march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Emskins - good luck with your application!

GL - replied to your thread in baby club, but good luck at the Dr, I hope you get a solution x

Lynn- great haircut! I'm dreading getting M's done (obviously a long way off!) I have trouble enough decidinghow to get my hair cut, let alone being responsible for deciding on hers! :haha:

We've been ok; M didn't nap much yesterday so had a proper screaming fit while trying to get her to sleep at 7ish. She eventually dropped off though and slept ok last night. She's still waking a lot after her 3am feed though- she'll usually only go back to sleep for an hour or two at a time. I think it's because she's too sleepy to take a full feed, I've tried everything to keep her awake but she's having none of it!

have u tried giving her a bottle b4 bed hun? Sometimes if ella is really tired and hasn't had a feed i'll give her a bottle b4 bed coz that way she will get a full tummy b4 bed. otherwise she will fall asleep while on the breast and she won't have a full tummy xx
I've thought about it MM, but I'm too lazy to sort a bottle of EBM ready! I might express tomorrow morning and try to get enough for a bottle tomorrow night and see how it goes. She definitely sleeps longer with a fuller tummy - usually she feeds for 7-8 mins and feeds every 3 hours, but earlier she fed for 13 minutes and is just stirring after sleeping for nearly 4 hours.

Anyone else watching Big Brother? I didn't last year, but I think this one will be good. So far I'm not liking Tory Boy...
I have given Flora EBM a few times at bedtime or at the 10-11ish feed. I didn't find that she slept any longer after the bottles though? Or maybe its because of her reflux problem. The sleep thing is really hard isn't it? Speaking of which, I'm off to bed!
(I missed BB because I was researching reflux and then F woke for a feed - earlier than normal :dohh:. I say I'm not going to watch it every year then every year I get addicted. Mind you I might be too sleep deprived to stay up to watch it this year :coffee:)
GL-hope her reflux is sorted quickly, we are finally growing out of it it, thank goodness...just in time for teething.

Emskins- I'm sure you aren't the only one who has called the Dr. like that! I remember the days that Mika was like that and it was terrifying to me!

He has been ok lately, cranky but not terrible. Wish us luck though, my OH has a job interview Friday. It's a phone interview and he will be home alone with baby so I hope Mika behaves while it is going on! It will be nice to have him working again, but I am heartbroken about the possibility of having to put him in daycare....I really like that he has been home with his parents instead of someone we don't know having our child most of the time. I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting. Plus I don't want to have to deal with the extra germs I'm sure he will pick up. On the other hand, he will be around other babies....He just seems so young to be away from mommy and daddy!
Emskins - That sounds so stressful with Wren crying at bedtime! I hope it's something she grows out of soon, big hugs :hugs: Must've been so scary not being able to calm her down.
Good luck for the flat! I can't stand flat hunting, it's so awful having to contend with others. I was so relieved when we finally found a good place, because I was sick of wondering what the reasons for us not being chosen for the places were hehe does anybody else do that? We were always nicely dressed and well mannered etc :shrug: And had good references! Oh well.

GL - Poor you and poor Flora, that sounds awful! So many sad babies at the moment :( :hugs: I guess it's a good thing Flora was crying when you saw the GP, as at least he would have been able to see her in action. I'm glad she settled well for you! How does your DH sleep through her crying! Do you get her up really quickly? I think Tom would have a cry at me if Lachlan was up that often in the night - then again if he had a problem I would pass him on to his daddy to shut him up! :lol:
That's good about her bouncy chair - and yay for reaching for things! Lachlan hasn't really started to do that yet - he hits at things but I really don't think he knows what he's doing because both his arms are going and most of the time he isn't looking at whatever he's batting at :rofl:
Have fun in France, you ladies in the UK are so lucky being so close to all these cool countries! Aussie is great and all but it's only the one option we have and it's not the cheapest either!!

bNk - Good luck for your OH's job interview! Where had he applied for? Phone interviews are always a blast, he'll do great. And I'm sure they'd understand if Mika was to be a bit grumpy during it, they'd have to be the least understanding people ever if they didn't hehe x
Must be scary thinking about putting Mika in daycare! Tom and I have agreed that I can be home with Lachlan til he's a year (well, I said his first steps, so if he's a lazybum possibly til just after a year) and I'm scared enough about leaving him with somebody else during the day. I don't think you're overreacting at all, it's only natural to feel that way

Cocoa - So she's even sleepy after a nappy change mid feed? Naww :lol: I too recommend the EBM at night if you can, I've heard it can get them in to a good routine that bottle means bed for the night, plus if you express in the morning then the milk you have then is creamier and full fat, as opposed to the milk they eat at night - the milk at night is more like the foremilk and is rather thirst quenching. So the morning milk may just fill her up for longer.

