march lambs 2010 come on ladies

It's been quiet in here lately!

Lyn - did you go to the park?

I've spent all day indoors working on M's naps. So far we've managed a 45 min nap, a 55 min nap and a 2.5 hr nap- a considerable improvement on the 5 or 6 32 minute naps that she was having everyday. She's having a catnap now before feed, bath and bed.

She still can't self settle so I have to hold her until deep sleep kicks in, but I'll work on that once she's not so overtired from the short naps.

I learnt something interesting too, apparently the technical definition of 'sleeping through the night' is LO sleeping one 5 hour stretch at the beginning of the night! So when people ask if she's sleeping through yet, I can say yes and not be lying! Lol
we didnt make it to the park as dh cooked lunch and it took ages so Nate got a midday nap then by the time he got up Dh was having an afternoon nap so we didnt get the spare room cleared or the boys out at all so a waste of a day lol, its been so stinking hot here though
Yeah it's hot here too. I hate our house in this weather.

So excited girls - I rocked M to sleep at 7:30 and I always hold her for 20-25 minutes until she's finished jolting (far too hot to swaddle), I put her down in her crib and she woke. Grrrr! Decided to try placing my hands on her to settle her & stop the jolting and squirming - this lasted for an hour before I got annoyed and went downstairs to give myself 5 minutes. 10 minutes later and I couldnt hear her squirming anymore on the monitor so I went up to check on her - she was only asleep! Little madam managed to settle herself for the first time ever!

I'm not sure if it's because she napped better today, if she was just shattered after squirming for so long, or if it's just a fluke. But I'm happy anyway!

Off to give her a dreamfeed now to see if that'll extend her sleep a bit.

Hope everyone is well. Let's see some more pictures!
Omg ladies it has been hot here too! I think it hit about 98F today.

Well done M! I always love it when Mika falls asleep on his own, sometimes we still have to swaddle him as he is falling asleep but we undo it after he falls asleep because he gets too hot.

Mika has been quite a handful today. Even before his shots! Probably because he's been feeling off I think, it has been ridiculously hot, and he missed one of his big naps...

He was cranky all morning and then was even fussier in the Drs. office. He had some wax in his ear (ew) so the pediatrician had to dig it out of his ear, which he didn't like at all! Then he had to get his 4 month shots. Dr. recommended we start him on some cereal and veggies/fruits because he is ALWAYS hungry, not just during a grown spurt. He has been downing about 10 oz most of his feeds lately. We are still supposed to give him all the formula he wants, but throw some cereal in too just to top him off.

Mika is now 16.5 lbs (81st centile) and 25 inches long (34th centile)! Quite a little chunk!
Gabriel has been off all day today. Just fussy as all heck and hasn't slept more than an hour all combined. Not sure what's up. Maybe he's starting his 4 month growth spurt?
Today is our 2 year anniversary. We're watching "Any which way but loose". It's a yearly tradition because that's what was playing in the background at the bar when we got married. :haha:
Happy Anniversary Seity!

I think we hit the 4 month spurt early, but he has constantly been hungry for about the past 3 weeks. He's back to eating about every 1.5 to 2 hours!

We tried some cereal tonight, kiddo was entirely uninterested. We also tried some butternut squash, which fared a bit better. Can't say I blame him though, that cereal is GROSS!

After his shots he slept for about 5 hours, which was bliss for mommy and he's back asleep again, we will see how long it lasts.
argh I wish Roman would get into a routine with his night time sleep - he fed at 730pm last night and woke at 330am for a feed, yet the other night he fed at 530pm and slept til 5am! Just wish it would get to a sort of regular time so I know what to expect!!

Getting him weighed today...!

heres some photos i had done of the boys, neither really wanted to cooperate so didnt get many great ones lol,
Well done Cocoa and M!!

Wren has also been sleeping a little better, I am hoping we are bck on track to her old sleeping habits!

It is silly hot here as well, is anyone giving LO watere in addition to milk? Just wondering??

Seity, congrats on 2 year anniversary. Love the pics too!

Wren was quite difficult last night as she was over tired, couldn't get her to eat as she was soo tired so we got her to sleep and then as I hoped she woke about an hour later and had a good feed and then slept for 6hrs

Some pics...


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EJ looks so cute in his tigger suit Lyn!

And Wren looks so cheeky sitting on the couch! I've always been told that BF babies don't need extra water because your body will produce more watery milk when it's hot. If you think she's suffering though I doubt it will harm her, but if her urine is still light & she's not sweating excessively then she's probably ok

Well the dreamfeed helped a bit- she woke for a feed at 3, then 6 and stayed in bed with mummy & daddy til 8 (lazy mummy!)

Good luck getting Roman weighed Dee. M is 14lb 6oz now. She gives my arms a workout when we play bouncing!
im giving Nate heaps of water but none for EJ im just allowing him an extra oz in his bottles and his normal BF are taknig longer but that could be a growthspurt as well as the heat
Hi all! its lovely and hot here too but we're so lucky with the pool and all the trees, it is really so beautiful (we are at my hubbys mums house), and being here with a baby is bliss, she really loves looking at the trees and lying around without any clothes on!! Everyone has said how much she's changed within the last week, and she is so alert and happy. The reflux is a lot better and... the best news is she did another (nearly) 10 hour sleep last night!!! So I'm very excited about that she is napping better, either in the pushchair, on a sunbed in the shade, on the sofa. Still not getting long naps though, about 45 minutes usually.

Seity happy anniversary!! I love your pic of Gabriel on his tummy and big smile. I'm still having trouble capturing a smile on camera.

