march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Awww her own nursery, so cute! Hope she does sleep better in there and then you do too!

We get a lot of noise out the front here too - you can cut down our road to get into town quicker so a lot of people do that - luckily both the kids sleep through pretty much anything - its me and Jon that get woken up!
She's ok once she's in deep sleep, but that initial 10-20 window of light sleep is the problem. She usually does that sleep with her eyes half open too! :haha:

Anyone got any plans for the weekend?

OH is off today but working weekend, so we're running errands today. We're dogsitting again for week *groan* so we've got to pick her up too.
Heloo ladies :hi: i hope all mums and bubs and well :hugs:

Ella is 4 months old today! Where oh where has the time gone!!!
I gave her a bath this morning and I forgot to roll my sleeves up :dohh:
Just put her to bed before, i wish I had money coz I wouldn't mind having a couple of Friday night wines, but oh well such is life! i can hear OH snoring on the couch. Whatta nana! :haha:

Vegas- I'm still using the wee plastic baby tub too. We don't have enough water supply to fill up the big bath. So we shower her instead. i have been using the baby bath lately though while OH is at work and its so little we have to have her partly sitting up :haha:

Julchen- I hope you have had a good day with your step daughter. That's great about the baby rice! I can't believe he ate a bowl full. How much does he usually have?
I have left Ella home with my sister once while me and OH went to the movies. We did it during the day so she didnt have to worry about bedtime and all that. She slept for her alot of the time. About once a week after ella is in bed i go and have a coffee at a friends house. it was so hard leaving her at 1st but it got easier.

Cocoa- M looks lovely in her necklace! It looks the same colour as Ella's (light Cognac). I want a photo of her with a bare belly and her necklace but it's just too cold here right now :(
Where do you take M to get her shots done? (You said you havn't taken her to a doctor yet) Ella gets hers done at the doctor- the doctor checks her over then we go into a little room and the nurse gives her the immunisations.
Our bedroom is right next to the road too and the traffic can get quite noisy. it was worse in the summer coz we had to leave the window open and we live right opposite a highschool. Ella had her own nursery but we managed to fit the cot into our room.(what a squeeze lol) And I took down all the decorations from her room and put them in ours so now our room is a fairy room. Atleast OH doesn't mind :haha: If Ella wakes during the night (which she has been doing lately), I just grab her put her in bed with us and sleep while she feeds. Unless she is wriggling then it becomes a mission :dohh: We also have a black out curtain- well its not exactly a proper one its a big black mink blanket OH put up to keep the heat in as he is now sleeping next to the window coz of the cot.
Plans for the weekend- hmm, I might pop into a friends bday drinks for an hour or so tomorrow night, but other than that nothing much. How about you hun? I hope your dogsitting doesn't go to badly. It might even be fun! :D

Mummydee- Ella has Omeprazole for reflux. Apparently its the stronger type they can give- stronger than gaviscon so i don't see why she started her on that. it isnt even confirmed that ella has reflux- she is displaying symptoms, but if she is still symptomatic after a week of it its not reflux apparently. They come as capsules and i have to pull the capsule apart and mix the granules into a spoonful of pureed fruit every morning.
I changed doctors because mine was just so blazae. He wouldnt listen and just shrugged everything off. I never left satisfied. my midwife hooked me up with a lovely female doctor who listens and takes the time to tend to our needs. It's about an extra 20 minute drive away from my last doctor but I'd prefer to travel the distance to have a better doctor.

Lynn- Aah packing up house sux! It sounds like you have alot of baby clothes to sort through. I can't see myself ever getting rid of Ella's clothes. i can imagine myself becoming a hoarder :dohh: :rofl:
And yea sure I'll have your boys for a few days. Just ship em over to NZ and we will be good as gold :thumbup: just make sure u pack some nice warm clothes for them as its coldies here!

Greenlady- hehe thanks. I love talking to you guys and sometimes I get behind and need to do a big catch up, but i love being part of this group. I have two friends due in march next year and i'm slightly jealous because it is "my" month :haha:

Hivechild- Hehe that is so true about the rolling, i was thinking about that today actually how I should just enjoy the fact that where i put her she stays for now. Although she does scoot to the side when she is on her tummy :rofl:

Seity- Ella is pretty good with sleeping through noise too. her cot is right next to the wardrobe, and one night i turned the bedroom light on, opened the wardrobe and was digging around in there for ages looking for something and she slept through the whole thing lol. Thank goodness coz if we bang in the kitchen it is really loud in the bedroom coz it is behind the wall.

