march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Well midwife said she's not sure about the lumpy moo-hoo but it doesn't look like thrush. She weighs 14lb 4oz now too.

She's been fine all day, took her up to bed at 7:30, she fed for a few minutes and then started crying. A lot. Shea been at it an hour now so I've sent OH up to take over.

He lasted 10 minutes! Wimp. I've stripped her off and she's calmed down. Could the heat make her cry like that? It is hot in our bedroom (24 degrees with windows open & fan on) Her head feels hot but her chest and back feel fine.

Karrierbag - good luck with the move!

Vegas - good luck with the flight tomorrow
I know I shouldn't, but I laugh every time you UK ladies say it's hot when it's only 24 degrees! I know it's just what temps you're used to.
BEcki did you do the pg tests?

Been taking Cerazette for almost a month now and keep spotting on and off and getting mighty frutrated with it, still better than a full period which for me is usually hell!

DH is going to speak to the doctor in Sept about getting the snip (we were advised to wait 6 months from Roman being born!)
Seity - it's pathetic isn't it?! Don't forget that we don't have air con though, just checked our room and it's now 27 degrees- sleeping will not be fun for any of us tonight! Our house is so ridiculously well insulated- it's beyond a joke!

Dee- I never made it to town to get the tests :dohh:
We don't have AC either, but it was only about 29 degrees yesterday. Today is nice and cool around 25.5 degrees. I grew up in Southern California and used to think 16 degrees was cold. Now, it has to be -5 before I call it cold.
I live in Florida and its about 38 degrees here right now. Thankfully I have air conditioning here. It did break down a couple weeks ago, that was a horrible night

Connor rolled over for the first time yesterday, and he went swimming for the first time too. It was a great day! :happydance:
It's been about 38/39 degrees here too. The AC has gone out in my car so Zander has started screaming in the car rides cause he gets so hot. poor little guy. I keep the windows down but he's so much like his daddy he gets hot so easily.
so to answer your question cocoa, yes the heat can make LOs cranky. esp if it's that hot!
Kel, connor is gettting so big! so many milestones this week! :thumbup:
Ug. I'm sick of heat. I drove past a bank sign today on my way home from work and it said 109F. (about 42.7C). Its horrible because anytime we go to a store or anything in just the time we go in the store the car heats up almost instantly. I have a thermometer in it and when we came out of the grocery store the other day the temp inside the car was 115F! (Granted I did forget to crack the windows, lol. With just OH and I it is really uncomfortable until the air con starts working, but with LO it is downright dangerous! We now only go out during the hot part of hte day with him if we absolutely have to, instead we run errands in the evening or early morning. And when we leave the store one of us goes and starts the car to get the air con going and the other waits inside with LO until it cools down some.

Although tbh I would be whining if it were cold too! I really wish we could get more mild days...not common here, lol.
I have a question though. How often are smears done in the UK? Here they are recommended yearly for all women over the age of 18 or who are sexually active, but are they done less often in the UK?

I had my smear about four weeks after I had Mika, and it came back with some abnormal cells. I had an appointment for a colposcopy and biopsy, but my medical benefits ran out at the end of May and my Dr. had to resched. me for an appt in June. I don't have any insurance or any way to pay for the procedures, so I have to wait until I get insurance, but I'm worried they won't cover it because it is a pre-existing condition. Grr.
I had a smear done at 6 weeks, and it also came back with abnormal cells (apparently this is pretty common after giving birth) I had a colposcopy done, and they found nothing wrong, so I wouldn't worry too much.
I hope you get insurance soon, and that you don't have a problem getting it covered. If you do get it done soon, I want to warn you that it burns :(
Smears are done every 3 years after the age of 25. If there are abnormal cells (CIN I usually) then you are seen every 6 months for 18 months and if they haven't cleared up by themselves, you're referred for a colposcopy where they have a look, possibly do a biopsy or treatment or just wait to see if the cells get better or worse. You're seen yearly for 3 years after having treatment for abnormal cells. If CIN II or higher is found during a routine smear, you're usually referred straight to colposcopy. Can you tell I've had too many smears in my life :haha:

I had my first smear at 20, literally just before they upped the age to 25. I'm so glad I went (a lot of my friends didn't bother to go get one) because I ended up having biopsies and LLETZ treatment, I've no doubt that if I'd waited 5 or 6 years to get my first smear then the cells would have got a lot worse.
Connor rolled over for the first time yesterday, and he went swimming for the first time too. It was a great day! :happydance:

Yay well done Connor. Ahh did he like swimming hun? I need to get my bum into gear and take Chase!

jj - I hear the antibiotics clear up mastitis pretty quick. Once you said it had color to it, I knew it was infected. I hope you both feel better soon.
I get plugged ducts all the time, but I've been lucky so far in that I've been able to clear them in a day or two and haven't had any turn into an infection.

Do you get plugged ducts in both sides hun? Mine is always the right side, i wonder why?

She's been fine all day, took her up to bed at 7:30, she fed for a few minutes and then started crying. A lot. Shea been at it an hour now so I've sent OH up to take over.

