march lambs 2010 come on ladies

well we have been back out in the garden blowing bubbles today even Elliott joined in blowing his own little spit bubbles , im franticly trying to organize the house as its back up for let now since we are moving and the agents called asking if they could do a viewing tomorrow evening ( we said no and they are starting next week instead ) eeek but it made me realise how un-ready we are to move at the end of the month so DH has organized storage for us for the next 8wks and we are going to spend this week getting the house down to essentials only till we move and get everything else packed and stored
Lynn - moving house right now would be a major hassle for me! I hope it goes well for you good luck.

Steffi - 3 pounds seems like fair amount to lose so I would definitely take Gavin to the doctor. Let us know the outcome :hugs:

Seity - good plan to start on the weekend and good that he went back to sleep after 5am. I find Flora is alert and bubbly at 5 but generally I can coax her abck into sleep till about 7. I don't know when I'll move her to her room, the rate she's waking right now I couldn't be arsed going through to the next room. But I do have a suspicion that moving her might help in some way. Anyway I'm giving it till about 4 months then we'll see. I would miss her as well but in the long run i feel for me it would be the right move in the next couple of months.

JJ -Chase is adorable! I'm dying to go camping with Fora DH and our friends who have little kids, but I'm not sure its going to happen. I grew up camping, every summer holidays loads of different places around NSW (Oz) and we never went anywhere else. So its really special for me. Sorry about the loud campers! I will admit I have been camping with a big group of friends and got told off for being loud :blush: well before kids though!

Cocoa - so nice for you to have so many friends and family with children. I have basically no one except my ante natal friends. All my family and cousins are in Oz and there's tonnes of babies and pregnancies there. Boo hoo I want to be there!!

PH - As I don't know toddlers around here I haven't got that particular problem right now, but I do know that certain children particularly toddlers can be quite irritating! Hope it improves or they move out!!

Vegas good luck with tonail clipping!!

No news from me except that Floras hair is starting to recede on the top of her head..?? It happened on the back of her head when she was a few weeks old, but that grew back and it was looking slightly thicker. Now its thinning out a bit... Hope it grows back!! Here she is doing excellent tummy time

Ah she looks so cute!!

Steffi - could your scales just be different to your Dr's scales? Or do you usually weigh Gavin on your scales?

Lyn- definitely don't envy you having to pack up and move with two small boys in tow!

JJ - pics are fab! M's Sophie arrived today and she smiled at her but I think M is still a bit young - she's not mastered picking things up yet!

GL - how is Flora's reflux now?

All ok here, M is little miss cranky pants in this heat, but her sleeping is slightly improved - usually get at least 2 1hr long naps and a couple of 30 minute ones, and still waking at 1/2 and 5/6 in the morning but it's manageable
awwww JJ Chase is scrummy!!!!

I can't remember - whose babies have reflux?? Roman has it and has been on infant gaviscon which worked at first but itsnt working well at all now so going to have to take him back to docs on Thursday. Has anyone got any recommendations??

We're off to Jons nan's funeral tomorrow :( so doubt I'll be able to get online - have a nice day everyone
Seity, Greenlady: So far he has drank 23 oz. Still a bottle less than what he usually takes. I will take him tomorrow morning to see his pediatrician.

CocoaOne: We also have been weighing him at home before he goes to the doctor and it's usually about right from the scales in the clinic. He does look noticeably thinner. :-( I carried him tonight and he was so light.
Is he still having normal wee's and poos Steffi? Maybe he's going through a development spurt (I've heard there is one around 4 months) so all his energy/food is focused on growing mentally rather than laying down fat?

