march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I probably would have tried to get the ocean wonders one too if I were buying new but I got the rainforest one used off craig's list.

mummydee, Ronan was a bit grizzly after his last shots too. Fab weight gain as well! It's crazy how fast time flies isn't it? I can still remember not being able to wait for him to face out when I was wearing him in a carrier and it seems like only yesterday that 6 months and weaning was so far off but now it's just round the corner and I've plans to go buy his highchair in the next week or two since he's taken to ripping the tray off his bumbo and he already sits at the table with us when he's awake at meal times.
my sun burn doesnt seem to be improving but getting up half a dozen times a night cant help with frction on it lol, DH is home today caus he had to leave what he was doing last night and come home caus he was sick so has stayed hom today as well,
Kel Boots have the rainforest jumperoo on offer for £75.99 if you do decide on that one, free delivery too

Seity Gabriel will love his jumperoo there fab, Chase is just starting to take notice of the toys on it.

mummydee yay for Roman sleeping so long thats fab :thumbup:

CocoaOne hope M is happier if you give her ebm tonight hun, its so awful when they cry isn't it, breaks your heart. Chase sometimes is fussy when having his last feed too, he's on, off, crying, wriggling, drives me mad. When he's like that i take him off and just talk to him for a bit or pass him to hubby until he decides to latch on properly. Hopefully expresssing your last feed will work as she get the milk quicker.

Quickly tried my baby bjorn this morning and put Chase facing outwards, he seemed to like it, seems a bit fiddly to get him in but i guess its like all slings after a few times its easy. Going to get hubby to ring and complain as he's better than me, but they probably won't be bothered!

The weather is gorg here today, after forecasting rain, they always get it wrong don't they, yesterday was the same sunny all day. Hubby is going out with his friend this afternoon until about 6 so i may go to the park seen as its so nice, too nice to stay in. Cacking it though as i'm picking hubby up and don't know where i'm going, hate driving when i don't know where i'm going, got SatNav but i still get lost with that :dohh:
lynnikins, sorry to hear your sunburn hasn't gotten any better, and poor hubby being sick as well.Hopefully you both start feeling better soon.

jj, glad you can get out today. The weather here the last few days has been absolutely perfect. It's been so nice to get out. Hopefully your GPS steers you right. I hate when mine sends me off the wrong way because then I have no idea where I am. Luckily mine works well most of the time. The only place it really tries my patience is in the city but boston is notoriously painful to drive in anyway.
well my DH whos been rubbing the aftersun into my burn has said its getting better but the part i can see still looks bad and its still sore ( doesnt help when Nate wants to fling his arms around my neck every 20 min during the day and EJ wont settle except against my shoulder where he can hit my burn with his hands ), not brave enough to have a warm shower yet lol, which sucks as i need to wash my hair desperately, hopefully by morning i'll be able to bear it long enough for a quick shower,

hope all the babies sleep well tonight, EJ has dozed off on DH after his bottle but im going to have to wake him and change him and take him up to bed
Hey how is everyones weeke3nd been? Just popping on to say :hi: I will have a caatch up through the thread shortly see what i have missed. Ella's Amber necklace arrived in the post yesterday, I totally love it :cloud9:
We're off down your neck of the woods today Becki - Hernia Bay (sorry, I've always called it that!) later this afternoon for a nice walk by the sea :)
I went for a nice walk along the seafront today - got blimmin blisters on my feet now!

We're all over the place at the minute - M is feeding anywhere between 2-4 hours, most of her naps she's massively fighting and she's still only sleeping for 30 minutes per nap and last night she was up every hour from 8 til 2, so finally took her to our bed where she settled instantly, but was awake and ready to start the day after her feed at 5. Luckily she quite happily lays there and squirms while I snoozed for 2 more hours- but I'm shattered.

Really no idea if it's worth fighting her to sort her sleep out, or to just leave it a while until she settles into her own routine and can self settle a bit better. I love our time together except the sleeping issue- really stresses me out not knowing what she's going to be like :-(
ive solved EJ's sleep disturbances, i started swaddling him in a cotbed sheet which goes around him much better and he cant wiggle himself free and get cold (strange to say in this weather but its DH's portable Air con unit that makes EJ cold ) and he slept through again last night although he got a bit noisey in his sleep about 5am which woke me up but he didnt wake so ive been awake since 5 but he slept till 6.30 when DH's alarm went off. we were out yesterday all day it was nice
Ah that's good lyn - I'm thinking about sewing some muslins together to swaddle M in - even my thin blankets would overheat her.

Just had a row with OH. He was supposed to be coming to Drs for Ms jabs this morning. He asked what time it was yesterday, I said 9:30 and he said 'eurgh that's too early for me' (he's on holiday this week so prob won't get up before 10am most days)

So I got ready this morning, got M in her car seat and still no sign of OH stirring in bed so I shouted up the stairs 'bye' twice and got no reply so assumed he was still asleep. So we left, I was a bit annoyed with him but he's a man - doesn't understand when we need support sometimes.

Anyway - came out of the drs and OH is sat in his car outside fuming at me that I went without him! He can't understand why I didn't wait?! Apparently he got to the drs at 9:32 - he didn't seem to realise we would have been even later of he'd had to get Ms car seat into his car.

So now he's in a mood with me for 'leaving him out'

Grrrrrrr! :growlmad:
Oh bloody men, you cant win either way hey!

