march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Hi Seity! Welcome back, great pics of your little guy-what a cutie!

Here are a few of Wren, I have a bunch on the camera that I need to transfer so these are from a few weeks ago


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awww im gonna load up some of the photos i got the other day of the boys
My Darling EJ
Ah what a bunch of cuties!

Gabriel looks like a happy little soul Seity - and he doesn't look like he's too small (from what you were saying in BF the other day)

I finally dug my video camera out so I've taken some video today - I won't upload it though as she doesn't do anything interesting! :haha: Ive promised my dad that I'll upload some footage to YouTube as he's in Oz, so misses her doing things like cooing.
Oh and how clever is EJ - sitting in his bumbo already! M would flop over if I sat her in one! :haha:
Hi girls!

I can't believe how much everyone's LOs have grown. They all look like proper little babies now and not newborns! I'll have to get some updated pics of Ronan up when I'm not on my phone.

He's being a right little terror recently with moodswings to rival the moodiest teenage girl you've ever known. He's happy and squealing (his latest and most favorite trick -- even at 5 in the morning) and screaming and crying the next. The joys of motherhood! I can't wait for this phase to pass. It's so emotionally draining, perhaps moreso than even disturbed sleep. He's also been a bit more restless through the night than usual too and feeding poorly during the day.

I want my happy cuddly monkey back rather than the crabby clingy changeling screeching in my ear right now!
awww sounds like ronan is just discovering his voice and enjoying it, my 2 yr old still is sqealing and shrieking in excitement one min and crying and wanting huggles the next then throwing a massive strop, so im not sure when they grow out of it TBH lol,

Ej is starting to like his bumbo more he will do about 10min in it then grizzle to be let out lol he is much better with tummytime too now
Thanks for giving me hope Lynn! :rofl: maybe he'll be less moody as a hormonal teenager!

Ronan likes his bumbo too, especially sitting with us at mealtimes chewing on his Sophie. I think I may need to get him his own spoon and cup to play with soon.
Ah what a bunch of cuties!
Gabriel looks like a happy little soul Seity - and he doesn't look like he's too small (from what you were saying in BF the other day)
He is happy most of the time, which is one reason we didn't suspect a problem. Just these few days with the addition of formula to his diet and I can already tell a difference. He's got a fuller stomach and I think his thighs are chunking up a bit. Before he was all skin and muscle, almost no fat at all. I took a picture of him in just his diaper as a before picture. -Excuse the slobber, he's a super drool monkey.


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:flower: Hi everyone :flower:

I'm so sorry I have been away so long... There's been some family stuff gone down in the last few weeks, plus mine and my brothers birthdays and a wedding and I havent had 5 minutes to myself and I felt guilty to come on and post without reading everyone elses news! Starting to get a bit more stuff sorted out now, so hoping I'll be able to get on more regularly!

Roman is doing pretty well... he finally went 10.5hrs between feeds last night which was great - its probaly a one off though! Had him weighed last week and he is now 12lbs 13oz and just starting to outgrow his 0-3month stuff :( he has been teething on and off so is producing lots of dribble and is a bit clingy, but generally speaking he is a very easy, smiley and happy baby. His big sister adores him (as you will see from the pics!).

Oh, he was diagnosed with reflux a little while back, and now has infant gaviscon added to his bottles which has seemed to help... the last few days though he has been very sicky during and between feeds again though so going to keep an eye on things :shrug:

Livvie had a bad stomach bug for a week too, she literally didnt eat for 7 days, it was horrendous but she was so brave bless her - she even ran to the toilet to throw up into it!

Anyway - enough of my stuff... will hopefully catch up with you all soon, will try and read some more posts today!

Much love

Dee, Livvie & Roman (10.5 weeks!)

Pics below:
Awww stunning pics everyone!

Lynnikins - Hope his jabs go ok!! EJ looks fab in his Bumbo, Ava loves hers too but will only do 10 mins. She wants to be on her feet all the time now and my arms are already aching!!!
MummyDee - beautiful pictures, Olivia is a proper little stunner isn't she?! Gorgeous!

I'm so glad to have found everyone again!!

Pics taken about a week ago, have lots on my camera to upload but they are the most recent!

Loving the bumbo action! I need to get one for M... Off to check eBay but I bet they're no cheaper on there anyway!
Awww stunning pics everyone!

Lynnikins - Hope his jabs go ok!! EJ looks fab in his Bumbo, Ava loves hers too but will only do 10 mins. She wants to be on her feet all the time now and my arms are already aching!!!
MummyDee - beautiful pictures, Olivia is a proper little stunner isn't she?! Gorgeous!

I'm so glad to have found everyone again!!

Pics taken about a week ago, have lots on my camera to upload but they are the most recent!


