march lambs 2010 come on ladies

EJ's noises wake me from 6 every morning hes not awake but being noisy enough in his sleep that im awake im curious to see how long he would sleep if i left him rather than getting him up for his bottle at half 7 lol but im scared he will go till his 9am bottle before demanding food then we will have to drop a feed out of the day and it might mean he wakes at night
Well, it is 10:00am here in Orlando and Charlotte just got up 30 minutes ago. That's 12.5 hours of sleep! I even tried to wake her at 8:00, but she wanted to sleep so I let her. She sucked down her bottle in record time and is in a great mood. Right now she is happily batting at her toys.

Lynn: I was scared to let her sleep at first because I too was afraid she would miss a feed and then sleep less. What I have done is increase her morning bottle by 2oz (as I noticed she was always hungrier after a long sleep) and I give her two bottles before bed two hours apart as opposed to her usual three hours apart. This way she is still getting the same amount of food even though she dropped a feed. This worked for us anyway.
his evening bottles are only 2 hours apart lol and his morning one is already 8oz i can only add an oz to it before i'll have to use 2 bottles to give his morning feed lol
JJ - she seems to be a little bit better today, thanks for asking. I don't know if its the gaviscon or just because I pop her straight into the sling when she starts moaning and it shuts her up. Yesterday wasn't great she had some really whingy moments but not as bad as the day before. Also today we've been out zooming around London on the tube so she was kind of shell-shocked by that, napped a little bit and was mostly OK. She did a big fudgy poo this morning, so glad that she's finally gone!

We left her for the first time with my SIL just for about an hour and a half, went to have some lunch and go to a few shops. Apparently she was fine after the feed of EBM that SIL gave her with some gaviscon mixed into it. SO maybe she's improving, I think this weekend will clarify it as I'll probably stay in with her and monitor what happens.

I keep falling asleep with her on my chest at night while I'm trying to keep her upright, which isn't good! Last night she went to bed about 6:30, (probably not asleep till just after 7) and didn't wake till half 12! So that was good, but I was holding her in bed and before I knew it my clock said 1:50!! So a good hour accidentally sleeping on my chest, then she went back in her basket OK, back up at 3:30ish, and I fell asleep with her on my chest again until 4:30. She kicked off when I tried to put her back in her basket so gave her another quick feed but she had a bit of a fit after that as well and I ended up cuddling her till she slept and then left her there till 7am. So I'm sort of semi co-sleeping by accident and probably not doing it all that safely :nope: As long as she sleeps though.

Also just in case it helps I'm trying to give up dairy, to see if she has an intolerance to the cows milk proteins. Its really hard and REALLY boring I love my food and not being able to have dairy is a pain in the a***. I'm going to give it about 2 or 3 weeks for the CMP to leave my system and then slowly reintroduce it to see if it affects her. I hope it doesn't because it will mean the worlds most boring diet until I stop BFing! I guess I might lose a bit of weight though I am down more than half a stone on pre-preg weight already which is great I'm slimmer than I have been in years.

Cocoa - good sleep for M I'm jealous! Please send some sleep vibes this way, I'm shattered :coffee:.

JJ - I hope Chase is OK and its nothing to worry about - fingers xd for you.

Lynn - well I hope you work out you feeding regime with EJ but my gosh you are so lucky he sleeps through! I'm v jealous.

Emskins - it sounds like a growth spurt and just the right time. Hope it finishes soon. I'm not looking forward to the next one!!
well the bonus will be the sliming, ive started to gain weight again being on the minipill which hasnt impressed me and because EJ requires so much milk im forever eating and carb loading as we really dont have enough fresh produce in our diet lol Nate gets most of the healthy stuff in the house although dinner tonight wasnt too bad, was a chicken and brocolli stirfry with soy sauce over rice.
at the moment im ahead on my milk stock in the fridge so for 2 nights running have had to freeze milk as i already have the supply there for the next morning and i get enough in the morning for his night bottles. im hoping a friend will take some off my hands soon as she is trying to work out her DS's eating habits as we talked and think hes snacking rather than taking proper feeds so is constantly at the boob for short periods day and night and hes not a little baby so his tummy should be large enough to cope with more than 2-3 oz of milk in a feed
aarrgghh i'm so slack - still havnt had a proper catch up on the thread!! Will do it later today :thumbup: need to have a shower 1st. Ella's asleep i meant to have a shower while she's asleep but i'm on here instead- go figure! Ella laughed 2 days ago! A few times it sounded so geeky and soo cute! She had her 12 wee jabs yesterday which was horrible :( After i calmed her down with boobie juice she gave me lots of smiles and another little giggle. Daddy still hasn't heard it yet though :( It will happen :D
She was also weighed at 6.4kg. But I'm not taking that as accurate coz the scales are so old they weren't digital they were so hold and ella was wriggling and it kept changing but she gets weighed properly next week anyway.
I hope u all are enjoying your weekend :hugs: x
morning ladies hope all are well i cant wait till my ella laughs lol

