march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Yeah she was fine in the end had some nice alert time too. SHe hasn't pooed for 3 days and of course she did a HUGE one just after I'd put a cloth nappy on her and she was sat in the bouncy chair. Cue mission poo cleanup. Then shortly after she did another one! More of the 1-day size but still! Maybe she was using all that sleeping to cook up something special for her mama!
EJ has been pooping everytime ive changed him for the last couple of days we are back to 10+ nappies a day which is annoying me no end, im just gonna have to go back to checking after each feed and unless its a poo that will leak leaving it for a bit as he seems to want to poo every 40 min or so all day long
How often do you ladies change diapers? We usually go through about two a feeding because he usually eats as soon as he wakes up from a nap, so he is wet, and he pees while he is eating, so we change him again. How often is a diaper change needed?
Eleanor sleeps from 21:00 (she was incredibly tired this evening and insisted we put her down before 20:00) until around 11:00, then gets her first nappy change of the day. We don't change her during the night any more as most of the nappies we changed in the night were still clean.

The second one is usually around 14:00, then one around 18:00 and a new nappy after her bath before going to bed.

Often there's an extra nappy added in if she does a second poo (the first is usually when she wakes up in the morning, before the change as we have her awake on our bed for about an hour). So I'd say around 5 nappies a day.
Wow, I can't believe how many more we go through! His diapers are usually really full though, I think he just has super-wee's! Although it has been a bit better since we switched up to a size 3...can't believe how big they are but the size 2's just weren't cutting it anymore!
I think on average we go through about 6 a day, we also stopped changing her at night, I put a clean nappy on at about 8pm and then changer her again around 6 or 7am. I always change her after a poo so some days we get through more.

So good news!! Looks like we have our wedding venue for our ceremony and reception and a date!!! I am SOOO excited!! July 30th 2011 at a cider orchard, it looks lovely. I haven't spoken to them yet but I have emailed back and forth with them over the weekend, they are sending me rates etc today so hopefully it won't be too expensive but itr looks the perfect place for us, nice and chilled. Now I can relax a little as I just wanted a venue booked ASAP as the nice places always get booked super early, they are already getting quite booked up so Iw as right to be searching for the right place liek a maniac, my OH thought I was crazy!
he gets his first change after his first bottle around 8am ish after 12 hours in that nappy, then after each feed although sometimes we can get to 12 ish before he needs one, they say to change every 4 hours when they are awake but if i change everytime he poos then id go through 8-10 nappys a day at least, ive worked it out i should be doing 5 changes a day probably on him

ds1 gets a clean nappy when he gets up , another if he needs it before his nap if not he gets one after then again before bed
I change M every 3-4 hours and go through roughly 6 a day, more if she does a random poo explosion during the day

Weighed M this morning and she still hasn't put any weight on. It's been three weeks now :-(
Same with me about 6 a day every 3 or 4 hours in the day, usually around a feed but if she feeds more requently (2 hours) which she often does then I sometimes leave it until the next feed. She only poos every 2-3 days and obviously I change it right away because its huge! (although last week she did a poo while napping and I only noticed after I'd soothed her back to sleep for the 5th time. So I left it and then she napped for about 2 hours after that! Bad mummy!)

Cocoa, sorry about then weight gain, its probably OK but how is she feeding? I wouldn't be surprised if F doesn't gain much this week because she's not feeding for all that long and is quite pukey. And the reflux.. I rang the HVs office and am waiting for them to ring me back. I'm undecided whether she has a problem or its just mild reflux that will sort itself out around 3-4 months. I might go to the GP but tbh just expecting a prescription for gaviscon which I've heard doesn't work that well and just makes them constipated. I'm going to try cutting out dairy from today (although Idid have milk in my tea already!) to see if that helps too.
She only feeds for 7-8 minutes and then she's not interested anymore. Occasionally I'll burp her and she'll feed for a couple more minutes.

Nights are a bit of a nightmare too. She goes for 3 hours between 8/9 and 11/12, then sleeps another 3 hours until 2/3, then she wakes every 1-2 hours and only feeds for 3-5 minutes. Driving me mad!

Is F projectile vomiting, or just a little bit? I've heard that gaviscon gives them constipation too. Probably not ideal as F goes infrequently anyway x
Hi All! :hi:

Havn't been in in a while :blush:
How is everybody doing? i hope everyone is enjoying their babies and getting lots of sleep :)

We have Ella's 12 week check and jabs this week. I can't beleive it has been 12 weeks already!!!

We saw nightmare on Elm Street tonight at the movies. i left Ella with my sister for the 1st time, and all went well! Was very happy to see her when I got home!! :D

Smiles tend to be the way we roll these days lol, and i can tell she is so close to laughing! Still havn't had any signs of rolling yet, but she is slowly getting better at tummy time- less time munching on her hands and more actually lifting herself up :)

She found her thumb! lol I know it's bad but it looked so cute hehe.


