march lambs 2010 come on ladies

jj- You should get a teething necklace they are great!
Have fun at your mummy group this morning! i have been going to a mummy group every wednsday. Just a group someone made on facebook and a few of us have become really close and so we meet up every weds. Sometimes someone new will turn up and thats cool too :) When Ella is abit older we will start going to organised groups like swimming, baby gym and singing. i can't wait!
Where abouts are you hun? You said its wintery. i'm in NZ and it's winter here!

Yeah think i will invest in a necklace, anything that will help him.

The group this morning was great Chase loved it, he grabbed hold of a maraca and was shaking it nearly the whole time, gonna have to buy him one!

I'm in the UK hun but the weather was just awful this morning, but then after lunch the sun came out and it was a lovely day, you would never have guessed it had been so horrid earlier.

Ahh i wonder who will be the first of us March mummies to fall pregnant as i've seen a few of us mentioning it, we're waiting until this time next year, i can't wait to be pregnant again i loved it. My friends are all starting to think about second babies and two have just announced their pregnant :happydance: i'm thinking over the next year there is going to be a few babies within my circle of friends which is gonna be great.

lynn thats a lovely idea to donate those bits, whoever gets them will be very grateful i bet.

mummydee your last comment :haha:
I go away for a day and miss so much. There is so much going on I don't know what to respond too :wacko:

So glad I could inspire some of you to start putting your babies straight into the tub. I started that after we went swimming and I saw how much he loved to splash around. I put in just enough water so it comes over his ears. He loves when you talk to him when his ears are under the water. It makes me wonder if the sound reminds him of when he was in the womb.

We had sex the first time when Connor was 5 weeks, and two other times since then. I agree with Seity that it actually feels a little better before. We would more sex but we never see each other and when we do we are just too tired.

We will probably start trying for baby #2 when Connor is a year and half.
Kel- I put M straight in the tub this morning. She didn't love it, but seemed to enjoy it a bit more than the bath chair I usually use.

Maybe we should have a sweepstake on who gets pregnant first?! My money is on MM! Is so cold there at the mo, that her and Dan will be snuggling up to keep warm! Lol
I put Flora in the bath just on her back tonight but she didn't love it tbh. I think its like anything she has to try it a couple of times before she's confidetn, so I'll try it again tomorrow.

My hubby and I have only done it twice since LO was born :blush: like you cocoa I think they stitched me up tighter because it does hurt - not agony but uncomfortable enough for me not to enjoy it. I know I need to keep doing it for it to get better, but Flora is right next to us and she waked up a few times still so I'm kind of knackered - DH is working 2 jobs right now while he finishes off his other job and starting the business, and so he's pretty stressed and not majorly in the mood either.

I am thinking of moving Flora to her room soon, at about 4 months, because I'm sure we're waking her more. Last night I was pretty much awake on and off between 11;30 and 4am... it was so frustrating. I don't know if its the reflux or she's got gas or something but she was thrashing around in discomfort and I just couldn't sleep through it. Then she started crying and had another feed, then she and I fell asleep with her on me for a while, then I put her in the basket and the thrashing started and the process began again. Also DH did a really loud fart in his sleep and pretty sure that woke her fully when she was in a light sleep. Great! :haha:

Number 2 - not until she's about 2 then we'll start trying. I know its going to be hard but I want a sibling for Flora. My cousin just had her fourth a couple of weeks ago - 3 boys and finally a little girl. Her youngest boy has just been really sick for 5 days so she's been up all night with the toddler and the newborn. Now that would be hard.

I just made a HUGE chocolate cake for a lunch we're catering tomorrow. It's a double layered choc sponge with THICK chocolate icing and whipped cream in the middle layer. And I can't have any!!!
GL - M is the same, especially in the early hours. She thrashes about in her sleep- I think it's wind but I try to push her legs up to get it out and she just wakes up, so I end up bringing her in with us- and she stops. So presumably not wind?!