Lynn - Must have been lovely to take EJ to the pool - how long did you swim for? I might start Lachlan in baby swimming lessons when he's a teeny bit bigger, though I hate to think how much they will cost as the pool is getting ridiculously pricey! I wanted to start swimming to lose weight but looked at the pool prices and was not impressed so didn't end up doing that. It's a great form of exercise though, so it's a shame! I could do with some exercise now, I am such a procrastinator it isn't funny :wacko:

Again, sorry I haven't replied in awhile again! I'm so naughty, often I will catch up and read all about what everybody else is up to but then go off and do something else. I need to start posting more, I am officially a slacker! Lachlan gets grumpy quite a bit more now than he used to as well so it doesn't help matters :lol:

I think we may be having a growth spurt (maybe the 3 month one early?!) because Lachlan is feeding every hour at the moment. Well, every 45 min to an hour :wacko: and it's driving mummy crazy! He normally feeds every 2 hours to hour and a half which is bad enough...and on top of that, my milk supply is dwindling for some reason. By night time there isn't hardly enough so he has had to have formula the last few nights before bed.

We've also been having some latching issues, sometimes he won't latch properly, he will cry and latch loosely etc and the only way I can get him to latch is to give him a dummy then take it out and do a switch between that and the nipple. Sometimes it can take a few goes, cause he'll be crying once the dummy leaves his mouth, he just gets so impatient when he realises it's food time.

Last night I was in tears trying to feed him. I put him down to bed at 9.30 after his bottle, and he was asleep, all was well, he woke up at 10.30 and cried for ten minutes - I was hoping he might go back to sleep but he wasn't having any of it. So I decided to feed him in the bedroom, lying down on the bed which is normally fine. But he just would not for the life of him latch on, he screamed and screamed and screamed and then we were both just laying there crying. He wouldn't take his dummy which I was trying to latch him with. Then finally Tom came in and suggested I sit up and feed him - I hadn't done so because normally when he gets himself in that much of a state he won't latch from any position so it doesn't make a difference but after a good few tries of latching him in the cradle hold he took to it. I was so upset, I was talking about giving up breastfeeding because it's becoming so much of a stress for me, but at the same time I know we don't exactly have the money to formula feed fulltime and I really wanted to breastfeed for 6 months minimum. I'm going to talk to the plunket nurse (our equiv of a HV) about it and see if she can find a solution.

I just wish that in situations like that, when I'm that stressed out and just don't want to deal with him at that point in time, that Tom would offer to take him off my hands and feed him a bottle then put him in bed. Sometimes I feel like a solo mum to be honest, Tom thinks that just because he's out earning a living I should do everything for Lachlan. I don't know, maybe it's not fair of me and I know that he is tired after working all day and I appreciate that he does that because he works hard but he has only ever bathed Lachlan once and I had to plead with him to do it, he's only changed about 8 nappies and when I give Lachlan to him most of the time when I need to do something he will lay Lachlan on the sofa next to him or lay him across his lap when he is on the computer. I have to tell him, look at him, he wants to see your face. Every time he does something for him, he acts like he deserves a medal. Again, it's bad but not as dire as it might sound, he is good when Lachlan is getting grumpy and I'm busy he will take him off my hands but in a lot of departments I just feel like he's not doing very well and I don't know why - is it because he doesn't want to or he doesn't feel confident or what. I've spoken to him about it before so I don't know why he hasn't listened, he hasn't given me too many reasons for it apart from that he's the one with the job etc.