She only feeds for 7-8 minutes and then she's not interested anymore. Occasionally I'll burp her and she'll feed for a couple more minutes.

Nights are a bit of a nightmare too. She goes for 3 hours between 8/9 and 11/12, then sleeps another 3 hours until 2/3, then she wakes every 1-2 hours and only feeds for 3-5 minutes. Driving me mad!

Is F projectile vomiting, or just a little bit? I've heard that gaviscon gives them constipation too. Probably not ideal as F goes infrequently anyway x

Actually Flora feeds like that as well, just for between 5 and 10 minutes, and the last 2 nights have been similar to what you describe. Last night she went down at 6:30 then fed at 10, 1, 3, then 6 then 8. After the 3am feed she was all squirming and uncomfortable to I held her on my chest and she slept there for 2 and a half hours. But yeah shortish feeds. I think it might get to a point where you'll have to not feed her at one of the wakings (which might be hard!) because if she only wants a little top uo then she probably doesn't really NEED it, then the next feed she'll b eproperly hungry. It kind of enforced routine type of stuff that I'm not quite ready for, but starting to think about. I just don't think F (and by the sounds of it M) will sleep through of her own accord so some gentle manipulation may be required.

Re vomiting, sometimes there's a bit of force behind it but I wouldn't say its seriously projectile. Today I fed her at 11 and she started acting as though she had wind, so I sat her up to burp her and got what looked like the entire feed instead of a burp. She didn't seem that bothered but anyway I fed her a bit from the other side anyway so that she at least had some sustenance, and she didn't bring that up. That's what I read about gavison too, which is why I don't want to use it. My mum reckons she'll grow out of it and she's just a bit of a difficult baby! (Mums are good at saying stuff like that aren't they??)

Hi MM :wave: sounds like things are going really well for you and Ella! I hear 12 weeks is a bit of a milestone so I'm hoping things improve for Flora as well at that point.
Sorry to you ladies that are having feeding problems!

Mika has almost stopped the projectile vomiting, although he did a massive puke this morning... He still spits up a lot, but doesn't seem in pain from it. In fact he's doing so well we are going on a trial run of no Rantidine. And I measured him this morning and he has hit 25 inches! Woot! No wonder he's looking thinner, because he certainly isn't getting lighter!

MissMuffet-glad things went well when you went to the movies! I was so paranoid when we left Mika for the first time to go to a movie, I was that annoying person who was texting constantly during the show to check on him!

I have a couple milestones questions for you ladies...Mika is kind of trying to laugh I think, but when should he start? And do your LO's play with toys/grab at things/put things in their mouth? Mika will sometimes bat at things, but he still isn't grabbing at toys, sometimes he will catch one by acccident but that's it. If you put it in his hand sometimes he will try to bring it to his mouth, but I'm not sure if he's trying to bring the toy to his mouth or his hand and its just a coincidence that the toy is in it iykwim? He doesn't seem to take a lot of notice of anything in his hands either. Should I be worried about it? His social skills are right on track (minus the laughing?), and his gross motor skills are great, but the fine motor skillls like grasping just aren't there yet!
GL sorry Flora is having problems hun. Gaviscon made Chase really constipated, we had to give him colief as he would cry with pain but if we didn't. Luckily Chase seems to have grown out of his reflux and were Gaviscon free now :happydance:

CocoaOne really hope you get more of a sleep soon hun! Its so hard to get up every 1-2 hours, and must be frustrating that she's not feeding for very long.

Emskins how exciting hun, ahh i loved planning our wedding, so much fun. Although with having a LO i imahine it could be quite stressful so no wonder your so excited to have found your venue!

blondeNklutzi Chase won't grab his toys but he loves a muslin cloth or we have a teddy with a blanket attached that he likes. He's only just started grabbing these last week and now whenever he is in his swing/bouncer or car seat i give him one of them and he chews them whilst talking and shouting. I wouldn't worry hun Mika sound like he is doing just great.

Well i actually feel like things are slightly easing up now. So don't want to jinx things but Chase went 6.5 hours last night then back down for another two after a feed, so he's done that now the last 4 out of 5 nights, and hubby admitted he thinks he woke Chase on Saturday night when he came to bed as he was rooting around trying to find an inhaler. I so hope it continues its amazing how good you feel after a few days of good sleep. Ahh he's got his second lot of jabs onTuesday, hubby is on lates so at least he can come this time too.
Chase has a new thing and its so cute. When he is feeding all of a sudden he will pop off, look up at me and start talking and smiling, its so cute. He only does it when feeding on the right side though.
Yeah I was going to go back to the colief which I used weeks ago but I didn't stick it out for long. Did you find that it helped with the reflux then? Did you give it every feed? Its such a faff I forget to do it (same with infacol) and esp at night probably wouldn't bother.