Steffi- Did you look into any sleepwraps or wedges?

:flower: x
MM - my hubby takes the adult version of omeprazole for his own reflux! I'm going to give it a while longer and then kick up if it seems to still be just as bad!

Well Roman had his first night in his cot last night - it was originally Livvies cot but luckily it went back together okay! He looked so small - have posted pics to FB. He slept well though, took a last feed at 715pm, slept til 430am and had another feed, and slept again til 7am! I'm still trying to push that last feed back til 9pmish as if he has it then he sleeps til 6amish!

Oh and pointless but... today is the anniversary of my BFP! :)
oh and Becki - we are hoping to go to Chessington tomorrow if the weather stays dry!
Mummydee- HAPPY BFP ANNIVERSARY!!! Mine was the 7th. Funny how the day really does still have an impact 1 year later! Roman is sleeping great! You must be proud! It is quite a shock to see them in a big cot after the bassinet isn't it? they look soo tiny! x
CocoaOne ahh M looks so cute in her necklace. I'm wondering whether to get Chase one? Isn't the thought of them going in their own room horrible, BUT all of my friends have said they sleep so much better once their in their own room, that said i still can't bring myself to do it yet and he's not outgrown his moses basket yet, though it won't be long.

Mummydee poor Roman, reflux is horrible we were lucky that Chase grew out of it quickly. If the gaviscon isn't working they can't surely just leave him? Thankfully whenever we've gone to the Dr's i've always been really happy there really thorough with Chase and i've never felt fobbed off, yet anyway.

Lynn i feel for you hun, :hugs: when we moved it was so stressful i can't imagine having to pack up a house while looking after a baby and a toddler.

Don't think we'll be up to much this weekend unless the weather changes, its horrid here, all wintery. We are going to go and buy some camping bits though as hubby's off again next week so we want to go camping again, so going to get a little stove and a kettle and a few other bits.

Off to a baby group this morning with my friend, last time we went Chase was only 7 weeks, so now as he's a bit older hoping he will enjoy it, there is a breastfeeding cafe first then a singing time thing. He's a bit grumpy though this morning with his teeth so hope he doesn't scream the place down.
MM - just noticed your second ticker - your WTT again! cool!! (and brave!) :) that'll come round in like no-time!
jj- You should get a teething necklace they are great!
Have fun at your mummy group this morning! i have been going to a mummy group every wednsday. Just a group someone made on facebook and a few of us have become really close and so we meet up every weds. Sometimes someone new will turn up and thats cool too :) When Ella is abit older we will start going to organised groups like swimming, baby gym and singing. i can't wait!
Where abouts are you hun? You said its wintery. i'm in NZ and it's winter here!

Mummydee- Yes! We sure are wtt! Ella is a farely easy baby so it makes it much more possible. Whats the best our next baby will be completely the opposite :haha: i would love another little girl. So they can be great friends:) A boy would be delightful too though, one of each would be awesome :thumbup:
Anyone else have difficulty peeing? When i go pee, it takes me longer than usual to be able to relax my muscles to be able to "let go". Its been 4 months now. i realise the pelvic floor may not be quite the same but i thought it was more likely to make you pee yourself not make it harder? It's not causing a great issue, its just a pain when i need to go pee coz i have to spend half a minute trying to relax my muscles!

Also is sex still hurting any of you? We have done it 4 times and it hurts. i just kinda lie there thinking hurry up lol
MM - I go to the Dr for her injections, I just meant I hadn't had to take her for an illness or anything IYSWIM? and fingers crossed I don't have to for a long time!

