march lambs 2010 come on ladies

PH ahh i hope its dropped when you take Zander back in November :hugs:

GL cute video Flora is gorg. Sophie is fab, although she is quite big and Chase is always whacking himself in the face with her :haha:, but she is soft and he doesn't seem to mind.

BNK thats awful about the nurse hun! I would have been so upset and angry.

Kel love the videos he is such a cutie!

steffi2 Chase hasn't mastered rolling from back to tummy yet but it must be scary like you say when he's face down. I remember when Chase was in scbu and a few times they put him on his tummy and his face kept going down and i was so worried. Like MM has suggested maybe try a wedge/pillow thingy, i saw them when i was looking for a reflux wedge and they do look good.

Chase has been for his last lot of immunisations today, ahh he was so good he hardly cried at all, just whailed when they first went in :cry: whoo he's now over double his birth weight, he's 13lb 10oz :happydance:

I can't wait for his teeth to just come through, it's making him so miserable and Calpol seems to really help him but he absolutely hates it, he's had lots of medicines since he was born and i've never known him to hate anything like he hates Calpol, he screams and spits it out so i have to get it right in his cheek so he can't spit it out!

UK mummies do you all know about care in the chemist? basically you can register with one chemist and you can get treatment for minor ailments free so long as you don't pay for prescriptions, which we don't for babies. I've just registered and they gave me some Calpol and Calgel, wish i'd known before as i bought my last lot of Calpol. If you don't pay for your prescriptions either you can register yourself too and get things to treat: Constipation, Cough, Contact Dermatitis, Athletes Foot,Diarrhoea, Dry Skin,
Eczema, Earache,Hay fever, Head Lice,Indigestion, Nappy Rash,Nasal Congestion, Sore Throat,High Temperature, Thrush,Thread Worms,Ear Wax Removal, Scabies,Headache, Cystitis,Infant Colic, Allergies,Teething, Chicken Pox,Haemorrhoids, Cold Sores. Now i don't think all chemists/areas do it but it's worth seeing if one near you does :thumbup:
Wow thats sounds really good in UK (the chemist). We pay $12 for a baby visit to the doctors. it used to be free. And prescriptions are free. When Ella got her shots though they were free and the parecetamol cost $1. Same as when i got her thrush prescription they were $1. ( I think thats like 0.47 pounds? ) I don't know what cents are over there- are thet pense or something? :dohh:
Wow thats sounds really good in UK (the chemist). We pay $12 for a baby visit to the doctors. it used to be free. And prescriptions are free. When Ella got her shots though they were free and the parecetamol cost $1. Same as when i got her thrush prescription they were $1. ( I think thats like 0.47 pounds? ) I don't know what cents are over there- are thet pense or something? :dohh:

Yeah it is good prescriptions are free until 16 years of age and the care in the chemist thing is great too as its things you would normally pay for, i only found out about it today but glad i did, saves me a few pounds. Cents are our pence here hun xx
Miss Muffet: I will check if it's available here. I live in the Philippines so we are kinda behind in getting the latest things from the US and Uk. we do have a Mother Care here...will check if they have that. We can find some brands in the department stores that have Safety first, avent, tomee tipee, etc. Will check if they carry that product or something similar.

JJrabbit: Will also check for the wedge thingy. I know he won't be happy as he absolutely likes the tummy position best.

It really seems automatic for him to flip over right away. No matter how I try to keep him on his back. He has been rolling over one way since 2 months old.
i cant wait for ella to roll over!
I hope they have something that will help u xx
Miss Muffet: I will check if it's available here. I live in the Philippines so we are kinda behind in getting the latest things from the US and Uk. we do have a Mother Care here...will check if they have that. We can find some brands in the department stores that have Safety first, avent, tomee tipee, etc. Will check if they carry that product or something similar.

JJrabbit: Will also check for the wedge thingy. I know he won't be happy as he absolutely likes the tummy position best.

It really seems automatic for him to flip over right away. No matter how I try to keep him on his back. He has been rolling over one way since 2 months n old.

Our mothercare in he UK has this wedge hun maybe yours has the same or similar?

Ahh he's so clever rolling from back to front x
Hive: I got a Canon Eos Rebel T1i. I have not even taken it out of the box yet, but plan on doing so today to test it out. I know it is going to be more complicated than my point and shoot, but I have not been happy with the quality of photos I have been getting lately and don't want to miss any detail with the LO. Oh, and thanks for the sex info. I had read that, but last time I had no idea when I was ovulating and sort of got pregnant without trying :haha:. I will chart the next time.