Blonde, well F is several weeks younger but no she's not grasping things or laughing. I thought she laughed once or twice but it was more like a happy drawing-in-of-breath sound, not a proper laugh. SHe will hold things in her hand for a short time if I force it into her hand, but not I don't think she really realises her hands much (apart from putting them in her mouth). She pretty much just has little fists all the time. I think Mika sounds great and anyway they say all babies develop at different rates so I wouldn't worry at all. Fllora can't really do anything much!
Hum, I wonder if I have been going through too many diapers after reading what everyone else is saying. I think we use 7-8 per day. It would be nice to use fewer as they are expensive.

BNK: I would say Mika sounds like he is right on target. Charlotte has only been interested in playing with her toys within the last two or three weeks (she is 15 weeks old now). I have noticed that she purposely bats at her toys now as opposed to before where if she hit them it was more of an accident. She still needs me to demonstrate with newer toys, but she is getting there. She started laughing out loud about two weeks ago. Before that it was like she was trying to laugh, but no sound would come out. She mainly only puts her hands in her mouth, but she also has a cloth book she like to chew on too. Also, she is still not rolling over, but that is my fault since we don't do enough tummy time (3-5 minutes is all I get before she cries).

We bought Charlotte a jumperoo this weekend and she is loving it, especially all of the music. She hasn't gotten the hang out of bouncing yet. She will sit in it for almost 30 minutes and just squeal with delight as she plays. I was so proud of myself as I got it for $45. We have a consignment baby store around the corner and they have a ton of gear, clothes, books and toys for so much less than the stores. It is all in great condition and my DH doesn't mind that I am always buying her stuff when it is so reasonably priced.
Yeah I was going to go back to the colief which I used weeks ago but I didn't stick it out for long. Did you find that it helped with the reflux then? Did you give it every feed? Its such a faff I forget to do it (same with infacol) and esp at night probably wouldn't bother.

When he first got Gaviscon his reflux was really bad so i would give it him every feed then i gradually just started dropping it down. Sometimes i'd feed him then it would become apparent he would need one so i'd have to make one up as normally i gave him it before a feed. It was a faff though hun i won't deny. At the end i was expressing a bit of milk then mixing the Gaviscon with it but at the beginning i used to use cooled boiled water. Also they say to mix it right before use but for night times i used to make two up before bed and put them in the fridge and they always worked fine.
EJ is grabbing things and holding things and laughing now if i put a muslin or cloth on him he will grab and hold it and if i place a toy thats easy to grab on him he will grab it and wave his arms although when he waves his arms the weight of the toy normally makes him drop it.

Ive just given Nate his first ever hair cut
this is a before shot from a couple of days ago
Im very proud of it and of him for sitting still enough for me not to mess it up its the first time ive cut the hair of a child this young, ive done a few men's haircuts including my DH but not a 2 yr old before
Sorry to you ladies that are having feeding problems!

Mika has almost stopped the projectile vomiting, although he did a massive puke this morning... He still spits up a lot, but doesn't seem in pain from it. In fact he's doing so well we are going on a trial run of no Rantidine. And I measured him this morning and he has hit 25 inches! Woot! No wonder he's looking thinner, because he certainly isn't getting lighter!

MissMuffet-glad things went well when you went to the movies! I was so paranoid when we left Mika for the first time to go to a movie, I was that annoying person who was texting constantly during the show to check on him!

I have a couple milestones questions for you ladies...Mika is kind of trying to laugh I think, but when should he start? And do your LO's play with toys/grab at things/put things in their mouth? Mika will sometimes bat at things, but he still isn't grabbing at toys, sometimes he will catch one by acccident but that's it. If you put it in his hand sometimes he will try to bring it to his mouth, but I'm not sure if he's trying to bring the toy to his mouth or his hand and its just a coincidence that the toy is in it iykwim? He doesn't seem to take a lot of notice of anything in his hands either. Should I be worried about it? His social skills are right on track (minus the laughing?), and his gross motor skills are great, but the fine motor skillls like grasping just aren't there yet!

I think milestones like this are wide spread throughout this month iykwim. Like, Zander laughed once, but I think it was an accident. He tries to figure out the noise again, at least that's what it looks like he's doing when he gives me that huge smile.
He grabs for SOME toys, but not all. He only holds certain things intentionally. Other things I hand to him and he doesn't even realize he has them until he's hit himself in the head. :haha: :dohh:
He still hasn't rolled over yet. His only interest in his hands are chewing on them if he doesn't have a pacifier, but he is absolutely fascinated with his feet. So Like I said- I think these milestones are very broad for the 3 month range cause they're so hit and miss on different kids.

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