march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Heh very cute. Ronan has rolled sporadically since about the same age but does it a few times then moves onto something else exciting, except for today!

ETA: he totally looks like he's swimming!

I got some video of the monkey rolling on his playmat earlier I will have to update later.
OMG!! I totally jinxed it saying his naps were conistent so far....he has been going non-stop since 9am...jawning constantly but won't sleep.
It must be something in the air. I swear Ronan woke up tired this morning and has only cat napped all day today until now where he's just had a mini whinge and settled into a second sleep cycle.

Hopefully he settles soon for you julchen!
Ahhh...I finally got him down. Hopefully for a little while. I feel so bad for him when he is overtired but nothing seems to help him to settle properly.

Seity: Gabriel is so cute! Sam was "crawling" for a while - digging his toes into the carpet and then push himself with his feet. But lately he just puts arms and legs in the air like he is trying to fly and then he gets upset as it does not get him anywhere :rofl:

Hive: You mentioned the sleep training...what exactly did you do? Put him down and let him cry it out? Picked him up after a couple of minutes and tried again? I tried that for a little while once...but it was heartbreaking and at three months I thought he was too little for it. I am looking to get out of the habit of co-sleeping the second part of the night. Although I enjoy the cuddles I think we would all sleep better without him stirring around in between us. The pediatrician advised to first teach him how to fall asleep on his own and then it would be easier to put him back down at night. Problem is, I cannot put him down unless he his fast asleep.
Pick up/put down doesn't leave them to cry. I established a bedtime routine of bath, massage & into pjs & sleeping bag, nurse & then a short story. I then put him down in his cot drowsy but still awake. If he was just grizzling or moaning, or doing his tantric little cry he does to unwind I left him alone but as soon as it escalated or he seemed like he was getting upset i picked him up, soothed him and then when he was calm, drowsy but still awake put him back down again. There was a lot of picking up and purring down the first night but it got better almost immediately. He went that first night from waking every hour or two to sleeping 6 hours, waking for a feed then going straight back to sleep in his cot on his own until morning! To say I was stunned would be an understatement.

I also use a key phrase when I put him down 'it's sleepy/nap time' and if he's overtired or having a rough time of things I still nurse and cuddle him to sleep since it never happens often enough for him to fall into the habit of needing it.

Getting him to self settle for sleep at night was far easier than naps in the day and it's only been recently that he's gotten good at settling for naps. We also have a mini pre-nap routine too!

I have to say that a big part of it all is being vigilant about watching for early tired signs and not letting him get overtired as even to this day if he does bedtime turns into a scream fest!
Finally got a couple videos up!

Rolling & toe nibbling:

Stick a spoon in me, I'm done!
hivechild - Ronan has great control getting that spoon in his mouth and the toe nibbling is too cute. He is so much bigger on the mat compared to Gabriel.
Hivechild thanks for sharing your experience. To be honest so far I have often taken the more convenient way to save my sanity but it looks like I better starts changing somethings before they turn into bad habits and are even harder to break in the future.
Seity, it's funny because I was thinking how wee Gabriel still seems on his. Ronan has started to kick or pull on the bars so the whole thing collapses on his head. He finds it enormously entertaining.

Julchen, we did it with Ronan when he was as young as he was for both our sakes. I was lucky to be getting 3-4 hours sleep a day and rarely for even an hour at a stretch most days. He was just a miserable crank and not sleeping well either always needing me/to nurse to fall asleep, which i never minded doing but with his reflux I couldn't just leave him lying there, were couldn't co-sleep etc.because he'd just get sick if I didn't sit him up, wind him and then keep him upright for awhile. Needless to say, when I was that tired having to be holding him while remaining upright and awake was rough!

My compromise was to keep up with the cuddle naps on me during the day until recently when he's gotten too big for it to really be comfortable for both of us consistently. I know it's each to their own and we both love when he nuzzles in and falls asleep on my shoulder, but it also feels really good putting him down in his cot and having him smile widely then roll over and coo to his Cuskie before falling asleep.
PH, no wonder Zander looks so much more grown up. I love the picture in your Avatar by the way!

I dont mind at all if it takes a while for Sam to tower over me :haha: A friend of ours has a 11 week old baby weighing almost that is crazy...the little guy is off the charts...she feeds him 4oz every 2 hours. Seems a lot to me.

lol EJ was 18lb 5oz at his 12wk weigh in and jabs and has been drinking 8oz approx of BM every 3 hours since he was 4 wks old but he only gets 6 feeds in every 24 hours unless he needs a small top up
Jul: Yeah, there is suppose to be a big time sleep regression period at four months. There used to be a support thread in the baby section. I was stalking that thread before Charlotte hit four months, but she never regressed so I never posted.

PH: Love it that your great aunt thinks that it must be cold in Georgia. If she is older (you did say that she is your great aunt) then maybe she is cold all the time and just assumes that your baby is too. Still, it is upsetting having clothes for them that they will never get to wear.

