march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Go EJ!! M is supposed to have her second lot of jabs next week :cry:

Naps are still an issue at the moment - she fights them whether I start before she gets tired, at the first hint of a yawn or when she's very tired. Nights are
ok at the mo - she's been sleeping 8:30-1, 1-5, 5-8 which I can cope with.

What do you all do with Your LOs at home to keep them entertained? Sometimes I het the feeling I'm boring M! We tend to play tickles and blowing raspberies (to try and make her laugh again!), she lays on her playmat & looks at the mirror/toys or play with a couple of her Lamaze toys. I don't want to bore her to death but I'm also wary of overstimulating her too much - especially as she's only awake 1-1.5 hours between naps still.
wow, well done Lynn!

Cocoa, I always worry about under/over stimulating Wren aswell. We have sing/play time and she plays on her little activity mat quite a bit, tummy time, she is also very happy on her change table so we play there too. We have a cat that she likes to look at too, oh and reading books to her...then there is all the oudoor activity of parks and the zoo and SHOPPING which we seem to do a lot of!
EJ spends time in his bouncer or on his playmat or in my arms lol and naps wherever in the day, im trying to get out once a day at least even if its just for a walk with them
Bit nervous about tomorrow morning's weight check. Gabriel seems to be a bit chunkier now he's on partial formula, so I hope he weighs in at 9lbs.
My husband takes him for a walk every day it's not raining out; otherwise, he gives him mat time, swing time, or carries him. I think a lot of time is just holding him. I'm pretty sure he reads to him every day too.
Tiger: I can't believe Jesse has molars already. That is amazing! Hope they didn't cause him too much pain coming through.

Lynn: EJ sounds like he is doing fantastic.

We went for Charlotte's second set of shots today as well. She did well, but has slept a lot more today than usual (no complaints from me). She weighed 17lb 9oz and is off the charts for weight. She is in the 90th percentile for height. Dr talked to me about starting solids and even though he said it was OK to start now, I told him I wanted to wait until closer to six months. She seems happy with the formula for now and solids seem like a lot of messy work. I gave her a lot of EBM (from my freezer stock) yesterday in anticipation of her shots today and boy did we get a messy diaper. I had forgotten what breastmilk does to poo. :haha:

Cocoa: I sing to Charlotte to entertain her, we spend a bit of time on her mat playing with different toys, I read to her, and then of course there is the jumperoo and exersaucer. Thank goodness for the jumperoo and exersauser! She's entertained and I can still keep an eye on her while I cook, clean, fold laundry, or look at BnB.

Seity: Good luck tomorrow with the weigh in. I'm sure it will be fine.
Zander gets his 4 month shots next wednesday. I'm curious to see what percentile he's in for height weight etc. Last week we went to the doc for a follow up after an ear infection
(it was all cleared up after 2 weeks :dance: ) They weighed him then and he was 17 lbs 12 oz!!!
Lynn: EJ sounds fantastic!
Cocoa: I read to Zander (he thinks mommy is very silly reading to him cause I do silly voices) We play on the play mat on the floor with rattles, animals, etc. I'm trying to do more and more tummy time each day and he seems to be doing better with it. I definitely am doing more floor time period with him to encourage him to roll over more. He also loves the door hanging bouncer chair that I showed yall. When I do dishes etc he sits in his swing playing with his toes quietly (unless he wants me to look and him and smile real quick in which case he smacks his hands down and yells) :rofl: I TRY to take him for walks but it's been so hot here these past few weeks and he gets soooo miserable in the heat. it's been 100 Degrees F (37.77 degrees C) so yeah.... unless we go to the pool we're usually inside!
CocoaOne i'm the same, i said to hubby the other day i was worried he was bored. Generally he's on my knee and i talk to him and bounce him around, he also goes in his bouncer/swing and jumperoo and we play either on his change mat or the bed and somedays we go out, which must bore him as he always falls asleep!

Is anyone else experiencing this, Chase at the minute wants constant attention or he cries, even when he is in his jumperoo or swing he starts to cry but then when you go to him he stops right away, starts smiling and bouncing or talking? Its driving me mad as i literally can't do anything as he just wants me right there, hoping its just a phase.

Me and hubby have been discussing when i go back to work :cry: i know some of you are already back working, whats everyone else doing? I'm not going back until November but were starting to discuss it so we can sort childcare. We thought financially i'd have to go back full time but now were thinking of goin interest only on our mortgage for a few years so i don't have to, then in a few years our parents will be retired so between them and nursery childcare will be so much easier, just means we'll have a few more years on our mortgage but i'd prefer that if it means i get time with Chase now and the next few years. Still depressing the thought of going back, will feel so guilty.
CocoaOne i'm the same, i said to hubby the other day i was worried he was bored. Generally he's on my knee and i talk to him and bounce him around, he also goes in his bouncer/swing and jumperoo and we play either on his change mat or the bed and somedays we go out, which must bore him as he always falls asleep!

