march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Ahh hivechild fab vidoes, Ronan is super cute, Chase hasn't noticed his feet yet.

MM cute pics, Chase is being a monkey in his bumbo, he keeps arching his back trying to wriggle out, he's such a wriggle bum.

Hivechild i'm the same as you with pics, think i've literally got only 4 of me and Chase.

CocoaOne hun, hope all is ok with your work and i think they can't get rid of you if your on maternity leave :hugs: but i'm not 100% sure.
MM - Super cute pictures of Ella!!!
Hivechild - great videos! Ronan does have great control!!

Been stalking the Sleep Regression thread (thanks for the tipp!) and realized that Sam is doing great compared to some babies over there. Maybe it was just a day thing...He seems fine this morning. Although only slept from 10pm-6am but at least almost in one piece. Got him at 2.30pm for a feed and then stay with us.
great videos and pictures everyone!! :)

Roman has started saying "mumumum" when he wants my attention.... do you think he means it??
Hey ladies,
I'm so jealous of all of you knowing how much your little one weighs. We had to re-schedule Eleanor's 4 months jab (and weigh in) so we won't find out until start of August. If I'd have to guess though, I'd say she's probably around 14lbs.

Kel, Eleanor too has found her voice. She can now scream, but also just complain at us. It's quite funny, though can drive me slightly insane! Especially in the night when she'll wake up, fully awake and starts blowing raspberries until she gets frustrated with not getting attention and will start complaining at us.

Hivechild, bless Ronan playing with his toes... he's definitely found them. Sure that will keep him entertained for a fair few weeks. Congrats on the 5 months as well, time goes waaay too quick.

MiissMuffet, Ella is absolutely gorgeous and I love the photo of the both of you! She seems very happy sitting in her bumbo.

CocoaOne, sorry to hear about the job trouble. Hope your new boss will be understanding and that you'll be able to work something out that will work for the both of you.

Eleanor has finally figured out how to hold her teether, but she doesn't always manage to get it in her mouth and will get very frustrated with it. Hope she'll get the hang of it soon, will save me my fingers!!

She's also been sitting up on her own for about 2 weeks now (only for about 30 seconds til a minute) and I finally managed to catch it on photo yesterday. So adding more photos again. My proud mummy moments =)


  • Eleanor Emma, 128 Days Old.jpg
    Eleanor Emma, 128 Days Old.jpg
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  • Eleanor Emma, 129 Days Old.jpg
    Eleanor Emma, 129 Days Old.jpg
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  • Eleanor Emma, 129 Days Old - 2.jpg
    Eleanor Emma, 129 Days Old - 2.jpg
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Seity- he is such a cute little guy. He is doing so well on his tummy!

Julchen- Those vids are amazing!! He rolls over with such ease and knows what to do with that spoon! Ella just licks at a spoon and hasn't rolled over yet!!

Lovely babygyms guys! Are they the same?

:rofl: I think you mean me, not julchen! they are the same gym, it's by Lamaze. I got it for a really good price off when I was pregnant. Ronan loves his.

OMG - I got ours from kids.woot as well. We must have ordered them at the same time!
Seity: Gabriel is so cute and he looks so happy. Love that he is so talkative.

Hive: Ronan has such great control of that spoon. Are you excited that you are getting ready to start solids? Like you said I can't believe Ronan is five months old :happydance:! I remember reading your post in third tri saying that you had given birth and I was so jealous as I was so ready to not be pregnant anymore and ready to meet my LO. Who knew Charlotte would be here just four days later!

Lynn: Are you telling me that my next child may grow even faster. Oh boy!

MM: Great photos. Ella's sweater is adorable.

Cocoa: Good luck with work, I know how nerve wracking it can be. I hope it all works out for the best. :hugs:

Erised: Eleanor looks so cute sitting up. I've been trying to get Charlotte to sit more, but she ends up folding herself in half very quickly and it looks quite uncomfortable. All in due time.

Not much to report here today. I have a bit of a hangover as we went out with some friends for my birthday last night (they made their 18yo daughter and her friend watch Char). Our friends came in from Vegas and it makes me so sad to think of all of the great friends we left behind :cry:.
Look at Eleanor sitting up!

Spoke to new boss, they will be moving us to new office but will probably pay my excess travel costs. I'll still have to pay for an extra hour a day childcare though.

