march lambs 2010 come on ladies

awww Dee hes soooo cute,

Becki , Ej and Nate both have a bit of a whinge when they go to sleep, EJ has gotten so cute when tired in the daytime in his bouncer he will suddenly lie really straight and put his arms down by his sides and turn his head away from whoever is in the room and stick his bottom lip out like hes grumpy with ya and then whinge a couple of times and go to sleep lol
Cocoa Flora always has a bit of a whinge when going to sleep during the day I imagine most babies do don't they? 2.5 hr nap is great! I never get those.

Emksins, glad you are meeting with your group regularly, it is a godsend I also dont have any family here so meeting up with my group is really good for my sanity. Sorry she's keeping you up so much! I've had a few good nights but its very inconsistent and I expect I'll be up at least twice tonight as well.

Vegas - I've alwasy been paranoid about feeding before going out in any capacity, even just a tiny top up to see her through. It is really awful when they wont stop crying in the car isn't it!

kel - yum yum watermelon!

OK so here's a couple of holiday snaps of my ickle Flora (whose new nickname is Bossy Flossy or just 'the boss').



Aww GL those are adorable!

Kel-Mika loves watermelon too! When his teeth seem to be hurting him I freeze it and then give it to him. Walmart sells a little mesh thing that you can put things like frozen melon in for teething so that LO can't get any pieces of the actual food, I'm considering getting one of those for Mika as even with me there he managed to gnaw off a piece of watermelon that I had to fish out of his mouth!
Ah GL she's so cute- and looks so tiny compared to my chubster! I think people are starting to believe I'm sneakily feeding her hungry baby formula...

Depends what you class a whinging - M proper cries - red in the face, tongue waggling cries (her tongue wiggles around in her mouth IYSWIM?). We had tears the other day :cry: Kind of sounds like 'wah wah wahahahaha wah wah wahahahahahaha' So heartbreaking. She's done it at every nap today, but yesterday she went straight to sleep as soon as I picked her up and put her in 'the position' without a peep. It's so inconsistent and I still dread nap/bed time because I hate hearing her cry.

My friend told me the other day that she did CC with her LO when baby was 12 weeks old. Each to their own, but I can't see how anyone can bear to do it. Watch me change my mind when she's still a rubbish sleeper at 8 months or something! Lol
Em: I'm jealous you have a group to meet with. I haven't been able to find anything near me. Apparently the local strollercise club disbanded. Oh well.

GL: Flora's tummy is so cute in that last photo.

Blonde: I saw one of those feeding things today when I was at Babies R Us and thought about getting one. If you do buy one let us know what you think of it. I did pick up a high chair (actually it is one of those seats you strap to a dining chair) so Charlotte can watch us eat to get the hang of things for when the time comes.

Cocoa: I know what you mean about the tongue wiggle, Charlotte gets this when she is really worked up (which I try to avoid). For some reason I noticed that Charlotte's crying sort of peaked at three months (during that growth spurt) and now she rarely cries. I'm not sure if she has just matured and is more content or if I can just read and respond to her needs better. Pretty sure it was her changing and not me.
Vegasbaby- I got the same highchair last week at babies r us.

Connor will be 17 weeks on Wednesday so I started weaning this weekend. So far he has tried rice cereal and squash.
How is the weaning going? We have tried Mika on cereal, squash, and peas and he has absolutely no interest in any of it!

So far the only grown up food he has had was sucking on some watermelon, a chicken bone, and a lime (which he LOVED). I think he may do better if we try BLW. I think we will probably do a combination of BLW and traditional weaning.
I love seeing the pics of everyone's LO's. They're all growing up so fast! It seems like only yesterday when we were all waddling and moaning about wanting them to get here already, and now they're rolling and laughing and sitting up and getting ready to wean! :shock:

I'm going out on Wednesday to buy Ronan's highchair even though we don't plan to start weaning him for a little while yet as we hope to do BLW with him. He's already been sitting with us in his bumbo at mealtimes chewing on his spoons (or Sophie). :haha:
Ah hivechild he's so grown up!

Thanks for listening to me moan girls!
In happier news - M has laughed a few more times - she especially loves it when Daddy 'moos' at her, she is 13 weeks/3 months today and weighs 15lb and has started communicating by blowing raspberries at us (and showering us in drool :haha:)
She's also started smiling for the camera. Here she is
aww all the babies are so cute,

I wont start weaning EJ till 6 months as we want to do the whole BLW thing i cant be bothered faffing around with purres or spending huge amounts of money on jars of babyfood, hes ok with milk and i dont believe weaning is of any benifit till they are past 6 months anyway. no offense intended to anyone starting weaning already its just not for me.
Talking to my friend the other day - she's started weaning her LO (who's 5 months) but decided that baby porridge is too expensive, so is giving her weetabix. I said that you shouldn't give wheat to babies for a while because it can cause allergies but I don't think she listened to me.