He lasted 10 minutes! Wimp. I've stripped her off and she's calmed down. Could the heat make her cry like that? It is hot in our bedroom (24 degrees with windows open & fan on) Her head feels hot but her chest and back feel fine

I think the heat can make them super grumpy, on Monday my mum had been out to the park with Chase while we were out, when we came home he was still asleep in his car seat as she'd not long been back, Chase woke screaming and totally not like him he wouldn't calm down, so hubby took him upstairs and stripped him off as he felt warm, then he was fine. His car seat is awful for making him hot.

Another hot day today here.
I had a smear done at 6 weeks, and it also came back with abnormal cells (apparently this is pretty common after giving birth) I had a colposcopy done, and they found nothing wrong, so I wouldn't worry too much.
I hope you get insurance soon, and that you don't have a problem getting it covered. If you do get it done soon, I want to warn you that it burns :(

Yeah my mom said hers burned too! I'm not terribly worried about it, just more annoyed that they rescheduled it on me like that. If they had done it on the date they were supposed to then my Medicaid would have still been effective! They told me that the cells they found LSIL cells, which are rarely serious in the early 20's but they wanted to check it out to be sure.

Smears are done every 3 years after the age of 25. If there are abnormal cells (CIN I usually) then you are seen every 6 months for 18 months and if they haven't cleared up by themselves, you're referred for a colposcopy where they have a look, possibly do a biopsy or treatment or just wait to see if the cells get better or worse. You're seen yearly for 3 years after having treatment for abnormal cells. If CIN II or higher is found during a routine smear, you're usually referred straight to colposcopy. Can you tell I've had too many smears in my life :haha:

I had my first smear at 20, literally just before they upped the age to 25. I'm so glad I went (a lot of my friends didn't bother to go get one) because I ended up having biopsies and LLETZ treatment, I've no doubt that if I'd waited 5 or 6 years to get my first smear then the cells would have got a lot worse.

I can't believe they make you wait so long for your first smear! Granted the incidence of abnormal cells and cervical cancer is low in the early 20's but catching it early can make all the difference! Like in your case!
jj - I hear the antibiotics clear up mastitis pretty quick. Once you said it had color to it, I knew it was infected. I hope you both feel better soon.
I get plugged ducts all the time, but I've been lucky so far in that I've been able to clear them in a day or two and haven't had any turn into an infection.

Do you get plugged ducts in both sides hun? Mine is always the right side, i wonder why?

Yeah, I get them on both sides. I sometimes wonder if the constant recurrent blockages are partly responsible for my low milk supply.
Just a quickie while Ronan is actually asleep. We had his 4 month appointment today and at 18 1/2 weeks he weighs 15lb 14oz & is 26.75" long, so around the 60th & 90th percentile respectively!

He also got his second lot of vaccinations and has been miserable and sobbing all afternoon. He's finally settled for a little after a dose of tylenol but he's restless and having little cries in his sleep. :( Poor little not so wee anymore monkey.
Ah poor ronan :-(

Well it's definitely not the heat that is making M cry so hard. She's hardly eaten all evening- just cries whenever I go near her with a nipple (which happened yesterday too) and I just took her upstairs to feed and put to bed and she's screaming the place down again. No idea what's wrong. It's like she knows she is supposed to be going to bed and she REALLY doesn't want to. I don't understand why she won't eat either. Very weird. And strangely, she calms down a bit when I bring her back downstairs, but stops crying completely when OH holds her up on his shoulder. She just cries whenever she comes near me!

Really hoping that this is a very short lived phase!
Finally calmed her down enough to latch on and she fed for ages and is happier now. Just rocking her to sleep.

Quick tip for anyone who has trouble getting their LO off to sleep for naps- I've discovered that if I loosely drape a muslin over her head/face she drifts off sooo much easier and with less fuss. I think it stops her seeing everything (she's very nosey) and calms her down. I have a weird child! :haha:
Nate always used to sleep better if i put something screaning him from the rest of the room like a muslin over the carseat when he was in it etc....

its been averaing 27-28 in the daytime here and doesnt cool down well into the night it was 26 in our room when I put EJ to bed poor thing but it will get brought down much cooler when we go up and put the aircon on so DH can sleep lol,
CocoaOne thanks for the tip, i'm goin to try this as Chase is so nosy too.

Chase had a really good day yesterday, he's learnt to blow raspberrys after weeks of trying, its so cute as there accompanied with a huge smile. He also yesterday laughed on his own, it was so unexpected, he was sat in his swing whilst we had tea, he was making this noise that he's started to do, he just goes uhh uhhh uhh, so after tea i went over to him and said now thats not talking is it its just noise, and he just cracked up laughing :haha: then whenever i tried to speak he just laughed at me and i asked hubby if i had something on my face as every time i tried to speak he cracked up laughing, funny baby, he was like this for a good 10 mins.

Yay he slept from 9.30 until 5.15 last night :happydance:

Ahh he woke up this morning so bunged up and coughing, yet he was still smiling and doing his new trick of blowing raspberrys.

Ooh his bumbo has just arrived, can't wait to try him in it, the tray looks a bit awkward to put on though when he's in it, yet if i do before i don't think i'd get him in it :shrug:

Here is some recent pics of my cheeky lil man:- (i think i've chosen the moodiest ones ever)

and here is a little vid of me trying to get him to blow raspberrys, but he prefers to just laugh at me!
awww hes so cute hun,

It was nates birthday yesterday and EJ is 3months today, i dont know where the time has gone since Nate was born

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