TBH I am a little jealous of the smaller babies. I feel my baby is growing so quickly that she already doesn't feel like my little baby :cry:. And the funny thing is that I am barely feeding her any more than I was two months ago. She's happy and healthy so I know I shouldn't complain at all. I am going to be a complete mess on her first birthday, I just know it!

My baby was never a little baby neither of the boys were " newborns" they arrived fitting in 0-3 month stuff and were both in 3-6 by 6wks!!! both were born on the 98.6% for height and weight but EJ has grown faster than Nathaniel did
Gabriel has been able to roll onto his back since forever (3 weeks). He usually only does it in the crib when he wakes up. When we do tummy time, I can put him down and he'll be good easily for 30+ minutes. I can leave him for an hour sometimes. Usually he just gets upset because he's not going forward. Lately he's been inching forward and it's actually gotten him more upset because it's not good enough.
I recorded about 6 minutes of him on his tummy the other day you can watch it if you'd like:
He's been super chatty all day today. Going "mmmmm, mmmmm" over and over and over. It's super cute.

What i figured out when Nate was little that " bigger " babies tend to take longer to roll and crawl and walk as theres just so much more of themselves to move, alot of Nates little friends were walking around 10months but he was only able to walk around holding onto someone or something till 15 months when he finally went solo, he did push himself backwards around the room on his tummy for ages though
Seity- he is such a cute little guy. He is doing so well on his tummy!

Julchen- Those vids are amazing!! He rolls over with such ease and knows what to do with that spoon! Ella just licks at a spoon and hasn't rolled over yet!!

Lovely babygyms guys! Are they the same?
Here's Ella today the 1st time in her bumbo :)

And Ella with Mama bear :)

Seity- he is such a cute little guy. He is doing so well on his tummy!

Julchen- Those vids are amazing!! He rolls over with such ease and knows what to do with that spoon! Ella just licks at a spoon and hasn't rolled over yet!!

Lovely babygyms guys! Are they the same?

:rofl: I think you mean me, not julchen! they are the same gym, it's by Lamaze. I got it for a really good price off when I was pregnant. Ronan loves his.

I'm kind of surprised he can handle the spoon so well. It won't be long before I start offering some fruit and veg sticks on his tray for him to throw around at this rate!

Ella looks so cute in here bumbo. She seems to really like it. Such a lovely picture of the two of you as well. It's made me realize how few pics I have of Ronan and I together because I'm always the one with the camera.
Also, just noticed on my ticker that he's 5 months today! :shock: Where has all this time gone?!
Oh no girls. I'm pooing myself!

Received a letter from work today. My department has been transferred to be under a different section. My new head of department has written to me saying that they have reviewed the structure and resourcing of my team and hope to align our work with the new section. They want to 'identify an arrangement which will most effectively align the work and ensure appropriate management of my team'

They've invited me to a team meeting on Monday to discuss the 'way forward'. I can't get a sitter for Monday though and I think it would be really unprofessional to take M. I'm going to have to phone the new boss and talk about it over the phone.

Hopefully they can't get rid of me because I'm on maternity leave. Plus - the new boss really dislikes one of my colleagues (who is rubbish at her job) so hopefully she'd get the boot before me anyway. Our office is 45 minute drive away which is bad enough, but the new sections office is 1hr 20 minute drive away. There's no way I could afford an extra 1.5hrs a day for Ms nursery when I go back to work. Or the extra petrol money. They might even down-grade our jobs. I'm shitting myself :cry:
Seity- he is such a cute little guy. He is doing so well on his tummy!

Julchen- Those vids are amazing!! He rolls over with such ease and knows what to do with that spoon! Ella just licks at a spoon and hasn't rolled over yet!!

Lovely babygyms guys! Are they the same?

:rofl: I think you mean me, not julchen! they are the same gym, it's by Lamaze. I got it for a really good price off when I was pregnant. Ronan loves his.

I'm kind of surprised he can handle the spoon so well. It won't be long before I start offering some fruit and veg sticks on his tray for him to throw around at this rate!

Ella looks so cute in here bumbo. She seems to really like it. Such a lovely picture of the two of you as well. It's made me realize how few pics I have of Ronan and I together because I'm always the one with the camera.

omg i'm so embarrassed! :dohh: :haha: I did actually think it over a few times too when i typed it :blush: mummy brain :rofl:
I LOVE lamaze toys they r amazing!
I'm lucky to even remember my own name too some days! :haha: I love Lamaze toys too. Ronan can't get enough of his freddie the peacock.

Cocoa, what a rough position to be in. is there no way you could do your work from the old office or even perhaps work from home a few times a week? I quit my job to be a stay at home mum in part because I had such an awful commute into the city. I hope it all works out for you. When are you due back?

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