Oooh the temptation of the cake! I'm lucky - not too keen on chocolate cake. OH loves the chic chip cookies I make but I can't stand them- good for my waist line! Lol. I make pretty amazing chocolate brownies though and I can't resist them, so I only make them on special occasions. I think I worked out that each small slice was about 400 calories! Eeek!
Well she did do a load of farts while she was thrashing so I think it might have partly been that. (lucky me getting farted at from both sides!! :rofl:) I'm not very good a winding her in the middle of the night as I don't want to wake her. But after feeding when she's in the bed either on me or next to me she doesn't thrash... maybe just being next to mummy makes them not notice the wind pain..?

I don't really like chocolate cake that much either really. But lately I've been craving something sweet almost every night its weird. So today I bought some 'refreshers' ice lollies - 8 lollies for £1! and they are actually quite nice! (I have a thing for ice lollies). I also make biscuits - mainly anzacs which are an australian oaty biccie with coconut. They are yummy but fortunately DH eats most of them too. Sometimes the making is more fun than the eating.
Cocoa: Thanks for the app info, I will have to give it a try.

GL: You are making me hungry and I am trying so hard to be good. I went to the gym to lift some weights today for the first time in years. I have a treadmill at home so I get in an OK amount of cardio as it is. If only I could stay away from sweets!

Kel: Tonight we are going to give Charlotte a real bath. I'm excited to see her reaction (hoping it will be positive).
mmm i love anzac biscuts lol and they arent just an aussie thing lol,
:dohh: oh yeah the kiwis, how could I forget :rofl:
I didn't know if you had the biscuits in NZ but I guess you do! no offence intended (RWhite and MM you too :blush:)
well we're done on the baby-making front so it wont be me thats expecting next!!!
GL, no worries, My husband works for Abel and Cole here in the UK and they make some pretty good anzac biccies mmmmmm
Cocoa- I get ya :winkwink: Thats great about not needing to take her to the doctor. I've only had to take Ella once for possible silent reflux a week ago.
What sort of thing does your OH want to train for? After i've had kids and they have grown up abit, I would like to live my dream and become a midwife.
LOL about your money on me! I'm waiting to see if i miss a period, i am meant to get it about today ish. But ive been feeling nausious still at the same time every day, feeling real tired, heartburn and last night i really wanted gherkins and yoghurt for some reason!! I hope i'm not though, coz i do want the 1st year to just be us and ella as its more fair on her.

vegas- isn't it funny that the better the camera, the more complicated it is? My Dad left me with his big flashy camera when I gave birth to Ella but i just used my wee one coz his was too complicated i couldn't even work out how to turn the flash off :blush:
I want close age gaps too. If we start ttc in jan (more likely ntnp) i guess it will take a couple months to actually concieve so the chances are Ella will be a year old once I get pregnant. Me and my sister are 4 years apart and we found it quite hard to be friends. We are all good now though. The ages of us all are- 24, 20, 18, 16, 12, 12, and 6. I havn't had ANY sleepless nights with Ella i think thats one of the reasons why its more possible to start trying so soon. Whats the bet the next bub will be the complete oppisite though :blush:

GL- LOL about DHs fart. We laugh when we hear ella farting in her sleep coz her cot is right next to us :haha: She thrashes around when she 1st wakes up or if she doesnt want to go to sleep. She makes deep grunting noises. When i feed Ella lying next to me in bed sometimes she starts thrashing around in discomfort i just sit her up and usually shes pretty good and burps straight away. Sometimes she spews and its dark and i just feel slime run over my arm :rofl: Then I wipe it off the sheets with a cloth and try not to lie in the wet spots lol.
Yum about the cake can u send me a piece over this way?
And no offense taken about the bikkies hehe. I'm not a big biscuit eater but home made biscuits are the best!

Mummydee- You arnt having any more babies? I'm so pleased you got one of eacdh. That is an awesome way to finish your wee family a wee boy and a wee girl :) Good age gap too! :D

Seity- We have been dtd on the couch coz Ella is in our room. Except for the one time when she fell asleep in the bouncer in the lounge, then wen we came out she was awake just staring at the wall :haha:
My Mum had my brother when she was about 42. She had 7 of us including twins, and had 1 mc (between me and my sister) so i think she mustve been pretty fertile lol.

jj- we got given a wee maraca but Ella hasn't quite got the grasp and shake thing going on yet.
I loved being pregnant too. Even though I got huge, had horrid spd, had bubi in my ribs the hole time and bitched and moaned the whole time- i just loved how special it was and feeling my bub move and wriggle it was amazing. plus it was so exciting. I reckon the next time will go quicker because i already have a baby to keep me busy.