Cocoa, good news about the self settling and the long naps, these are things I'm going to work on when we get back. Hope the sleeping gets better - I'm sure it will soon.

Emskins, gorgeous pics of Wren! I will put some up next week once I can offload the onto the computer at home. My MIL suggested giving Flora some water but I'm not sure I want to do that... be interested to see what everyone else is doing, but I kind of thought the same as Cocoa, that lots of the watery formilk is enough for them?

Lyn, lovely pics!!
:hi: will catch up on todays posts shortly! :coffee:

OH put up a black mink blanket over the curtains in our room to keep the heat in as with the cot in our room poor OH is up against the window.
Anyway I think it changed ella's sleeping, last night she went down at 7pm, then woke at 6am had a feed and we went to sleep again and i woke up b4 her at 12.30pm! Well!!! :shock: I missed our last plunket parenting group session! And i felt super guilty that she hadn't had a nappy change in awhile! Ahh well she can't have minded too much! :crib: Crazy bubi! :awww:
Lynn gorgous pics of the boys!

CocoaOne thats gud M's naps are getting better, Chase is bad with naps too, lately if were in to the house he'll wake after 15 mins so usually i have to take him for a walk to get a decent nap out of him, though even then sometimes he wakes after 5 mins of being home :wacko: so frustrating when you know their tired. Its peeing down here today so don't fancy a walk in it.

Ahh Emskins glad Wren's sleeping is getting back to normal, gorg pics she is so cute.

GL wow fab sleep from Flora!

My mum is always saying to me about giving Chase water and querying whether he is thirsty but my hv said breastfed babies don't need it and we've got plently of wet nappies so i''m not concerned.

I've been feeling weird since yesterday, had like a headache and been tired and feeling a bit sick, hubby said this morning about my blood pressure and now he's mentioned it this is exacltly how i felt when it was very high when i was pregnant, but the doctor checked it 3 weeks after Chase was born and said it was ok and gave me 2 more weeks of bp tables then told me to come off them so i've not been on them for weeks and felt fine, plus the nurse did my bp on Thurs. She didn't tell me what it was but i presume it was fine else she would have said. I don't know much about bp and whether it can just come on or not? I know you can feel ill with Mastitis but i didn't feel ill before i started my antibiotics so surely it wouldn't make me feel ill now. Does anyone know if you can get your bp checked at a chemist? Don't want to go docs but don't know where you can get it done? It's prob nothing rather not leave it just leave it incase it is my bp.
Jj- could you get a quick appointment with the practice nurse to take your BP? I know some chemists do it but not sure how you'd know which do? Maybe phone a few and ask?

GL - really glad that F seems to be turning a corner with the reflux!

MM - I think M would sleep better if we could black out the windows but it's far too hot at the moment not to have the windows open and it gets light about 4am. Not ideal but not much I can do about it!
Phoned my local pharmacy and they do it so going there at 3.30. Chase is yawning his head off but whats the bet he won't sleep!
im tired due to being up earlier than normal with EJ and struggling to sleep caus of the heat myself anyway, hoping i'll get to take a nice bath when DH gets home and just relax a bit , shave my legs caus im going to the park on thurs and will probably wear shorts lol,
the boys are doing better today caus its not so hot but the mugginess has given me a mahoozive headache which isnt so great
jj-how was your blood pressure? I hope you are feeling better.

We spent the day at the park in an effort to stay cool as it is roasting here.

Not much new to report really, hope we are all well
sounds like you all are struggling with the heat :( i miss being pregnant but not the summer part!
Hi everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in ages, I realised that I accidentally clicked unsubscribe..I remember one of you ladies saying you did that awhile ago actually :lol: I'm a silly sausage.

I hope everybody's doing okay! I miss you all xx Because I'm more often on facebook than on here, I just want to put it out there again that those of you I don't have added are welcome to add me! My name's Rosy White

Things are going pretty well here! Lachlan's been quite a joy lately, really smiley and friendly. He's only got eyes for his mummy when he's being held by other people which is lovely for me but I would like other people to get a look in too! :lol: Anyone else experiencing this?

Also, within the last few days he's started reaching out and grabbing his toys. I can't even begin to describe how proud I am, I can't wait til he can play with them properly!! :D

Only complaints I can really make is that the last few nights he's been a bit of a poobum - he will normally sleep pretty well, best sleep time being 9.30-7.30 or 9.30-8 but the last couple nights he's woken at 4, and then this morning at 5.30. Eeek :| Not too impressed but I'm hoping he will go back to normal soon, I think I've read that babies tend to do this around this sort of age? Anybody else's bubba doing this? I shouldn't complain really, but I was just becoming accustomed to decent sleep! :lol:

So tonight we're giving our cat away...she had been peeing at the door to our laundry room and it would go under the door and onto the lino in the room, it was very annoying. Every single night, and the room was starting to smell like cat pee which as well all know is not a pleasant smell! And I was beginning to get sick of having to clean up after not just a baby but a cat as well. There are two possibilities as to why she is doing it - a) we shut the door to that room because it's winter and the room is freezing and making our lounge room cold (and her food used to be in there, though she knows it's now in the kitchen obviously) and she doesn't know why she can't go in there now and/or b) She's jealous that Lachlan is getting more attention. So either way there's nothing we can do, and so we advertised her and after 300 something page views on the ad, finally got contact from a lady yesterday so am pleased we are rehoming her at last. Also I was having to put her outside all night which I didn't like (our catflap broke, long story lol) cause it's cold, so it works out for the best.

Think that's all from me for now...will be good to hear from you all, I will have to read the last few pages to catch up xx :hugs:

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