Is anyone else experiencing this, Chase at the minute wants constant attention or he cries, even when he is in his jumperoo or swing he starts to cry but then when you go to him he stops right away, starts smiling and bouncing or talking? Its driving me mad as i literally can't do anything as he just wants me right there, hoping its just a phase.

Me and hubby have been discussing when i go back to work :cry: i know some of you are already back working, whats everyone else doing? I'm not going back until November but were starting to discuss it so we can sort childcare. We thought financially i'd have to go back full time but now were thinking of goin interest only on our mortgage for a few years so i don't have to, then in a few years our parents will be retired so between them and nursery childcare will be so much easier, just means we'll have a few more years on our mortgage but i'd prefer that if it means i get time with Chase now and the next few years. Still depressing the thought of going back, will feel so guilty.

i'm a stay at home mama and will be for awhile. i don't have a job to go back to. we r gonna have babies 1st :)
Pineapple: I know what you mean about the heat. It's now too hot and humid to go on walks. Also, it rains hard here almost every afternoon. I had forgotten about the summer storms in the south since I lived out west for so long.

I am currently a SAHM. Not sure what I want to do about work. I am thinking about starting my own business and working out of the house. If I decide to do that I will put Charlotte into a mothers day out program a few days a week. They generally run from 9am-2pm so that would give me time to work, but not too much time away from her. I think I would only need to put her in for 2-3 days a week. Again, I am really torn as to what to do. I want to be here for her, but I don't want to give up my career either.

In other news Charlotte is cracking me up this morning. She is bouncing in her jumperoo with such purpose. She has the most serious look on her face like she has some sort of destination that she must make it to. She is really getting a workout!
I'm due to go back to work in April '11. I'd love to be a SAHM, but there's no way we could afford it - OH has got a crap job that doesn't pay well enough to support us both (but at least it's a job..). I've not really thought about how many hours I'll do when I go back - I earn more than OH and we'll have to do sums about how much childcare will cost. A lot of my friends have parents who are retired so can look after LO for free. Slightly jealous of them!
I am a SAHM mummy now as I quit my job, my last offical day is next Tuesday as I worked my notice period (3 months) along side my mat leave, also 3 months. I wasa unhappy with my work so its great that I don;t have to go back yet, maybe in a year or so I will think about going back to work but I want to start TTC right after our wedding next summer I would liked to have started TTC next March but we are waiting for after the wedding

Seity-how did the weigh in go?
vegas i meant to ask what type of business you would start up.
Just got back and he gained almost a whole pound since last week. He's now 9lb 7oz. He's still 0th percentile, but it's a lot higher 0% :haha:
I had to go back to work after 7 weeks (stupid US mat leave doesn't give you very much)
I'm only working part time though, 3 days out of the week. However I'm looking into opening my own day care out of my home (with a friend of mine who also wants to be home with her kids more)
HI all, wow loads of big babies!!! Flora's tantalising sleep through hasn't occured again, but she's been OK and I'm resigned to it that it will be a while yet before its regular.

In terms of activties pretty much the same as everyone else, she loves her bouncy chair with the dangly bits, some time on the mat although I don't do too much because of the reflux, she likes her changing table as well because of the mobile. sitting under the trees - loads here where we are now and she's in heaven gazing up a the leaves (while mummy sunbakes!) otherwise lots of walks sitting on my knee, watching me do a stupid dance, etc.

And re working, i think I'll be going back in January but have to work out the details. My hubby is also going to start a business from home so if that works out we'll be able to arrange childcare easier, tho I want to go back part time anyway. We haven't really figured it all out yet.

Seity hope the weigh in went well

JJ, having a bit of that at lunch today Flora was fed changed and OK in her bouncy chair but right when we were eating she moaned so I put her on my knee and she was happy as anything. She is very smily at the moment though so I don't mind.

ETA great news Seity!!
I love my job. I took 9 weeks of sick leave. I'm lucky that I've worked there long enough that I had so much saved up, but by 9 weeks I was ready to be back at the office.
ive been a SAHM since my carrer as a driving instructor failed when i didnt get my teaching lisence when Nate was 8months old, i found it hard to be the sole earner with my baby at home even though my OH was taking care of him and wouldnt go back to that situation ( breastfeeding would make it difficult anyway ) I will probaby pick up some evening work after we have moved just fitting it around OH's hours so we can save up as once we move we will be dropping most of our benifits as we wont need housing benifit etc... so my working wouldnt have a negative effect on those,
Ahh i'd love to be a sahm, we just couldn't afford it though. Emskins i bet its a nice feeling having handed your notice in, fab! How exciting some of you are looking to start your own businesses, i'd never have the guts to.

Seity great news about Gabriel's weight gain :thumbup:
Chase has just realised he's got hair, he keeps touching his head and trying to grab his hair and he keeps stroking it, its so cute!

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