Dee - hope tomorrow goes ok. Sorry for your loss :hugs:
Cocoa - its loads better, the ranitidine seems to work well. She still has bad moments but rarely the screaming in pain like she had before. She is still puking loads though and crying more than I think is 'normal', but now my problem is not knowing if her crying is reflux related or something else! I do think she is a bit of a high maintenance baby in general and perhaps she's just figuring out how to manipulate mummy and daddy! But overall tonnes better, she's a lot happier. Thanks for asking x
Seity: I don't know what it is with these poor babies scratching themselves. My LO sometimes looks like she's been in a fight with a cat. I find it easiest to cut her nails while she is eating since she is really calm at that time. Since I FF I just have my DH hold the bottle while I clip. If you BF then your OH could do the clipping while you feed (that is if you trust your DH). For a while there I was biting off the fingernails, but I have become braver and I don't think I could do it with the toes.

Steffi: Good luck at the doctor's. Please keep us updated.

Lynn: Best of luck with the move. I wish I could help you as I know how hard moving can be (can't imagine it with two little ones).

Dee: Sorry for your loss.

GL: Glad to hear that Flora's tummy troubles seem to have diminished. Also, love her little bare bottom pic.

Charlotte has been sleeping more than usual in the day and going to bed earlier at night. Not sure if she is going through a growth spurt or what is going on. I like it, but I almost feel like it is too much sleep. Instead of being awake for two hours and then a little nap, she is up for a little over an hour and then a two hour nap. This has only been going on for about three days, but I hope she is not becoming ill.
I usually trim Ronan's nails while he's feeding too but I feel like I'm having to do it twice a week these days! He's always scratching himself up no matter how vigilant I try to be about keeping them short.

As for the reflux, he's on ranitidine too and it's helped. We've had to up his dosage twice since he started on it since he's grown so fast but whether it's the ranitidine or just that he's gotten older and his system is more mature but it seems to be a lot better these days. I'm hesitant to go through a trial period of taking him off it but I think when we get to weaning I will try. I don't want to keep him on it longer than necessary!

vegasbaby, count your blessings! Ronan's sleep has been all over the place this past week. He was doing so well that I figured we were going to escape the whole dreaded 'sleep regression' with minimal impact when suddenly he started waking either before or just after midnight to take a full feed and then again anywhere from 4-6:30ish for another one before going back down until between 7-9. He hasn't woken before midnight since he was 7 weeks old. :wacko: It really is all over the place but prior to this week we didn't have that early feed at all so it's doing a number on me! There have been days when he's napped 3 hours straight as well which he hasn't done in a long time so I figure something is going on. I just hope that whatever it is gets done with in short order!

steffi, I hope your LO is ok. Let us know how you get on at the doctor's with him.
Okay, I am feeling really silly now. I just got back from seeing the pediatrician and found out that Gavin grew and gained a few ounces. Well, that's a relief! I think our new scale at home is defective. It makes Gavin' weigh less and me weigh more. I should ask for my money back! :p Seriously, I am so relieved. :wacko:
glad to hear he's gaining steffi! :) how much does he weigh now? Zander was weighed today @ the docs (we went in thinking he might have a cold) he's 19 lbs even now. :saywhat: my BIG boy. no clue how long he is but 2 weeks ago he was 27.5 inches (nearly 70 cm) :haha: Turns out he doesn't have a cold, just his immune system trying to get used to whatever is in bloom right now (damn Georgia pollen)

Hive, Zander has been on the ranitidine as well since about 2 weeks old. The docs keep upping his dosage but now that we've begun weaning I've been slowly decreasing his doseages. He's taking about .4 Ml once a day now (it used to be 1.2 Ml twice daily) And he's doing GREAT!!! The only spit up he has is when he decides to get really excited after eating and it's like a small amount of spit up then. :D

Vegas, I'd say Charlotte is hitting a growth spurt. that's what it sounds like at least. Hopefully that's all it is!