Ella likes to be on her feet too! She is getting so strong i just need to hold her for balance but she can support her own weight for a short time. i balance her sitting up too and she can sit for a good wee while by herself before she topples over :haha:

I'm so sorry everyone, i keep coming in saying i will catch up on everyone then i just get distracted and so i am never posting in here because i feel so far behind :wacko: sooo... how is everyone going? I feel sad i havn't kept in contact much. i'll try come on more frequently as i luv u guys. It's so good keeping in touch with bubis at the same age!! :D x
One of my favourite pics of mini me right now...

:cloud9: :haha:
Loving the bumbo action! I need to get one for M... Off to check eBay but I bet they're no cheaper on there anyway!

What's the story with these bumbos? i heard they are really good coz they help woth strengthenig muscles for sitting but then the other day i heard they are really bad coz they can rely on them too much for sitting. I've heard more good things than bad though...
Hi Seity! Welcome back, great pics of your little guy-what a cutie!

Here are a few of Wren, I have a bunch on the camera that I need to transfer so these are from a few weeks ago

I love what i can see of Wren's mobile! I love the pink and brown contrast. That seems to be my fave colours for ella at the mo- pink and brown plus torquise/aqua colour. i guess like the colours in my ticker :haha:
Wren is looking more gorgeous everytime you update photos!! beautiful wee girl xx
Hi girls!

I can't believe how much everyone's LOs have grown. They all look like proper little babies now and not newborns! I'll have to get some updated pics of Ronan up when I'm not on my phone.

He's being a right little terror recently with moodswings to rival the moodiest teenage girl you've ever known. He's happy and squealing (his latest and most favorite trick -- even at 5 in the morning) and screaming and crying the next. The joys of motherhood! I can't wait for this phase to pass. It's so emotionally draining, perhaps moreso than even disturbed sleep. He's also been a bit more restless through the night than usual too and feeding poorly during the day.

I want my happy cuddly monkey back rather than the crabby clingy changeling screeching in my ear right now!

I hope Ronan's routine settles down for you soon so you can get some rest!! It's funny how one minute they are in one routine and it can change so rapidly when you least epect it! Ella's been more full on in the day lately. She's generally pretty cruisy and still has her 12 hour sleeps at night but in the day its all go! I think she may be getting bored now, as when they are new-borns they are quite happy just staring into space but now she's not happy unless i am continuosly stimulating her with colourful toys and noises. Will be bliss when she can grasp onto toys for longer periods of time and amuse her self for a little while so i can get stuff done. I try and make myslef leave her if i'm in the middle of doing something and she starts crying i try and tell myslef its ok she will be fine for 5 more minutes! (darn it i just spilt some juice over the keyboard arrgghhh!!).
:flower: Hi everyone :flower:

I'm so sorry I have been away so long... There's been some family stuff gone down in the last few weeks, plus mine and my brothers birthdays and a wedding and I havent had 5 minutes to myself and I felt guilty to come on and post without reading everyone elses news! Starting to get a bit more stuff sorted out now, so hoping I'll be able to get on more regularly!

Roman is doing pretty well... he finally went 10.5hrs between feeds last night which was great - its probaly a one off though! Had him weighed last week and he is now 12lbs 13oz and just starting to outgrow his 0-3month stuff :( he has been teething on and off so is producing lots of dribble and is a bit clingy, but generally speaking he is a very easy, smiley and happy baby. His big sister adores him (as you will see from the pics!).

Oh, he was diagnosed with reflux a little while back, and now has infant gaviscon added to his bottles which has seemed to help... the last few days though he has been very sicky during and between feeds again though so going to keep an eye on things :shrug:

Livvie had a bad stomach bug for a week too, she literally didnt eat for 7 days, it was horrendous but she was so brave bless her - she even ran to the toilet to throw up into it!

Anyway - enough of my stuff... will hopefully catch up with you all soon, will try and read some more posts today!

Much love

Dee, Livvie & Roman (10.5 weeks!)

Pics below:

BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! How cute are they!! :hugs:

happy birthday!! When was it? i hope yu had a great day!! :D I hope livvie is feeling alot better now, it's no fun having a tummy bug!! :(
I hope Roman's reflux isn't causing him too much discomfort. The plunket lady (our home visitor) said ella might have some reflux, but only occasionally. Sometimes she will keep wincing and shaking her head and pulling on my nipple and crying while feeding and after feeds, but when i sit her more upright to feed her she seems to be more comfortable. This doesn't happen with most feeds just some so she said its nothing to worry about- its just like us, we can sometimes get heartburn and not others.
I forgot to say Ella weighed 14lb5oz at her weigh in on tuesday. (6.50kg) She is 61cm tall and head is 41cm. Little chunky monkey she is!!
Has anyone seen a link with breastfeeding babies and periods? I find (and a few friends of mine find this too) that at the time of the month breastfed babies are more sicky. Coz the milk changes. I get that not all people get their periods while breastfeeding but those that do do u find this link?

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