real signs as such, he has started eating his hand a little, and will chomp on my finger a little when I offer my pinky for him to suck (sucking at the same time lol hmm), and he gets a bit grizzly sometimes.

Like I said no definite signs really, i.e. no bum rash or incredibly red cheeks, but I had a feel of his gums and I could feel a wee bit of a sharpish lump and we both swear we can see a tooth, I will try to get a picture if he will keep still and not scream at me for holding his wee mouth open :rofl: Luckily I have ordered him an amber teething bracelet so we will get that in the post in a few days and I'll see if it makes a difference to his crankiness! Didn't get a necklace because I want him to be able to sleep with his amber on, I've heard that if you take it off them when they need to go to bed, while they're teething, they can be hard to settle?

I downloaded some Regina Spektor yesterday, I am LOVING her! A girl on my fb (from bnb actually, but she got banned over something stupid, poor girl :/) really likes her, so I was intrigued and I already liked a couple of her songs so I thought I'd take a peek...she is great! And downloaded some Rilo Kiley too, of my own accord, who I am also loving!

Saw my so called best friend today, I hadn't seen him since I had about five weeks to go until I had Lachlan, as he got titchy with me over something petty (and I mean really petty! A facebook status :lol:) so he met Lachlan for the first time. Things are all water under the bridge (as you'd hope they would be!) and he thinks Lachlan's lovely. Was good to see him again, as I'm beginning to feel like Rosy no-mates... I have either grown apart from or just don't have anything in common with some people I was friends with and it's sad :| Need to get out more and get socialising, methinks!

Just had to pop back on, after saying Chase was showing no sign of rolling he only gone and done it! :happydance: We'd been upstairs and when we came down i put him on hiis playmat for some tummy time and he rolled straight onto his back. I rolled him back onto his front and he did it again the same side, so i rolled him over again and he then rolled over the other way. So proud of him. Got the video as hubby is in work and typical he wouldn't do it again!

RWhite the talking will come, Chase is a bit older than Lachlan isn't he. It's the last few days he's really talking more, he's so funny he proper moves his mouth and tries to pronounce his babbles. I keep meanin to video him.

Thanks for the bedtime tips hun, were starting our new routine tonight so will defo try what you have said.
i really need to give EJ more tummy time so he learns to roll over lol, he talks heaps and heaps though and is close to sitting up on his own and will stand with you just holding his arms not having to support his weight which i think is pretty good
Good job to the ladies getting away for a bit to enjoy a movie or a date night. The only time DH and I got away to see a movie was when the in-laws were here when Charlotte was just six weeks old. We went to see Avatar (I think we were the last people in the world to finally see it). I was enjoying myself until my boobs started to hurt because they knew it was time for a feed whether or not the LO was around. Seeing as we live 12 hours away from our families I am going to need to find a babysitter one of these days so we can get out on our own again. Not sure how to go about this, but I think I would prefer to wait until she is a bit older before I hand her over to a stranger.

rwhite: Your Lachlan is so adorable and rolling over all ready! Let us know how the amber teething necklace works. Is there anything different about the amber necklaces for teething or could you use any old amber necklace? I've looked them up online and the ones they show look just like a necklace I have. It would be nice to save a few bucks.

So last night Charlotte escaped her swaddle. She got both arms totally out (normally all she gets is a hand so she can suck on her fingers or fist) and poor dear has no idea what to do with them once they are out. She had them totally stretched out to either side. She woke up a bit early and I think it is due to her arms flailing about.

Charlotte has been "talking" a lot lately. I wonder how long it will take before an actual word comes out (even if accidental). I'm so afraid she is going to pick up a bad word from my DH.

She has been loving her exersaucer too and can finally touch the bottom without a folded blanket for her to stand on :happydance:. Now I thinking about getting her a jumperoo too. I just don't know if I want more baby clutter in this house.
Vegas - I haven't seen Avatar either! I've seen Pocahontas though- so I've been told I'll survive! Lol
I haven't seen Avatar either and I'm desperate to!

