march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Well the film was ok (bit cheesy in places) and M was very good for OH - in fact she slept the entire time! He was in the middle of feeding her when I got back (an hour late as we had to wait for a later screening) so I took over feeding her as my right boob was ready to explode!

Just been to the drs for M's jabs. She cried when they went in but was fine straight after cuddles with mummy. She's still asleep in her car seat, think she might sleep a lot today as she never stays asleep in her car seat once we've bought her into the house.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather, want to take M out for a walk along the seafront later if she's feeling ok.
GL getting onto the north circular is so easy from here, westfield isnt great to get to for me either lol i just sugested it caus ive not been lol
GL my boob is a lot better thanks hun, defo an infection i think as its cleared up now, although think i may have a bit of thrush too as i get a burning pain in my nipple sometimes! Went to the doctors ayway as needed to take Chase back and she just said to keep using the cream. Chase has got more of the same gel as there is nothung else they can give him. She said its under his tongue now too, poor lil man i just want it cleared up. He clicks his tongue in his mouth loads now so its either irritating or hurting him.

CocoaOne Chase slept loads after his jabs.

I left Chase with hubby for the first time today while i went and got my nails done, he slept the whole time. Me and hubby are off out for a meal later so MIL is coming to look after him.

Ooh last night Chase slept for 6 hours! :yipee: then after a feed he slept for another two, it was great. Although when i woke up and realised it was light i rushed over to check he was ok. We tried our new routine, put him down really sleepy but awake and within minutes he was asleep. But he woke up after 5 mins, he started talking then after a while crying. I left him to cry it out a bit but he wasn't calming down so i got him back up, fed him then he slept for 6 hours. Maybe he slept so long cause he tired himself out from crying? I just hope he gives me 6 hours again, although i doubt it as his seeping pattern usually is so random.
JJ i hope chase settles into a routine for you its great when they sleep overnight i dont know what i would do if EJ suddenly started waking up again im so happy with him sleeping so long
Hey ladies,I got a question. Sam will not take the bottle so I am totally tied up to him. He used to take one a day for about three weeks from being 3 weeks old. Then one day he just stopped taking it...been trying ever since. Every blue moon he will have a bit but generally he'll just play and chew on the nipple rather than sucking. Any tipps? I want to go back to playing soccer once a week in July but unless daddy wants to sit on the sideline with him until he needs to be fed he should be taking the bottle by then.
Julchen - have you thought about changing the teat to a faster/slower flow, or different bottle/teat shape etc? Or is he just not interested at all because he wants boob? Not really sure what to suggest really, all you can do is keep trying I suppose. Does he use a dummy? I hope you figure it out :hugs:

I'm so glad we've got this thread! There's been so much fighting and bad feelings on the forum at the mo, but I love that even though we've all got different parenting styles, we never argue - just chat and offer support!

:hugs: for everyone x x
Thanks Cocoa. We have tried different nipples - no difference. He does not take soothers either. All he wants in his mouth is his fist lol
Has there been fighting? I seem to miss all the good stuff! I think this is a very supportive thread you girls are all lovely!

I've had a bit of a rotten day with my girl. I spent over an hour trying to get her down for a nap at midday and she only stayed down for about 25 minutes :cry:. We are so busy with prepping a tonne of food for this party on Saturday so I had to put her in the sling for a couple of hours in the morning and a couple in the afternoon as she just wouldn't settle. I don't know if she gets any real sleep in it either - bedtime was the worst I've had ever I think! She's been so good at settling at bedtime but it took her about an hour to settle tonight. I am so amazed at how quickly she gets overtired and cranky, from first thing in the morning and it just ruins the day. So yeah any nap-time tips gratefully appreciated, I just can't seem to crack it.

On the contrary last night she slept from 12-5am which is good for her. Her previous pattern had been to do the long sleep at 7 till about 12 or 1, then shorter ones in the wee hours. But I'd much rather the long sleep was 12-5 again. Lynn I'm so jealous that EJ sleeps through. I think there must be something to bigger babies sleeping better.

JJ glad you're feeling better but sorry Chase still has thrush. I hope it improves soon!

Julchen - no advice sorry just keep persevering. :hugs:
GL- M is the same, she still sleeps quite lightly so being in the sling usually wakes her.