Sex isn't painful, but it's slightly more uncomfortable than before. Especially when OH uses fingers & puts pressure on the front wall of my vagina. It's got better each time we've had sex, I suppose it just takes a while to go back to Normal x
I must have a laa-laa like a wizards sleeve cos it all feels normal to me!! ;)
sex hurts depending on posistion as i have 2 scars down there now so lots of lube gets invovled lol,
Andi i would love to ship the boys off to nz for a bit , partly because both my sisters are in CHCH, but i kinda more want to be there with them iykwim lol

Hmmm plans for this weekend, well Sex is back on the menu now caus i feel more like it lol and yeah i think i'll be packing the rest of the time, we had a fire in an appartment block down the road earlier this week and 60 odd family have lost their homes so i think i'll be donating most of the kids old clothes to those familys as several have young children and it means i dont have to go through and try to sell or give away all the excess baby equipment as we can give it to these people who need it they have specifially had requests for highchairs ( i have 3 ) pushchairs ( i have 2 singles i no longer need ) travel cots ( have a spare one ) and towels and bedding ( i have loads as we have changed bed size several times so have excess bedding for smaller beds lol) and i have a moses basket and stand that i dont need anymore and a big bag of clothes of mine i was going to just put in a charity bin anyway and theres some stuff of Mikes he was going to give to charity so i think it should help out a bit.
Lynn- that is really nice of you, i'm sure they will appreciate your help!

It's 10 to 1 in the morning and i'm cooking hot chips with bread lol.
Ella woke up b4, so we just hung out and watched cody banks :blush: had a feed then she went back off to bed.
On a down note- we can smell catpee around the head of the bed. :growlmad: the most awful smell ever! None of the beds are wet (ours or ellas) so ill pull the beds out tomorrow. Ella and dan are sleeping so i will have to put up with it for the night :cry:
i feel like gherkins but i can't get the lid off and OH is asleep :(
Lots of action on here in the last 24 hours.

Cocoa: Did your OH take your avatar pic because it is gorgeous. I like nature photos too, but for now it is mostly the baby and the dogs. M looks adorable in her necklace.

Hive: I will show some photos as soon as I start to take them. This darn thing is so much more complicated, but I know I will get better photos. I'm sure I'll still use the other camera too. It is so funny because I probably have more photos of Charlotte in the first five months than my parents have of all three of their children combined.

Lynn: I think it is great that you are donating all of your extra baby stuff to the people who lost everything in the fire. I could not imagine.

Mummydee: Congrats on Roman sleeping in the cot. Hope you can get him adapted to the later bedtime so you can get a full night's sleep :sleep:.

MM: :happydance:, for WTT. DH is already after me for another one, but I want to wait until Charlotte is a year old. I'd like to have my children pretty close together because I think they will have a better chance of being friends. I have six years between me and my first brother and twelve years between me and my baby brother. So my parents currently have a child in his teens, one in his 20's, and me in my 30's. My mother admits that she should have planned better (or just planned at all).

No plans for the weekend. It is so hot out that I am not motivated to do anything. We have a pool at our old house and I miss it so much. I just know Charlotte would love the water.
We had sex around the 10 week mark a few times and everything felt fine. If anything, a little better than before. I would love to have it more often, but that's up to my husband. I think now that Gabriel is in his own room that it's more likely.

I'm not sure he sleeps any better in his own room, but when he wakes and makes noises it's less likely to bother me and I can fall back asleep without having to do anything about it. IYKWIM

lynn - donating stuff sounds like a great idea that helps you and them out.

I don't think I could handle going through this lack of sleep again. I'm still not getting enough sleep at night. I also highly doubt I could afford a husband and two kids. A husband and one kid is already a tight budget. Thank god I'm old and don't have too many fertile years left that I'll need to use protection during.
More power to those who are having/have more than one because I have no idea how you manage.
Seity: I have no idea how old you are, but be careful. My mom was 42 and using protection when she got pregnant with my youngest brother. He was quite a surprise, but we can't imagine him not being part of the family.

I don't know how I am going to deal with the lack of sleep again if we have more babies. That was the hardest part TBH and my LO slept through at six weeks! What happens if the next one doesn't sleep through for a year and you have the added responsibility of taking care of another child? If I think about this too much Charlotte will be an only child :haha:
Lol @ wizards sleeve! I think they stitched me up a bit tighter after birth! Lol

Vegas - I took the pic with my iPhone! Then I used an app called colorsplash to bring out the pink towel.

Lyn - that's such a nice thing to do :flower:

We still aren't planning on anymore kids. OH is thinking of going back to college to retrain as something that will earn more money, but I doubt we could afford another baby - especially child care.
vegasbaby - My mom had my youngest brother at 40 and went through menopause at 42. So, I'm not going to take any chances.
Sleeping through at 6 weeks sounds like a dream. I still get up at least twice a night.

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