I think we'll probably wait until 6 months and do BLW. Not looking forward to having to explain my 'alternative' method to everyone though. I'm already looked at as 'hippy mum' for BF, co-sleeping, cloth nappying and sling wearing. *sigh*
Loving the new pics everyone has put up, there all soooo cute! CocoaOne fab smiling pic, Chase is so hard to try and photo smiling, as soon asd the camera comes out he just stops :dohh:

GL glad your hol was good hun, Flora looks very content with tummy time, she's a cutie and loving her hat.

Hivechild isn't it mad how quick time goes, this time last year i didn't even know i was pregnant yet! and like you say now were talking weaning. Ooh do you rcommend a Sophie? I was looking a them on Amazon and wondering whether they are worth the money as there quite dear.

Has anyone done a baby massage class? I've put our name down so just waiting for a place now.
Cocoa, what a cute smile M has! Isn't it funny when all they want to do is blow raspberries? He was in a right cranky mood yesterday when my mum called so I put her on speaker phone so he could hear her voice as even from across the world she has that magical calming ability. Well he just sat there silent and then blew a big raspberry and got annoyed that he couldn't eat the phone. :rolleyes:

jj, I think sophie is worth the money. When he was younger he had a little trouble figuring her out and would end up suckling on her nose or something but now he grabs her legs and has a good nom on her hooves. I think she's good for their manual dexterity as well as to chew on with all her limbs and knobby bits. Plus she squeaks! Hubby thinks she's an overpriced dog toy mind you, and the dog would love to get 2 minutes alone with her.
the babies pics r soo cute! I havn't thought about weaning yet. Or when to introduce foods. I think I'll breastfeed till atleast a year and will prob introducve solids at 5/6 months.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!!! I just made chocolate cupcakes and am waiting for them to cool down so i can make the vanilla frosting and ice them! They are abit bung though coz our oven is broken and i had to grill them :wacko: I hope they hurry and cool coz it's 11.30 at night! :dohh:
How many of our march babies have teethys yet? :flower: x
mmmmm chocolate cupcakes, yummy!

no teeth for Chase yet, how about Ella?

Thanks hivechild, think we'll invest in a Sophie, have to make sure the dogs don't get hold of it though, they already like some of his other toys.
mmmmm chocolate cupcakes, yummy!

no teeth for Chase yet, how about Ella?

Thanks hivechild, think we'll invest in a Sophie, have to make sure the dogs don't get hold of it though, they already like some of his other toys.

I stuffed up the icing. It went all watery. yuk! lol

Nope no sign of teeth yet. Apart from chewing on her hands and dribbling but she has done that 4 a wee while now.
ahh never mind, there good on there own anyways, or av em hot with ice cream x
Runny icing is yum! You can always just add more icing sugar to thicken it, though. I love the idea of grilling cupcakes too. I'm so going to have too try that.

jj, there's no way sophie would survive a doggy encounter since she's made of soft rubber.

As for teeth, no sign yet here either. He drools like a leaky faucet and likes to chew on his fists and fingers but his pediatrician said they're normal developmental behaviors and not necessarily indicative of teething. :shrug:
No teeth here. She drools constantly and chews on everything. We have a Sophie on the way. Like Hive says I just know as soon as the dogs see it they will think it is for them. TBH I can't believe they don't steal Charlotte's toys, but they seem to know they are not for them.

I'm going to wait a until 5/6 months before we start weaning though I went ahead and bought all the stuff. I bought Annabel Karmel's book even though I plan on trying BLW as well. Book should get here with Sophie later on this week. Also bought this spoon that has a reservoir that can hold 3oz of baby food that you can squeeze out for less messy feeding. Of course this will only work if you are doing purees, but I thought it looked interesting so I bought it.

MiissMuffet: Cupcakes sound good. I like JJ's suggestion. Ice cream and cake, yum!
I ordered a Sophie the giraffe today! Went a bit mad on Amazon and ordered the BLW book, a bumbo tray and a baby signing book too.

My best friend just had her baby! She had a sweep at 3pm, was in hospital by 6pm and baby was born at 7:50pm! 8lb 9oz - enough to make your eyes water :haha:

I'm definitely not looking forward to labour again if we decide to have another baby. My friends 1st labour was 5 hours and this one was 3 hours. My labour with M was just under 4 hours, god knows how quick it would be with number 2!!

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