I was reading about baby sleep cycles - they are usually 30 mins - 60 mins and you need to catch them before they wake from the first 'light ' sleep cycle and help them settle into the 'deeper' cycle. M usually wakes after either 30-40mins so I'm trying to learn her cues so I can pip her to the post!

M's longest sleep is usually 7/8 til 12 and then 3 hourly after that at night. She's 12.5lbs and still isn't sleeping any longer. Luckily I'm ok with us carrying on co-sleeping for a while, so I don't feel like I'm missing out on sleep as M feeds for 10 mins and then falls straight asleep. Her wind is MUCH better now too, so no burping needed at night.

How are your cloth nappies going? I washed 3 days worth last night (60 degree wash) and they came out really yellow stained from her poo. I was so sad! But.... I hung them on the washing line to dry and when I checked 2 hours later - they were sparkly white! It's amazing that the sun can do that. Anyone know the science behind it? Could ask my mum as she's a science teacher I suppose...
imo its a sure thing that bigger babies tend to eat and sleep better lol if you feed them up good in the day they sleep longer at night but obviously with smaller babies then they dont have much room in their tummys for milk , EJ drinks 48oz + of milk a day so its not a wonder he can sleep from 9-6, i would worry if he couldnt lol.
EJ has had an up and down day hes had some bad cranky patches this morning but then this afternoon i got about an hour and a half of cuddles and giggles and smiles and talking out of him it was really nice, He seems to prefer me to DH and often takes a while to settle in DH's arms if hes tired.

for Naps i would recomend if she seems to get overtired to watch her really close for her tired signs ( should start about an hour after feeding ) and swaddle her and put her in a dark room EJ sometimes just needs everything shutting out to settle in the day so nearly always naps while Nate is in bed as its quiet and alot calmer than when Nate is up.

We took the babygate off the kitchen today and just moved it to the bathroom so we can put a hanging bouncer/jumper in the doorway for EJ as he loves being held upright or standing with you holding his hands , I am very impressed with the way Nathaniel has listend to me about not getting into stuff in the kitchen as well, He needs to learn more self control as we will be moving to a 2 bed flat at the end of July which we will have for 2 months by ourselves but then DH's cousins come back to London ( its their flat ) and we will all be in one room and with only one living room then its important that Nathaniel learns a few more things before we move lol else it wont be a nice living arrangement
Wow Lynn I can't believe EJ drinks 48oz a day. I thought Charlotte drank a lot at 34oz a day.

GL: Sorry you are having issues with naps. We have this problem too. Today she wouldn't sleep so I started to vacuum and she was out within two minutes. She loves that white noise.

This thread is great. Everyone is very supportive and we are all going through the same things at pretty much the same time. I must have missed out on the fighting on the other threads lately, but I have seen quite a few arguments in the past.

So I think Charlotte must be teething. She is drooling like crazy, her cheeks are red and dry, and her hand is almost always in her mouth. I'd say she has been cranky lately, but she is cranky quite a bit so who can tell with that. Can't see anything coming through yet, but I know it takes time.
These last couple days have been awful! Mika has been constantly cranky, and won't settle at night. Today I think he spent 75% of the day screaming. When he wasn't screaming he was sleeping little catnaps.

I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do. OH is having a really hard time coping during the day and it is causing us to fight. I guess I just need to know that things get better. I wonder if maybe he is teething? his fist is in his mouth a lot and he is drooling loads....his cheeks are red but I'm not sure if that's teething or crying...
Blonde,have you tried to give him some baby tylenol? Or some natural teething stuff? Sorry forgot what its called but I am sure they could tell you at the drugstore. Or even a wet cloths put in the freezer for a bit. If he settles with that then you pretty much know he is teething? And I am sure it will get better! Hang in there
These last couple days have been awful! Mika has been constantly cranky, and won't settle at night. Today I think he spent 75% of the day screaming. When he wasn't screaming he was sleeping little catnaps.

I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do. OH is having a really hard time coping during the day and it is causing us to fight. I guess I just need to know that things get better. I wonder if maybe he is teething? his fist is in his mouth a lot and he is drooling loads....his cheeks are red but I'm not sure if that's teething or crying...