I told him last night that if he doesn't spend more one on one time with him then he will favour me in a huge way, and might possibly not be so happy around his daddy as he hasn't spent too much time with him (I've heard that can happen :shrug:). He holds him and talks to him for maybe 15 minutes in an evening, and I just don't feel that's good enough to make a proper bond in the long run.

Sorry for the rant everybody, it's just getting to me :|

As for good things...
Lachlan giggled for the first time on Friday night, twice in quick succession at nothing in particular, then did another on Sunday I think it was, that his daddy heard but hasn't done any more since. I have been trying hard! I think it might be like he was with his smiles, he started smiling at 3 weeks properly, but they were only occasional so hopefully the giggles start rolling in very soon, more often :)

Think that's all from me...
:hugs: x
we were in the pool about 40 min i went with a few other young mums around the area which i met on another forum site ( not as good as this one ) and the other babies got cranky
Ah rwhite, I know what you mean. My OH isn't overly 'hands on' although he doesn't expect a pat on the back when he does do something. He went 7 weeks without changing a nappy! I don't mind though, as long as he does things when I ask him to without causing a fuss.
RWhite, thanks, she doesn't actually cry too much in the night thankfully, And I basically just get her up to feed and by the end she's pretty much fallen back asleep. But i have do a lot of holding her upright after feeding which at 1 in the morning is hard! In fact last night after 12:45 feed (after 10pm one grr) I fell asleep with her on my chest, woke at 2:30 , put her back in her basket and she woke straight away wouldn't settle so I fed her again. Managed to get her back in her basket but she was uncomfortable in her sleep so she made noise, another feed at 4:30 then she was on my chest again till 7. Suffice to say I feel like I've been out clubbing all night today. I really hope the sleep improves because it just seems to be getting worse.. I might try the EBM tonight again if I can express soon today and get the morning milk, but she is in the sling now so I'll have to ask DH to take her for a while. I hope she doesn't scream.

Also I know what you mean about your OH, sometimes I feel like that with my DH, that he doesn't have enough one on one time with her. TBH though at the moment she's only settling well with me so I feel for him he tries but she's just crying. But I do sometimes have to prompt him: talk to her, make funny noises, stuff like that. He's been working a lot lately but today and tomorrow he's off so I'm really hoping he'll help out more with her. Generally I can't complain I'm sure some men are way worse, but he's not as hands on as he could be. When her reflux improves and she becomes a happy baby I'm sure he'll be much better.
Have you started the Gaviscon yet GL? Has it helped at all?

Rwhite- meant to say that I always change her nappy before feeds. Got into the habit when she was little because if I laid her down after eating she'd bring it all back up. She probably wouldn't now though, I'll have to try changing her midfeed x
GL have you tried raising Flora's matress in her moses basket hun? Babies with reflux sleep better raised up than flat, you can buy special pillows but we just put a cushion under Chase's matress and he slept so much better, before we did it when we used to lie him down you could see his reflux starting and it would wake him up too. Its so hard at night sitting with them upright isn't it, i'd be fine whilst he was feeding but when i was just holding him for 30mins i'd get so sleepy! Hopefully she will grow out of it soon.

RWhite sorry your having a hard time bf hun :hugs: i know this is no help now but maybe Tom will have more time with Lachlan when he gets a bit older, i know so many men who say babies are boring until they reach about 6 months (when they start doing more). I don't think men have as much patience as us women to sit there cooing and pulling funny faces for hours on end when you don't get that much back. I'm really lucky in that hubby changes Chase loads and takes him for playtime, although as soon as any crying or whingin starts i get him straight back!
When your feeling stressed hun just ask Tom to take him and give him a bottle, i know with Allan hints don't work if i want him to do something i'm better just to say it as it usually just hasn't occured to him and he's told me he'd rather i didn't say will you do me a favour he'd rather i just ask him to do it.

Lynn glad EJ enjoyed swimming hun. I can't wait to take Chase, saw the cutest little all in one thing for him the other day like a lil shorts wet suit thing.

Chase had his second lot of immunisations today, it was brutal two in the same leg! He fell asleep for an hour after but then woke up a bit whingy and has been on boob ever since, lazy day for us today me thinks! Ooh but he's now 11lb 11oz and has put on just under a 1lb in 2 weeks :thumbup:
Cocoa yes started it yesterday afternoon and have given her 2 sachets today as well. Haven't seen much improvement yet :nope:.