Seity, I cut Zander's nails twice a week now! his seem to grow soooo fast now it's crazy. I always do it after he's had a bath though that way the nails a bit soft from the water and when I do it, I put on his music soother thing that usually is in the crib. He gets mesmerized by the lights and music so much that it calms him down enough to sit still for a few minutes. :)
Pineapplehead: Wow! You have a real big boy. He's probably going to be over 6 feet when he grows up. Gavin is 17 lbs and 3 oz. He only gained ounces since his last check-up 3 weeks ago. He is 26 inches long. I am glad to hear your baby is doing okay too. I really thought Gavin had a cold, but he was checked and all is clear. They gave him a jab though since he was already there so he wasn't too happy about that. :-(
glad to hear he's gaining steffi! :) how much does he weigh now? Zander was weighed today @ the docs (we went in thinking he might have a cold) he's 19 lbs even now. :saywhat: my BIG boy. no clue how long he is but 2 weeks ago he was 27.5 inches (nearly 70 cm) :haha: Turns out he doesn't have a cold, just his immune system trying to get used to whatever is in bloom right now (damn Georgia pollen)

Hive, Zander has been on the ranitidine as well since about 2 weeks old. The docs keep upping his dosage but now that we've begun weaning I've been slowly decreasing his doseages. He's taking about .4 Ml once a day now (it used to be 1.2 Ml twice daily) And he's doing GREAT!!! The only spit up he has is when he decides to get really excited after eating and it's like a small amount of spit up then. :D

Vegas, I'd say Charlotte is hitting a growth spurt. that's what it sounds like at least. Hopefully that's all it is!

Seity, I cut Zander's nails twice a week now! his seem to grow soooo fast now it's crazy. I always do it after he's had a bath though that way the nails a bit soft from the water and when I do it, I put on his music soother thing that usually is in the crib. He gets mesmerized by the lights and music so much that it calms him down enough to sit still for a few minutes. :)

He's a big boy you must be so proud? Are you breastfeeding still?

I havn't cut Ella's nails yet i bite her fingernails when im feeding her coz im too scared to cut them!

well we have been back out in the garden blowing bubbles today even Elliott joined in blowing his own little spit bubbles , im franticly trying to organize the house as its back up for let now since we are moving and the agents called asking if they could do a viewing tomorrow evening ( we said no and they are starting next week instead ) eeek but it made me realise how un-ready we are to move at the end of the month so DH has organized storage for us for the next 8wks and we are going to spend this week getting the house down to essentials only till we move and get everything else packed and stored

ooooh bubbles! i love bubbles :p
Goodluck with moving house. I hate moving house! But once its done I love it I just don't like the packing process. We will be moving at the end of the year. WTT till Jan 2011 so we want to be in a bigger house by then so the timing is perfect :)

No news from me except that Floras hair is starting to recede on the top of her head..?? It happened on the back of her head when she was a few weeks old, but that grew back and it was looking slightly thicker. Now its thinning out a bit... Hope it grows back!! Here she is doing excellent tummy time

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Ella has a big bald spot on the back of her head. She shakes her head side to side in her cot and it rubs off :dohh:
Gorgeous photo. Excellent tummy time indeed!!

All ok here, M is little miss cranky pants in this heat, but her sleeping is slightly improved - usually get at least 2 1hr long naps and a couple of 30 minute ones, and still waking at 1/2 and 5/6 in the morning but it's manageable

Is M having a better time now? i hope she's not still being a cranky bubi. The heat can't be much fun at all :( :hugs:

I can't remember - whose babies have reflux?? Roman has it and has been on infant gaviscon which worked at first but itsnt working well at all now so going to have to take him back to docs on Thursday. Has anyone got any recommendations??

We're off to Jons nan's funeral tomorrow :( so doubt I'll be able to get online - have a nice day everyone

I took Ella to the doctors yesterday, she is crying when she feeds like she is in pain, they gave us reflux medicine to try, they think she may have a bit of silent reflux. I have to open a capsule and mix it with a t-spoon of pureed fruit. So off i went and bought baby spoons yesterday and tried her on some apples :)

I hope the funeral goes well hun. no1 likes funerals. You'll get through it :cry: :hugs: x
Did Ella like her apples?