there is going to be a meet at london zoo in july and if any of you are close enough to be able to go i would love to meet some of you if you are interested its in the meets section i hope some of you would be able to make it.

all of you who are not on the front page or have any thing that needs changing on there can you let me know i tried to go back through but there are sooooooo many pages now lol xxx
morning ladies hope all are well i cant wait till my ella laughs lol

there is going to be a meet at london zoo in july and if any of you are close enough to be able to go i would love to meet some of you if you are interested its in the meets section i hope some of you would be able to make it.

all of you who are not on the front page or have any thing that needs changing on there can you let me know i tried to go back through but there are sooooooo many pages now lol xxx

Oh man would love to go to the meet but i am accross the other side of the world. booo
EJ's noises wake me from 6 every morning hes not awake but being noisy enough in his sleep that im awake im curious to see how long he would sleep if i left him rather than getting him up for his bottle at half 7 lol but im scared he will go till his 9am bottle before demanding food then we will have to drop a feed out of the day and it might mean he wakes at night

Does EJ make those noises not long before he wakes up? Ella will stir- she makes grunting, snorting, throat clearing noises. Usually i stay in bed till she wakes up properly and starts getting grizzly. then i get up lol x
yeah but sometimes its another hour or so before he wakes up like this morning he woke me being noisy at 4.50 but he didnt wake till 7.10
I keep falling asleep with her on my chest at night while I'm trying to keep her upright, which isn't good! Last night she went to bed about 6:30, (probably not asleep till just after 7) and didn't wake till half 12! So that was good, but I was holding her in bed and before I knew it my clock said 1:50!! So a good hour accidentally sleeping on my chest, then she went back in her basket OK, back up at 3:30ish, and I fell asleep with her on my chest again until 4:30. She kicked off when I tried to put her back in her basket so gave her another quick feed but she had a bit of a fit after that as well and I ended up cuddling her till she slept and then left her there till 7am. So I'm sort of semi co-sleeping by accident and probably not doing it all that safely :nope: As long as she sleeps though.

I did this so mant times at night whilst he was upright, i was always ok whilst he was feeding but as soon as i had to just hold him :sleep: I think its because there asleep on you and all still plus 20-30 mins is a long time just to stay there when your tired. In the end i just tried to make sure i was as safe as possible so if i did fall asleep as usually it woud just happen and i'd wake up and thats when i'd know. Hope it goes soon hun xx
oh girls when is this going to end my poor DD amelia is ill again she cant keep anything down bless her i hate seeing her like this:cry:
I keep falling asleep with her on my chest at night while I'm trying to keep her upright, which isn't good! Last night she went to bed about 6:30, (probably not asleep till just after 7) and didn't wake till half 12! So that was good, but I was holding her in bed and before I knew it my clock said 1:50!! So a good hour accidentally sleeping on my chest, then she went back in her basket OK, back up at 3:30ish, and I fell asleep with her on my chest again until 4:30. She kicked off when I tried to put her back in her basket so gave her another quick feed but she had a bit of a fit after that as well and I ended up cuddling her till she slept and then left her there till 7am. So I'm sort of semi co-sleeping by accident and probably not doing it all that safely :nope: As long as she sleeps though.