RWhite love your vids, your clever little man rolling over. Flora isn't about to roll soon I don't think. I also have to do more tummy time with her, I got a whoozit mirror so she can look in it on her tummy. But she is cooing and chatting lots and I swear she giggled this morning!

She had her 1st jabs yesterday and her cry was heart-wrenching! She was also a bit disturbed in the night, I fed her shortly before midnight then about 15 minutes after I put her down she just let out this almightly bawl, totally unnanounced. DH soothed her and then i thought she might still be hungry but then she wasn't intersted. Next feed she did the same, huge cry no other warning, then by the time I picked her up, she'd fallen completely alseep, so I put her back down only for her to rouse 5 minutes later..? She then cried in anguish for about a minute before realising there was a nipple at her mouth and starting sucking. She did the same crying next feed as well. It was really strange, not normal at all and I could only assume it was the jabs. I checked her temperature and it was fine.

Cocoa how did M's jabs go today? Lucky you going out I haven't been away from Flora yet (half an hour once!). We have no-one to babysit so I just have to make and arrangement one night DH is not working and leave him with some EBM, but we just haven't got to that yet.
Lynn - happy anniversary!
JJ - how is the thrush and/or mastitis?? I was thinking about you did you manage to see the GP about it? has it improved on its own? I can't firgure out if I still have thrush or not. There is hardly any pain anymore, but my nipples are definitely still quite pink - pinker than they should be.

Anyway she's just waking from the longest daytime nap EVER so I've been able to do a bit of cleaning/emailing etc. I doubt that will repeat itself unfortunately!! :dohh:
Oh and forgot to mention she's now 4.61 kgs so that's just over 10lbs (10 lb 2.5 oz to be exact)!! :happydance:
GL: Sorry to hear your LO had such a tough time after her jabs. Looks like she is doing great with weight gain! We have our second set of jabs in a few weeks and I am not looking forward to it.

Well, I see I am not the only one who does not get out much. Avatar was really good, but we were disappointed that we didn't get to see it in 3-D. They pulled the 3-D version the day before we were set to go. Figures right? Should have seen it while pregnant, but seeing as I had to pee every two seconds and my feet were so swollen I figured waiting would be better.
GL your in london, why dont we meet up somewhere and then when we know each other more then i can babysit for you so you can get a night out every so often, im looking forward to going out in a few min im just letting my babysitter grab some dinner from the local shops before we go out and DH has to have a shower anyway,
we just brought avatar on dvd to watch it as i knew we werent going to get out to see it lol, its hard finding a babysitter when you have 2
GL your in london, why dont we meet up somewhere and then when we know each other more then i can babysit for you so you can get a night out every so often, im looking forward to going out in a few min im just letting my babysitter grab some dinner from the local shops before we go out and DH has to have a shower anyway,

Aw thanks Lynn yes we should meet up! but I wouldn't expect you to babysit besides its a bit to far I'm quite far north. Actually I exaggerate, we do a have couple of people we can ask to babysit (SIL and step-MIL) but generally means dropping her off at their house (because they don't want to come to us) which is OK I guess but not as good as someone who can come over and F can be in her own bed. I'm still unsure how I feel about it while she's so young. I wish my parents lived around the corner. But anyway we'll jump that hurdle soon enough I guess! We should meet up anyway somewhere halfway maybe as I'm not much of a driver x
how easy is it for you to get to westfeild hun?
lol how far north is too far, ummm well we just took a spur of the moment trip to newcastle so north london isnt bad we are on good road routes and I drive so its easy to get most places in good time
We're right near ally pally (Alexandra Palace), actually just off the north circular, N22.
edit because I submitted accidentally. Westfield is only doable on the tube for me really which is possible I guess but a good 50 minutes and a change on the tube.. I would probably take Flora in the sling in that case.

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