Might I suggest taking him to the doctor?? No joke, Zander was the exact same way today so I took him to the doc cause him screaming like that was just not normal for him... turns out he has an ear infection in his left ear :cry:
Cocoa, yeah i've heard that too but I think i've just got a super alert baby (and it seems a high maintenance one) if she wakes up a tiny bit then that's it. i'm already having major hassle with her and its only 8:30, she just fights sleep like nothing else, she doesn't even show any tired signs (apart from a yawn what are tired signs?) just goes from content and alert to screaming then the battle ensues to get her to sleep. I think her knowing that I'm trying to get her to nap makes it worse in a way so I'm not sure how to avoid it. she just cries so much its starting to get me down cause i feel like its my fault and i'm a crap mum. :cry:
OK she's napping now sort of... I'm now anticipating the lunchtime battle.

Anyway yeah cloth nappies I only have 6 at the moment so I'm still on sposies majority of the time. but i have 3 more on order and plan to do a bit of shopping around. they are quite bulky realy so i think they'll be better when she's bigger. i found the itti bitti leaked a tiny bit after about 3 or 4 hours, but she does wee rather a lot. the flips seems good I'm getting another, and I have a bumgenius coming, I also have a pop-in but haven't used it yet because it seems really quite big.
julchen_79 not really sure what you can do hun if you have tried different teats. Chase didin't want one at first but we just perservered, but i've found the three times i've left him he hasn't once taken a bottle as he hasn't wanted one, typical! I know he goes roughly 2 hours in between feeds in the day so the 3 times i've gone out i've made sure he's well fed first. My aunty said to me that a baby won't starve themselves if there hungry and bottle is the only thing on offer they will take it, although i don't know if it's true? Why don't you try going to your football once and see how it is, just try and get him full before you go x

GL i've found with Chase if were in the house all day he sometimes hardly naps at all, yet if we go out anytime after 1 whether it be a walk or in the car he is more likely to nap then, sorry not much help.

blondeNklutzi sorry Mika is so cranky hun, hope it improves soon for you :hugs:

So we had a lovely meal out, MIL just has the nack of getting Chase to sleep, said i'm going to borrow her every night :haha: he was totally totally flat out when we got home! and had been for 1 1/2hours. I woke him to feed him though as he'd not had anything whilst we were out. Gave him a bottle of ebm as i'd had a glass of wine, i hate giving him a bottle, don't know why just feel mean, not that he seemed bothered. I was worried how he would sleep after his nap whilst we were out but he went 5 hours, which i was very happy with, then after a feed he had another 2 hours.
EJ slept an extra 2 and a quarter hours this morning he stired before 6 so i gave him his dummy then he went till 8.15 and had his bottle at half 8 and him hoping to get him till 11.45 before feeding again so we can get back on routine for bedtime tonight lol, this is the second morning hes slept longer so im wondering if hes getting ready to drop a feed, i just hope he doesnt want to have larger feeds though as hes on 8oz bottles when he has a bottle already so cant really increase that, but since im BF in the daytime then i guess he will take what he needs
GL- you're not a crap mum!! Flora is just very nosy and doesn't want to miss what's going on. M hasn't got many tired signs apart from yawning and sometimes the skin around her eyes goes red. I've read that other tired signs are rubbing their eyes, pulling their hair (F probably too young for that, but she might put her hand up near her head?) oh and sometimes M punches herself in the face when she gets tired! And jerky arm and leg movements too.

I've got 8 bumgenius v3, 3 cheapy naughty baby nappies from eBay which are basically the same as the BG ones, 4 itti bittis in small and a thirstie 2 part nappy which I have only just prewashed. The BGs are fab, itti's are great for wee but don't hold her explosive poos in so well which is a shame because she does a lot of them! I might have to get a flip, heard really good things about them.
Baby is asleep with the hoover on right next to her! Its worth the lecky bill just for my sanity. It's been 45 minutes, how long will it last!?

Also just received siome new washable nappies: fushcia pink flip, blossom pink bumgenius, and lavender itti bitti. Lovely girly colours!
try getting an electric fan GL i findthe noise from it acts the same as the hover or white noise machine to keep EJ asleep and the bonus is it keeps the room cool too

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