BnK: OMG! I would have liked to show that nurse exactly what a bruise looks like (not that I would). If the doctor knew that it was not a bruise then it was none of her business. You and your OH are loving parents and I don't know why she would suspect otherwise. I am just so sorry you had to go through this. :hugs:

Steffi: Congrats of Gavin starting to eat solids and sleeping better. Also, I have read that once they are old enough/strong enough to roll onto their stomachs then it is OK for them to sleep that way and the chance of SIDS is greatly reduced. Of course if it makes you uncomfortable then you can use one of the devices recommended by others. Charlotte sleeps on her back and I still check her to make sure she is breathing. I am so paranoid.

Kel: Great videos. You have inspired me to start giving Charlotte baths in the tub and not the plastic baby tub. She really has outgrown the baby tub and hates it when I wash her hair because she doesn't like to get water on her face. If I lay her flat like Conner then that will not be an issue. Plus clean-up looks easier. Thanks!

MM: Hope you enjoy your alone time.
Miss Muffet: Gabriel has always been a small boy. I'm pretty sure both my husband and I were smaller babies as well. He's 23.75 in long now.

steffi2: We have been putting Gabriel to sleep on his belly pretty much since birth because he wouldn't sleep on his back. He's got good head control, so I've never once worried about him.

jj - That's great about doubling his birth weight. Last immunization shots already? We've still got another round at 6 months.
Hello everyone...just a quick note from me today as I have my step daughter as well and wont have much time to go online.

I went out last night for the first time even though Sam is not taking the bottle. We tried to time it well with the feeding, I had to leave at 6pm and wanted to feed him - he kept turning his head away. Had no choice but leaving him like that. Was going to dinner theatre and be gone for approximately4 hours. IT was tough being gone from him for so long - first time. Things went well for a couple of hours but then the other couple of hours were crying and screaming hell. My OH offered him the bottle, a sippy cup and eventually just poured some formula into his mouth as he was so desperate. He then eventually tried some rice cereal and who would have known Sam gobbled a whole bowl down. When I came home he was the happiest he had been all night ... I was so happy to see him again! OH my!

Hope everyone is doing well and will have a great day!
Julchen - sounds like a good night (eventually) I've left M with OH once for 5 hours, but that's it. i think people think I'm stingey with babysitting duties, but I just don't want to leave her. I've been invited out in mid-august, so I think I'm going to brave it!

Vegas - looking forward to seeing some pics! OH is a photography buff - but hates doing people - wildlife is his passion.

BnK - that's disgusting! What a horrible thin to put you through :hugs:

Here's M in her new amber necklace. Must reign in the spending as I'll possibly be out of a job soon! I need to look into whether I'll have to pay some maternity money back - but I think I'll start looking for a more local job after Christmas
well teh doc refused to change Romans reflux medication, he said keep taking the infant gaviscon til he is 6 months old and then we'll reassess him... so we have over another 2 months to wait :(
Oh Dee that sucks! Can you take him to another Dr in the practice for a second opinion?
well we are moving as you know and we are busy packing up our house, today we boxed up the dvds and books that are downstiars but didnt get alot else done as when DH leaves then the boys are being so demanding on my time that i dont have time to do much other than eat and cook and keep the housework in general done so when dh gets home tonight we will have to sit down and do some more work on the living room as it has to be in " viewing " condition by monday, i think DH is going to stay home from his course on saturday and help me out as i have all the newborn/0-3/3-6 month baby clothes to check through and wash and bundle up to sell and pack away the bits from those ages that we want to keep for future children or to put in the boys "baby chests" and have to vaccum pack those to be sent off to Australia, then i have to work through all the 6-9/9-12/12-18/18-24 and vaccum pack the larger stuff to store here for EJ to grow into as Nate was in 12-18 and some 18-24 month clothing by 10months old and EJ will be nearly a year old when we plan to move so got to keep that stuff handy for then, we have to box up the boys toys too and only keep bare essentials for the next 2 wks till we are in the flat and i have a kitchen/bathroom/spare room and our bedroom and all our stuff to sort through too before monday:dohh: anyone want 2 boys for a few days , i promise they dont fight or whinge much lol just require near constant feeding lol:haha: i honestly have no idea how im going to do it all
Oh Dee that sucks! Can you take him to another Dr in the practice for a second opinion?