And lay ins til 10am - we wish!!!

Just have to share this gorgeous pic of our little dude!
mummydee that picture is fab! such a cutie.

CocoaOne i had similar last time with Chase's jabs, hubby said he'd take him, but i was up and ready anyway, went to wake him and got grunts of him being tired, so i loudly got Chase ready and was prepared to go on my own, then at the last minute he appeared and came with us.

Lynn glad you have solved EJ's sleeping hun :thumbup:

Well Chase had his best sleep ever last night 9-5.45, so proud of him :cloud9: but then poor hubby's had a bit of a nightmare with him this morning, went to get my hair done and for most of the 2 hours i was gone he was whinging and refused his bottle :wacko: Everytime i leave him, even for just an hour he whinges or cries and after taking a bottle has now refused it the last 3 times :dohh: how do i overcome his clingyness? As soon as i got home and he was with me he was laughing at hubby and blowing raspberrys! lil monkey.
mummydee-that's an absolutely adorable pic!

Lynn-glad you have gotten EJ's sleep sorted, I keep thinking Mika's is, but then he proves me wrong.

Yesterday we went to FIL's house for 4th of July dinner, were looking forward to spending some time outside, the temperature was only in the 80's (about 28 or 29C), but of course it rained ALL DAY. So we stayed inside, watched some movies, my FIL and his girlfriend played with Mika, and we ate. Dinner was great, adn we gave Mika a rib bone and a chicken bone to suck on and I thought he was going to kill me when I took it away to wash his face!

We didn't leave FIL's house until about 9pm and we had to go to my Mom's on the way home, so we didn't get home until about 1am, and of course Mika, who had been sleeping, woke up when I took his carseat out of the car. So I had to spend well over an hour to get him fed and settled again, although I guess that was really my fault for having him out so late, lol.

I have also decided that we are going to ship MIL far far away and just keep FIL's girlfriend, because I absolutely love her. We hadn't actually gotten to see her for almost two years because she lives in DC but it was great to see her and hang out. So my question is...who wants my MIL? I'll send her for free!
Hi all, back from hols, but we're glad to be back, to get back into life properly and all that! I haven't read everything thoroughly but I hope everyone and the bubs are doing well and enjoying the nice summer weather (except those of you down under!)

Flora is really well, she has changed so much in the last 2 weeks and is really a proper bouncing little baby now. she's still a bit screechy which I think is reflux but I'm starting to think she also has a really powerful set of lungs and real determination when she wants something. She's no pushover thats for sure. She and daddy bonded really well on holiday which is so lovely to see. She also learnt how to nap better but we'll see how she goes at home. I will post a holiday photo or two later once I've sorted through them. I got to put her in all her pretty summery dresses and jumpsuits and things, but it was so hot a lot of the time we just had her in her nappy.

anyway happy monday to you all :)
Ah cute pic Dee!

GL - sounds like you all had a much needed holiday. Glad you had a nice time

Blonde - I'll pass on the MIL - mines not too bad! :haha:

JJ - no idea how to help. Hopefully it's a phase that will end soon x

Well I've decided not to get so stressed over Ms sleep. I was taking her crying as an indicator that I was doing something wrong and couldn't figure out what she wanted me to do, but I think she just needs to cry for a while before she gives in to the sleep monster! I'm dead against CIO and CC, but I stay with her giving her cuddles and making sure her dummy is close by and within 5-10 mins she's asleep. Even did a 2.5 hour nap earlier!
Mummydee- what an adorable picture
Blonde- I will also pass on the MIL. I don't have one and don't really want one either.

I let Connor try some watermelon to suck on yesterday. He loved it!


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Hey ladies,

I haven't been on in a few days but I did a quick catch up of the thread.

Blonde-unsurprisingly looks like no takers for the MIL-sorry but my MIL is actually quite nice, a little crazy but sweet.

Cocoa-I am also still having issues with Wren and her sleep, she never got back into her routine of sleeping well at night and still wakes every 2-3hrs on average at night, between her and the heat keeping me awake I feel like a zombie about to lose my marbles most of the time.

Seity-Hope your jumparoo arrives, I have had no luck in finding anyone who will ship one here so I am very jealous of you ladies as I know Wren woukd love it!

I did order a kushi Tush chair which is being shipped to a colleague of OHs, really looking forward to getting it, we were at a friends last night and they had a bumbo, I tried her in it and she loved it!

MM-how is the amber necklace working? Have you noticed any difference?

Mummy dee-cute picture!

Kel-Connor does look like he enjoyed that watermellon!

I have my baby group tomorrow, it turns out these ladies (along with you guys) are helping me keep sane with a baby who cries soo much. We have strated meeting twice a week at different parks which is fab.

Looong post I think!

Hope you are all well.
MummyDee: What a face Roman is making. Very cute.

Blonde: My mom used to let my brothers teeth on rib bones when they were little too.

GL: Sounds like things are going well with Flora.

We went to the beach yesterday as it is only about an hour away. At first it rained, but our friends had a condo so we got to go in during the downpour. After it was still cloudy, but cool. We brought Charlotte's bouncy chair out to the beach with us and she fell asleep right away and slept for two hours. Must have been the waves. On the way home we were a bit late for a feed and she screamed until we got home. I felt so bad for her, but there was really nowhere to safely stop and feed her. Lesson learned, feed before the drive.

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