I'll be out of a job by 2013 anyway as the Tories have decided to abolish PCTs. Thanks a lot David 'let's-give-all-the-money-to-GPs-even-though-most-can-barely-work-a-computer' Cameron. :growlmad:
Oh and here's M actually smiling during tummy time! Still no rolling though, little pickle!
Becki, where have you heard the Tories are aboloshing PCTS?? My mum works for Medway PCT thats all!

Love the pic of M enjoying tummytime - Roman still hates it, but he prefers to sleep on his tummy in the daytime x
Dee - the White paper released yesterday says they're scrapping all PCTs and SHAs. The power will sit with the DoH and individual GP practices will manage their own budget. Sounds great in theory, but it didn't work last time it was tried - basic economies of scale (and GPs are useless at clubbing together, their egos get in the way!)
Oh bollocks! Does that apply to dental teams as well? xx
From what I know about Medway, they have the PCT and then their provider arm (Medway Coomunity Healthcare, who actually provide the services). If she works for the provider arm she'll probably be fine. The bits they are scrapping are the office based management side (commissioners, HR, payroll, contracting and procurement etc)
lynnikins - Someone's baby has to be at the high end of the chart to make up for those of us on the opposite end.

MM - Ella looks so cute in her bumbo. I also don't have many pictures of me with Gabriel (certainly, not many where I look very good)

Erised - Eleanor sits so well that's amazing. I love that last picture, she's so cute.

Cocoaone - Hope the job change works out for you and isn't too bad. Great picture of M enjoying tummy time.

We had our 4 month appointment and vaccinations today.
Gabriel is now a whopping 10lbs 12oz, which puts him at 0.5th percentile. The doctor is happy with his weight gain as he's slowly climbing a little bit closer to the 5th percentile line. His length continues to stay around the 10th percentile, so he's a longer baby for his size.
Seity - wasn't he 5lb something at birth? So he's doubled his birthweight? And that usually happens around 4 months - he's doing fab x
Seity - wasn't he 5lb something at birth? So he's doubled his birthweight? And that usually happens around 4 months - he's doing fab x

He was 5lb 13oz at birth, so he needs to get to 11.5lb to double, but he's working on it.
Seity, that is fab news. Sounds like he is well on his way. Sam has not doubled his birthweight yet either. He was born 8.8 and is just under 14lbs now. I was always under the impression they should have doubled it by 6 months. Might be wrong though. I don't think it is such a big deal as long as they are gaining weight at an acceptable pace overall.
Well, we just got from the urologist a little while ago. It went well, it was just a meeting with the doctor so he could see what's going on with Zander's left testicle and all that.

Basically, he couldn't feel it at all so it's still somewhere in his abdomen. Thing is we don't know exactly where in the abdomen it is. We go back in Nov for him to have another look. If it still hasn't dropped on its own then they'll need to put Zander to sleep and do an endoscopy I think he said to see exactly where the testicle is and to see how long the blood vessel is connecting to the testicle. What he said was if the vessel is long enough for the testicle to reach the sac then they'll pull it down but if it's not then the testicle will need to be removed. The blood vessel can only stretch so far. So for now we're still hoping it'll drop on its own but there's a big chance that the blood vessel just isn't long enough and that's why it's still up there.
If it does need to be removed though, he'll still be okay. Apparently boys only need one testicle to function... the other like like a spare tire I just really don't want him to have to go through life with one ball. that's just embarrassing.
Ah poor zander! At least it's nothing serious though - and having one ball isn't too bad surely. I must admit - I don't think I'd even notice if a guy only had one, let alone care! And hopefully boys in the locker room won't be looking that closely :haha:

He's getting their Seity - how was he after his injections?
Poor Zander. Hopefully it'll drop on its own. If not, couldn't they put a silicone implant or something in there, so at least you wouldn't be able to tell just looking at him?

Gabriel cried a little when he got the shot, but it was his nap time and he was getting cranky at that point. He calmed down quick and fell asleep in the car on the way home. I had to go straight to work, so I have no idea how he's been since then. I hope he took a good nap at least.
I'm with Becki - I probably wouldnt notice, but I know what you mean PH. Hope they can do something to rectify it for Zander.

Roman has isnt 4 months for a few more weeks so he may have managed to double his birthweight by then! He needs to get to 16lb 10oz and he was 13lb 11oz 2 weeks ago! xx

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