well I could but it would be a waste of time cos they all back eachother up there... will see how he progresses but if its still this bad in a month I'll go back and kick up a stink I think! Just pisses me off tho - they always say "wait and see how it plays out" to everything :growlmad:
I've not had to take M to the Dr's yet, but from what I hear, their standard response is either 'it's a virus, give LO calpol' or 'i don't know what it is, come back in a week if it's the same'

Bloody useless. And these people will be incharge of the NHS :dohh:
BnK that is really shocking about what happened to you, I would be so mad at that nosy nurse!

Kel, gorgeous vids. You have inspired me too to try Flora lying down in the bath ... we have been bathing her in the ktichne sink until now (thoroughly cleaned of course) but she's just too big now and I think she would enjoy the kicking space.

Cocoa - aww look at M! SO cute. Where did you get that teething necklace? I really want to get one.

Mummydee - that's really annoying. My doc gave me a bit of a grilling before giving me ranitidine. I think if you've done your research then they should take you seriously. Good luck perhaps it'll improve on its own anyway...

MM, just wanted to say how thorough and thoughtful you are for replying to every one of us :flower: I hope you enjoyed your chill time.
GL - I got it from Little Acorns to Mighty Oaks - was about £14 incl delivery (which was very fast, ordered yesterday lunchtime & received it this morning)

Lyn - good luck with everything you've got to do! I hope the boys curb their eating so you can get stuff done! Lol

I think I've got to put M in her nursery soon :cry:
I wanted to wait until 6 months because that's what's recommended & it's easier to have her in our room for the night feeds. It took 2 hours to get her to sleep tonight.

Our bedroom is at the front of the house, which is on a narrow backstreet, but for some reason we get loads of foot traffic going past at all times. As it's so hot, we have to have the windows open (and can't have a black-out blind either). So I got M to sleep, waited 30 mins before putting her down but she still woke up. I left her in the crib for 10 mins and she self settled and went back to sleep, but as soon as she drifts off she gets woken up by people talking as they walk past or seagulls squaking. So frustrating.

If she goes in her nursery it means I can put the blind up and there is much less noise, but it means I'll have to get up for feeds and I'll be much more tired as I can't lay down to do it/fall asleep and co-sleep the rest of the night. :cry:

Kel - fab videos! I hadn't even thought of trying M lying down in the bath, but Connor looks like he loves it! Will try tomorrow (I'm gonna panic so much that she'll turn her head and swallow loads of water! :haha)
steffi - I wouldn't worry about him sleeping on his tummy if he's rolling into that position himself. :shrug:

jj-rabbit - I hope Chase is fine after his shots. Ronan doesn't get his third set until end of August! Congrats on him doubling his birth weight, too. :thumbup:

MiissMuffet - It's kind of funny that we all went through pregnancy and the different trimesters together, but our LO's range from 5 months to 3ish months in age which is such a big difference in development when they're this wee! Ella will be rolling before you know it, and then you'll be lamenting not being able to just pop her down anywhere anymore!

vegasbaby - You'll have to show us some pics with your new camera! I love my DSLR, although I find myself lately using my little point and shoot because it's so much more convenient and on-hand when I want to get a quick pic of Ronan.

julchen - Sorry to hear that Sam wouldn't settle while you were out last night, but yay that your OH didn't give up and kept on until he found something that worked! I hope you enjoyed the night out.

CocoaOne - M looks gorgeous in her new necklace. What a little heartbreaker she's going to be. :winkwink: As for putting her in her own room, you may find that with the quiet and darkness that she may actually sleep better and longer so you won't need to be getting up so often for feeds anyway. One can hope, anyway!

mummydee - That sucks about your dr refusing to prescribe anything else. I would be livid if Ronan had to suffer with his reflux because of that. Even though they more often than not do grow out of it, I think it's silly and kind of cruel for a baby to have to be left in pain until they do.

lynnikins - You deserve a medal or something. :shock: It's enough of a chore packing to move without kids, let alone with 2 wee ones!
Cocoa -Reading your post makes me so glad that Gabriel can sleep through anything. We've been having some construction done on our house and he's sleeping soundly, completely oblivious to them pounding on the walls outside right next to his head.
I hope that moving M helps her sleep better.

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