I did this so mant times at night whilst he was upright, i was always ok whilst he was feeding but as soon as i had to just hold him :sleep: I think its because there asleep on you and all still plus 20-30 mins is a long time just to stay there when your tired. In the end i just tried to make sure i was as safe as possible so if i did fall asleep as usually it woud just happen and i'd wake up and thats when i'd know. Hope it goes soon hun xx

i do this aswell i was laying down in bed feeding ella the other night 1 min it was 10.30pm and when i next looked it was 2.30 i put her in her mosses basket till 4.30 and then a quick feed followed by a quick bath due to a very messy nappy leak :dohh: got back in to bed at 5 and the next thing i knew it was 7.30am and sh was still next to me :blush:lol
i had to get dh to turn off the movie this afternon so i could nap lol, i cant stay awake if EJ falls asleep on me its the best solution to my insomnia ever lol
i had to get dh to turn off the movie this afternon so i could nap lol, i cant stay awake if EJ falls asleep on me its the best solution to my insomnia ever lol

:rofl: Ronan's (and my) best nap of the day is the one we take together with me cuddling him in the afternoon, and it helps me keep going when I have barely slept the night before. Insomnia sucks, especially when you can't just catch up when you finally feel sleepy because that'll be when your LO is wide awake.
Wren is still waking every 1.5-2hrs at night, it has been a week now and I feel like I am loosing my mind with tiredness and sore nipples. I feel like we are back 2.5months and she is new born again. She is feeding all day as well, I hope this growth spurt ends soon as I am not sure how much more I can take. She is having decent sized feeds so I know she is not snacking, did anyone else notice that the 3 month growth spurt was particularily hard?

Sorry to moan.....
Emskins- I've heard that the 3 month one is particularly hard. Hope it passes soon, they are so tough :hugs:

M hasn't repeated her mammoth sleep session again but she is back into a better pattern - bed about 8:30, wake at 11:30 for feed, wake at 3 for feed, wake at 6:30/7ish. Then we get up, go downstairs, feed, chat for a bit and fall asleep on the couch for an hour.

Problem is- I'm one of those people who needs to get up and get ready asap, if I don't get ready straight away, I tend to just stay in my PJs all day and watch tv/DVDs or read a book inbetween playing with M!
I think Ella is going through a growth spurt. I'm finding that her clothes are getting smaller by the day, and she wants feeding all the time during the day, even had to give her a bottle as well today my boobs just felt so empty :( She is still sleeping like normal though- about 7.30pm till 6-7ish for a feed then sleep again till about 10. The last couple days she has woken at 4ish for her feed instead. And she just has little naps during the day. how can i boost my milk? i have like none by the end of the day (today much sooner) but yet i'm so full i'm hurting and leaking everywhere when i wake up in the morning even though i express what i got left b4 i go to bed!?
Emskins, yes - it really is a hard one. Eleanor went through hers at 2 and a half months and it lasted a week and a half. It was hell and I did end up crying on several occasions and moaned to my husband how I wasn't sure if I wanted this anymore. It didn't help that because it was early we didn't catch on to it being a growth spurt for the first few days.

She's be up every 2 hours at most during the night (from 9 hours of sleep before!) and during the day she was worse than she was as a newborn.
Having come out on the other end now though, I can say it was sooo worth it. The change in her was massive afterwards. She had hers just before our 2 year anniversary and we were going to go to the zoo for the day. 2 Days before I said I thought we shouldn't go as I wouldn't be able to handle it, thankfully the day of the zoo was her first day back to normal - and it's definitely one of the best days we've had with her! She suddenly became so much more alert, easier to sleep through out the day, found her hand properly that day to calm herself down, started laughing more ... it was worth the week and a half of hell. I really hope it will be for you too.
Emskins - :hugs: it will pass. I am in fact dreading the 3 month growth spurt, things have been hard enough recently with the reflux and all the crying, waking lots in the night, add a growth spurt on top and I might as well check myself into the loony bin now :coffee:

I have decided the gaviscon is only helping tiny little bit so we're back to the docs on Tuesday. She slept well last night 7-12:30, then till 5:30! Amazing for us. However after the 12:30 feed and after me holding her for 20 minutes, she moaned in discomfort in her moses basket for a good 40 minutes. I almost got her out but just as I did she settled. I think it was because I was chatting with DH about it and our voices soothed her.

Isn't it weird how you notice things that they comprehend like that? E.g. when I start putting the sling on over my head she looks at it and chills out, knowing what it entails (she's been asleep in it now for about an hour and a half). When I put her on the mat next to the sink for the bath and run the water, she immediately relaxes. I just find it cool that she's aware of things more and more. And I am definitely getting some laugh-like breathy sounds. V exciting!!

Sorry for indulging but here's a couple of snaps of her new much loved bouncy chair and some tummy time.


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