Kel- That makes sense about the water level- i was wondering y his head wouldnt go under lol.

Lynn- i like the anzac bikkies too. i love the walnut on top :haha:
So proud! Gabriel rolled from back to front for the first time tonight. I had to wiggle my fingers off to one side to make him attempt to grab them and that was all he needed to get the rest of the way over without me touching him at all. :happydance: Apparently, he's been rolling onto his side, but not quite getting that last bit over during the day for my husband, so I figured I'd see if I could encourage him to reach for me and it worked. I didn't even know he'd been rolling onto his side until my husband told me earlier today as he never did it when I was home in the evening. I'll have to see if I can record it soon.
well done to Gabriel on the rolling!!

so worn out - Roman is upstairs snoring his head off (slept from 9pm - currently 620am), but this morning its Olivia awake at 5am. We are now downstairs watching scooby doo! Hopefully I will stay awake today as we are off to chessington (theme park) in a few hours!

MM - nope, we think 2 is enough for us. In theory I would love to have a few more, BUT, my body doesnt labour well (had the same problem with both the babies), financially it would make things very difficult, and I may end up having a nervous breakdown if I had to cope with more than 2. Being a SAHM just isnt for me. I'm doing it because its what is best for my kids, but it doesnt suit me, I'm studying for my degree part time and timing - wise it fits in better for me to not have any more cos the year that Roman starts school full-time will be the first year I can start my new career (teaching!). We can offer the kids a much better lifestyle if we limit it to two, so thats what we have decided to do :)
That's a really good desicion. it sounds like u got it all worked out! :)
I love being a SAHM. But i cant wait to study again in a few years.

Have an awesome time at chessington! make sure u take lots of photos! I hope u stay awake! Have some coffe :dance: x :coffee:
Well done Gabriel!!

MM - he's not sure what he wants to do really. Possibly train to be a radiographer, but we think you have to do unpaid work experience which we couldn't afford to do so he's got to rethink.

I'm soo tired :cry: M decided that 4am was upsie tine today. I refuse to get up at that time so I forced her to cuddle until 6 while I half-dozed and then she slept again 6-7. So she slept 7:30-11:30 then 12-4. I didn't fall asleep until 1am though. I'm gonna be so grumpy today.

MM - I kind hope you are preggers, but I kinda hope you're not too! Symptoms sound interesting though....

Dee - hope you have a fab day. Hope it's not too busy x
cocoa- WHY OH WHY!?!?! Don't wish that upon me :rofl: I'm putting symptoms aside and having a few glasses of wine tonight. Gotta have a wee bit of freedom before i commit myself to another 9 months of pregnancy!!

I just put Ella to bed. It's 8.15. Hopefully she sleeps all night. Dought it. She hasn't been sleeping through lately :dohh: I'm thinking maybe she is needing more food now that she's getting bigger so she needs more frequent feeds. i might buy some farex next week to try her on that and see if it fills her up more.

Question to those with amber necklaces- Do u find that that slip to the back? Not tight around her neck as such but gravity pulls it a little. I have to keep putting my fingers under her chin and pulling it back down the front. And is everyone taking theirs off when LO goes to beddibyes?
omg I've missed so much! all this talk about people being preggers... :shock: i think we'll wait till Zander is a year before we try again. I just couldn't handle another baby right now. I barely get enough sleep as it is and he does good through the night.... mostly. I say mostly cause we've been up since 4 am and he is showing no signs of being tired again. :dohh: and of course mommy has to work in the morning. I hate having to work. :(
MM sorry hun but i'll bet you will be first too, especially if your symptoms are anything to go on, go do a test :dance:

mummydee have fun at Chessington, hope you've got better weather than i've got here.

Yay for Gabriel :happydance: Chase is showing no sign of rolling back to front yet.

There must have been something in the air last night Chase slept awful too. He's fast asleep on me now but i'm not tired :dohh:

Ooh what are these anzac biccies, never heard of them.

Just taken this video of Chase in his jumperoo.....

then look at him a min later :haha: bless him

he looks tired towards the end of the video as he's ignoring me and just staring at the tv.

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