Steffi - glad he's gaining and you've got nothing to wiorry about!

M is 14 weeks old today and weighs 15lb 10oz! She's slowly made her way up to the 91st centile in her red book. I was putting a 3-6 month vest on her this morning and noticed that they only go up to 17lbs - she'll be there in about 3 weeks! No wonder my appetite has been insatiable this week - she put on 10oz

I started reading my BLW book last night, it's really interesting. I'm not looking forward to everyone commenting on why I haven't started weaning her at 4-5 months though. I mentioned BLW to my mum the other day and she said 'that's a bit radical isn't it?' :haha:

M has slowly bought her bed time forward to about 6:30/7ish - which means we're up at 6:30am *yawn* I'd gotton used to sleeping in until 8 or 9!
We have Wren's 4 month appt today which means vaccinations! poor baby! I am looking forward to seeing how much she weighs though.

It is a litte cooler here today so I am hoping Wren will have the same reaction to her vaccinations as she did at the 2 month ones-sleep! as I really need to run some errands as we haven't been to the shops in a week or so cos of the heat, the swiss do not believe in air con so the shops are roasting!!

Wren slept a little better last night she only woke up twice, I have my baby group today as well so it is a busy day. Tomorrow is meant to be super hot again...euurg
Did Ella like her apples?

Steffi - glad he's gaining and you've got nothing to wiorry about!

M is 14 weeks old today and weighs 15lb 10oz! She's slowly made her way up to the 91st centile in her red book. I was putting a 3-6 month vest on her this morning and noticed that they only go up to 17lbs - she'll be there in about 3 weeks! No wonder my appetite has been insatiable this week - she put on 10oz

I started reading my BLW book last night, it's really interesting. I'm not looking forward to everyone commenting on why I haven't started weaning her at 4-5 months though. I mentioned BLW to my mum the other day and she said 'that's a bit radical isn't it?' :haha:

M has slowly bought her bed time forward to about 6:30/7ish - which means we're up at 6:30am *yawn* I'd gotton used to sleeping in until 8 or 9!

ISH :haha: the 1st taste was a funny face. I tried her on a spoonfull of pear and kiwifruit. I tried it too :blush: gosh it's yummm!!!!!
Its hard to get it in her mouth she pokes her tounge out and licks the spoon. I have fulled an icecube tray with pureed fruit so i can take one out at night for her tea-spoon in the morning with her medicine. Have also decided to give her a spoonful at night time too. Didn't want to introduce solids just yet but a wee bit at a time can't hurt :)
He's a big boy you must be so proud? Are you breastfeeding still?

I havn't cut Ella's nails yet i bite her fingernails when im feeding her coz im too scared to cut them!

I'm very proud! I know I'll be the shortest one in the family (I'm 5 ft 6 in) I joke with DH saying if we ever have a girl, she'll probably be taller than me too! :rofl: I'm not breastfeeding, no. :( Sadly I had to stop after about a month and a half. The stress of me going back to work made my milk dry up quicker than I wanted. He's on a special formula for reflux though, and he seems to be doing well with it!
i was going to go to BF group this afternoon but cant caus one of the appartment blocks on the estate where the HV clinic is caught fire yesterday ( top 5 floors , UK mummys might have seen it on the news ) so HV clinic isnt happening this week, i was going to get EJ weighed but he will have to wait till next week when he has his 16wk jabs to get weighed lol he was 67cm and 18lb5oz last time and normally puts on 1/2lb a week so that will put him at over 20lbs :O
This is the 2nd time Baby Bear has been in her jolly jumper, vut the 1`st time she actually held her self. Excuse the poorly tugged in jersey :haha:
I am impressed with the weights of your LOs,in comparison Sam seems so tiny with his 14lbs.

Been up with him again since 3am...he has been waking up a lot lately. He is just wide awake and wants to play. It usually takes between an hour or two to get him back settled. It is starting to get bright out now. :cry:

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