JJ - yes I have put my wedge pillow that I had for pregnancy under her mattress so the top part of the basket is almost at the rim! She just had a 30 min nap in the basket but is up now and a bit miserable. And having just said what I said DH is begin really good today, he has just played lots of guitar for her and is now changing her nappy. Still no poo, fingers crossed for a poonami today!
Oh and JJ was Chase crying a lot with it as well? What medication worked for you and when did he grow out of it? He is about 3 weeks older than Flora so I'm hoping she's sort of peaking with it at the moment and by 3-4 months she'll be much better.
Blonde: Good luck to your OH with his interview. Didn't you just start a new job? How do you like it?

rwhite: Sorry you are having such a tough time lately. I agree with JJ if you want help from your OH you have to ask and be specific about what you need. They mean well, but they don't seem to have the same instincts that we do. The fathers do love their babies and I think the older the babies get the more involved the dads get. I know my DH spends more time playing with our LO now that she can smile and giggle.

So for the first time yesterday Charlotte took notice of the dogs. Chevy has been licking her since day one with her paying no mind to him. Well yesterday she was in her excersaucer just staring at him. When he came closer she started to smile and squeal. I just know they are going to be great friends (well, until she starts to pull on his ears and/or tail). It's just amazing how much more aware she is becoming of everything.
Oh and JJ was Chase crying a lot with it as well? What medication worked for you and when did he grow out of it? He is about 3 weeks older than Flora so I'm hoping she's sort of peaking with it at the moment and by 3-4 months she'll be much better.

Before we knew he had reflux night times and naps were awful as he'd cry as soon as i lay him down and i didn't know why. He would also be really whingy and squirmy after his feeds. Gaviscon worked for us, at first though we had to give it him at every feed and on the packet it says after a feed but our doctor said it makes more sense to give before so thats what we always did. At first i noticed only a small improvement i think it was a few days before it really worked though but we found it brill, he could sleep and was no longer in pain after a feed, he would previously whinge and arch his back and bring his knees up to his chest.

Fingers crossed Flora poos soon hun but if you find the Gaviscon does make her even more constipated Colief worked wonders for us.

Chase literally came off his Gaviscon 2 weeks ago after gradually reducing it.

Hope te Gaviscon works hun reflux is horrid! x
EJ doesnt want to be put down this evening its getting to be a pain lol ive been holding him or listening to him scream caus ive put him down since 4pm, makes it interesting trying to cook Nates dinner when EJ is like this lol but Nate is getting so clever, he can feed himself most of a meal from a bowl using his hands and a spoon, but this week we have started letting him do it himself with yougurts etc... and he can feed himself a whole yougurt ( except for the last half spoonful he cant get out of the pot ) with a spoon without making a mess anywhere but his face, im soooooooooo proud of him we have tied to encourage him to use a spoon more over the last few months and he seems to have cracked it at last , this evening he had chicken curry over rice and he ate that mainly with his hands but hes eaten his jelly and yogurt with his spoon and is just trying to scrape the last bit of jelly from the pot,
He needs a bath though, they both do really as EJ had his abdominal scan to check his kidneys and bladder today which showed no problems but it means hes still a bit sticky with the ultrasound gel they use lol and hes done 2 HUGE Poonami's since then so could do with a bath lol,
We spent the latter half of the morning ( after the trip to the hospital for the scan ) at the laundromat as we dont have a drier and needed to get heaps of washing dry including bedsheets and towels so we took it and tumbled dried it rather than hanging it on everything in the house lol.
Elliott is growing up so fast and changing heaps every day he spent most of the day being smily and chatty and laughing at us in between his naps, but now is doing his normal evening clingyness where he only wants me and doesnt care if i pay attention to him or not so long as im holding him lol so i tend to walk around with him in the sling while i get Nate ready for bed It seems almost like EJ wants to drop a feed and sleep longer as he now sleeps straight through his 6am feed normally to 7 but sometimes later and once he is settled in his bouncer he doesnt demand his feed for awhile after he gets up i ahve to figure out a way to wiggle a feed out of his day without it causing him to wake up in the night, Nate dropped his night feeds then his dreamfeed but kept all his daytime ones till weaning and im nowhere near ready to wean EJ and dont believe he is anywhere near ready either even though he shows plenty of signs that would make others i know start weaning, i just have to suss him out caus i dont want to drop a feed and have him waking in the night again but with him sleeping longer his feeds in the day are getting closer not further apart, i think i'll try to stick with what we have till after his 3 month growthspurt as its approaching fast now and hes hit his other ones a bit early then hopefully once we are past that then he with either settle down again or show he doesnt want a feed by flatout refusing it lol,
Some kind of miracle happened....

Fed M at 8pm but she didn't nap well yesterday (few bouts of 30 mins here and there) so she fought sleep before finally zonking out on me at 9. Took her to bed at 11 expecting her to wake as it had been 3 hours since her last feed. Next thing I know- it's 2am! She'd slept 5 hours and not eaten in 6!
Expected her to go much shorter after I fed her, but she slept another 4 hours and woke at 6:30, fed, then asleep again until 8!

That's nothing in comparison to Lynn and super-sleeper EJ! But it's amazing for M. I'm assuming it was just a one-off, but I'll be so happy if this is the start of her sleeping longer.

ETA: M did a couple of explosive poonamis this morning that warrented a bath, so I weighed her before and she's finally put some weight on! My scales aren't as accurate as HVs obviously but I think she's just over 13lb now. :dance:
lynn-glad to hear that EJ's scan went well and there are no problems

Cocoa-awesome news on the sleep front, I hope it is a sign of things to come for you

Greenlady, Hope Flora feels better soon

BnK hope your OH's interview went well

Vegas-Wren is also showing more interest in our cat, she likes looking at her tail which makes me nervous for the out kitty! The cat does love Wren though, she sleeps beside the crib on the like she is watching over her and she shows signs of distress when Wren is upset, so sweet.

Wren has been super clingy the last few days and feeding non stop! She has also been waking every 1.5-2hrs in the night for the last 3 nights, nightmare, I am super tired, I am hoping this is just a growth spurt and will end soon, she has been really grizzly as well.
CocoaOne thats great M's sleep last night, i hope it continues for you hun. Chase the last few nights has reverted back to 3.5 hours :wacko:

GL is Flora's reflux showing any sign of improvement?

Well my poor lil man has a cough, he's always coughed since birth but yesterday it started getting chesty and i can hear a bit of phlegm (sp?) He's not that bad but it sounds a bit rough when he coughs and he pulls a face like he's just tasted something horrid. I pgoned NHS Direct just to see if there is anything he should have but they said just to keep an eye on it and to make sure he doesn't get a temperature or cough anything up and to then go to the gp if he does. Me and hubby both have asthma and we're just hoping Chase doesn't develop it.

Hmm don't know what to do today, if anything, thinking i may just stay in and keep Chase warm.
yeah the supersleeper that hates daytime naps lol its getting annoying caus he will whinge and whinge cuas hes tired but wont fall asleep till i feed him or right before and wont feed properly lol
CocoaOne thats great M's sleep last night, i hope it continues for you hun. Chase the last few nights has reverted back to 3.5 hours :wacko:

GL is Flora's reflux showing any sign of improvement?

Well my poor lil man has a cough, he's always coughed since birth but yesterday it started getting chesty and i can hear a bit of phlegm (sp?) He's not that bad but it sounds a bit rough when he coughs and he pulls a face like he's just tasted something horrid. I pgoned NHS Direct just to see if there is anything he should have but they said just to keep an eye on it and to make sure he doesn't get a temperature or cough anything up and to then go to the gp if he does. Me and hubby both have asthma and we're just hoping Chase doesn't develop it.

Hmm don't know what to do today, if anything, thinking i may just stay in and keep Chase warm.

my little boys the same it wakes me in the night but not him! we took him the doctors as his phlegum is in his throat and mostly after he feeds then goes she checked him over and said its normal as they get a bit older they get more dribble and cand some times have nasal drip as there face grows! she gave me some drops for his nose! x

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